Online Prayer Requests

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
If anyone feels led to do this...

Read the first few posts and the last few of the thread:

This person has ongoing issues with war horror and needs prayerful support.

The good and the bad.

Thanks to all of you who prayed for my niece to be safe from her stalker. Although the stalker has not been caught she is safe and has others watching out for her. I got to see her a couple of weeks ago and she's doing fine. So well done faithful prayer warriors.

That was the good. Some time ago I asked for prayer for myself (I almost never do that) and my health and job situation have gotten worse. In fact, every aspect of my life is in turmoil. Besides my other health problems, I've now found out that I have 54% total lung capacity. This is either from a paralyzed left diaphragm from the bulging disc in my neck (C7), or the cyst which was approximately 8 inches in diameter is not letting my lungs filled up with air. I have a specialized breathing x-ray tomorrow morning. Work is barely tolerable but I need the insurance. Who's going to hire a nearly 65 year old engineer in bad health. My wife and I had an argument (first in 30 plus years). The IRS is still on us for our 2011 tax return and my wife just maxed out our only credit card with room. Now she says she can't find it. I believe her because she doesn't lie. but I'd like to know where that credit card went. She and I know it's in the house (bedroom) somewhere.

Pray for me or don't. I'm to the point I really don't care one way or the other. At least our dogs are healthy although my favorite is going blind from cataracts. This is my last post for a while. I came to TOL for peace, but everyone seems to want to argue. I guess I'm guilty of encouraging arguments so I shoulder as much blame as anyone else. I appreciate the peacemakers; you know who you are.


like marbles on glass
The good and the bad.

Thanks to all of you who prayed for my niece to be safe from her stalker. Although the stalker has not been caught she is safe and has others watching out for her. I got to see her a couple of weeks ago and she's doing fine. So well done faithful prayer warriors.

That was the good. Some time ago I asked for prayer for myself (I almost never do that) and my health and job situation have gotten worse. In fact, every aspect of my life is in turmoil. Besides my other health problems, I've now found out that I have 54% total lung capacity. This is either from a paralyzed left diaphragm from the bulging disc in my neck (C7), or the cyst which was approximately 8 inches in diameter is not letting my lungs filled up with air. I have a specialized breathing x-ray tomorrow morning. Work is barely tolerable but I need the insurance. Who's going to hire a nearly 65 year old engineer in bad health. My wife and I had an argument (first in 30 plus years). The IRS is still on us for our 2011 tax return and my wife just maxed out our only credit card with room. Now she says she can't find it. I believe her because she doesn't lie. but I'd like to know where that credit card went. She and I know it's in the house (bedroom) somewhere.

Pray for me or don't. I'm to the point I really don't care one way or the other. At least our dogs are healthy although my favorite is going blind from cataracts. This is my last post for a while. I came to TOL for peace, but everyone seems to want to argue. I guess I'm guilty of encouraging arguments so I shoulder as much blame as anyone else. I appreciate the peacemakers; you know who you are.

That's a lot to deal with, SObG. My heart goes out to you, and I hope you'll check back sooner than later and let us know how you're doing. You have friends here who care about you.


New member
The good and the bad.

Thanks to all of you who prayed for my niece to be safe from her stalker. Although the stalker has not been caught she is safe and has others watching out for her. I got to see her a couple of weeks ago and she's doing fine. So well done faithful prayer warriors.

That was the good. Some time ago I asked for prayer for myself (I almost never do that) and my health and job situation have gotten worse. In fact, every aspect of my life is in turmoil. Besides my other health problems, I've now found out that I have 54% total lung capacity. This is either from a paralyzed left diaphragm from the bulging disc in my neck (C7), or the cyst which was approximately 8 inches in diameter is not letting my lungs filled up with air. I have a specialized breathing x-ray tomorrow morning. Work is barely tolerable but I need the insurance. Who's going to hire a nearly 65 year old engineer in bad health. My wife and I had an argument (first in 30 plus years). The IRS is still on us for our 2011 tax return and my wife just maxed out our only credit card with room. Now she says she can't find it. I believe her because she doesn't lie. but I'd like to know where that credit card went. She and I know it's in the house (bedroom) somewhere.

Pray for me or don't. I'm to the point I really don't care one way or the other. At least our dogs are healthy although my favorite is going blind from cataracts. This is my last post for a while. I came to TOL for peace, but everyone seems to want to argue. I guess I'm guilty of encouraging arguments so I shoulder as much blame as anyone else. I appreciate the peacemakers; you know who you are.

Hang in there and keep the faith. Glad to hear the niece is doing better. Will switch the prayer focus to you and your wife. You might seek the advice of a financial counselor. Sometimes when we're ill it's tough to think our way through things and some outside perspective helps. You could also try for disability if your physician is willing to recommend it. You can still get peace at TOL. My profile is always open for conversation and prayer. Shalom is always where two or more are gathered.


New member
The good and the bad.

Thanks to all of you who prayed for my niece to be safe from her stalker. Although the stalker has not been caught she is safe and has others watching out for her. I got to see her a couple of weeks ago and she's doing fine. So well done faithful prayer warriors.

