Treating Homosexuals Differently at Home and Church

Frayed Knot

New member
chatmaggot, I don't believe that I ever said that I have any authority over your actions.

What I said was that danoman31's actions are vile, and yes, of course that's my opinion.

Did you have a point?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
chatmaggot, I don't believe that I ever said that I have any authority over your actions.

What I said was that danoman31's actions are vile, and yes, of course that's my opinion.

Did you have a point?

Who cares if you think danoman31's actions are vile? Because you believe danoman's actions are vile...should he change his actions so that you no longer consider them vile?

You thinking that danoman31's actions are vile is no different that danoman31 thinking that the actions of a homosexual are vile.

One opinion verses another.


So your religion dictates how you treat other human beings ... nice to know!
So I guess my question to you is just "how" do you think I treat homos? I treat them better than you do, at least I care enough to let them know their destiny. But you'd have to believe what God says about homosexuality and that requires you to believe in God. I'm waiting.


New member
So I guess my question to you is just "how" do you think I treat homos? I treat them better than you do, at least I care enough to let them know their destiny. But you'd have to believe what God says about homosexuality and that requires you to believe in God. I'm waiting.

While I'm sure it's your honest intention to warn them, it still requires that you believe they deserve eternal torment, which I wouldn't say even of my worst enemy. So if we're going by my scale of "what people I dislike deserve", your stance on them seems pretty extreme.

The Barbarian

Barbarian chuckles:
Actually, if he carried on like that, it wouldn't be entirely surprising if any female he approached told him she was a lesbian.

OK, now I get it. You're just stupid.

Well, you know how stupid barbarians are.

Sounds like you're speaking from experience.

When I was 18, that did happen to me. In a bar. I was at a table with a group of other students, and I asked a girl to dance. She said, "I'm a lesbian."

I just told her I was sorry to hear about all the trouble in Beirut, and let it go.

The Barbarian

So your religion dictates how you treat other human beings ... nice to know!

Jesus treated sinners with kindness and rebuked those who were stubborn and persisted in their evil. He didn't spend a lot of time on the evils of homosexuals; none at all documented in Scripture.

It's always instructive how these guys obsess on a sin that seems to be way down on the list of sins God finds offensive. At very least, it would seem that they would be more concerned about sins that God spent a lot of scripture warning us about, if it's God's word that's motivating them.



Well-known member
So I guess my question to you is just "how" do you think I treat homos? I treat them better than you do, at least I care enough to let them know their destiny.

Do you still sin from time-to-time? Yes or no.

If you still sin on occasion, what is your destiny?

If a homosexual commits homosexual acts on occasion, what is his destiny?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
It's always instructive how these guys obsess on a sin that seems to be way down on the list of sins God finds offensive. At very least, it would seem that they would be more concerned about sins that God spent a lot of scripture warning us about, if it's God's word that's motivating them.


(1) What other sin did God destroy cities over by reigning fire from heaven?

(2) As per our discussion in the other thread...people will "explain away" those things in scripture that they don't agree with...such as you not thinking that homosexuality is not "that bad" of a sin to be concerned about.


Well-known member
(1) What other sin did God destroy cities over by reigning fire from heaven?

Eze 16:49 Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.

(2) As per our discussion in the other thread...people will "explain away" those things in scripture that they don't agree with...such as you not thinking that homosexuality is not "that bad" of a sin to be concerned about.

How does consensual homosexuality violate Matthew 7:12?


Well-known member
... though God does not require the 100% excommunication of an unrepentant adulterer or homosexual as He does for within the church proper.

It's clear that Bob thinks unrepentant adulterers or homosexuals are not saved. Please correct me if I am wrong.

What is not clear now is what Bob means by repentance, seeing that he doesn't believe it is completely ceasing from sin (or maybe he does). :idunno:

Could Bob please provide a list of sins that he believes, if they are committed from time-to-time by a person, requires "excommunication" of that person from Christ's Body?


