Sessions met with Russian envoy 2X last year, encounters he later did not disclose!


like marbles on glass
Four questions about when senators meet with ambassadors

"It’s pretty heady for a member to be called by the Russian ambassador and have him say he wants to meet with you," Hamilton said. "You can be seduced into activities and conversations that are not helpful to the national security interests of the country. There are some risks to it."

To stay on the rails, Hamilton said, such meetings have to be handled carefully.
"You must make very, very clear that you are not a negotiator, and that you do not represent the administration -- you represent the Congress," Hamilton said. "Very careful notes should be kept of the meeting. The meeting should be as transparent as possible, with note takers on both sides. If everybody recognizes their appropriate role, I think such a meeting would be proper."
Openness is key, Madison said. "Disclosure is the holy grail in this town," he said.

Then why are the Sessions meetings so controversial?

Experts said the problem is not so much that Sessions met with the ambassador but rather that he was less than transparent about it during his Senate confirmation hearings. Even if it’s ultimately shown that he didn’t intentionally mislead the committee, they said, he didn’t make enough of an effort to meet the standard of full disclosure.
There was so much attention to Russian connections to the Trump campaign that "diligence would suggest you look at your calendar" and double-check records with your staff, Eoyang said.
Hamilton, for his part, called what Sessions did "a very serious matter" and suggested that one viable option would be to impanel an independent commission similar to the one he vice-chaired.
"The Russians were trying to influence our election system," he said. "This is no ordinary problem -- this is a big-time problem and we need to know what’s happening. Anyone who has been meeting as a member of Congress with the Russian ambassador during this period owes a complete explanation. I don’t want to make a judgment at this point, but it should clearly prompt an investigation into what happened."


New member

Twist it how you need to; Sessions' lie under oath was no different in tactic than Slick Willy's "I did NOT have sex with that woman..."

No different than Nixon's "I am NOT a crook."

Not surprisingly, Sessions has just announced his having recused himself from heading up the investigation.

I sincerely doubt, however, that will save him. Too little, too late.

The cheating spouse caught, only to attempt a back pedal; never having learned one cannot have one's cake...and eat it too.

Talk about a sting operation being conducted right under Trump's nose by the very intelligence agencies he and his cronies and his army of drones, would believe are incompetent.

You see, Trump; the very agencies you blame for your screw ups; are very competent after all.

And you are just seeing the tip of the iceberg.

The fool hasn't a clue in his ever blind Mr. Magoo narrow escapes from his own bungling; the world of men and women, better then he and his cronies ever were, he has bungled his way into having to face defeat in the hands of.

Soon Trump; you'll hear your own favorite words...

"You're fired..."

Whine away Trumpers. I feel for ya.

But things have to be this way - for all our good.

In advance memory then...

Of how that...

"All the kings horses,
and all the king's men,
could never put Trumpty;
together again..."

And if I was wrong.
We can't go wrong.

The CIC resident,
At last proven...
...our President.

What an amazing country.
What an amazing Constitution.
What an amazing sentry.


New member
Yep :thumb:


Four questions about when senators meet with ambassadors

"It’s pretty heady for a member to be called by the Russian ambassador and have him say he wants to meet with you," Hamilton said. "You can be seduced into activities and conversations that are not helpful to the national security interests of the country. There are some risks to it."

To stay on the rails, Hamilton said, such meetings have to be handled carefully.
"You must make very, very clear that you are not a negotiator, and that you do not represent the administration -- you represent the Congress," Hamilton said. "Very careful notes should be kept of the meeting. The meeting should be as transparent as possible, with note takers on both sides. If everybody recognizes their appropriate role, I think such a meeting would be proper."
Openness is key, Madison said. "Disclosure is the holy grail in this town," he said.

Then why are the Sessions meetings so controversial?

Experts said the problem is not so much that Sessions met with the ambassador but rather that he was less than transparent about it during his Senate confirmation hearings. Even if it’s ultimately shown that he didn’t intentionally mislead the committee, they said, he didn’t make enough of an effort to meet the standard of full disclosure.
There was so much attention to Russian connections to the Trump campaign that "diligence would suggest you look at your calendar" and double-check records with your staff, Eoyang said.
Hamilton, for his part, called what Sessions did "a very serious matter" and suggested that one viable option would be to impanel an independent commission similar to the one he vice-chaired.
"The Russians were trying to influence our election system," he said. "This is no ordinary problem -- this is a big-time problem and we need to know what’s happening. Anyone who has been meeting as a member of Congress with the Russian ambassador during this period owes a complete explanation. I don’t want to make a judgment at this point, but it should clearly prompt an investigation into what happened."

