ban joey


Hall of Fame
ban joey

it is time for joey to go

over 60 posts a day of stupid stuff

put him on ignore
neg rep him

it is nice that you are sorry

It's too bad that *you* aren't sorry for this ridiculously mean-spirited thread, Chrys.

After all of the threads that YOU make which are nothing more than cheerleading for the Republican Party, whining about the mistreatment of Catholics and complaining about women having actual ***gasps*** rights, you have the nerve to complain about others.

Here's an idea: Practice what you preach, put Joey on ignore and quit with your incessant whining.



New member
Granted, Joey's style is perhaps too Beckett-ish for my tastes.

He posts a lot of cryptic, apparently meaningless stuff. Ambiguous posts, that might or might not make sense interpreted in a certain way.

But he still posts lots of puzzling, simple but damn good questions in religion threads. He makes real contributions. I'm against the ban.


New member
Sometimes cryptic stuff is quite zen, sometimes it's got deeper meaning and sometimes it's just some dilettante scribbling random gibberish.

Who can tell?


New member
Why does this thread create more attention than my thread about God?
If you are a child then pay attention to the lesson afforded by this thread.
Consider where you are, the spirit of the message: TheologyOnline. And read every remark again and pay attention to the spirit behind it.

If you are a child learn from this, for very often a community of online people represent in that microcosm, the macrocosm that awaits you when you step out the door. That people would rather ban the writer of that what they object to, than taking the adult responsibility of simply refusing to read what they do not like.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
...That people would rather ban the writer of that what they object to, than taking the adult responsibility of simply refusing to read what they do not like.
If my child misbehaves I will discipline and censure him. Similarly, if a someone enters my house in muddy boots I'll ask them to remove them or remove himself.



New member
This is about oatmeal. We are all oatmeal.

Why are people so easily divided? Why are people so blind to what they think they are seeing? Why do people only look at the outside of the cups, if the insides are still dirty? Why do people make fun of me so much?

Why are my questions so easily dismissed? Why do people look past them while others are making fun of each other on TOL? I don't see a lot of love. I see a lot of pretending here on TOL. It makes me wonder. My questions are there for reasons. They are meant to be explored. They are not meant to lead people astray.

I am only here to make the world a better place. That is my calling in life. I was called to joined Theology Online. It is my duty to participate and to encourage. It is my honor and my joy to learn from you guys. I appreciate everything from everybody and I don't want to see this unique opportunity die out.

I am not sure why this thread is so against me. I am not sure why people have this kind of bias stereotype for me to get banned, arrested, condemned, to burn. I do not understand why people cannot be open and willing to consider my kind of Oatmeal.

Why are you so against my Oatmeal and Ramen noodles of joy? With oatmeal in my bowl, is Jesus in your soul?

Joey, I enjoy your topics, they're off-the-wall and I usually laugh. That may not be what you want but I think you do kinda sorta.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
This isn't you house.
You, like all of us, are guests here. :e4e:
That explains the wallpaper.

Else, don't be daft. You decided you could hold forth on what was a mature response and I've answered by illustrating an insufficiency in your generalization. Don't like it? Try answering it on point instead of pointing out the obvious that could as easily be draped over your own opinion. :D

Having a senior moment last week?
No. I'm saving those for sometime after May, when my son arrives. :D
i haven't read all your posts by a long shot but i've never seen anything ban-worthy... so i am totally NOT getting this thread... thoght it was a joke at first but apparently its not... I have liked a few things you said...
I am only here to make the world a better place.
WELL!!! There you go.. that's why people don't like you... :chuckle:

That is my calling in life. I was called to joined Theology Online. It is my duty to participate and to encourage. It is my honor and my joy to learn from you guys.
wow... even some humility... most people here act like they know everything already... Ok, maybe not MOST but too many... one is too many...
I .

I am not sure why this thread is so against me. I am not sure why people have this kind of bias stereotype for me to get banned, arrested, condemned, to burn. I do not understand why people cannot be open and willing to consider my kind of Oatmeal.

Why are you so against my Oatmeal and Ramen noodles of joy? With oatmeal in my bowl, is Jesus in your soul?

uh... now i'm lost... Your oatmeal?? :dizzy:


New member
That explains the wallpaper.