Actually, I said vileness of theistic morality as in morality derived from God and for God. Often it tends to be the more potent in the open justification for atrocity and the most sanctimonious when it does so.

I don't have much tolerance for beliefs that openly call for the open persecution and/or isolation of groups of people. You have apparently mistaken me for someone non judgmental.

Yeah, pretty much. At least on this issue. I say that even as I don't accept absolutes in morality.

I sense sarcasm, but what you say is true. People who do advocate wicked and nasty things towards other people are nasty. Why would you disagree with that or say it sarcastically?

I am sure you do. You are free to keep doing so. Just remember that it comes across as openly ignorant and insulting and therefore people will look upon you on contempt for trying it.

What "price to be paid" are you talking about here? It is one thing to suggest that homosexuals should receive response in an afterlife but another thing all together to suggest that they should receive punishment for it now by other humans. I am not sure which you are advocating.

Which is why you have no morality. You have distorted both moral and immoral to mean nothing more than obedience and disobedience respectively. You only care only for the interests and desires of your dictator at humanity's expense. You literally see humanity as nothing more than a tool and an objective for God. This can be in no uncertain terms be described as openly anti-social and perpetually servile at the highest level. You want that, you're welcome but you can expect people who value personal liberty to view you in complete contempt for your posturing and spokesperson mentality in defending a supreme dictator.

It isn't hard to be nicer than a being that would mete out eternal torture for not believing in him, or for being born imperfectly.

It wasn't a very good sacrifice, considering as he's still around according to you. Not to mention it wasn't even required. Being a supreme omniscient being he could have just established universalism without the need for dramatic story.

In addition, according to you not all will even have eternal life. Apparently not recognising the sacrifice by God's son is enough to condemn one to eternal torture. So that means that anyone who simply does not believe in God and therefore rejects the sacrifice is according to you destined to eternal torment. This is shameful and disgusting and punishes people for intellectual honesty.

This is disgusting and indicative of a warped and disorientated morality. You think it more moral that parents disown homosexual children than keep them and assist them. I can add nothing more disgusting to what you've already said there.

Actually, my parents disowning me for a free choice or a conviction would not bring me into shame it would only lead me to sadness regarding their bigotry and would fuel me with more conviction to live my life as I chose and fuel me with more conviction to not be manipulated or controlled by others who felt they had more right to my choices than me.

Whatever this means. I listen to perverse music according to many. 'Perverse' is a term I have long discarded as something to be scared of.

[citation needed]

You are so astonishingly arrogant that you claim to have knowledge over the thought process of all parents that disagree with you.

Yes they do. This is disgusting. They do care about their child's welfare but they simply don't see homosexuality as contrary to their child's welfare. The fact that you don't understand that glaringly obvious point I was making and instead decided to make a sweeping and ignorant slur against all atheist parents says it all. If your point was even remotely true we would see mass social breakdown amongst the youth in countries such as Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland which hold an extremely high atheistic and/or non-religious population.

Right, but it is abnormal. It isn't usual. It is exactly as you claimed regarding homosexuality.

The God you believe in is totalitarian. There is no privacy with him. He is according to you always watching us. He is knows what we think and here's the definition of totalitarianism can judge us for what we think: thought-crime. This kind of thing attempted by humanity is seen as outright evil and yet it is seen as righteous or perfection when done by God.

They obviously won't be very friendly towards you after you've made all manner of insults towards them but beforehand, on the knowledge of you being a Christian: How can you know that they will be inherently intolerant towards you?

Ignoring of course, the many Christian homosexuals out there.

I don't believe that your rule book is even a rule book. Just a book.

You are presumably projecting your attributes of God here. You believe God knows everything including what people think and you seem to think you have the same power here.

How do you even pretend to know what I'm thinking on this topic? Why don't you stop acting so arrogant and actually ask me what I think rather than presuming to know what I think.

Do you think a moral person would think it considerate to make snide comments to those who he thinks will burn forever?

Whew!!! First off let me apologize for not knowing how to use the quote tools properly. Patience will be needed.

