Making Peace With Tambora


Well-known member
Please stop telling me what I believe.

You tell us:

Test for Glorydaz ...

So if a Christian has an abortion, what would the penalty be from God?
In the case of a Christian (i.e. an actual believer not someone who simply calls themselves a Christian), the just penalty for their sin has been imposed upon Christ.

Do you agree with Clete's answer, GD?

Of course. That doesn't mean there will be no consequences in this life.

Substitute the word rape for the word abortion.

It's obvious what you believe.


Rape, archaically, means 'to seize'.

Modern society has made 'rape' into a specific animal. When you make it exclusive to the sexual seizing of a body, ultimately what happens is all other forms of rape are overlooked.

Like when a controlling wife divorces you, and takes your house and kids :rolleyes:
(you were being raped the whole time)


Well-known member
You tell us:

Substitute the word rape for the word abortion.

It's obvious what you believe.

I'm sure Clete would be interested to see how you interpreted his words in that post. :chuckle:

So you see no difference between a person having an abortion and "a rapist"? A rapist is a person who goes about raping. Try, just try, to use your brain.

Obviously, it isn't "quite obvious" to YOU what I believe. Perhaps you should give up trying to figure stuff out, Elo. You only look dumber by the day.


New member
The fact she does continue participating, means she deserves any anguish she gets. I would not place my hand in a pool of piranhas if I knew how would be. I would deserve whatever pain I received if I went ahead anyway.

The fact of the matter is that tam feels no pain whatsoever and is getting a kick out of fighting and being the victim.
Oh so you think she deserves anguish do you? You're an insensitive brute!

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
No it isn't, because at the time you knew you were right. You have now abandoned all of that, yet you still claim some kind of moral ground from which to condemn us when you now have far less than you had before. None, in fact, and that by your own choice. So you're the one looking really stupid right now.

Er, no. You and the other supposed Christians here, who are supposed to reflect the 'fruits of the spirit' are doing just what here exactly? Paying service to one of the most insincere threads from the forum troll and just having fun with it at anybody's expense. Considering that Tam has been a rape victim it's just insidious that this is getting a pass. Still, as long as you're getting your self righteous fun then who cares eh?

What a bunch of tossers.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Oh so you think she deserves anguish do you? You're an insensitive brute!

They're just bloody morons. They'll jump on any 'moral indiscretion' by anybody and justify some 'deserved' consequence on their pompous bloated soapbox above the clouds.

Welcome to extreme 'fundy world' guys and gals. No wonder 'okdoser' gets free reign to practice his brand of sociopath behaviour on here nowadays. There's such a willing market for it.

Time was that advocating beating a woman to death aka Trad would not only have landed the poster in the ban box but anyone agreeing with it.
There was a poster here a few years ago called 'Benjamin' who actually started a thread asking whether it was okay to beat up his wife and was universally told 'no' and he was booted off this place.

How times change eh?


New member
They're just bloody morons. They'll jump on any 'moral indiscretion' by anybody and justify some 'deserved' consequence on their pompous bloated soapbox above the clouds.

Welcome to extreme 'fundy world' guys and gals. No wonder 'okdoser' gets free reign to practice his brand of sociopath behaviour on here nowadays. There's such a willing market for it.

Time was that advocating beating a woman to death aka Trad would not only have landed the poster in the ban box but anyone agreeing with it.
There was a poster here a few years ago called 'Benjamin' who actually started a thread asking whether it was okay to beat up his wife and was universally told 'no' and he was booted off this place.

How times change eh?
I guess Benjamin would fit right in now or maybe he already has under a different name. :think:


They're just bloody morons. They'll jump on any 'moral indiscretion' by anybody and justify some 'deserved' consequence on their pompous bloated soapbox above the clouds.

Welcome to extreme 'fundy world' guys and gals. No wonder 'okdoser' gets free reign to practice his brand of sociopath behaviour on here nowadays. There's such a willing market for it.

Time was that advocating beating a woman to death aka Trad would not only have landed the poster in the ban box but anyone agreeing with it.
There was a poster here a few years ago called 'Benjamin' who actually started a thread asking whether it was okay to beat up his wife and was universally told 'no' and he was booted off this place.

How times change eh?

British atheist liberal all about the censorship


Hall of Fame
They're just bloody morons. They'll jump on any 'moral indiscretion' by anybody and justify some 'deserved' consequence on their pompous bloated soapbox above the clouds.

Welcome to extreme 'fundy world' guys and gals. No wonder 'okdoser' gets free reign to practice his brand of sociopath behaviour on here nowadays. There's such a willing market for it.

Time was that advocating beating a woman to death aka Trad would not only have landed the poster in the ban box but anyone agreeing with it.
There was a poster here a few years ago called 'Benjamin' who actually started a thread asking whether it was okay to beat up his wife and was universally told 'no' and he was booted off this place.

How times change eh?

Indeed they have ... and it's important to note these changes when deciding whether or not someone wishes to consider contributing to such a cause as compared to organizations such as Crisis Pregnancy Centers and Rainn.

patrick jane

Brit, yeah. Atheist, nope. Liberal, eh, whatever.

You = All crank.


I'm pretty sure you believe 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 KJV -

because Romans 10:17 KJV and then you have done this at some point in your life, (don't deny it) Romans 10:9-10 KJV - Romans 10:13 KJV -

so that means you are saved by the blood of Christ and sealed by the Holy Spirit: Ephesians 1:7 KJV - Ephesians 1:13 KJV -

so, you're saved Art, just lettin' ya know.