Town Quixote's

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Saturday Night Gazette

Continued to differ with my friend fool...
...Science is repeatable.
Not always, no. A great deal of it is theory, which is mostly just an attempt at informed speculation in line with what evidence there is at hand. The good news is that enough discovery can usually ferret out the bad speculation, over time, because science is firmly a study of the empirical.

[Re: religion is also frequently informed speculation]
Not so much actually.
Yeah, actually. You should read Aquinas, et al. Or his brother Dave et al.

...Appeal to consequence.
...Rather, I gave you an appeal to context. The best thing an atheist can offer is something interesting to do while we die and none of what we do amounts to more than that... It's defeatist given the matter isn't closed. It's a context you don't have to accept, even absent personal experience, as a rationalist. So why on earth would anyone?

I proffer it isn't rational, not serving the one thing you have as an atheist: self interest. Yes, I'm saying that a rationalist atheist should necessarily be a practicing and hopeful theist.

See zoos post about a most unfortunate NYC police officer.
In other words not "at worst" an optimistic shout.
Nazis tortured and murdered in the name of science. So that's science for you? :nono: .

Differed with CL on the constitution of the Constitution...
I am an anarchist...if it is wrong for me to police what substances my neighbor puts into his body, if it is a violation of the golden rule for me to do so (Because, I obviously do not want him to similarly police what I put into my body) it is wrong of government to do so as well.
The Golden Rule as you use it could sanction sin. I don't think you're applying it correctly. I should love and do for my neighbor, but if I'm a masochist it isn't license to be a sadist as well.

...And yes, I'm a Christian too.
Okay. Lot's of Christians, imperfect as we are, differ on all sorts of things and get any number wrong, depending on who you ask.

Now, does being an anarchist mean I oppose all government, or all laws? Of course not.
Then you either aren't an anarchist or you aren't a very good one. :D

So, what I'm saying when I say I'm an anarchist may not be what you may have thought of when I say "I'm an anarchist" but there you go.
I think you're someone who wants the world the way you think it ought to say we all, though we all differ. And that, my friend, is the beginning of the negotiation that becomes a compact, a government.

There was meshak in the ban thread...
Mainly because they clog up the thread with their trolling comments.

It is so peaceful that I don't have to see them in my threads.
Looks like a blog to you, doesn't it. :plain: :eek:

Before anna waded in...
It's possible, I do it all the time. It's called scrolling. :)

Same here. I practice a lot in real life, too. :plain:
Ah, calligraphy. A dying art...see how I did that? :plain:

Dying? I think you killed it already.
Cursive...foiled again. :poly:

So you're more of a continent half dead sort. :eek:

And and...
Depends which side of the Mississippi we're talking about. :eek:
I'm just heartened a girl from California knows there's a river there. :D


You do know it's a river, right? :plain:

Over in my new "I gave pos rep to..." thread, AB was getting giddy...
I just gave pos rep to nobody at all, and would also like to blow this whole thread up with limpet mines...


Cry it out. Cry it all out.

I gave AB a pos rep to dry his eyes with. :D

Tomorrow? The morality of war, meshak's hymn line and epileptic, honestly. :plain:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Tuesday Morning Gazette

Talked with SObG in my new upbeat rep thread (remarkably free of most of the people who were so outraged about neg rep)...
Would you be willing to hit TH with a whipped cream pie for creating this thread?
We needed a counter balance for all the outrage, bitterness and public rending of garments.

It would probably put a smile on nearly everyone's face.
Welcome to America.

Took on some dead guy's hostility as proffered by least I think he must be dead by now, likely from an aneurysm...
Laurence Vance puts it much better than I could:
Then I'll argue with him at a distance.

...This [supporting the troops but not necessarily the war] is utter nonsense. This is pious drivel. This is idiocy on parade. This is lunacy.
That was self referential? Because it wasn't an argument, but he appears hell on wheels at declaratory insult resting upon personal authority.

...You can’t support the troops without supporting what they do; you can’t separate soldiers from solidering.
He's assuming something not in evidence. When people say they aren't for a war but support the troops it doesn't follow that they find the war/action immoral or even objectionable in principle. It may only mean they don't want us in the middle of it, policing for the world as it were.

So we can believe in the right of people to self determine without desiring that we use our sons and daughters to provide them the opportunity. And we can wish despots ill without feeling obliged to cause it.

Then CL chimed in...
I don't think I have much to add to this, its an airtight argument that can't really be refuted rationally.
It's an argument with a demonstrably flawed premise.

The point about abortion doctors is particularly relevant. I don't think there's a single pro-life Christian who will nonethless say "Support the abortion doctors" and I see no reason why an anti-war Christian should "Support the troops."
You just made a similarly mistaken assumption. There's a difference between not desiring to see us play a particular role in world affairs and being "anti-war".

...To say that you don't care about injustice because you don't believe its right to go to war is absolutely stupid.
I'd agree, but that's not what either of us said.