OK #1 You claim to be an atheist so I now know why you've answered the way you have. Makes it pointless to go any further but I'll persevere.

#2 Of course you wouldn't tolerate my beliefs, you think I'm foolish to believe a myth. Your so called morals trump mine anyday of the week because your morals change. You have no compass, ergo you are lost.
#3 Yup there are no such things absolutes, you my friend are ABSOLUTELY correct.:rolleyes:
#4 What? I'm confused. You seem to agree with me but just a moment ago you didn't. Ah,
you must be a woman. (sorry to all the other woman here, long story)
#5Openly arrogant/ignorant to who? You and those that agree with you? So be it, that I can live with. You almost hurt my feelings.
#6Again you'd have to accept Jesus as your saviour to understand what price homos will pay. I'm advocating that a homo can escape the torment of Hell if he'll make the right choice. I know I know what choice is there if there is no God. Sigh.
#7Yup God is one tough dictator. Obey Him or suffer in Hell for eternity. Yup you're absolutely right, oops forgot there are no absolutes. See, atheists are so....atheistic, eoouu, yuck. Wonder why anyone would want to obey such an arrogant being that was created by man. Why would man conjure up such a being in the first place. Hmm???
#8 Well then can I worship you since you're soo much more tolerant and forgiving. All hail Skavau. You just don't get the Message do you.
#9Guess what? You'll get to be intelectually honest FOREVER. Where would you like to spend it? Darn, keep forgetting your a non-believer. Nevertheless, you will be a believer in the end, and not because I say so. How's that for arrogance and ignorance. I got plenty more.
#10So lets say hypothetically your adult child was arrested for molesting a child and he showed no remorse, regret, shame for what he did and admits that he will continue to commit such acts. You would still embrace him in your loving arms and welcome him in your home which at times host your grandchildren? If so then you my friend are more disgusting than I could ever be. I know I know not all homos are pedophiles, close enough for me.
#11Now you know how Jesus felt when he was "disowned" by his own people. He too was sad.
#12 You know exactly what I mean by perverse. Defining it away won't help/save you.
#13Citation OK but you won't like it. Ready here it comes........The Bible. See I knew you would hate it. Oh you want a validating view from man's perspective. Well then you're right and I'm wrong you win. Man knows more about this kind of stuff than our Creator scince our Creator is a myth.
#14 Well thank you very much. NO parent has ever wished their child to grow up to be a homo. NONE have EVER said Gee honey our child is so wonderful and beautiful, wonder what he/she will be when they grow up. Oh baby I hope he/she at least will be a homosexual. NONE have EVER jumped to joy upon hearing their child is gay, conversely you could reply that none have said they hope he's hetero, or that they rejoiced upon hearing their child is heterosexual, you'd be correct for the most part. Mostly they would be thankful. Longshot here but I suspect that you are gay. If so then imagine how your parents felt/feel. You have saddened them by the choice you made. You accuse them of bigotry and interlorance. Which saddens them even more and then eventually it may anger them to be accused of such wickedness. They want to love you as you are but you have made it difficult for them. They try REAL hard to show their love but inside they anguish. Or your parents may be like me and no longer want you around. Both are sad situations. If my son were gay I'd do exactly as I said I would, and yes I'd be sad that I lost my son and I would want him back deeply, but unless he changes his mind I can't /won't have him around the family. Find God find salvation get the family back.
#15Christian homos? Yeah right. Christian murders, Christian adulterers, Christian polygamists, Christian rapists, Christian thiefs, any one else I left out?
#16 A book, right. I keep forgetting, sorry. OK enough is enough. Debating a fool is foolish. Hey wait a sec..... oh well.:bang:


Actually, I said vileness of theistic morality as in morality derived from God and for God. Often it tends to be the more potent in the open justification for atrocity and the most sanctimonious when it does so.

I don't have much tolerance for beliefs that openly call for the open persecution and/or isolation of groups of people. You have apparently mistaken me for someone non judgmental.

