rep thread


New member
"Common ground" in Christianity stands adamantly on the Deity of Christ....that those who deny it are outside the faith....not to be supported in any way.

This has nothing to do with the posts in this thread that led up to Town's and my exchange, Gdaz, however I am not supporting the belief that Yeshua is not deity. I am, rather, leaving to God the bringing along of people in the Body to that understanding and not taking their judgement upon myself since I am not Yeshua.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
good morning

good morning

so what is new?

the pope is coming, the pope is coming

what do you expect?

large crowds

what else?


what kind?

feminists and homosexuals

what has francis said about women priests?

their job is more important



It is a grave sin to usurp Jesus' authority to judge who will be saved or not.

Jesus makes it clear that we know them by their fruit. It is clear that what Jesus is saying; we are what we produce, not by our claim.

We all will be judged according to what we have done, not by our doctrines by Jesus.

Lets take heed of what Jesus says.

Jesus is the Lord.

BTW, "We will be judged according what we have done" is also Jesus' word. It is not my claim.



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
so what is for lunch?

it is tuna fish tuesday

why tuesday?

garbage pickup on wednesday

does is smell that bad?

for some


Well-known member
Hall of Fame


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
good morning

good morning

so what is new?

we are being fed

by whom?

the pope, it is his job

what is he feeding us?

respect for life and religious freedom

he is not talking about that

what is he talking about?

income distribution and climate change



Eclectic Theosophist
Be fruitful unto the Lord............

Be fruitful unto the Lord............


It is a grave sin to usurp Jesus' authority to judge who will be saved or not.

Well, you know how everyone has their own 'ideas' on what it means to be 'saved', and I'm sure Jesus has the best intentions to use his own wisdom in such matters ;)

Jesus makes it clear that we know them by their fruit. It is clear that what Jesus is saying; we are what we produce, not by our claim.

We all will be judged according to what we have done, not by our doctrines by Jesus.

Indeed,....a tree is known by its fruit. Sometimes however trees don't always produce good fruit, so the master gardner prunes those trees so they will produce better fruits ;)

Thank goodness he does not chop us down altogether unless we have no more potential good or value, but is ever mending us by whatever means to bring forth a good harvest.


New member
I was talking about meshak, your comment related to her and explaining my response on the point.


You must not read a great deal of her.

I posted all that she had written in this thread and there was no evidence of any attack against mainstream Christianity in it.

Or maybe she's changing, but that's an impression over time based on a lot of posts and more than one conversation I've had with her on the subject.

Hopefully, as Christians, we are always changing for the better.

Not when it comes to the trinity and the divinity of Christ. Catholic, Protestant, there's no disagreement on the foundation of our shared faith.

Not all believers are Catholic or Protestant. Not all believers accept or understand the doctrine of the Trinity and as to Yeshua's divinity, I have already stated here that no one who acknowledges Him to be the Son of God can possibly deny His divinity. It is part of His Sonship.

I wasn't disavowing by saying I must not have read it. I hadn't made the connection. Once I did I did the "Oh here it is" bit with a link included.


Me either.

Good. (I'm glad you edited the part about the irony.)

No, having a Christian perspective doesn't alter or shouldn't alter the ability to recognize and speak to an objective truth, which is what I do when it comes to the law.

You must keep telling yourself that but Scripture states otherwise because, as a believer, when man's law goes against God's, we are expected to err on the side of God.

God doesn't allow us to understand and relate an objective truth about the law of the land?

We are to live according to the law of the land but there are limitations if the lesson of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego is well-learned. There is no law of man or truth that is above God's Law or Truth and we have no business relating to any law that puts itself over God's Law or Truth in any way other than God would relate to it.

I'm not arguing over how God sees it or the law states its case. I'm making a statement for myself on the morality and on the law as it stands on the point. Beyond that I have a historically fueled view of the wisdom of men mixing religion into politics to the point where a single religious voice moves the law.

Are you sure? You do seem to be mixing them up which is why I stated I understood Meshak's questioning you. Also, we don't make our own statements regarding morality because God has already made them for us.

