Town Quixote's

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Sunday Crier Cub Reporter Race Update :singer:

We're into the home stretch and pounding for the finish line with glorydaze surging (16) out of the turn to take a one length lead over the back stretch favorite Nazaroo (15) and folks we have a horse race on our hands! RandPaul is still gamely holding on to third (9) but with not much left of the final leg he's still out eight lengths from the lead. Angel and LH are neck and neck for fourth (7) but too far out to catch the leaders as this one looks to come down to the wire to crown this month's reporting wunderkind. :eek:
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wednesday Town Crier

Had a word with everyone's favorite cracker, who was being cross with a lamb...
I see you woke up today and decided to be an idiot. Whatever thrills you. A professional wedding photographer doesn't have an option of being a private facility, idiot.
No human being does, you self lampooning miracle you. Or, if you're going to ride the high horse you might want to make certain your saddle is cinched.

Tried to help RP out in the photographer thread but it's tough ground to hoe with the young and zealous...
How can you have a right to someone else's property and their labor?
You begin with an errant premise, as though property springs from the ether or its production, application of labor noted, happens in a mystic vacuum and is singularly the result of individual merit.

Every business avails itself of public works to succeed. Every man draws benefit for a collective effort and peace provided by it. Some men, many men, are born into privilege and the advantages that attend it without having earned the least bit of what will likely distinguish them for the remainder of their lives.

With all due respect (And I do respect you) that's an absolutely idiotic proposition, and deep down, you know it, but you want to support it for purely emotional reasons.
...When you say something is idiotic because it runs contrary to your principles in foundation then you, not me, step outside of the reasonable and reasoned. That is precisely the rhetoric of emotion, that feels the need and assumes the authority to judge by value ascribed and not by a demonstrated merit, a calculated logic...

The truth is you can begin and believe that tax is theft or that property is, depending on how you premise, what you accept as context. But I find either posit flawed and as often as not emotionally blind and blinkered, overlooking fundamental truths about human nature and production.

...Forbidding them from setting foot on your property, or refusing to serve them, may be emotionally unsettling, but it does not cause real, physical harm.
You're so wrong on the point it nearly pains me. You've never seen a black man turned away from an eatery or a restroom with his children, watched the sometimes gleeful spectacle of frustrated, bigoted men dehumanizing another and restricting by common agreement, the potential for advancement of a race.

And that's the benign side of racism and how it can use your notion to subjugate and destroy. I'm glad that you don't know it, but you should educate yourself on it and let it inform your beliefs.

Then chrys did what chrys does better than anyone...
I really need to apologize to town and I guess all of his friends

I thought he was tougher than that but now we all know he isn't
Yes, tell everyone what you thought of me so you can tell everyone how much you actually don't. :plain:

And don't you know...
You're like a pimple on my ***. I'm sure you've heard that before.
Only in grade school, where I met similarly situated and accomplished minds. :plain: But that would make me a monumental pimple, given how much of you appears to be constituted by that particular.

crier crier
pants on fire
Don't look now, but someone is all out of bliss.

So she resorted to her Sod knock-off cry...
Exhausting freak show stalker he is.
Said the holder of the second or third highest poster total in Quixote's. :rolleyes:

Want to compare how often we appear in one another's threads? (hint: you don't)

Edit: I've followed her around in all of 7 of her 72 threads. :rolleyes: One this year.

I don't think he will ever know when to shut that Kentucky Fried Chicken hole.
You are to honesty and wit what the Klan is to race relations.

While back in the PGR thread...
Aye, you neg repped me for sayin' "hello" once...

Well, it probably wasn't so much what you said as how you said it. :plain:

Which continued...
Never did understand that limey humor...:chuckle:
I started to note that's not how you spell lousy, but then it came to me that it frequently was. :plain:

So Eeset tried the thing she's aces at...
Gosh RM I don't archive these things like some do.
That's true. She often goes the other way, altering or destroying the record while desperately attempting to reinvent what remains.

Town can tell you that he did that very thing when I said he was an abuser in the way he dished out Neg Reps. He issued a call for everyone to send me neg reps and that is what led me to say it was like a call for "virtual gang rape".
Actually, I never did. I didn't issue a call, didn't reach out to anyone I knew and suggest they neg rep her. I said she deserved to be neg rep'd by women for comparing neg rep to physical abuse, which she did.

She then compounded that absurd, unfortunate faux parallel by suggesting that sentiment was tantamount to calling for a gang rape. She seems to think "virtual" is a difference maker. It isn't. It's the act of comparing the two. Like comparing a tongue lashing with the Passion or being denied a parking spot with apartheid. :plain:

...But I know TH well by now. He will twist it around to make it appear that I am at fault.
By which she means I'm likely to literally quote her. :plain: Classic rEeset.

And, of course, that will be his way of baiting. He is a master at that.
You and sod and sky should own a theater (see: projectionists).

Recalled, in the Jim Beam in the morning thread...
:think: No...I think they just blend some honey into the whiskey itself...But I guess I could be wrong..:idunno:..Either way it's pretty good. Very smooth.
Reminds me, years ago I went into a Chic-fil-A and placed a to-go order. A striking brunette girl filling the bag was asking me about sauces and things she could add and ended with, "Honey?"

So I said, "Yes dear?"

Dated for a year. :D True story.

Tomorrow? Forces of Evil, feuds and Tom O tells a story. :D
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Hall of Fame
quite well, thank you

i'm quite taken with the librarian :Shimei:

That's swell. You should ask her to TOL so she would have a chance to get to know you better.

No doubt your maturity, integrity and caring spirit would seal the deal, and she would be yours forever.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
ummmm - in the thread where you can't stop talking about me :duh:
It was a passing reference because the two of you copy each other's nonsense. Nice pretext to do what you so obviously have been dying to do since I ran you out by noting your practice of late. :eek:

Or, you'd never know you were so much as mentioned here if you didn't come here. :D

By way of, I have no idea what sky is saying in her derivative thread because I don't go there, don't post there and don't read her in general unless she happens to be in a thread I'm in.

have you gotten more retarded than usual lately?
All that time off and this is still all you can come up with. :plain:

no, she has a life
There's a great admission in that. Even if I differ on the premise.

The latest former Gazette now Crier is found here.
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
delusional and retarded is no way to go through life town :nono:
I could post examples but you stopped fooling anyone long before your Amish sojourn.

just imagine if you spent your time being a father instead of online being an obsessive retard
He said, continuing to post where again? (7 of 19 today)

Else, I wouldn't take a second from him for anyone and you should leave my family out of your personal issues.

The latest Town Crier (formerly the daily Gazette) is found here.