Yeah, pretty much. At least on this issue. I say that even as I don't accept absolutes in morality.

I sense sarcasm, but what you say is true. People who do advocate wicked and nasty things towards other people are nasty. Why would you disagree with that or say it sarcastically?

I am sure you do. You are free to keep doing so. Just remember that it comes across as openly ignorant and insulting and therefore people will look upon you on contempt for trying it.

What "price to be paid" are you talking about here? It is one thing to suggest that homosexuals should receive response in an afterlife but another thing all together to suggest that they should receive punishment for it now by other humans. I am not sure which you are advocating.

Which is why you have no morality. You have distorted both moral and immoral to mean nothing more than obedience and disobedience respectively. You only care only for the interests and desires of your dictator at humanity's expense. You literally see humanity as nothing more than a tool and an objective for God. This can be in no uncertain terms be described as openly anti-social and perpetually servile at the highest level. You want that, you're welcome but you can expect people who value personal liberty to view you in complete contempt for your posturing and spokesperson mentality in defending a supreme dictator.

It isn't hard to be nicer than a being that would mete out eternal torture for not believing in him, or for being born imperfectly.

It wasn't a very good sacrifice, considering as he's still around according to you. Not to mention it wasn't even required. Being a supreme omniscient being he could have just established universalism without the need for dramatic story.

In addition, according to you not all will even have eternal life. Apparently not recognising the sacrifice by God's son is enough to condemn one to eternal torture. So that means that anyone who simply does not believe in God and therefore rejects the sacrifice is according to you destined to eternal torment. This is shameful and disgusting and punishes people for intellectual honesty.

This is disgusting and indicative of a warped and disorientated morality. You think it more moral that parents disown homosexual children than keep them and assist them. I can add nothing more disgusting to what you've already said there.

Actually, my parents disowning me for a free choice or a conviction would not bring me into shame it would only lead me to sadness regarding their bigotry and would fuel me with more conviction to live my life as I chose and fuel me with more conviction to not be manipulated or controlled by others who felt they had more right to my choices than me.

Whatever this means. I listen to perverse music according to many. 'Perverse' is a term I have long discarded as something to be scared of.

[citation needed]

You are so astonishingly arrogant that you claim to have knowledge over the thought process of all parents that disagree with you.

Yes they do. This is disgusting. They do care about their child's welfare but they simply don't see homosexuality as contrary to their child's welfare. The fact that you don't understand that glaringly obvious point I was making and instead decided to make a sweeping and ignorant slur against all atheist parents says it all. If your point was even remotely true we would see mass social breakdown amongst the youth in countries such as Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland which hold an extremely high atheistic and/or non-religious population.

Right, but it is abnormal. It isn't usual. It is exactly as you claimed regarding homosexuality.

The God you believe in is totalitarian. There is no privacy with him. He is according to you always watching us. He is knows what we think and here's the definition of totalitarianism can judge us for what we think: thought-crime. This kind of thing attempted by humanity is seen as outright evil and yet it is seen as righteous or perfection when done by God.

They obviously won't be very friendly towards you after you've made all manner of insults towards them but beforehand, on the knowledge of you being a Christian: How can you know that they will be inherently intolerant towards you?

Ignoring of course, the many Christian homosexuals out there.

I don't believe that your rule book is even a rule book. Just a book.

You are presumably projecting your attributes of God here. You believe God knows everything including what people think and you seem to think you have the same power here.

How do you even pretend to know what I'm thinking on this topic? Why don't you stop acting so arrogant and actually ask me what I think rather than presuming to know what I think.

Do you think a moral person would think it considerate to make snide comments to those who he thinks will burn forever?

Whew!!! First off let me apologize for not knowing how to use the quote tools properly. Patience will be needed.

OK #1 You claim to be an atheist so I now know why you've answered the way you have. Makes it pointless to go any further but I'll persevere.

