toldailytopic: Theistic evolution: best arguments for, or against.


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Well-known member
I know the word he was using. It's not a 'bad' word, the editor thingy on here just reads it like so.


If I said "The gulf stream can either be a tiger or a pussycat." I think you would still understand my meaning, right?


Well-known member
Don't understand what youre saying there, some of your letters are missing.


I fixed it. I left a space before the "cat" part the first time. Then I went back and edited it not realizing that I had to type over the stars to make it all OK.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Barbarian observes:If that were true, we would call the aurora borealis, "morning." But we don't. Words mean things, and if we redefine them to suit our needs, then all arguments can be made equally logical.Not without a Sun, you don't. By definition. That's why we don't call the Aurora "morning." It's a big light in the sky, but it's not the Sun.As you learned, the Hebrew word is used for various lengths of time, or even figurative things compared to time. So that won't work for you, either. Why not just accept it as it is?Except you couldn't find that part. Genesis does specifically deny life ex nihilo, but as you learned, that is what creationists (not all of them) are peddling. Nowhere does it explicitly deny evolution.
The Bible does not explicitly deny evolution.Not one that you are capable of reading, apparently.You are not a literalist, then. So stop demanding that others be so.From your first post in this thread:I guess that claim has been shot full of holes!
Yowm can also mean a day from morning till evening - as the days in Genesis 1 are explicitly defined.

The sun causes the Northern Lights.

We don't call the moonrise "morning" either. Because we have an appropriate source of light by which to determine morning. Just as there is an appropriate source of light mentioned by God for the first three days. A light defined as "day". A light separated from the darkness. Add to this the assumption that the Earth was rotating and we have the bible clearly stating that the days of creation were in fact days of creation. Add to that the fact that Deuteronomy and Exodus also teach six days of creation and we have repetition. Add to that the fact that nowhere in the bible does it say the creation week was not six days and we have an uncontradicted account.

Six days of creation explicitly denies evolution.

Uh hello, you want to talk about intellectual capacity, or clairvoyance ? (youre not doing well in the intellect department and your mind reading gift has dried up so don't quit your day job)

I said nothing you attributed to me or even implied with my post therefore your wasted effort to pigeonhole me into your little box of a mind has failed and now you must be punished.

:darwinsm: Didn't take long for A4T to peg noguru.

The Barbarian

Yowm can also mean a day from morning till evening - as the days in Genesis 1 are explicitly defined.

The sun causes the Northern Lights.
We don't call the moonrise "morning" either. Because we have an appropriate source of light by which to determine morning.

Specifically, the Sun. Nothing else can produce a morning. That's how the word is used.

Just as there is an appropriate source of light mentioned by God for the first three days. A light defined as "day". A light separated from the darkness. Add to this the assumption that the Earth was rotating and we have the bible clearly stating that the days of creation were in fact days of creation.

If you have to redefine words and make unscriptural assumptions to make your new religion work, that's a pretty good tip-off that it's faulty.

Add to that the fact that Deuteronomy and Exodus also teach six days of creation and we have repetition.

I'd be open to your evidence that an allegory mention in those two books changes it to a literal history. Show us.

Add to that the fact that nowhere in the bible does it say the creation week was not six days and we have an uncontradicted account.

If you redefine words, and assume that "yom" means only what you want it to mean. Otherwise, the whole story falls apart.

Six days of creation explicitly denies evolution.

Only if we redefine words and accept your unorthodox re-interpretation.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Yowm can also mean a day from morning till evening - as the days in Genesis 1 are explicitly defined. The sun causes the Northern Lights.Specifically, the Sun. Nothing else can produce a morning. That's how the word is used. If you have to redefine words and make unscriptural assumptions to make your new religion work, that's a pretty good tip-off that it's faulty.If you redefine words, and assume that "yom" means only what you want it to mean. Otherwise, the whole story falls apart.Only if we redefine words and accept your unorthodox re-interpretation.
Except for before the sun was created. There were evenings and mornings then, too. Must have been caused by the light God created before He created the sun.

Or at least, that's what the bible plainly teaches.

Nobody is redefining anything. That's just you being incredibly arrogant and ungracious.

I'd be open to your evidence that an allegory mention in those two books changes it to a literal history. Show us.
I don't have any. That's what happens when you attack a straw man. The guy you're pretending to attack doesn't have a comeback. That makes it look like you've won. It's a cheap and dishonest way of trying to earn yourself points.

But if you were interested in honest debate you would present your reasons for believing the law was only allegorical in nature and show why it could not also be historical.

That would be a refreshing change. :thumb:

The Barbarian

Yowm can also mean a day from morning till evening - as the days in Genesis 1 are explicitly defined.

But, of course, they aren't so explicitly defined. You've merely redefined the word to mean only what you want it to be. That's why it's so easy to counter your argument.

