rep thread

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I posted all that she had written in this thread and there was no evidence of any attack against mainstream Christianity in it.
We just covered that. History. It's her method.

Hopefully, as Christians, we are always changing for the better.
I like that.

Not all believers are Catholic or Protestant.
They mostly are though and they, along with the Eastern Orthodox, share that commonality in foundation. A person who doesn't is starting another religion.

Not all believers accept or understand the doctrine of the Trinity and as to Yeshua's divinity, I have already stated here that no one who acknowledges Him to be the Son of God can possibly deny His divinity. It is part of His Sonship.
Let me reduce it then. Jesus Christ is God incarnate, not a man conferred with some divine power or seal. To believe other than this is to be a heretic within the orthodox Christian church. And that is the full understanding of every major part of the Protestant, Catholic and Eastern Orthodox tradition brought to bear.

You must keep telling yourself that but...
I did you the same editing favor. Look, I tell myself what I told you because it's the objective truth. You don't find or demonstrate fault in that by repeating your earlier declaration. To find fault you'd have to say something like:

You say X is so. Then you say B is so. X and B cannot both be so because..." thereafter illustrating the error in logic.

Or, "You say there is moral truth and you believe it. And you say there is a legal truth and you recognize it. Both those can't be true because...." supra.

But of course they can be true and are. Abortion is the law. I recognize that it is without compromising my faith or agreeing that it should be and without having the least confusion over the morality of the issue. It simply is the law. And I've set out the only reasonable course I feel will undo that law over time.

And I can recognize that homosexuals marrying are a legal necessity given the principle of our laws without agreeing to the morality of the proposition.

there is no law of man or truth that is above God's Law or Truth
Agreed. But our agreement doesn't control the law we live under in this compact.

and we have no business relating to any law that puts itself over God's Law or Truth in any way other than God would relate to it.
Recognizing what is doesn't violate the laws of God. Now if I argued that abortion or homosexual marriage weren't sin and were, instead, good, you'd have a point.

Are you sure? You do seem to be mixing them up
Simply untrue, which is why you offer a subjective valuation instead of pointing out words, phrases and points that actually do that.

Also, we don't make our own statements regarding morality because God has already made them for us.
That's the silliest thing you've ever said. We don't create our own morality as Christians but we blessed well do make statements about it. You do all the time, directly or inferentially.

Immaterial for a Christian.
:plain: Truth is immaterial to a Christian? To be informed and honest with our information is immaterial? You made a claim against my profession. I called you on it, asked you for the root of the accusation, the proof and you wave hand like that? Just say what's observably true then, that you made it up out of your own assumption and bias.

Everyone gets something wrong now and then. That's okay. It's not okay to attempt to wrap it in the appearance of virtue.

God's Word tells us and the expertise is His.
God didn't speak the judgement. You did. And sister, that wasn't scripture.

So I noted I know, personally, any number of lawyers whose practices are testimony to their faith.
Yes, there are. That depends on whether ones discernment is up to snuff.
I just wanted to leave that up for effect.

We are required to approach it from God's perspective.
No, dingus, that's how we value it, which isn't the same thing.

Consider Titus 3:1 or Romans 13:1-14. The key words is those verses are "do what is good" and "submissive." What is good has already been outlined by God and we are to submit to our earthly authorities. That does not mean that we are to compromise God's authority in our lives.
I didn't say we should compromise.

The moment we start talking about compromising God's Law we are no longer in Yeshua Who is in the Father.
Who said you should compromise? It wasn't me. You should probably try reading what I did say. Maybe answering that.

Yes, you are and I've explained just how right here.
No and I answered you but you omitted considering it, which isn't surprising really.
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
so why is the pope going to philadelphia?
I hope it isn't because he's an Eagles' fan.
:thumb: I like this Pope.

what is that?
it was started by john paul in 1992
what for?
to strengthen the sacred bonds of the family
is that important?
Why don't you go tell him he's wasting his time, that it can't be done here. That it's over. :plain: I'd love to listen to that conversation.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
good morning

good morning

so what is new?

the pope is talking about climate change

well he can't talk about respect for life all the time

he hasn't mentioned it

are you sure?

allowing those babies to live might hurt climate change

that is an awful thing to say

abortion and climate change comes out of the same mouth

does the pope know that?

he must know


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
good morning

good morning

so what is new?

the pope talked about respect for life

he also talked about the threat to the family

I wonder what he meant by that

climate change?

is it a threat to babies?

only if they are born


Eclectic Theosophist
A true 'universalist'......

A true 'universalist'......


Merton is a wonderful example of one committed to the religious life of integrating the contemplative disciplines of both eastern and western religious traditions. He is truly 'catholic' (universal) in this sense.

During his last years, he became deeply interested in Asian religions, particularly Zen Buddhism, and in promoting East-West dialogue. After several meetings with Merton during the American monk's trip to the Far East in 1968, the Dalai Lama praised him as having a more profound understanding of Buddhism than any other Christian he had known.

- Thomas Merton Center


Active member
Yet I cannot hide my concern for the family, which is threatened, perhaps as never before, from within and without.
You mean your narrow minded definition of family and more importantly your "right" to define it is being threatened.
Fundamental relationships are being called into question
no they aren't,only your so called "right" to define those relationships are being called into question
as is the very basis of marriage and the family.
sorry wrong number...the definition of marriage and family is evolving to be more inclusive and user friendly...keep up or get left behind ;)


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
good morning

good morning

so what is new?

the future

the children?

what more could the future be?

a family?

the kids might like that

depends on how you define it

they all have a mother and father

that is not a definition

that is reality

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Yet I cannot hide my concern for the family, which is threatened, perhaps as never before, from within and without.
I'm betting slaves who had families of a sort thrust into them or saw parts of theirs sold away from them would probably disagree with that "as never before" part. You know, back in the good ol, under God, no doubt Christian in declaration and often in law society that valued family...and by family I mean the comfort of men, well white men.

So I guess it's all about perspective.

Fundamental relationships are being called into question, as is the very basis of marriage and the family.
Biology isn't relation. Biology is sex. Relationship is more complicated than that. Relationships happen without sex being involved at all. And even relationships where sex is an integral part happen without that function leading to procreation more often than not and mostly always have, though without protection it did tend to happen eventually outside of particular restraints, like a low count or a woman being barren.

I can only reiterate the importance and, above all, the richness and the beauty of family life.
That much we agree on. Family life is a wonderful thing, though it's wonderful in couples and wonderful in a new way and dimension when children are involved.


Active member
that is reality

On the contrary Chrys, making a baby merely requires an egg donor and a sperm donor

a child will consider his/her parents to be those individuals who provide for their needs and love them unconditionally which is not necessarily gender specific, or number specific for that matter.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
good morning

good morning

so what is new?

boehner is resigning


the idiots want to shut down the government

what's wrong with that?

the republicans get blamed

what's wrong with that?

it will give the democrats at least four more years in the white house

how do you know that?

I am not an idiot