ECT Do you see All, Some, None of the Spiritual Gifts in Operation Today?

Lazy afternoon

Silence, hypocrite.

I quoted only what Peter said would happen to any who twist Paul's words to suit their own doctrine.

You said far more that that. You are trying to hide it and that is being dishonest.

YOU are on record as one who...on your own purported authority as one who can speak by prophecy...threatened people TWICE with death from the hand of God because they insulted you and made you angry.

Now be silent.

You lie about what I have said as usual.

It is a biblical fact that a believer will have their head cut off either because of disobedience or because of submission to Gods word.

Even now in the middle east Christians are being killed every day for refusing to take the mark of the ISIS beast.

You however are too biblical dumb to realize that.

I shared a vision I had of it many years ago but because you are an unbeliever and unable to understand the simply things of Gods word , you judge the messenger and prove you are of those who withstood the words of Jesus in His time on earth.

Read Rev,ch 9 and Rev,ch 20 for understanding.



Well-known member
9 And the instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it, 10 if it does evil in My sight so that it does not obey My voice, then I will relent concerning the good with which I said I would benefit it.

Since you are claiming things of Israel and gentiles that come to God through them, have some more scripture.
This is true, since anything from God is conditional. We have to obey Him to receive His Promises. This does not, however, negate the gifts He has given to His church. They are available to us, whether you believe they are or not.

Cross Reference

New member
This is true, since anything from God is conditional. We have to obey Him to receive His Promises. This does not, however, negate the gifts He has given to His church. They are available to us, whether you believe they are or not.

Amen! . . . if indeed we are His church. He knows who they are regardless of what we might assume.
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Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; w
Shall cease does NOT mean, "already have ceased." when knowledge .

Hi , to a Low Informational bible Babe !

Explain 1 Cor 13:8 , BUT since you never will , this has to be an INTERVENTION , so sit down and relax .

The verb " they shall cease " , G3973 means to Desist , to cease , to leave off and is in the FUTURE TENSE , Middle Voice and in the Indicative Mood ,

One of the BIGGEST BLUNDERS of Pentecostalism is , DO NOT Believe that Israel was set aside in Acts 13:46 , Acts 18:6 and in Acts 28:28 .

They can not believe that Languages , and Prophecies have also ceased ,which also a verb , in the Future Tense and FAIL to mis-understand what the FUTURE means , and that is BAD , and very MAWKISH and refuse Eph 3:9 , to make all see what is the Dispensation of the MYSTERY .:bang::bang:

They are just as bad as the RCC !!


Cross Reference

New member
Hi , to a Low Informational bible Babe !

Explain 1 Cor 13:8 , BUT since you never will , this has to be an INTERVENTION , so sit down and relax .

The verb " they shall cease " , G3973 means to Desist , to cease , to leave off and is in the FUTURE TENSE , Middle Voice and in the Indicative Mood ,

One of the BIGGEST BLUNDERS of Pentecostalism is , DO NOT Believe that Israel was set aside in Acts 13:46 , Acts 18:6 and in Acts 28:28 .

They can not believe that Languages , and Prophecies have also ceased ,which also a verb , in the Future Tense and FAIL to mis-understand what the FUTURE means , and that is BAD , and very MAWKISH and refuse Eph 3:9 , to make all see what is the Dispensation of the MYSTERY .:bang::bang:

They are just as bad as the RCC !!


And there you have it: "Cessationism" and "Dispensationalism" both in one crippled mind; filled with mans 'religious' thinking.

john w

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Hall of Fame
This is true, since anything from God is conditional. We have to obey Him to receive His Promises. This does not, however, negate the gifts He has given to His church. They are available to us, whether you believe they are or not.

"We have to obey Him to receive His Promises."-you

And you convenietly leave out the physical curses, that was to come to Israel, if they did not obey.

That's called deceit. Face you...seared, defiled conscience, and all...


Well-known member
And there you have it: "Cessationism" and "Dispensationalism" both in one crippled mind; filled with mans 'religious' thinking.