How often? What's the percentage?

Immaterial for a Christian.

How do you know? What's your expertise on the subject?

God's Word tells us and the expertise is His.

I know any number of Christians who are attorneys

Yes, there are.

and their practices are terrific witness to their faith.

That depends on whether ones discernment is up to snuff.

That's what the law of our land is.

This is true.

You can't approach it, rationally, any other way.

We are required to approach it from God's perspective. Consider Titus 3:1 or Romans 13:1-14. The key words is those verses are "do what is good" and "submissive." What is good has already been outlined by God and we are to submit to our earthly authorities. That does not mean that we are to compromise God's authority in our lives.

The moment you start talking about your moral judgment of how it should be or is in relation to God you're talking about something else.

The moment we start talking about compromising God's Law we are no longer in Yeshua Who is in the Father.

No, I'm not.

Yes, you are and I've explained just how right here.


New member
This may be hard for you, but many atheists find value in the traditions of marriage and the expression of legal and personal commitment. Many atheists find their own reasons and attachments to Christmas too.

It's not the least bit hard with the discernment of the Ruach. Marriage and Christmas have no value unless God is in it. Period.

But my point was that some Christians (maybe you among them) step around sin where the atheist and marriage are concerned but loudly declare God's purpose when it involves homosexuals. And that strikes me as peculiar.

Acually, my point in this thread and elsewhere on TOL is that Christians can NOT "step around sin" or as John put it in 1 John 2:3-6 and 1 John 3:4-6.

You think living the Christian conviction requires us to bend unwilling knees to a law fashioned to resemble our conscience and faith?

Absolutely not and I believe my words here have proven that.

I think you have the sort of mindset that burned a great deal of Europe to the ground the last time it had power. A lot of it well intentioned.

Then you are confused both by the faith and in your estimation of me.

I live out my faith every day. I hope most people who love God live in gratitude for the joy of relation and grace.

Posturing. I have not stated that you are not a believer so quit getting your back up. I have and will always state that we can not live out our faith in compromise of God's Will because that is what Scripture states.

Again, I didn't bash her. I met her at every point, though I think your defense of her is as mistaken or biased as her defense of chrys. I noted your remark about meshak and my understanding of a habit of hers that anyone with a history of reading and responding to her is aware of...then we went down the rabbit hole of my response to her response to my response to chrys.

Firstly, you turned her question into an accusation which it didn't appear to be and then declared her accusation (which was merely a question) indefensible which it wasn't. Then you stood by and watched people chew on her for simply asking you a question. I consider that bashing by association and when you threw in her opinion regarding mainstream Christianity as if she'd brought it up in the thread (which she didn't) I consider that misrepresentation, a form of bashing.

That's just not true in either expression.

Right. I guess I'll just post "supra."

No, I'm not, but the problem with explaining yourself with someone who bears a grudge is that they're only going to hear the tone they mean to and see the truth that sustains their judgment. I knew that going in, but I'm an optimist.

Meshak bears a grudge toward you? I certainly don't. Just because someone becomes wise to a persons way does not mean a grudge is born. It could just be that they've had their eyes opened. Oh, now there's some irony, huh?!

See what I mean?

See what I mean?

You're a serial killer. :idunno: The Adriatic Sea is a cheese.

Because I don't have it. I have one attitude about sin. I also have a rational, working understanding of the law. I'm not divided on what the moral compass is or how the law works.

Again with the "supra."

No, but on the plus side you finally found a better insult. Way to go with that one. :thumb:

I don't believe I've ever insulted you, Town, just met you on every point and refused to state you didn't do what you did in spite of your assertions. There is no insult unless you consider Scripture insulting.

Of course not. :rolleyes: I imagine you put it on your Christmas cards.

Why, yes, I do put Scripture on all of my Christmas cards because that's what Christmas is about...not secular tradition.

patrick jane

well i can imagine. i can imagine people that don't believe in God can still have meaningful memories at Christmas, and they find value; sentimental if nothing else