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Trump is so consumed with demonizing the intelligence community, media and judiciary as "enemies of the American people" that he has yet to send any meaningful legislation to Congress.

I just hope he doesn't rush anything. After all, I think that he would want to know what is in his legislation before it is passed, unlike the Democrats.

Nancy Pelosi: "But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy."

But by the time we found out what was in it Nancy says: "Too bad sucker! You can't keep your health plan and you can't keep your doctor."


Well-known member
Exactly what the Washington Post was accused of by the Nixon Administration and their lemmings, back when the WP first broke the Watergate Scandal.

And the fact is that Sessions is on video lying that he had no contact whatsoever with the Russians during the period in question.

Spin it the way the liar; his fellow cronies; and legion of lemmings now must; but said fact is his own admission during his confirmation hearing.

That's a false accusation. The question was not whether he had ever met with a Russian ambassador. You'd better put off those liberal talking points and try reading the actual content of the question and the answer. I'm ashamed of you, Danoh. I thought you were smarter than that.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Twist it how you need to; Sessions' lie under oath was no different in tactic than Slick Willy's "I did NOT have sex with that woman..."

He didn't! She had sex with him but he didn't have sex with her.

As he said, "It depends upon what the meaning of the word 'is' is!"

That explains it all.


New member
That's a false accusation. The question was not whether he had ever met with a Russian ambassador. You'd better put off those liberal talking points and try reading the actual content of the question and the answer. I'm ashamed of you, Danoh. I thought you were smarter than that.

Lol - "Frankly, Scarlett..."

Nah, but seriously, GD; if you truly feel the need to be ashamed of me for my above take on things...

Then please - feel free to; by all means.

In fact, feel free to not only at my expense - no charge - but on my dime.

For the fact of the matter, sis, is that you and I simply look at such things - each from an obviously different, perspective.

And as a result, we each see a different picture.

You want to call mine Liberal or some other label; well then have it, GD.

Plenty of OUR fighting men and women have died over the years, in their belief that they were fighting for each our right to not only see things from where we each do; but to each make of what we see; what we each make of it.

Should you take issue with any of this also; well then so be it.

Such is also each...our right.



Hillary rigs the election, still loses, and they go say Russia rigged it.

Because there's no way they could lose an election, right? They are just that superior and infallible :chuckle:

What caused this feverish, fanatical behavior of the Left- or have they always been this way and the past decade has simply revealed it :think:
These people are lunatics. You lost an election, grow up!


Well-known member
Reaction shot of Town Hole, Banana, et al.



It matters all the time.

I don't know if there's a politician out there who can be trusted.

:first: Anna gets it.
It's our duty as citizens to examine every move our elected employees make. Cynicism is healthy and honestly, patriotic.

Not when Obama was in office, it wasn't.

Trusted with what, upholding the Constitution of the United States and ruling in a moral and righteous manner?

No, the American voter can no longer be trusted to elect God-fearing men into office that will do the above. You three (one who voted for Hillary Clinton, another who voted for Libertarian Gary Johnson, and the 3rd who voted for Donald Trump), are living proof of that.


New member
When the Russians were still under the Old Soviet Union, they were our main enemy in the Cold War. They had a totalitarian government and a collectivist society and were very anti-Christian. But now in 2016-17 the Russians have changed and have removed themselves mostly from the Marxist Soviet Union Regime. They have also led in removing themselves mostly from the control of the Western ruling elite, called the New World Order, which George H.W. Daddy Bush proclaimed in his January 29, 1991 speech.

