toldailytopic: Stranded on a deserted island. If you could carry 5 things with you, w

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Philip Morris & Company and Procter & Gamble, me playing Eunice "Lovey" Wentworth Howell. Think about it.


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The TOPIC OF THE DAY for December 8th, 2010 10:28 AM

toldailytopic: Stranded on a deserted island. If you could carry 5 things with you, what would they be?

Take the topic above and run with it! Slice it, dice it, give us your general thoughts about it. Everyday there will be a new TOL Topic of the Day.
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An "item' could be s suitcase full of stuff?

Assuming its 5 basic items and wade ashore in birthday suit....

Id pick these.

fire starter
cook pot
roll of twine

Ask Mr. Religion

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Assuming the clothes I am wearing do not count, including necessary eyeglasses...

1. An Iridium satellite phone, fully charged;
2. A Bible;
3. A machete;
4. Plenty of vegetable seeds for a garden; and
5. A very large bottle of water purification tablets.

The survival rule of threes applies: man can live three months without hope, three weeks without food, three days without water, and three minutes without air. ;)



New member
You play that bad eh?


That's the point, if there is no one to hear me play I, can I be that bad?

And to clarify, I could blatantly carry MacGyver for miles if needs be. . . .

But if not -

3 - Some fine English Ale's

4 - A travel scrabble set

5 - A length of rope - simply because 3 will run out and 2 will make me paranoid.


New member
Assuming the clothes I am wearing do not count, including necessary eyeglasses...

1. An Iridium satellite phone, fully charged;
2. A Bible;
3. A machete;
4. Plenty of vegetable seeds for a garden; and
5. A very large bottle of water purification tablets.

The survival rule of threes applies: man can live three months without hope, three weeks without food, three days without water, and three minutes without air. ;)


The water is clean, the bible and phone got soaked with seawater, and the veggies are going to take along time to grow. now what?

If I were along id be hopping mad!

Nathon Detroit

These are the best so far....
1. Leatherman tool

2. Flint

3. Rifle

4. Fishing hook (fishing tackle would be more than one thing)

5. A roll of 6 mil black plastic

Let's see now,
a shovel
some heavy rope
a pail
and a hammer.

An "item' could be s suitcase full of stuff?

Assuming its 5 basic items and wade ashore in birthday suit....

Id pick these.

fire starter
cook pot
roll of twine

Assuming the clothes I am wearing do not count, including necessary eyeglasses...

1. An Iridium satellite phone, fully charged;
2. A Bible;
3. A machete;
4. Plenty of vegetable seeds for a garden; and
5. A very large bottle of water purification tablets.

The survival rule of threes applies: man can live three months without hope, three weeks without food, three days without water, and three minutes without air. ;)


Town Heretic

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Now for the serious...since I can spear fish, track and hunt and build a shelter out of not much, I'll assume the essentials are obtainable (or there's no point in the hypothetical) so...

1. A water proof, solar powered Ipod with my entire library of jazz, classical and a selection of pop and other recordings.

2. A really good sleeping bag.

3. A water proof, solar powered notebook (loaded with ebooks from the Bible to medical texts)...with satellite connection, of course.

4. A survival knife...

5. A compound bow with a large quiver of arrows.


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A super duper, very handy dandy knife
Some heavy duty rope
A durable big pot
A Gun
Some sturdy netting material


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toldailytopic: Stranded on a deserted island. If you could carry 5 things with you, what would they be?

1. My wife
2. My children (they come as a package, sorry :D)
3. My .30-30 Winchester
4. My Bible
5. My bottle of 1926 Macallan Single Malt Whiskey, aged 60 Years (ok, I don't have one of these, but I would take it if I did.)
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