The cigar lounge


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Jameson's good, haven't had it in years though.

My favorite of the mid-priced bourbons is Woodford Reserve.

My favorite single malt scotch is Glendronach

My favorite beer is the Long Hammer IPA from Red Hook.

I'm not much of a wine drinker.

Good Choices..

I am still trying to like Bourbon...Makers is good.

For Irish Whiskey I love Jameson, and really love the 12yr or older.

Single malts Scotches has got to be The Macallan (the older the better) or I had some "Glenfiddich 21" that was absolutely stellar, it is hard to pick a favorite from soooo many good single malt scotches.

It is hard for me to pick a favorite in beers also because there are so many micro-breweries around that the choice is so broad. I also have a friend that brews lots of different things in his own home that are really good. I also love a good beer/ale.

Wine...I absolutely love Red wines, I live in wine country after all. If I had to pick a favorite it would have to be a Pinot Noir from the Santa Rita hills of Santa Barbara County, CA, really good stuff but, I also think the Cabernet Savignon's of Napa & Sonoma Counties are very good but, very spendy. My favorite wine are the ones I stumble across that are really good and are inexpensive because of their lack of notoriety, unfortunately word travels fast when somthing is good and the price always reflects that. I love Port wines & late harvest Muscat wines, very sweet dessert wines and fantastic with a fine cigar.


New member
Hall of Fame
I haven't had the Glenfiddich 21, only the 18. I'm not a huge fan of Glenfiddich but it will do in a pinch!

As for wine, I should be more specific. I LOVE red wine but it does not love me. For some reason, I can't stomach it. It does not sit well at all. Perhaps it's the tannin.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
yorzhik was going to post these but I figured I'd beat him to it. yorzhik, Delmar and families joined us for our New Year's party last night at our house. I experienced my first true cigar.

I don't remember the name, yorzhik will have to tell you. EDIT: I just remembered the name, Romeo and Juliet

Also, if you're wondering who's who, I'm the good looking one.





It was really great. We'll have to find a reason to do another cigar together some time.

Nathon Detroit

yorzhik was going to post these but I figured I'd beat him to it. yorzhik, Delmar and families joined us for our New Year's party last night at our house. I experienced my first true cigar.

I don't remember the name, yorzhik will have to tell you. EDIT: I just remembered the name, Romeo and Juliet

Also, if you're wondering who's who, I'm the good looking one.






Looks like a blast!!

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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A wee bit envious of the smoking inside aspect. ;)



New member
Forgive me but by the last photo "the good looking one" looks a more like the "greener at the gills one"

And Happy New Year to you all!


New member
Hall of Fame
I don't see a lot of discussion of SMOKING PIPES AND PIPE TOBACCO in this here cigar lounge.





New member
Hall of Fame
Actually, that is something I want to learn how to do this year. Smoke a pipe. Will keep you posted.

I do not claim to be an expert by any stretch, but I have smoked a pipe for many years. If you would like some advice on what works for me and what doesn't, including good pipe tobaccos, let me know brother!


New member
Hall of Fame
I don't see a lot of discussion of SMOKING PIPES AND PIPE TOBACCO in this here cigar lounge.




Me and guysmiley are pipe guys, love cigars too but mostly smoke pipes. Cheaper, less time, less nicotine hit. A really good cigar is still king tho' in my book.

Anyway, I like Dunhill "royal yacht" and "London mix" and "965 mix" a lot. Those are easy to order online. Then Edward's has some good house blends also. I tend like less aromatic.

I like corncob pipes a lot, I have clays and briars too. Guysmiley has a cooler collection than I do for the most part.

I uploaded an image of most of my stuff, I use the corncob one with the fancy acrylic stem the most by far. I dont really like the lighter, it's ok, a simple bic disposable is best, or a match, imho.
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New member
Hall of Fame
Picked up a beautiful Savinelli pipe today. Canadian style, with rustication. Also picked up a tin of Davidoff flake medallion tobacco, a mix of matured Virginia and black cavendish, with a hint of perique.

The pipe: you have it in your possession or just ordered it? I'd love to hear how it is!


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Picked up a beautiful Savinelli pipe today. Canadian style, with rustication. Also picked up a tin of Davidoff flake medallion tobacco, a mix of matured Virginia and black cavendish, with a hint of perique.

The pipe:

Awesome Sela! Savinelli makes a great pipe, I used to dabble in pipes, I own a bunch of them that I inherited when my uncle passed, he had a beautiful collection.Have you ever tried the Davidoff Scottish Blend in the tin? really one of my favorites, I also love St. Bruno Flake but, it became almost impossible to get in the states anymore. Enjoy, I know you will. :thumb:


Well-known member you have it in your possession or just ordered it? I'd love to hear how it is!

I have it here, bought it at the local tobacconist. I will write back here once I start breaking it in.
I quite like Canadian style pipes, this seemed like an interesting introduction to that style and I thought it was quite the beauty for its price.

I'm interested in Canadian-like pipe (strictly speaking it is a cutty pipe) form the pipe maker Mark Balkovec, but that is far more expensive so that will have to wait for now. Just look at this beauty:

It is inspired by the famous Danish pipe maker, Tom Eltang, but his pipes are beyond my price range :chuckle:


Well-known member
Awesome Sela! Savinelli makes a great pipe, I used to dabble in pipes, I own a bunch of them that I inherited when my uncle passed, he had a beautiful collection.Have you ever tried the Davidoff Scottish Blend in the tin? really one of my favorites, I also love St. Bruno Flake but, it became almost impossible to get in the states anymore. Enjoy, I know you will. :thumb:

I have not yet tried the Scottish blend, but it is on my wishlist. I'm a bit skeptical of aromatic tobaccos, but I do enjoy a nice single malt, so a Scottish blend should suit my taste.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Anyway, I like Dunhill "royal yacht" and "London mix" and "965 mix" a lot. Those are easy to order online. Then Edward's has some good house blends also. I tend like less aromatic.

If you like the "965" then you will really like "Frog Morton" or "Frog Morton On The Town", I really love flake style blends and I, like you, tend to stay away from tobaccos that are to aromatic, I find them too bitey on the tongue.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I have not yet tried the Scottish blend, but it is on my wishlist. I'm a bit skeptical of aromatic tobaccos, but I do enjoy a nice single malt, so a Scottish blend should suit my taste.

It is a flake style and not too aromatic, I also am not a fan of aromatics as they tend to bite the tongue too much for me. If you ever see a tin of the St, Bruno Flake definitely get it, awesome stuff, probably my favorite tobacco when it was available in the states.