Now that the Russians are mostly free of the New World Order - and its co-opting of Transformational Marxism and the Radical Islamic movement - and are mostly a Christian nation, the American Leftist media wants to stir up a new cold war with Russia, if not a shooting war. And here on TOL some are using the talking points of that Leftist media to not only try to discredit Trump, but to demonize the Russia which is no longer Communist, but is more free of the New World Order than Europe and the U.S. - and is Christian.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Reaction shot of Town Hole, Banana, et al.
And that kids, is what someone does when reason fails them. Town Hole--and they said the right lacks humor, well score one for them. Tied in a bow with someone else's video, which goes nicely with someone else's thoughts, that being just about all you get from zealots of this particular caliber.

Here's hoping you didn't pull something reaching down for that one, must.

patrick jane


Hillary rigs the election, still loses, and they go say Russia rigged it.

Because there's no way they could lose an election, right? They are just that superior and infallible :chuckle:

What caused this feverish, fanatical behavior of the Left- or have they always been this way and the past decade has simply revealed it :think:
These people are lunatics. You lost an election, grow up!
The left is so desperate it's hilarious -


When the Russians were still under the Old Soviet Union, they were our main enemy in the Cold War. They had a totalitarian government and a collectivist society and were very anti-Christian. But now in 2016-17 the Russians have changed and have removed themselves mostly from the Marxist Soviet Union Regime. They have also led in removing themselves mostly from the control of the Western ruling elite, called the New World Order, which George H.W. Daddy Bush proclaimed in his January 29, 1991 speech.

Now that the Russians are mostly free of the New World Order - and its co-opting of Transformational Marxism and the Radical Islamic movement - and are mostly a Christian nation, the American Leftist media wants to stir up a new cold war with Russia, if not a shooting war. And here on TOL some are using the talking points of that Leftist media to not only try to discredit Trump, but to demonize the Russia which is no longer Communist, but is more free of the New World Order than Europe and the U.S. - and is Christian.

Ole but monologue wonder, the former head of the KGB runs the country. How do you explain that?

Last edited:

patrick jane

Four questions about when senators meet with ambassadors

"It’s pretty heady for a member to be called by the Russian ambassador and have him say he wants to meet with you," Hamilton said. "You can be seduced into activities and conversations that are not helpful to the national security interests of the country. There are some risks to it."

To stay on the rails, Hamilton said, such meetings have to be handled carefully.
"You must make very, very clear that you are not a negotiator, and that you do not represent the administration -- you represent the Congress," Hamilton said. "Very careful notes should be kept of the meeting. The meeting should be as transparent as possible, with note takers on both sides. If everybody recognizes their appropriate role, I think such a meeting would be proper."
Openness is key, Madison said. "Disclosure is the holy grail in this town," he said.

Then why are the Sessions meetings so controversial?

Experts said the problem is not so much that Sessions met with the ambassador but rather that he was less than transparent about it during his Senate confirmation hearings. Even if it’s ultimately shown that he didn’t intentionally mislead the committee, they said, he didn’t make enough of an effort to meet the standard of full disclosure.
There was so much attention to Russian connections to the Trump campaign that "diligence would suggest you look at your calendar" and double-check records with your staff, Eoyang said.
Hamilton, for his part, called what Sessions did "a very serious matter" and suggested that one viable option would be to impanel an independent commission similar to the one he vice-chaired.
"The Russians were trying to influence our election system," he said. "This is no ordinary problem -- this is a big-time problem and we need to know what’s happening. Anyone who has been meeting as a member of Congress with the Russian ambassador during this period owes a complete explanation. I don’t want to make a judgment at this point, but it should clearly prompt an investigation into what happened."

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The left is so desperate it's hilarious -
No, they're not desperate, they're angry and they'll keep making noise the way your crowd did for the previous eight. Instead of his citizenship the questions will regard his sanity. Instead of his faith it will be his character. And the band played on.

patrick jane

No, they're not desperate, they're angry and they'll keep making noise the way your crowd did for the previous eight. Instead of his citizenship the questions will regard his sanity. Instead of his faith it will be his character. And the band played on.
Trump's sanity is rock solid, beyond reproach. Sessions did nothing wrong and the Russians didn't make Hitlery lose the election.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Trump's sanity is rock solid, beyond reproach.
Does he have a certificate? Because the last president had a birth certificate and your guy kept asking the question.

Sessions did nothing wrong
I hope not. We have enough on our historical plate down here.

and the Russians didn't make Hitlery lose the election.
I don't know it that's true, given the margins in the states that made the difference and the impact of propaganda.