You said:
To be clear, I'm not talking about defending your own person, family, home, or country here....
So not all acts of physical violence, only those related to a defensive posture, which is problematic to begin with. Why arbitrarily cut off that moral obligation over the myth of lines on a map?

Anyway, it wasn't about believing it's not right to go to war, but about:
...aggressive, preemptive war that is the issue.

So there.

Before MEshak settled something...I think...
All true Jesus' servants are [anarchists].
Are they also Scotsman? :plain:

Jesus' law is His followers law, not the government's. The governments are for non-believers.
I would pay good money to listen in on your next traffic stop.

Now don't come to me by saying I am not Jesus' followers. As long as you keep saying that, you are still in the world and working for this world, not for Jesus.
So you might own a goose, but never a gander. :rolleyes:

Said hello and goodbye to the newbie...
I eat demons.

For breakfast.
Well, you know what they say, "You are what you eat." :shocked:

You should consider digesting a grammar book.

:think: Have you met chrysostom yet?

The Millennium

Is just the point.


God tells you

"She is tired".



Implied profanity? So at least we know you're a he, because you didn't read the instructions when you signed on here.

And, it will end.
Seems likely. :plain:

Edit: yep.

While Truthy said of someone...
Alec Baldwin is ... last x i heard

a flaming lib

can't be Christian if you are one of those...
Some people feel that way about Catholics.

People. :plain:

Then MEshak was back online, if off target...
...Jesus' followers are not of this world. You are very my of this world.
And there you have it, friends, this year's recipient of the Who Loves Jesus More Than Meshak? award is..........MESHAK! Again!

Wow. I hope the rest of you enjoyed the show. Tune in again any post now when the next recipient (by which I mean meshak) will be awarded.

And in the neg rep thread (no, the other one)...
Do you wont to know who is getting most neg reps?

You guessed right, I am.
Maybe. Only a moderator would really know the answer to that.

People who are with red bars are not giving out neg reps.
Sure they are. It just doesn't matter. :plain:

Had a word with kmo and anna...
I wish I could tap dance. :plain:
I think it's called clogging, but I'm not sure.
No, that's just what it's called when kmo does it. :shocked:

I sure like it, though. :)
Sober? :think:

While still finding time to comment on TSF's HIGHlarious racial joke...
you can tell which posters around here can take a joke and which ones not...

true, it was a joke that had a lot of truth in it... but hey...

most of them probably do....
Yeah, that must be it. A lot of truth in it indeed. By which I mean, of course, you're a badly closeted racist if you actually believe that. :plain:

Tomorrow? Kmo makes a move or two and everyone gets a bunny. :D
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
When I was right out of high school this kid who lived nearby, who was the high school chess champion, was crazy to play me. He wanted to beat me at something in the worst "little brother" way. And I told him I hadn't played chess in years, since I taught him how. Wasn't interested.

But he kept at me and kept at me and eventually I said fine, get a board. Get it out of your system. And he went and got his board and came over. Brought a small audience of friends with him.

I just played a blitzkrieg, battle chess, all out, because I wasn't remotely up for a slow game. Killed him inside of ten minutes and retired. Mostly luck and his excitement and being rattled that I said yes. He'd probably have killed me nine out of ten times, but he didn't know it. Or, more important, didn't believe it.

From that day forward he was the little elephant with a chain around his leg. No matter how good he got (and he got much better than I ever thought about being) he couldn't bear the thought of playing me again.

I told him I was his life lesson. And he'd glower. I loved that kid.

Today's Gazette is found here. :cheers:
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Thursday Evening Gazette

Made a correction of a prior misunderstanding...

He had to be - that's the toughest field sobriety test I've ever seen.
Reminds me. Have you seen kmo's home movie dance? I mistakenly attributed it to zoo in the vault thread, but have since learned of the error. If you haven't, I give you:

kmo's big move dancepalooza

Then kmo...

It's all wonderful but one of my favorite parts is at about 26 seconds in when I try to bring back the "raise the roof" motion. That move died a much too early death. :plain:
:rotfl: A comedy Judo move. Well played, kmo. Well played. :eek:

Then Delmar made a great point in his Going to Hell thread...
...I believe that a God who is merciful enough to forgive my sins, just might be willing to forgive your stupidity!

Which TSF swung at, and, well...
yes, but why take chances?

Who is taking them? And there's your problem. :plain:

Before going her version of subtle in her "Does Lincoln regret freeing the slaves", seriously, follow the link. She did that...
I guess my inane sense of humor is just to subtle for some
As a Klan rally.

Yes. That's it. You subtled us to death.

And back in hell...
...ever noticed how lefties are lacking in a sense of humor????

I mean you know... as a general rule....
Which is why I noted, a while back, the Puritans are historically noted for their humorists.

Too subtle? :plain:

Followed by the enigmatic...
the you should know this makes no sense

And finally...
so... Here's my poll

Is Lincoln regretting what he did?


Yeah, that's so much less racist when you make the letters that large and all. :plain:

Tomorrow? Sensitivity training, Nancy. :think: