ban joey

Tiffany Cumbo

when you were a kid were you able to color inside the lines?

I first colored everything brown, or just one color. I was color blind then (to even people, too), until I started to not only color inside the lines, but when I started making my own lines, connecting the dots. I knew Oatmeal Joey Arnold all of my life, from age 3-16. I love life. I love living life. I love boys. I love adventures. I don't like eggs. My mission is to share my life with others, to better society, or to at least bring a smile to those around me, to those I care about. Join me in this mission, this memorial: --
Tiffany Cumbo: Why Waste Your Life?

Tiffany Cumbo

I like this thread. I really do.

Knight, why is this last comment on page 17 if there are 33 pages to this Ban Joey thread?
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