That was the good. Some time ago I asked for prayer for myself (I almost never do that) and my health and job situation have gotten worse. In fact, every aspect of my life is in turmoil. Besides my other health problems, I've now found out that I have 54% total lung capacity. This is either from a paralyzed left diaphragm from the bulging disc in my neck (C7), or the cyst which was approximately 8 inches in diameter is not letting my lungs filled up with air. I have a specialized breathing x-ray tomorrow morning. Work is barely tolerable but I need the insurance. Who's going to hire a nearly 65 year old engineer in bad health. My wife and I had an argument (first in 30 plus years). The IRS is still on us for our 2011 tax return and my wife just maxed out our only credit card with room. Now she says she can't find it. I believe her because she doesn't lie. but I'd like to know where that credit card went. She and I know it's in the house (bedroom) somewhere.

Pray for me or don't. I'm to the point I really don't care one way or the other. At least our dogs are healthy although my favorite is going blind from cataracts. This is my last post for a while. I came to TOL for peace, but everyone seems to want to argue. I guess I'm guilty of encouraging arguments so I shoulder as much blame as anyone else. I appreciate the peacemakers; you know who you are.

Brother, your health and financial situation will be in my prayers. May God be with you every step of the way.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
The good and the bad.

Thanks to all of you who prayed for my niece to be safe from her stalker. Although the stalker has not been caught she is safe and has others watching out for her. I got to see her a couple of weeks ago and she's doing fine. So well done faithful prayer warriors.

That was the good. Some time ago I asked for prayer for myself (I almost never do that) and my health and job situation have gotten worse. In fact, every aspect of my life is in turmoil. Besides my other health problems, I've now found out that I have 54% total lung capacity. This is either from a paralyzed left diaphragm from the bulging disc in my neck (C7), or the cyst which was approximately 8 inches in diameter is not letting my lungs filled up with air. I have a specialized breathing x-ray tomorrow morning. Work is barely tolerable but I need the insurance. Who's going to hire a nearly 65 year old engineer in bad health. My wife and I had an argument (first in 30 plus years). The IRS is still on us for our 2011 tax return and my wife just maxed out our only credit card with room. Now she says she can't find it. I believe her because she doesn't lie. but I'd like to know where that credit card went. She and I know it's in the house (bedroom) somewhere.

Pray for me or don't. I'm to the point I really don't care one way or the other. At least our dogs are healthy although my favorite is going blind from cataracts. This is my last post for a while. I came to TOL for peace, but everyone seems to want to argue. I guess I'm guilty of encouraging arguments so I shoulder as much blame as anyone else. I appreciate the peacemakers; you know who you are.


New member
Prayer requested for my friend Jeff who got kicked in the head by a horse. His nose is broken and there's a good bit of hematoma. Please pray that he recovers quickly and most importantly that there are no lasting effects. Thank you in advance!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame
Prayer requested for my friend Jeff who got kicked in the head by a horse. His nose is broken and there's a good bit of hematoma. Please pray that he recovers quickly and most importantly that there are no lasting effects. Thank you in advance!
We sure will.


New member
Prayer requested for my friend Jeff who got kicked in the head by a horse. His nose is broken and there's a good bit of hematoma. Please pray that he recovers quickly and most importantly that there are no lasting effects. Thank you in advance!

Jeff will be in my prayers.


New member
Prayer requested for my friend Jeff who got kicked in the head by a horse. His nose is broken and there's a good bit of hematoma. Please pray that he recovers quickly and most importantly that there are no lasting effects. Thank you in advance!

Absolutely. :)


New member
This is a reposting of a prayer request from a FB friend. Please say a prayer for these people.

Dear Friends,
"The city of Queragosh (Qaraqosh) fell to ISIS and they are beheading children systematically. This is the city we have been smuggling food too. ISIS has pushed back Peshmerga (Kurdish forces) and is within 10 minutes of where our CRI team is working. Thousands more fled into the city of Erbil last night. The UN evacuated it's staff in Erbil. Our team is unmoved and will stay. Prayer cover needed!"
Please pray sincerely for the deliverance of the people of Northern Iraq from the terrible advancement of ISIS and its extreme Islamic goals for mass conversion or death for Christians across this region.


New member
My friend Jeff came yesterday to reseat my horse's shoes. He has a scar at his temple and his nose is a bit crooked but he is able to resume his work activities and provide for his family. Thank you all who prayed for Jeff and more importantly, thanks to God for hearing our prayers and affecting Jeff's healing.


New member
This is a reposting of a prayer request from a FB friend. Please say a prayer for these people.

Dear Friends,
"The city of Queragosh (Qaraqosh) fell to ISIS and they are beheading children systematically. This is the city we have been smuggling food too. ISIS has pushed back Peshmerga (Kurdish forces) and is within 10 minutes of where our CRI team is working. Thousands more fled into the city of Erbil last night. The UN evacuated it's staff in Erbil. Our team is unmoved and will stay. Prayer cover needed!"
Please pray sincerely for the deliverance of the people of Northern Iraq from the terrible advancement of ISIS and its extreme Islamic goals for mass conversion or death for Christians across this region.

Prayer continuing.