Except for before the sun was created. There were evenings and mornings then, too. Must have been caused by the light God created before He created the sun.

More "must have been", from the Bible improver.

Nobody is redefining anything.

You redefined "morning and evening." Do you think no one noticed?

Barbarian suggests:
I'd be open to your evidence that an allegory mention in those two books changes it to a literal history. Show us.

I don't have any. That's what happens when you attack a straw man.

So an allegory in Genesis is still an allegory in Exodus. And your argument falls apart.

But if you were interested in honest debate you would present your reasons for believing the law was only allegorical in nature

So your argument is that real laws can't cite an allegory? Show us that.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
But, of course, they aren't so explicitly defined. You've merely redefined the word to mean only what you want it to be. That's why it's so easy to counter your argument.More "must have been", from the Bible improver.You redefined "morning and evening." Do you think no one noticed?
Fortunately that is something we can all read for ourselves. :thumb:
Barbarian suggests:I'd be open to your evidence that an allegory mention in those two books changes it to a literal history. Show us.So an allegory in Genesis is still an allegory in Exodus. And your argument falls apart.So your argument is that real laws can't cite an allegory? Show us that.
Fortunately we can all look up the law in Exodus and Deuteronomy for ourselves.

All three passages explicitly inform of six days with evenings and mornings.

And the stupidity of your "argument" is easily exposed when we note that the sun did exist for the three days when all the animals were created. Kinda eliminates all pretense for your precious evolution being left as an option in the bible. :chuckle:

The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
But, of course, they aren't so explicitly defined. You've merely redefined the word to mean only what you want it to be. That's why it's so easy to counter your argument.More "must have been", from the Bible improver.You redefined "morning and evening." Do you think no one noticed?

Fortunately that is something we can all read for ourselves.

Hardly anyone is unclear as to what happens in the morning or the evening. Which is why you want so badly to redefine those words.

Barbarian observes::
I'd be open to your evidence that an allegory mention in those two books changes it to a literal history. Show us.

(Stipe declines to do it)

But if you were interested in honest debate you would present your reasons for believing the law was only allegorical in nature

Barbarian chuckles:
So your argument is that real laws can't cite an allegory? Show us that.

Fortunately we can all look up the law in Exodus and Deuteronomy for ourselves.

And as you might know, it doesn't say that, does it?

Stipe tries a bunny trail:
And the stupidity of your "argument" is easily exposed when we note that the sun did exist for the three days when all the animals were created.

So you're now conceding that the first couple of days were allegorical and the rest weren't? Seems unlikely, given that you have presented no reason for anyone to think so.

Kinda eliminates all pretense for your precious evolution being left as an option in the bible.

And Stipe, having failed to put together a cogent argument, tries a simple unsupported assertion.

Which is all he had to begin with. Nice try, Stipe.


New member
Hardly anyone is unclear as to what happens in the morning or the evening. Which is why you want so badly to redefine those words.
No one disputes what happens in the morning or the evening after God created the sun, moon, and stars on the fourth day.

You are the one disputing what happened prior to the fourth day, despite the clear words of the Bible which state there was morning and evening prior to the creation of the sun.

Either you believe God, or you need to be honest with yourself and declare yourself an agnostic.


New member
Which only points out the silliness of your belief in the oral tradition of shepherds as a basis to run your life.

Have you looked at what those shepherds were able to accomplish?
Until you are able to do the same, you wont be able to provide any justifiable basis for me to believe you over them.


New member
No, am unaware of shepherd accomplishments. Please enlighten me.
You should start in Genesis and read the Bible through to the end to find out.
One highlight is that the shepherds were able to walk out of Egypt with a lot of expensive gifts without the Egyptians being able to stop them.
Another highlight is that they established peace in the Middle East and were sought out for their wisdom.
Another highlight is that they migrated into all the nations of the earth and have been able to keep their cultural identity intact.
Another highlight is that they have regained their homeland after 2500 years of exile.

There are many more accomplishments listed in the Bible besides these ones.

If you have anything to match those accomplishments, let me know.


New member
You should start in Genesis and read the Bible through to the end to find out.
One highlight is that the shepherds were able to walk out of Egypt with a lot of expensive gifts without the Egyptians being able to stop them.
Another highlight is that they established peace in the Middle East and were sought out for their wisdom.
Another highlight is that they migrated into all the nations of the earth and have been able to keep their cultural identity intact.
Another highlight is that they have regained their homeland after 2500 years of exile.

There are many more accomplishments listed in the Bible besides these ones.

If you have anything to match those accomplishments, let me know.

Peace in the Middle East---yuk, yuk, yuk.
The Irish have also migrated to all the nations and kept a cultural identity intact.
The walk out of Egypt is another nice story.

Try again.