Else, don't be daft. You decided you could hold forth on what was a mature response and I've answered by illustrating an insufficiency in your generalization. Don't like it? Try answering it on point instead of pointing out the obvious that could as easily be draped over your own opinion. :D
I would observe it is you that is daft. To think you have a right to tell someone they are worthy of being banned, because you object to reading what they have to say while admittedly then saying you are not mature enough to simply ignore that which you find objectionable and then claim that presumptive right is the same as would be afforded to you in your own house, is ludicrous.

Grow up. Adults know, you don't have to read anyone's post.

Stop reading those members you don't like. Instead of thinking you have a right to have those members you aren't mature enough to ignore, locked out of what you erroneously see as your house, because you aren't capable of simply passing them by without a second thought.

You believe in freedom of speech. Just as long as you agree with what's said. That's the point you're making here. As is everyone else who thinks someone they don't like to read should be banned, because they don't like that what's written and aren't capable of ignoring it. So instead they want an authority figure to do the work for them. By banning Joey. Who's just as freely entitled to his opinion as you are.

It's an incredible opportunity to see who you are in all matters, when something like this silly issue will cause you to be so small and yet believe yourself to be so entitled.
This isn't your house! YOU don't have to be here. That's as easily said as what you and others are saying about Joey only you're going to the extreme of saying, he should be forced out.

I doubt in real life anyone feels comfortable in your house.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I would observe it is you that is daft.
You mean declare. :D

To think you have a right to tell someone they are worthy of being banned,
Which I didn't do, but don't let that stop you from working up a full head of outraged steam. :eek:

because you object to reading what they have to say
Nope. My point was aimed at your declaration on principle and not at Joey. That is, your posit regarding a mature response seemed to me to be demonstrably wrong and that was the actual context for my answer. You're overreaching.

while admittedly then saying you are not mature enough to simply ignore that which you find objectionable
Was that before or after I admitted to poisoning the Czar? :plain:

I think the way to respond to the objectionable depends on the nature of the statement. If someone says something that you disagree with but that is within the rules then the appropriate response in a forum is to disagree. If someone says something that violates the rules the appropriate response is to make them aware of it and then if they persist to object more formally.

If they persist then they'll be tossed into a time out, which is the point of rules of conduct.

and then claim that presumptive right is the same as would be afforded to you in your own house, is ludicrous.
What's ridiculous is your reading a general statement of principle as something other. You might need to take a few breaths, work on your perspective and loosen up a bit. No one here is actually trying to ban Joey or even petitioning for it. You need a better understanding of how things go here.

Grow up. Adults know, you don't have to read anyone's post.
Oh stop acting like the adult police and smell the irony in your outrage. :D

Stop reading those members you don't like.
Stop telling other people what to do. It isn't helping your faux point. :nono:

Instead of thinking you have a right to have those members you aren't mature enough to ignore, locked out of what you erroneously see as your house, because you aren't capable of simply passing them by without a second thought.
How you can be this wrong on every single point is amazing. Nearly a mathematical puzzler. :think:

You believe in freedom of speech. Just as long as you agree with what's said.
Not even remotely true, so you're being consistent. :thumb:

That's the point you're making here.
Well, no. That's you running in the wrong direction with the football. It's nearly Greek at this point. :poly:

As is everyone else who thinks someone they don't like to read should be banned, because they don't like that what's written and aren't capable of ignoring it.
:rotfl: Seriously, stop it. :D

So instead they want an authority figure to do the work for them. By banning Joey. Who's just as freely entitled to his opinion as you are.
That you didn't and don't get the subtext of this thread and didn't apparently realize my criticism was aimed singularly and not at Joey justifies its existence for entertainment value alone. :BRAVO:

It's an incredible opportunity to see who you are in all matters, when something like this silly issue will cause you to be so small and yet believe yourself to be so entitled.
See: irony, supra.

This isn't your house!
We all know that. It's Knights. And we've been here long enough to understand a number of things you appear to be missing in your...exuberance? :freak:

YOU don't have to be here. That's as easily said as what you and others are saying about Joey only you're going to the extreme of saying, he should be forced out.
Except we really aren't. You're just out of your element. It happens. And why are you shouting anyway? :idunno:

I doubt in real life anyone feels comfortable in your house.
:plain: Right. Better now? :D