This does not mean new age nor is the universe all there is. It cannot contain a Spiritual God.
Specifically because there is nothing beside Him. He is the expression of everything. You do not understand that Jesus is God, but you are a finite expression, very small, of the infinite.
:nono: Think harder. God is beyond finite expressions such as this. It is thinking stuck in a subroutine.
:nono: This is the problem with new age thinking: Stuck in finite little subroutines.
The ONLY thing people get from this is your anti-Christian pre-existent bent that you will be stuck with all the rest of your life as you demand God bow to you rather than vise-versa. There is a need to be separated from your sin. It causes death. You cannot travel to eternity with it. It is impossible.
Freudian slip: "Good" if all men are worthy and have no need of a Savior. That is what is on the table with your thoughts.
"Elect" is a biblical term. Both with above and this, it is no longer a Calvinist/Christian discussion, but a Christian vs. nonChristian discussion. There is no meaningful way to discuss 'election' with a nonChristian without it simply being a Christian/nonChristian discussion rather than a Calvinist discussion. They aren't the same concerns.
You think yourself 'good' with no need of a Savior. Under your philosophy, there is no need to even discuss such. It is not the same concern for you that it is for other Christians.
You? A mere man choosing who God 'must be?' :think: There IS a difference between who you and I think we are and who we think God is... Your's isn't even in the Bible.
There is a God. I am not Him. Not true with you
..."IF" Christ is not raised...[THEN] we are to be pittied most among men and we are still in our sins.
You reject the substitutionary work of the Cross. As such, you are that if and then man.
Can't Romans 3:23; 5:8; 6:23
Dying is dying. Your choice as a dead man is just that. We are dead in our sins and to be pittied among men if Christ isn't raised. It is His choice or none at all.
You started this post with Truth being universal. By that, I believe you mean it cannot change. If so, then what is fact DOES NOT create a dictator. It simply creates facts. If it is a fact that you are in sin against God. Then it is a fact that you are infected and can do nothing about it. The problem: This condition affects your thinking. God HAS to save us or we are hopeless in our helplessness. No "Dictator" screaming does a lick of good after that. It is merely complaining in arrogance... ignorance. Think: "You are dying of a disease you deny you have. Nobody cares what you think is unfair about it. They may care enough to point you to the innoculation line again, but they aren't listening to whining. This is the point of most Calvinism/other discussions. It boils down to this in a nutshell. People who refuse vaccinations might be convinced in their righteous stance, but it cannot save them from the Mumps or Chicken Pox. Perhaps the doctors were dictators about that, but weren't they really just giving facts? Did it really make them dictators? Were they 'unfair' in not giving those inoculations to those who refused them? Wasn't it really that consequences follow actions with absolutely no emoting fanfare? :think: