Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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New member
Either the doctrine that Peter LaBarbera and others such as me use (Judeo-Christian) to educate people about homosexuality and the agenda that goes with it, and hence the need to recriminalize it is either loving or hateful, which is it?

Al, I see you peeking in, which is it?
I was probably wondering if you were becoming another Beloved57 aCW? Happy to talk away to himself in his own thread, I didn't want to interrupt.:nono:

Porno Pete however is apparently his own publicist seeking publicity in his own way perhaps. He obviously hates that part of himself that wants to be gay, as you do too I suspect. Someone without such feelings simply isn't likely to be bothered by what adult gay people may be consensually doing together in private.

Pretending it is all a religiously inspired justifiable cause is such a crock aCW, used to paper over their own personal self-hatred and the hatred of gay people themselves who they clearly find so annoyingly desirable. Why, I've just had a pang of sympathy for both you and Porno Pete.:plain:


Only by a few members. Your participation is necessary to keep this thread going.

So you're saying that without my participation, this thread would die? :think:
Didn't know I was that important. :AMR1:

The thread will continue with or without your participation. Many have given up on posting in this thread because they can't dispute the truth about the deadly behavior and the evil agenda that goes along with it.

Hundreds of people (both people who believe in decency and those who don't) come to this thread daily to get information about what's going on with this aspect of the culture war. Other websites (both pro traditional family and secular humanist) use posts from this thread on their respective websites.

Keep in mind Sandy that after Part 1 was closed for technical reasons, it received well over 100,000 views, as did Part 2.

When I do a review of Part 1 & 2 I'll ask those who posted once again to tell us why homosexuality shouldn't be recriminalized (keeping in mind that they now know much more about this topic than they did when they originally posted).


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior Pssst, GFR7, there are 3 different strategies that secular humanists use in an attempt to silence Christians that exposes an evil agenda (in this case the truth about homosexuality and it's agenda) :

1.) The information that the Christian uses is false, i.e. a bold faced lie.
2). The Christian himself is the very same thing that he is exposing (i.e. he's a closeted fag).
3). Silence/a boycott of the thread that the Christian is spreading the truth in.

Obviously you didn't get the memo, as it appears that we're in strategy 3 and there is a boycott of the thread (be as silent as you want fellas, I'm not going away).

1.) A lot of the 'information' you use is false and has been thoroughly debunked and discredited by repudiated sources. For example: Paul Cameron, The Pink Swastika, the numerous blogs you link to etc etc.

Hence: 1.) The information that the Christian uses is false, i.e. a bold faced lie.

2.) Rather ironic coming from someone who's been sent to the penalty box on more than one occasion for sleazy homosexual innuendo towards other posters. There's a legitimate question mark over anyone who would do that let alone deliberately search out graphic examples of homosexuality on the net on a day by day basis. You'd hardly be the first person so utterly obsessed with homosexuality to be in the closet themselves.

You act as if there is something wrong with engaging in homosexual behavior Art. Remember, I'm the liar and mentally ill person here that needs to be institutionalized, not people who engage in an absolutely filthy, yet changeable behavior that if not changed, will cause disease, misery and often times an early death.

3.) I rather suspect that's because your particular brand of lunacy has become tedious, stale and boring to the point where ribbing you over how much of a clown you are and dismantling your rubbish could be time better spent elsewhere, at least that's why I rarely make sojourns to this blog of yours and I'll be in no hurry to get back to it. I can't speak as to why others have stopped posting in it but I suspect the reasons will be along similar lines.

If you were actually silenced then your thread would be shut down so no need to play any martyr status.

Have fun.

How many times have you 'left' this thread now Art, a dozen? Your 'contribution' is always welcome, as I need a good laugh on a regular basis.


New member
I never DID think I was responsible for keeping this thread open.
Only for keeping TOL members posting on it. :AMR1:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Either the doctrine that Peter LaBarbera and others such as me use (Judeo-Christian) to educate people about homosexuality and the agenda that goes with it, and hence the need to recriminalize it is either loving or hateful, which is it?

Al, I see you peeking in, which is it?

I was probably wondering if you were becoming another Beloved57 aCW? Happy to talk away to himself in his own thread, I didn't want to interrupt.:nono:

Yet you're back "interrupting" once again Al.

Porno Pete however is apparently his own publicist seeking publicity in his own way perhaps. He obviously hates that part of himself that wants to be gay, as you do too I suspect. Someone without such feelings simply isn't likely to be bothered by what adult gay people may be consensually doing together in private.

Hence 2). The Christian himself is the very same thing that he is exposing (i.e. he's a closeted fag).

Pretending it is all a religiously inspired justifiable cause is such a crock aCW, used to paper over their own personal self-hatred and the hatred of gay people themselves who they clearly find so annoyingly desirable. Why, I've just had a pang of sympathy for both you and Porno Pete.:plain:

What can I say Al other than Porno Pete and I love the 'imaginary sky god' and His Word.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Hence: 1.) The information that the Christian uses is false, i.e. a bold faced lie.

Well, you do, not Christians in general. Perhaps you should stop doing it?

