The Trinity

The Trinity

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God's Truth

New member
Does Jesus know how many hairs are on the boogeyman's head?

Oh wait, He can't know that, because the boogeyman isn't real, therefore there are no hairs to count.

Omniscient does not mean that God knows everything, as most people think. It means that God can know everything that He wants to know.

Otherwise you would be saying that God knows down to the nanosecond how long a kiddie pr0n video is, or all the details of what happened when a man raped a woman. God doesn't want to know that, and it would be sick to think that He does know it. Saying that God knows everything is putting God in a box.

Does not Scripture say that God will forget people's sin if they repent?

This, while a bit shaky, is an argument I can agree with.

God knows everything. Just because God allows some things to happen does not mean He does not know. There is hell and a lake of fire for a reason.


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God knows everything. Just because God allows some things to happen does not mean He does not know. There is hell and a lake of fire for a reason.
I'm not saying He doesn't know it happens, and I'm DEFINITELY NOT saying that He "allows" it to happen. I'm saying that doesn't have to know every detail about what is happening, which is what you are implying by saying God is omniscient.

I'm just telling you your definition of 'omniscient' is wrong. That's all.


Well-known member
Never said I was perfect, and surely never said I was Christ. I am but a warner and a bringer of good tidings to those who seek to do the Will of GOD alone.

No one seeks to do the Will of God until he believes the Gospel of Grace, and afterward the love of God has been shed abroad on his heart by the Holy Spirit, so what, exactly, are the "good tidings" that you claim to bring? I hope it's that we are God's workmanship, and our own efforts are but poor substitutes and not worth boasting over.

My understanding and gift of discernment of the Word and the spirit of man was freely given to me. If I'm lying show a single verse that I have misunderstood. Actually produce it here.

I'll wait.

Your "understanding" is faulty in that you don't know Jesus is LORD and GOD. So, who gave you this supposed understanding and "discernment"?

I'll wait.


Well-known member
If one claims there own perfection it is a sure sign of their corruption.

The truth hurts sometimes.

Deal with the scripture, because that is where it is from.

I do not deny that those in Christ are made perfect.

I read the scripture within context and don't object to any of it, but am left wondering what your point was exactly.

Then, clearly, you should be able to understand that some might speak of their own perfection as an affirmation of the scripture. Just as some of us refer to ourselves as Saints...because Paul does, and thus we are.

God's Truth

New member
I'm not saying He doesn't know it happens, and I'm DEFINITELY NOT saying that He "allows" it to happen. I'm saying that doesn't have to know every detail about what is happening, which is what you are implying by saying God is omniscient.

I'm just telling you your definition of 'omniscient' is wrong. That's all.

Sounds as if you are changing it up as you go along.

God knows everything at all times.

He knows the number of hairs on your head and the freckles on your arm.
He is all around us.
He knows when a bird dies.
What do you mean He doesn't know everything?

Could you give scripture proving God does not know everything?


New member
No one seeks to do the Will of God until he believes the Gospel of Grace, and afterward the love of God has been shed abroad on his heart by the Holy Spirit, so what, exactly, are the "good tidings" that you claim to bring? I hope it's that we are God's workmanship, and our own efforts are but poor substitutes and not worth boasting over.

Your "understanding" is faulty in that you don't know Jesus is LORD and GOD. So, who gave you this supposed understanding and "discernment"?

I'll wait.
I agree with your first statement.

The Word of GOD is true and will stand forevermore. The judgement of GOD is both just and merciful. Depend on GOD alone and be sustained by the Spirit that is true life. Empty yourself of pride and desire and be filled with real life and truth in spirit.

I could go on and on.




New member
Then, clearly, you should be able to understand that some might speak of their own perfection as an affirmation of the scripture. Just as some of us refer to ourselves as Saints...because Paul does, and thus we are.

You, being a faither, should grasp that we aren't to boast. Our boasting is in the Lord and GOD. Paul calls himself a fool and the cheafest of sinners. Jesus spoke only what the Father gave Him to speak, and specifically told people not to mention him, who he was, or the miraculous works he did by the will of GOD.

Why would one loudly proclaim their salvation to man, but for show; as if GOD doesn't know, or as if it is a help to the afflicted to be condemned by those who call themselves Christ. Christ is merciful and was utterly humble, a help, the way, a guidance, and not burdensome.


New member
I have only defended myself from your attacks.
That is just too rich. What is sad is your inability to forgive; even if you do wrongly accuse and judge and condemn and lie.

I am always ready to move on. It isn't contingent upon your admittance of guilt either, just an eagerness for actual truth, which is so far from you that you can't even spot it, evidently.

I hope it changes though.

God's Truth

New member

You, being a faither, should grasp that we aren't to boast. Our boasting is in the Lord and GOD. Paul calls himself a fool and the cheafest of sinners.
I can hardly wait for glory to straighten you out on that one.

Paul did not continue to do the things that qualified himself to be a chief sinner after he was saved.

Jesus spoke only what the Father gave Him to speak, and specifically told people not to mention him, who he was, or the miraculous works he did by the will of GOD.

Did Jesus give the apostles the power to do miracles?

Why would one loudly proclaim their salvation to man, but for show;
There is your false pride again.

Is Paul bad for trying to make the Jews jealous?

Romans 11:14 in the hope that I may somehow arouse my own people to envy and save some of them.

You just can't stop trying to shame the saved.
as if GOD doesn't know, or as if it is a help to the afflicted to be condemned by those who call themselves Christ.
Why do you keep putting down the saved as if they call themselves 'Christ'?

God's Truth

New member
That is just too rich. What is sad is your inability to forgive; even if you do wrongly accuse and judge and condemn and lie.

I am always ready to move on. It isn't contingent upon your admittance of guilt either, just an eagerness for actual truth, which is so far from you that you can't even spot it, evidently.

I hope it changes though.

I don't think you can stop yourself.