YouTube censorship

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Snowflakes are pretty.

Not always.


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I'm not so sure this is the case. Do you have an example of censorship on the right?
Sure, historically the right has loved censorship. Take the Sedition Act, a right wing contrivance. It forbid anyone to, “willfully utter, print, write, or publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the form of the Government of the United States.” It was an attempt by the right to silence the anti-war movement and socialists.

We have government agencies being instructed to strike out phrases their boss finds objectionable, like climate change.

And censorship can be attempted by a variety of means, including social stigmatization. Like McCarthy before them, elements of the hard right have routinely labeled ideas and speech they don't like unpatriotic and unAmerican. When you dial up rhetoric like that you're doing more than simply opposing and objecting it. And we've got right wing groups attacking libraries for carrying books they find offensive (and examples of the left attempting their own versions of weeding, but you asked for the right so)...

And I've heard conservatives on the hard right say we should deport all Muslims. Given no rational being can believe all Muslims are a danger to society it's a pretty clear form of censorship of religious freedom and speech. Elements of the right have argued to impede or forbid mosques as well. It was the Christian right that both gave us laws prohibiting cohabitation by homosexuals and opposed their entering into the marriage contract in a civil sense. Now however you feel about the rightness of objecting, that's an attempt to control conduct that is only unlawful as an expression of a particular religious view, which is an attempt to impose that one view on those who do not share it.

They tend to be golden rule types, and ownership trumps non-owner opinion types, so their ability to censor tends to be weak.
See, I see that in both the right and left until you get on the fringes. My wife is a mild liberal and a librarian who routinely carries right wing voices among her book purchases because she's committed to the idea that her patrons deserve disparate voices.

Edit Addition: an Arizona State Student is receiving death threats and a great deal of hostile attacks from the right following the posting on FB of:

MYTH BUSTER: I, an undocumented immigrant, just filed my taxes and PAID $300 to the state of Arizona. I cannot receive financial aid from the state or federal government for school, I cannot benefit from unemployment, a reduced healthcare plan, or a retirement fund. I think I'm a pretty good citizen. Oh and there are MILLIONS just like me who pay into a system they will never receive anything from. Wanna tell me again how I should be deported, contribute nothing and only leech off this country while the 1% wealthiest people in this country steal from you everyday? How about you show me yours Donald J. Trump? #HereToStay
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I think your net is half full. The extremes tend to censor, left or right, from language to conduct and along the lines of what they believe should compel us.

Sure. And I can see that coming and make sure he isn't exposed to it.

What I didn't foresee was a Christian linking me to a video where that language was being used. Why? For one reason it's against the rules we agree to when we sign on here. For another, I thought Tam would be the sort to abide by them, would never have thought what she did was possible for her. See, I can think someone has flaws in their thinking without that necessarily being a judgement of their character. I was almost as shocked by the realization she'd done it as by the word itself. I was doubly shocked with her response to the criticism. Not the personal part, but the lack of responsibility or addressing it.

In her shoes I'd have been embarrassed, apologized, and removed the link.

No. He was playing in another part of the room and heard the word.

It underscores something I've taught him, that some people make poor choices about the words they use and that this fellow made an evil one. We had a conversation about it. And I know that in the course of his life he'll hear worse. But I hope not at five and it wasn't something he should have been exposed to via this site.

it occurred to while i was waiting in the emergency department this afternoon that your reaction to the (gasp) obscenity was probably more impressive to your son than his experience of hearing it

and then i realized that you're exactly where i was 22 years ago, fretting over your first child, your baby getting exposed to the crudity and vulgarity that exists in the world that you'd hoped to shield him from until he was at least, what? six?

then the drugs kicked in :)


New member
I don't watch films aimed at an adult viewing audience around children full stop. "The Shining" is not 'trash' by way of but it ain't suitable for toddlers so if you still don't get the point here you're just being deliberately obtuse. This is a Christian site and people should be able to view things on here without worrying if their kids are going to be subjected to some crank cussing away - or they should at least expect a warning for any material that contains it beforehand. Maybe you think the forum rules need a shake up where it comes to profanity?
The shining is full on trash. I watched it as an older teen. It really drew my mind into a fascination with the occult that still pulls at me when I see it advertised in new movies. It's absolutely spiritually harmful.

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The shining is full on trash. I watched it as an older teen. It really drew my mind into a fascination with the occult that still pulls at me when I see it advertised in new movies. It's absolutely spiritually harmful.

'The Shining' is a cinematic classic. As a piece of film making it's right up there. Kubrick knew what he was doing when plying his craft and the visuals, sound, editing and the overall package is simply a master at work. Just because you felt compelled to dig around the occult or mess around with a Ouija board or something after viewing it only reflects on you. It's a great piece of movie history and rightfully respected as that.


New member
'The Shining' is a cinematic classic. As a piece of film making it's right up there. Kubrick knew what he was doing when plying his craft and the visuals, sound, editing and the overall package is simply a master at work. Just because you felt compelled to dig around the occult or mess around with a Ouija board or something after viewing it only reflects on you. It's a great piece of movie history and rightfully respected as that.
The movie is full on occultic. It's dangerous for a Christian or anyone for that matter. See what watching films like that has already done to you?

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Well-known member
'The Shining' is a cinematic classic. As a piece of film making it's right up there. Kubrick knew what he was doing when plying his craft and the visuals, sound, editing and the overall package is simply a master at work. Just because you felt compelled to dig around the occult or mess around with a Ouija board or something after viewing it only reflects on you. It's a great piece of movie history and rightfully respected as that.

I liked the Shining. I was old enough to know fact from fiction, and I really like Jack Nicholson.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Did you like Witches of Eastwick? He was perfect in that one, too.

Not one of my faves to be honest although you couldn't fault the acting. Not really a film I can think of where Nicholson hasn't been good in it. 'One flew over The Cuckoos Nest' is stand out along with 'The Shining', 'Chinatown' etc.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Not out of the one I was having. And I said I'd watch it if it didn't contain profanity, offering to take your representation on the point. Your truncation to the dismissal dance just makes you look goofy. But suit yourself.

What conversation were you having? :AMR:

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