2015 NBA Playoffs thread


I love chicken curry

I only do shrimp.

I don't trust Asian or Indian restaurants.

In England, investigators were doing undercover work because a meat cutting plant in Wales had been accused of supplying horse meat to Asian and Indian restaurants making kebabs and curries.

While testing meat to see if it was horse:

"Just when we thought things couldn’t get any worse, the results came in for an Indian Lamb Curry.

‘It did contain meat, but that meat was not lamb, not pork, nor was it chicken or beef. Not horse, and not goat either"


Like I said, I only order shrimp from Asian and Indian restaurants. You can't fake a shrimp.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame

it could be rat meat
as long as it is cooked and not spoiled
chicken is cheap and plentiful
it is most often ordered
it doesn't hang around waiting for someone to order it

never had a problem with chicken
at a chinese or indian restaurant

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
About time. Can James bring the starved city of Cleveland the title it longs for or will the up and coming king of clutch shooting and his healthier, deeper bench write their names in the books (both NBA and of teams that ripped the heart out of Cleveland)?

If Cleveland came into this series with Love and health I think it would be a war. This one should favor the Golden boy. But never write off James. He gives any team a slugger's chance in a seven game series.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I predict Golden State in 6.
If it goes seven it's Cleveland...and that's what I'm hoping for. Tonight will tell us a few things about the injury impact on Cleveland and what the approach of the Warriors is going to be defensively.

If it doesn't go seven I'd take GS in five.

The Berean

Well-known member
For some great history here are the first three games of the 1975 NBA Finals (Golden State Warriors vs Washington Bullets). I'm still looking for game 4. Enjoy! :banana:


