ECT Clearing up the confusion of Creation!

God's Truth

New member
Seeing as you refuse to answer, I will answer for you.

The answer is no, not all dragons are Satan. The reason I asked this is that you erroneously linked an actual animal described in Job to a metaphorical description of Satan. Do you see how that could cause problems?

I think dragons are a kind/type of dinosaur.

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You have not proven me wrong in any way.

I gave scripture to my beliefs.


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I am not going to go to your link. Please discuss what I said and make your case here.
Man is tripartite: body, soul, and spirit.we have a body, which allows us to exist in this physical world. Plants have a body, but that's it, they don't have a soul, let alone a spirit. We have a soul, like animals have souls (of differing levels, for example, a dog has a higher level soul than, say, a fish), which allows us to have a relationship with them (i.e. dog, cat, horse).

But man is the only creature God gave a spirit, which allows us to have a relationship with Him.

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God's Truth

New member
Man is tripartite: body, soul, and spirit.we have a body, which allows us to exist in this physical world. Plants have a body, but that's it, they don't have a soul, let alone a spirit. We have a soul, like animals have souls (of differing levels, for example, a dog has a higher level soul than, say, a fish), which allows us to have a relationship with them (i.e. dog, cat, horse).

But man is the only creature God gave a spirit, which allows us to have a relationship with Him.

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You are not giving scriptures you are giving false teachings from a teacher who taught you wrong.

I have scripture that says we are flesh and spirit.

I also gave scripture that explains God gives us our humans spirit which makes our bodies a living soul.

You are just going to have to study it harder instead of merely saying no to me and the scriptures.


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You are not giving scriptures you are giving false teachings from a teacher who taught you wrong.

I have scripture that says we are flesh and spirit.

I also gave scripture that explains God gives us our humans spirit which makes our bodies a living soul.

You are just going to have to study it harder instead of merely saying no to me and the scriptures.

1 Thes 5:23 seems pretty clear to me.

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God's Truth

New member
JudgeRightly, you asked me a question and I wanted you to speak your mind, and you finally did, and you spoke error.

The KJV uses the word 'dragon' many times, but it does not use it the way you use it.

The KJV uses it to denote Satan, Lucifer, see Isaiah 13:22 and Isaiah 14.

Jeremiah 51:37 explains the dragon as a serpent, a snake that hisses. Still as Satan. That is the way the Bible explains Satan, as a dragon, a serpent, and a snake.

...but you want to make it as a dinosaur.

See Ezekiel 29:3. That scripture calls the Pharaoh the great dragon.

So we see that it is about Satan the devil.

Revelation 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
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Let me explain that scripture to you.

We can see that God will sanctify us through and through, our whole spirit (spirit without a body), soul (spirit and body together), and our body (with or without our spirit/dead or alive). God truly sanctifies us through and through.

Where do you get that explanation of each of those words? The verse lists them as separate concepts. I don't disagree that we will be sanctified utterly, but you seem to be putting your own definitions in.

Every version (with the exception of the WE version, which doesn't even say the same thing) on Thessalonians 5:23 refers to each as 3 separate words, not combinations of one or two of the others:

The spirit, or πνε?μα (pnévma, pneuma), the soul, or ψυχ? (psychí, psyche), and the body, or σ?μα (sóma, soma).

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JudgeRightly, you asked me a question and I wanted you to speak your mind, and you finally did, and you spoke error.

The KJV uses the word 'dragon' many times, but it does not use it the way you use it.

The KJV uses it to denote Satan, Lucifer, see Isaiah 13:22 and Isaiah 14.

Jeremiah 51:37 explains the dragon as a serpent, a snake that hisses. Still as Satan. That is the way the Bible explains Satan, as a dragon, a serpent, and a snake.

...but you want to make it as a real animal, a dinosaur.

See Ezekiel 29:3. That scripture calls the Pharaoh the great dragon.

So we see that it is about Satan the devil.

So are you saying that "fire breathing dragons" (or rather, dinosaurs) never existed? That the term is only a metaphor?

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God's Truth

New member
Where do you get that explanation of each of those words? The verse lists them as separate concepts. I don't disagree that we will be sanctified utterly, but you seem to be putting your own definitions in.