#2 Of course you wouldn't tolerate my beliefs, you think I'm foolish to believe a myth. Your so called morals trump mine anyday of the week because your morals change. You have no compass, ergo you are lost.
#3 Yup there are no such things absolutes, you my friend are ABSOLUTELY correct.:rolleyes:
#4 What? I'm confused. You seem to agree with me but just a moment ago you didn't. Ah,
you must be a woman. (sorry to all the other woman here, long story)
#5Openly arrogant/ignorant to who? You and those that agree with you? So be it, that I can live with. You almost hurt my feelings.
#6Again you'd have to accept Jesus as your saviour to understand what price homos will pay. I'm advocating that a homo can escape the torment of Hell if he'll make the right choice. I know I know what choice is there if there is no God. Sigh.
#7Yup God is one tough dictator. Obey Him or suffer in Hell for eternity. Yup you're absolutely right, oops forgot there are no absolutes. See, atheists are so....atheistic, eoouu, yuck. Wonder why anyone would want to obey such an arrogant being that was created by man. Why would man conjure up such a being in the first place. Hmm???
#8 Well then can I worship you since you're soo much more tolerant and forgiving. All hail Skavau. You just don't get the Message do you.
#9Guess what? You'll get to be intelectually honest FOREVER. Where would you like to spend it? Darn, keep forgetting your a non-believer. Nevertheless, you will be a believer in the end, and not because I say so. How's that for arrogance and ignorance. I got plenty more.
#10So lets say hypothetically your adult child was arrested for molesting a child and he showed no remorse, regret, shame for what he did and admits that he will continue to commit such acts. You would still embrace him in your loving arms and welcome him in your home which at times host your grandchildren? If so then you my friend are more disgusting than I could ever be. I know I know not all homos are pedophiles, close enough for me.
#11Now you know how Jesus felt when he was "disowned" by his own people. He too was sad.
#12 You know exactly what I mean by perverse. Defining it away won't help/save you.
#13Citation OK but you won't like it. Ready here it comes........The Bible. See I knew you would hate it. Oh you want a validating view from man's perspective. Well then you're right and I'm wrong you win. Man knows more about this kind of stuff than our Creator since our Creator is a myth.
#14 Well thank you very much. NO parent has ever wished their child to grow up to be a homo. NONE have EVER said Gee honey our child is so wonderful and beautiful, wonder what he/she will be when they grow up. Oh baby I hope he/she at least will be a homosexual. NONE have EVER jumped to joy upon hearing their child is gay, conversely you could reply that none have said they hope he's hetero, or that they rejoiced upon hearing their child is heterosexual, you'd be correct for the most part. Mostly they would be thankful. Longshot here but I suspect that you are gay. If so then imagine how your parents felt/feel. You have saddened them by the choice you made. You accuse them of bigotry and interlorance. Which saddens them even more and then eventually it may anger them to be accused of such wickedness. They want to love you as you are but you have made it difficult for them. They try REAL hard to show their love but inside they anguish. Or your parents may be like me and no longer want you around. Both are sad situations. If my son were gay I'd do exactly as I said I would, and yes I'd be sad that I lost my son and I would want him back deeply, but unless he changes his mind I can't /won't have him around the family. Find God find salvation get the family back.
#15Christian homos? Yeah right. Christian murders, Christian adulterers, Christian polygamists, Christian rapists, Christian thiefs, any one else I left out?
#16 A book, right. I keep forgetting, sorry. OK enough is enough. Debating a fool is foolish. Hey wait a sec..... that makes me a.... oh well.:bang:
Look, you are way smarter than me and you know much more than I do. You've been correct all this time and I was wrong. I renounce my faith because of you. Thank you. Plus that book is heavy, carrying it around all day. Do we atheists have a book or some sort of guide, you know so I can save all them "christians" from themselves. Nope? Well I see what I can do about that. Thanks again, all hail Skavau. (chorus of hails heard in the distance).


