Are Glamour Models Immoral?

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
So if someone wants to commit rape first and foremost, what does that amount to other than exerting power and control over a non consenting person?
The prevailing theory remains that rape is about control/domination for most perpetrators. The best support for the notion is that most rapists actually have access to willing sexual partners and about half of rapes involved premeditated planning. Most studies have noted that rapists are skilled at rationalizing their behavior.

One link noting some of the summed information:


Well-known member
How does a man remain physically capable while his victim is pushing away, weeping, screaming, beating on his chest, etc? Or even stiffly and stoically refusing?

The lust of a wicked man, that's how. If he lets himself be SO consumed by it, nothing and no one else matters. To call them animals insults animals.


New member
Do you hate her?

No. I hate the way she treats me. She is vicious toward me and I do not like reading her posts because they make me angry enough to make a banashable post. I think she knows that and so never misses an opportunity to respond to me and make sure the post is as infuriating as possible.

I do not wish I'll upon her.....of any kind. I do not wish to see her in hell. I would like to see her removed from this forum however. She is sick and obsessed with any one who dares cross her sacred feminist ideology. She claims she is just protecting women and children. This is nonsense and just a cover for her behavior.

I can clearly see evil in her and many others and I do call them out on it. However, this is not hatred of them. I do not wish harm to come to anyone, including evil people.


New member
The prevailing theory remains that rape is about control/domination for most perpetrators. The best support for the notion is that most rapists actually have access to willing sexual partners and about half of rapes involved premeditated planning. Most studies have noted that rapists are skilled at rationalizing their behavior.

One link noting some of the summed information:

How else could the perpetrators physically perform? They have to be okay with the damage they are doing and getting pleasure from it.


New member
The lust of a wicked man, that's how. If he lets himself be SO consumed by it, nothing and no one else matters. To call them animals insults animals.

The lust of the wicked man is sadistic.

Sadism (not consensual kink, but humiliation, terror, control) sets off the pleasure centers of sickos. How else could they do what they do, physically?


New member
You have the audacity to ask me that while you act blind to the obviously hateful things GD and ok doser have said about my wife and I and other Christians? This is an example of why people see you as self-absorbed.

They do not hate you or your wife. They hate the things you believe in and the way you present the bible and the things you post. If they wished harm to you or your wife, that would be a different story.

Therefore, if you hate her, or have ever expressed to me that you hate her or others, that is evidence that you have never known God, right? That is also evidence that you are a God-hater, right? Or is this more double-standard?

I do not hate anyone including evil people like rusha.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
How else could the perpetrators physically perform? They have to be okay with the damage they are doing and getting pleasure from it.
I think biology is biology. The equipment follows, in large part, the mental attitude, which is why men aren't aroused by every woman they meet. Or even most. So it isn't surprising that men turned on by domination and humiliation of others would be able to perform.
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New member
They do not hate you or your wife.

Then what right have you to say that Rusha hates you?

Do you consider evil surmising and false accusations hateful?

They hate the things you believe in

And you?

and the way you present the bible and the things you post. If they wished harm to you or your wife, that would be a different story.

I think they'd like to see us get what they think we "deserve" based on their own words.

I do not hate anyone including evil people like rusha.

It's nice to know you don't wish or work any ill towards your neighbor intentionally.


Well-known member
Yes, the copulating unmarried couple could get whisked off in a flying blancmange and be forced into surreal servitude of the 'pudding order' and blah blah blah...

You're just too "clever" for your own good, you artful dodger.

Any idiot knows hooking up with someone at a bar for sex has many possible bad consequences. But, of course, you worldly guys want to pretend it's no more risky than a class field trip.

You're such a little dweeb. :chuckle:


New member
The lust of a wicked man, that's how. If he lets himself be SO consumed by it, nothing and no one else matters. To call them animals insults animals.

Exactly. If he sought power and control, he got a bad deal. He has no power or control after the rape. All he has is satisfied lust.


New member
You're just too "clever" for your own good, you artful dodger.

Any idiot knows hooking up with someone at a bar for sex has many possible bad consequences. But, of course, you worldly guys want to pretend it's no more risky than a class field trip.

You're such a little dweeb. :chuckle:

You mean people go to a bar for sex?????? You learn something new everyday.


Well-known member
You have the audacity to ask me that while you act blind to the obviously hateful things GD and ok doser have said about my wife and I and other Christians? This is an example of why people see you as self-absorbed.

You're a fool....not hateful....true.

If you find what I've said hateful, then you should look at yourself....examine yourself closely, because you present quite a picture of a couple with some very strange and ungodly ways.

You also think everyone is picking on you. :baby:


Well-known member
Agreed. I'm surprised that some men miss the performance issue that is integral to male sexuality.

How does a man remain physically capable while his victim is pushing away, weeping, screaming, beating on his chest, etc? Or even stiffly and stoically refusing?

Compare that to the man who can't perform if he's not sure his wife approves of his advances in every sense? Despite having a high, normally functioning sex drive?

In order to be aroused by the victims anger, fear, and resistance, there has to be gratification over his/her pain.

Even a drugged victim should put a lump so big in his stomach that there isn't room for any ambition like rape.

Maybe you should write romance novels. You have some strange, sex, and more sex. :think:


New member
You're a fool....not hateful....true.

If you find what I've said hateful, then you should look at yourself....examine yourself closely, because you present quite a picture of a couple with some very strange and ungodly ways.

You also think everyone is picking on you. :baby:

It's not unintentional. They have priors. He and his wife get their jollies this way. The more details about anything sexual they can get people to divulge, the happier they are. Next they'll be asking you if you were frustrated when you kept yourself from raping, and what you did to relieve your frustration.

Simply put....they are the Dynamic Duo.

Is this yours?


Well-known member
You have summarized the correct understanding of judging within and without the church . it requires careful consideration within context and not isolating snippets to make a point.

Suddenly "judge all things" means judge all people, and you ignore verse 1 Corinthians 5:13? Convenient. Meanwhile you associate with a "brother" who are revilers and a "sister" who is a reviler and rejects 1 Timothy 2:12. What will you reap for this, do you figure?


Well-known member
That wasn't my original comment, and I have already explained what I meant and cited the scripture. Stop being obtuse.

Maybe if you get indignant enough, he'll go away and leave you alone. Your "original" comment was built by twisting scripture, and every single time you used it to support your nonsensical notion, your building leaned farther to the left. It's toppled and you don't even know it. Sad that.


Well-known member
They do not hate you or your wife.

They sure do. Sorry you aren't able to discern that.

They hate the things you believe in and the way you present the bible and the things you post.

Like, for instance? Feel free to post an example.

If they wished harm to you or your wife, that would be a different story.

So wanting make someone look bad, misrepresenting their beliefs, calling them names and trying to get them banned isn't trying to do someone harm? Seems you were claiming that was all evidence of hatefulness when someone does it to you. :think:

I do not hate anyone including evil people like rusha.

Then you shouldn't assume she hates you, even if she calls you evil, or disturbed or any name that might offend you as much as she is offended by being called evil ... or a God hater.
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