Every version (with the exception of the WE version, which doesn't even say the same thing) on Thessalonians 5:23 refers to each as 3 separate words, not combinations of one or two of the others:

The spirit, or πνε?μα (pnévma, pneuma), the soul, or ψυχ? (psychí, psyche), and the body, or σ?μα (sóma, soma).

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I have been posting the scriptures here. Please consider them more carefully and then we can talk about it more deeply.


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The scriptures do not say 'dinosaurs', and does not say fire breathing dinosaurs.

The scriptures speak of Satan as a dragon, a serpent, and a snake.

I'm not saying that the Bible says dinosaurs, and I asked you if dragons are a metaphor, or if they were actual beasts. So, GT, do you deny that dragons existed at some point as actual creatures? Or are they only metaphors?

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God's Truth

New member
I'm not saying that the Bible says dinosaurs, and I asked you if dragons are a metaphor, or if they were actual beasts. So, GT, do you deny that dragons existed at some point as actual creatures? Or are they only metaphors?

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When speaking of Satan himself it is as a dragon.

When speaking of sin and Satan on earth, it is as a metaphor.

God's Truth

New member
I'm not saying that the Bible says dinosaurs, and I asked you if dragons are a metaphor, or if they were actual beasts. So, GT, do you deny that dragons existed at some point as actual creatures? Or are they only metaphors?

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I do not like using the word 'metaphor'.

When the Bible speaks of Satan, he is the devil, the dragon, the serpent.

He is the behemoth and the leviathan, the beast on the earth and the monster in the sea.

When speaking of the Pharaoh being a dragon, it is a simulation, an image.

God's Truth

New member
So again, from the scriptures I see Satan the devil as a real dragon, a serpent...but when speaking about dragons on earth, it is speaking about the sins which originated from Satan.

When speaking about the behemoth and the leviathan, it is about the devil and sin.

I believe that in the time of Adam and Eve when God walked with them, Satan showed up as himself, a dragon, a serpent.

However, after that, Satan is not as a dragon and serpent walking around visibly on earth.


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When speaking of Satan himself it is as a dragon.

When speaking of sin and Satan on earth, it is as a metaphor.

I do not like using the word 'metaphor'.

When the Bible speaks of Satan, he is the devil, the dragon, the serpent.

He is the behemoth and the leviathan, the beast on the earth and the monster in the sea.

When speaking of the Pharaoh being a dragon, it is a simulation, an image.

So again, from the scriptures I see Satan the devil as a real dragon, a serpent...but when speaking about dragons on earth, it is speaking about the sins which originated from Satan.

When speaking about the behemoth and the leviathan, it is about the devil and sin.

I believe that in the time of Adam and Eve when God walked with them, Satan showed up as himself, a dragon, a serpent.

However, after that, Satan is not as a dragon and serpent walking around visibly on earth.
GT, perhaps I should clarify, just in case you're not understanding my question.

I'm not talking about Satan in any of my posts or questions, I'm asking about actual creatures.

Again, I'm NOT talking about Satan or any of his forms.

Did dragons/dinosaurs/creatures described as such ever exist?

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God's Truth

New member
GT, perhaps I should clarify, just in case you're not understanding my question.

I'm not talking about Satan in any of my posts or questions, I'm asking about actual creatures.

Again, I'm NOT talking about Satan or any of his forms.

Did dragons/dinosaurs/creatures described as such ever exist?

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I already answered you. I can hardly believe you do not put more into the discussion. I do not usually write a lot so what is your problem?
There were no dinosaurs and dragons walking the earth.

The Bible calls Pharaoh a dragon.

Do you think he was a real dragon?

Now answer my questions:

Did scientists say they found remains of dragons?

Does the Bible speak of dinosaurs?

way 2 go

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Gen 1:12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
Earth brought forth from the seed that was in itself. That didn't happen in a 24 hour period.

Gen 1:13 And there was evening and there was morning, the third day.

1 rotation of the earth = 1 day

Gen 1:20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
Same here.

what did God create chickens or eggs ?

We all know, or should, that there is no scripture that says "And the evening and the morning were the seventh day.' In the year 2000 it marked that God has dealt with his people now for six thousand years, that would be six days. Sometime soon, He will return, as He has promised to his children, to set up his kingdom here on earth.

you did not explain how evening and there was morning equals more than 1 rotation of the earth

1 rotation of the earth = 1 day

there was evening and there was morning

Gen 1:5 God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.