Online Prayer Requests


Oh the irony of this thread.

When I post about the intercession of the saints, the response I am always assaulted with is: Why go through someone else when you can go straight to Jesus.

Here is a thread totally dedicated to going to someone else and asking them to go to Jesus. LOL.

Okay, I will post a prayer. I will ask someone to pray for all of us:

Hail Mary,
Full of Grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary,
Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now,
and at the hour of our death. Amen.
There is a large disconnect between asking prayer from someone living, and asking for prayer from those who have passed on, between Catholic and Protestant prayer theology. Oddly, a good number of priests have said most 'sleep' thus cannot hear until Christ raises them (not a point of contention, just not connecting ideas theologically). All this to say, it is better to simply say "I prayed" or simply to pray in thread. It doesn't need to be ironic here, just a moment to appreciate differences in theology without the need to do anything but 'pray.' I'm not sure if it meets the need of your need to post in this thread (I do pray through it). If so, 'amen.' If not, well, I can pray about that too. In Him -Lon

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
There is a large disconnect between asking prayer from someone living, and asking for prayer from those who have passed on . . . .

You do know that nobody ever dies right? The saints in heaven are alive and well and still part of the Body of Christ

I can ask you to pray for me and I can ask Paul to pray for me. There is no difference.


You do know that nobody ever dies right? The saints in heaven are alive and well and still part of the Body of Christ

I can ask you to pray for me and I can ask Paul to pray for me. There is no difference.
You are arguing with the priest that said my dear friend was still in the ground....and I like it. According to him, you and I are both wrong. I realize you see no difference, but realize most Reformed/Evangelical will. They see it as 'praying to' those ones, rather than 'asking them for prayer.' It was exactly this conversation I had with another Catholic that made it not such a big deal to me. I do believe we have one mediator, but like you, ask others to pray for my prayer concerns as well. It strengthens their faith, as well as my own, so has a purpose whereas the Catholic version is a bit disconnected, if you will. In Him -Lon

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
You are arguing with the priest that said my dear friend was still in the ground....and I like it. According to him, you and I are both wrong

Wow. Not a good priest.

I realize you see no difference, but realize most Reformed/Evangelical will

I am aware,

They see it as 'praying to' those ones, rather than 'asking them for prayer.'

Its a problem with the word and its multiple definitions. CLICK HERE

Have you ever read this? Friends in High Places. A short article, not very long at all. You will like it.


prayer request pls for Timothy Rivers he has Primary Pulmonary NK T-Cell Lymphoma and he needs all the prayer he can get. He is A goodman and his children and wife need him.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I need the prayer and miracle. Pray for me so my mother forgives my brother and her too. Family must always stay to united.
For the intention of Grumix8 and his or her or neither his nor her mother and brother, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen


need another prayer because things got fixed and things will get better for us. Pray for my mother and brother to pay debts and to forget things and love each other.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
please pray for my wife me and our family. We lost our Grandson this past week in an automobile accident. Thanks in advance for your prayers.
Oh BR - I'm so sorry. May God provide you comfort in the knowledge that he is in His hands. And that you will see him again in Glory.


I need prayer for Les and his wife.

Les and his wife need help prayer will help his wife, this is what Les said.
Hi everyone. Not sure how much I did share with you guys. It has been a difficult time for us and barley finding opportunities to be on the forums with my usual postings.
Over a month ago my wife took a swap test for bowel screening which came back as a positive for possible cancer. A few weeks ago, she went in for a ctc scan for further investigations and sample taking. During the set up of this they had to inflate the bowel but in the process the bowel was perforated. We were in hospital for 5 days whiles they stabilized and got things sorted.
We were sent home early last week with the understanding that the original investigations would be retried now mid November.
We are holding on in believe that God will see us through these next few weeks as we wait that if there if there is cancer or not. We are concerned that the bowel as now weakened and praying too that the bowel wont give the second time when she does go in for the second investigation.
Please praye for them.