Same could said of the guards at Dachau. Nazis, Soviet Union, Saddam Hussein, et al. Shakespeare is your source for what, proof that I should be more tolerant of homos because they experience the same things I do. Of course they do. And they can experience eternal life with a loving God or eternal seperation from the same loving God. Pick one. Oh, again I keep forgetting you reject God, so you've already decided. Membership to our club is free, just thought you should know. You can cancel it at any time, just ask Zakath.

Your kind are a kin to the Nazis, Soviet Union, Saddam Hussein and such. I'm too decent of a human being to join such a club.

I hear the KKK is free to join as well, are you a member? They subscribe to the same values as you.


While I'm sure it's your honest intention to warn them, it still requires that you believe they deserve eternal torment, which I wouldn't say even of my worst enemy. So if we're going by my scale of "what people I dislike deserve", your stance on them seems pretty extreme.
Yup extreme it is, to you.Your worst enemy huh? So if a man raped your wife and molested your child, you'd allow him to live on. Where? For how long? Prison, well that's pretty cruel too don't you think. For how long? Life, well that's even better. So now he gets fed, sheltered, clothed, health care, conjugal visits, cable TV, a place toplay, a bed to sleep on. He gets to be somebody's "friend" or makes somebody his "friend". Perhaps get released due to overcrowding. (happened here in my town where a guy just released due to overcrowding went and killed 1 shot another and kidnapped a guy.). Oh Iknow, thats not the same thing as being a homo. God says it is, sorry. God is the Creator so He gets to make the rules. I like his rules. Actually only one rule now. But I digress


Do you still sin from time-to-time? Yes or no.

If you still sin on occasion, what is your destiny?

If a homosexual commits homosexual acts on occasion, what is his destiny?
Well of course the answer is yes, I'm not perfect but I am forgiven, past present and future. I'm no Saul and I certainly ain't no Mother Teresa. You?

I am saved, sealed and hopefully soon to be delivered. You?

Hell of course, duh. Come on man get with the program. You know this stuff already.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Treating Homosexuals Differently at Home and Church

This is the show from Tuesday August 2st, 2011.


* Debt Deal Doesn't Do It: According to the Congressional Budget Office, even if the long-term "cuts" imposed on future congresses, called for in this deal struck between the Republicans and Barack Obama, were strictly adhered to (which has never once happened in history), the CBO calculates that regardless, our National Debt would increase from $14 trillion to $19 trillion dollars. So much for balance budgets and actual significant cuts in the short term.

This is want gets me, stealing the country from the people. So much for democracy!:mmph:


Eze 16:49 Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.

How does consensual homosexuality violate Matthew 7:12?
Wow!!! you actually believe that verse allows for consensual homosexual acts? :dizzy:


New member
Yup extreme it is, to you.Your worst enemy huh? So if a man raped your wife and molested your child, you'd allow him to live on. Where? For how long? Prison, well that's pretty cruel too don't you think. For how long? Life, well that's even better. So now he gets fed, sheltered, clothed, health care, conjugal visits, cable TV, a place toplay, a bed to sleep on. He gets to be somebody's "friend" or makes somebody his "friend". Perhaps get released due to overcrowding. (happened here in my town where a guy just released due to overcrowding went and killed 1 shot another and kidnapped a guy.). Oh Iknow, thats not the same thing as being a homo. God says it is, sorry. God is the Creator so He gets to make the rules. I like his rules. Actually only one rule now. But I digress

Yes, you do digress. You may as well have just said, "God makes the rules." Assuming he really is the all-knowing, morally perfect creator some claim he is. A good test of that claim would be whether his rules make any sense... which takes us back to the start of the whole homosexuality debate.


Hall of Fame
So I guess my question to you is just "how" do you think I treat homos?

Probably with the same amount, if not more, hatred that you have shown towards them on this thread.

I treat them better than you do,

Um no.

at least I care enough to let them know their destiny.

Surrreeee you do.

But you'd have to believe what God says about homosexuality and that requires you to believe in God. I'm waiting.

Finally, you have gotten ONE thing right. :thumb: