The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

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In its brevity it shouts reality. One video has the sun deviating left, the other right.

What part do you think I play in the conspiracy?


I noticed that the sun moved left as well. But one short video does not make the whole case for either side. I have always said that both sides, flat vs globe, have good points. Flat earth has a small sun that is very close to the earth as opposed to the heliocentric model, but the flat earth also has to incorporate a "dome" and how that would affect the path of the sun, moon, and stars.

Neither you nor I are cosmology conspirators, we will become followers of one view or the other. I prefer to give a chance for both sides to prove their case. You and others would prefer not to even allow such a debate to take place but think of how bored you'd be today if I had not started this thread.

The paths of the sun, moon, and stars, are still an undecided matter for me.

The shadows, phases, and eclipses of the moon do not, for me at least so far, have anything to do with proving a globed earth. That the moon can be self illuminating just as the sun and stars are is more likely than not.

That we went to the moon six times without a glitch in a harsh environment and technology not equal to task screams fake. NASA is clearly Deep State.

That water is curved and not level and horizons are not straight and at eye level contradicts the reality of a flat earth where water seeks its own level and horizons are straight and not curved and at eye level. We need not be experts about this.

That the earth is flat and not moving or spinning from our view on earth and from our view from flights high in the sky contradicts what is viewed from NASA, the government agency that faked the moon landings.

Heliocentrics see curves and a spinning globe to explain the paths of large far away celestial bodies whereas flat earthers see small close celestial bodies moving over us in paths explained by distance and perspective.

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New member
I noticed that the sun moved left as well. But one short video does not make the whole case for either side.
The two videos together, one showing the sun veering north and the other showing it veering south at sunset in two different hemispheres completely debunks the flat earth all by itself.

Case closed. End of thread. Thanks for coming, and so forth.



The two videos together, one showing the sun veering north and the other showing it veering south at sunset in two different hemispheres completely debunks the flat earth all by itself.

Case closed. End of thread. Thanks for coming, and so forth.


If there was only one aspect to this debate, and only one short video was all the evidence we had, then you might be right but since it's not, the only thing that's finished is your participation with your one argument.



New member
If there was only one aspect to this debate, and only one short video was all the evidence we had, then you might be right but since it's not, the only thing that's finished is your participation with your one argument.
You mean with yet another conclusive argument, one of many.

Are you sitting comfortably?

How is that possible when the centre of gravitational attraction of the flat earth is sideways, to the north of you? Shouldn't you be sitting very uncomfortably?



You mean with yet another conclusive argument, one of many.

Are you sitting comfortably?

How is that possible when the centre of gravitational attraction of the flat earth is sideways, to the north of you? Shouldn't you be sitting very uncomfortably?


Are you trying to make another argument? I thought one was enough.



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
The earth is a globe because;


I'm not saying your wrong, but how do I know you, or anyone else, is correct about this? It seems to me the same would happen on a flat earth model. I could be wrong here, but at least I'm looking at this from both sides, so far, you are not.


Look, I literally cannot comprehend how it is possible for you not to be able to tell that these people are lying. That guy in that video was lying, David. He KNEW that was he was saying was a load of crap! Any amount of investigation into over exposed images will tell you and anyone else who cares to look, that over exposed images of stars (or suns) look fat. No chance at all that he didn't know that when he recorded that video - none!

And yes! The ONLY way for the Sunrise/Sunset to be vertical ONLY on the equinox AND only at the equator AND still have EVERYONE on the planet see the Sunrise/Sunset exactly due east/west of their location on the equinoxes, no matter where they live, is if the following things are true...

1. The Earth is a sphere.
2. The Earth orbits a very far away Sun.
3. The Earth is tilted on it's axis of rotation.

There is no scenario that can be derived with a flat Earth that explains what is observed on the equinoxes. On a flat Earth, you'd either have multiple days where the Sunrise/Sunset was vertical and/or it would occur in locations other than just at the equator. And there is no possible explanation for why everyone, everywhere sees the Sun rise due east and set due west of their location on the equinoxes, no matter where they are on the Earth. The fact that it ONLY ever happens on the Equinoxes is yet more proof that the Earth is not only not flat but that the Sun MUST be very very far away because it is absolute unassailable PROOF that sunlight arrives at the Earth in virtually perfect parallel lines.


P.S. Not time for proof reading. Sorry for any typos or repetitiveness.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
The lines drawn do not affect what you see in the video. The sun sets bottom first on a flat earth as well.


Given that the lines were drawn incorrectly, they very much effect what is seen in the video. The lines give the false impression that the sun is getting smaller since the lines were originally drawn at the edge of the lens flaring around the sun and not at the edge of the solar disk.

The cannot set from the bottom up on a flat Earth. It must fade to a point as there is no horizon for the sun to sink below. How could there be a horizon the sun goes behind on a flat, circular plane?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Given that the lines were drawn incorrectly, they very much effect what is seen in the video. The lines give the false impression that the sun is getting smaller since the lines were originally drawn at the edge of the lens flaring around the sun and not at the edge of the solar disk.

The cannot set from the bottom up on a flat Earth. It must fade to a point as there is no horizon for the sun to sink below. How could there be a horizon the sun goes behind on a flat, circular plane?

I never understood why they don't get around this obvious point by simply claiming that the Sun goes beneath the disk and comes back around in the morning. I guess maybe that would conflict with all their other "explanations" but it's not like being irrational ever stopped them before, so...



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
If there was only one aspect to this debate, and only one short video was all the evidence we had, then you might be right but since it's not, the only thing that's finished is your participation with your one argument.


Actually, this isn't correct. It is never necessary to debunk every argument made in favor of a particular position in order to disprove that position. All that is necessary is to prove one single point that makes the position rationally impossible.

Thus, Stuu makes a good point. All that is rationally left for flat-earthers to do is to say, "Oh, okay then. The earth isn't flat after all."

Not that they will do so, but what is proved is proved...

There is no way for the objects in the sky to rotate clockwise in one hemisphere and counter-clockwise in the other if the Earth is flat.

The objects in the sky do rotate clockwise in one hemisphere and counter-clockwise in the other.

Therefore, the Earth is not flat.

Case closed.



Actually, this isn't correct. It is never necessary to debunk every argument made in favor of a particular position in order to disprove that position. All that is necessary is to prove one single point that makes the position rationally impossible.

Thus, Stuu makes a good point. All that is rationally left for flat-earthers to do is to say, "Oh, okay then. The earth isn't flat after all."

Not that they will do so, but what is proved is proved...

There is no way for the objects in the sky to rotate clockwise in one hemisphere and counter-clockwise in the other if the Earth is flat.

The objects in the sky do rotate clockwise in one hemisphere and counter-clockwise in the other.

Therefore, the Earth is not flat.

Case closed.


There is a dome over flat earth and that is what determines how the heavenly bodies move over a flat earth. That the sun, moon, and stars are planets has been challenged. Electromagnetism is also a factor to consider.



Look, I literally cannot comprehend how it is possible for you not to be able to tell that these people are lying. That guy in that video was lying, David. He KNEW that was he was saying was a load of crap! Any amount of investigation into over exposed images will tell you and anyone else who cares to look, that over exposed images of stars (or suns) look fat. No chance at all that he didn't know that when he recorded that video - none!

And yes! The ONLY way for the Sunrise/Sunset to be vertical ONLY on the equinox AND only at the equator AND still have EVERYONE on the planet see the Sunrise/Sunset exactly due east/west of their location on the equinoxes, no matter where they live, is if the following things are true...

1. The Earth is a sphere.
2. The Earth orbits a very far away Sun.
3. The Earth is tilted on it's axis of rotation.

There is no scenario that can be derived with a flat Earth that explains what is observed on the equinoxes. On a flat Earth, you'd either have multiple days where the Sunrise/Sunset was vertical and/or it would occur in locations other than just at the equator. And there is no possible explanation for why everyone, everywhere sees the Sun rise due east and set due west of their location on the equinoxes, no matter where they are on the Earth. The fact that it ONLY ever happens on the Equinoxes is yet more proof that the Earth is not only not flat but that the Sun MUST be very very far away because it is absolute unassailable PROOF that sunlight arrives at the Earth in virtually perfect parallel lines.


P.S. Not time for proof reading. Sorry for any typos or repetitiveness.

View attachment 26300

Sun rays are never parallel. The one proof argument from the suns, etc. path just does not explain the whole earth. I just don't see that putting all my money on that one argument will win me the whole pot. It's a good argument, but there is just other arguments/facts that contradict this one.



Given that the lines were drawn incorrectly, they very much effect what is seen in the video. The lines give the false impression that the sun is getting smaller since the lines were originally drawn at the edge of the lens flaring around the sun and not at the edge of the solar disk.

The cannot set from the bottom up on a flat Earth. It must fade to a point as there is no horizon for the sun to sink below. How could there be a horizon the sun goes behind on a flat, circular plane?

The globe earth model denies;

1. the existence of perspective

2. horizons we cannot see beyond

3. a limited viewing distance

4. horizons at eye level

5. that water is level.

The study of art is the study of nature as it truly is.



View attachment 26300

Sun rays are never parallel. The one proof argument from the suns, etc. path just does not explain the whole earth. I just don't see that putting all my money on that one argument will win me the whole pot. It's a good argument, but there is just other arguments/facts that contradict the conclusion of this one.

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