You act as if there is something wrong with engaging in homosexual behavior Art. Remember, I'm the liar and mentally ill person here that needs to be institutionalized, not people who engage in an absolutely filthy, yet changeable behavior that if not changed, will cause disease, misery and often times an early death.

Rather, and as I actually expressed, there's something wrong with inventing lurid innuendo about other posters. You're certainly a liar and having some form of mental illness would hardly be any major surprise on your part either, nor would it be any surprise if you were in the closet.

How many times have you 'left' this thread now Art, a dozen? Your 'contribution' is always welcome, as I need a good laugh on a regular basis.

Eh, if there's one person around here who could do with a proper laugh and something resembling a life it would be you. I flit in and out of your ego blog as and when I feel like it doofus.

On that note, I'll let you get back to a likely witless retort and a myriad cut 'n' pastes scoured from the net.



New member
Al, I see you peeking in, which is it?

Yet you're back "interrupting" once again Al.
It would have been very rude of me not to say something after you'd seen me peeking and were apparently in need of my participation.

Hence 2). The Christian himself is the very same thing that he is exposing (i.e. he's a closeted fag).
You saying it doesn't mean it isn't nevertheless true aCW, why not come clean, you'd feel so much better I'm sure. ;)

What can I say Al other than Porno Pete and I love the 'imaginary sky god' and His Word.
You two sure seem to have so much in common. :think:
People might say you're love?
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I never DID think I was responsible for keeping this thread open.
Only for keeping TOL members posting on it. :AMR1:

While your love for "Humasexual" Morrissey is downright creepy, finding out about your other idols (the atheist/homosexual Fredrich Nietzche, the homosexual who is your supposed "relative" and the subject of your avatar Arthur Rimbaud, and the Nazi youth group the "Traditionalist Youth Network", to name three) has been quite educational GFR7.

If you leave, what will the thread do without profound statements like:

You may be on to something.......... you just may


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
The thread will continue with or without your participation. Many have given up on posting in this thread because...

It's boring, repetitious and self-serving. Also, you are just not a pleasant person.

Being that the information provided has talked a lot about the indoctrination and often times physical molestation of innocent children, that says a lot about the person that ignores such information.

Perhaps you could contribute to the thread by telling us how the candidate that you voted for in the two previous elections is doing such a fine job for America, specifically unborn babies?



Have you ever encountered another person who spends this much time looking at "gay" stuff?

I've never run across so many people that defend such a filthy behavior that has a child molesting agenda, yet claim to be practicing heterosexuals.

It's as if you guys are ashamed of what you defend Caledvwich (with an "i"), why is that?


New member
While your love for "Humasexual" Morrissey is downright creepy, finding out about your other idols (the atheist/homosexual Fredrich Nietzche, the homosexual who is your supposed "relative" and the subject of your avatar Arthur Rimbaud, and the Nazi youth group the "Traditionalist Youth Network", to name three) has been quite educational GFR7.

If you leave, what will the thread do without profound statements like:

Fie on you.


Hall of Fame
Being that the information provided has talked a lot about the indoctrination and often times physical molestation of innocent children, that says a lot about the person that ignores such information.

It's only in your mind that other people ignore the victimization of innocent children.


I was just in another thread where a bunch of pagans and atheists were promoting pro homosexual, pro recreational drug legalization Libertarian Rand Paul for the GOP's Presidential nominee.

While talking to a gentleman over the phone the other night that was promoting his candidate for the upcoming election, I stated to him that:

"If the Republican Party wants my vote now and in the future, they better put an emphasis on social conservative values: pro life, pro traditional family".

As it was the candidate that he was representing had attended a traditional marriage meeting with me before the sodomites redefined marriage here in Washington State, so I knew that he is a Christian with strong values.

I can't emphasis enough that we have to tell those in the Republican Party that they'll lose our vote if they don't promote strong traditional values, as I see the Libertarian faction (i.e. Rand Paul) attempting to take over a political party that once had Godly values.

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
Being that the information provided has talked a lot about the indoctrination and often times physical molestation of innocent children, that says a lot about the person that ignores such information.

It's only in your mind that other people ignore the victimization of innocent children.

Based on your post I can only assume that you see nothing wrong with teaching children that homosexuality is perfectly normal?

BTW, I missed your comment about B. Hussein Obama and the great things he's done for our country.


Hall of Fame
Based on your post I can only assume that you see nothing wrong with teaching children that homosexuality is perfectly normal?

You assume many things that are not based on reality.

Children should be taught to not bully one another and to be kind. Teaching morality is the parent's job.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior:

Based on your post I can only assume that you see nothing wrong with teaching children that homosexuality is perfectly normal?

You assume many things that are not based on reality.

Children should be taught to not bully one another and to be kind. Teaching morality is the parent's job.

Assuming that you believe that Churches and other institutions (such as youth mentor groups) should be neutral when it comes to teaching morals to children and that the parents of children should be the only ones teaching them right from wrong, I can only assume that you see nothing wrong with parents teaching their children that homosexuality is perfectly normal?

BTW, I missed your comment about B. Hussein Obama and the great things he's done for our country.
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