Dan raises a good point which I doubt you'll address squarely: if you happen to meet a devout Roman Catholic who is also charismatic (they do exist) and you hear this RC speaks in "tongues" that are identical to and as fluent as your own, would you be compelled to accept him/her as saved based on the evidence of their glossolalia?


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Hall of Fame
God doesn't give gifts to His church and then take them back. They're still in operation even today.It's not my job. The sign you have is enough. The sign of Jonah.

It is your job. You claim they are operational, therefore we are testing your claim like scripture tells us to do and you are suppose to back up.


1 Thessalonians 5:20 do not despise prophetic utterances. 21 But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good; 22 abstain from every form of evil.

and see:

1 Peter 3:15 but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence

As far as your use of scripture, that would more apply to those who claim tongues is evidence of the spirit when scripture says no such thing, they seek after signs, instead of just trusting Christ.


Well-known member
And there you have it: "Cessationism" and "Dispensationalism" both in one crippled mind; filled with mans 'religious' thinking.

Hi and is not amazing that , since the Greek word OIKONOMIA is in the bible the Babe's can never know what it means , as this poster has done .

Paul is a MYSTERY to him and all they can do is JUST disagree with no explanation , which I understand !!

They will never reply to the Future Tense in " they SHALL CEASE " for the Future Tense is not preached to them by there BLOVIATING Low Informational Babe teachers .

If you want a DEBATE , explain OIKONOMIA BABE and stop accusing me of learning Man's " religious " thinking !!

What are you waiting for ?? BLOVIATOR ??:::BRAVO::BRAVO:

Start with Col 1:25 and 26 ??



Well-known member
Yes, I hate wolves. Accept it, wolfie.

You hate wolves.


Your zeal is commendable

However, where does scripture say we are to hate wolves?

Do we hate the sin or the sinner?

Saul of Tarsus was zealous, his heart thought he was serving God, but he had not yet connected scripture with Jesus Christ,

We need to have accuracy to do God's will

Jude 9
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Well-known member


I am impressed!

You can hit the "s" key and get a long line of s's!

Most impressive.

To be a soldier requires that you be able to read and write.

So I won't be expecting a reply from you


Well-known member
It is a wonderful joy to experience God's power in your life when you and/or others believe to manifest God's promises, especially those regarding God's gifts to believers and to the church.


Well-known member
It is easy to accuse, but to show evidence,

that is an entirely different matter.

Hi and just maybe you can help out CR and help him with post #270 and debate with me Col 1:25 and 26 , what you think, BABE !!:bang::bang:



Well-known member
Evidence of your raising the dead, and instantaneous healing of another since that should follow all believers according to you. Thanks.

He can't even show me where George Ricker Berry's Greek interlinear, which he quoted first, has Christ saying "I AM HE" in the Greek. Because it's not there, even though Oats said Berry said it was. So Oats lied. I called him on it. Oats has not repented of his lie. Nor will he. Why should he? He speaks in tongues and I don't, so that proves he's saved and I'm not...or at best, that I'm an incomplete, substandard Christian while he's a superior one.

Do I have that about right, Oats?


Well-known member
He can't even show me where George Ricker Berry's Greek interlinear, which he quoted first, has Christ saying "I AM HE" in the Greek. Because it's not there, even though Oats said Berry said it was. So Oats lied. I called him on it. Oats has not repented of his lie. Nor will he. Why should he? He speaks in tongues and I don't, so that proves he's saved and I'm not...or at best, that I'm an incomplete, substandard Christian while he's a superior one.

Do I have that about right, Oats?

Since John 18:5 is the verse you brought up, why don't you look it up in Berry's interlinear?

As I said before, there are many pronouns in that passage in the KJV that are not separate words in the Greek

Had you actually read my post for what it actually says, not what you think it says, you would have dropped this a long time ago.

he is in brackets in John 18:5 according to George for a reason.


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Your welcome.

John 14:12

You havent given any evidence of your having done those things which should follow you according to your own beliefs. Yes, i am testing all things as i should, and if you cant back it up, then i can discard your testimony of it as false.