way 2 go
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do first vaccination shots increase spread and covid deaths?
linkby :el-gato-malo
“are vaccines causing disease spikes” hypothesis. (it also makes palestine less useful as an unvaxxed control group for israel)
so i plotted this rise in vaccinations per day vs the palestinian death rate.
the results are provocative.

we see first doses pick up, then, about 14 days later, deaths follow suit. like israel, we have possible seasonal confound, but we also see exactly what we would expect to see if vaccines were weakening immune systems and accelerating spread and/or enhancing death risk.
and wow does this look more than a little like mongolia. ...
SO: if we find many places with deaths rapidly following vaccines administered in periods of high seasonal risk, it will bolster this theory.
finding examples of vaccine administration during such periods that had little or no acceleration effect despite peak risk would weaken the theory.