Abuse, libel , stalking and bully boy tactics.

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TOL Subscriber
So YOU actually believed and were in rebellion. No reason to project your issues on others.

I did not believe. I was in rebellion against God. And I simply answered one of your questions about my salvation. (You are just full of false accusations to make, are you not!)

So this is actually about YOUR guilt, not what everyone else genuinely believes or claims.

All of us are guilty sinners.

I agree that what you did to your daughter was shameful. As much as you love to bash and project your bad behavior on me, I did just the opposite with my children. They were allowed to go to church, and I scrimped on luxuries and worked overtime so I could send them to private Christian school. I have never told my children that God doesn't exist OR tried to steer them in another direction. That is a determination for them to make. My daughter and son are both Christians by their own choice.

This is wonderful to hear. What do your children make of your unbelief? It must distress them no end, but it gives me assurance you are being held in prayer before the face of the Lord. May their prayers be answered and God's grace save your soul.

No, it's not about would not, but rather COULD not. You cannot do something you don't fully understand or believe in just because another person wishes it for you or demands it of you.

Actually, I believe it was both. I would not believe and I could not believe.

God intervened in my life, and miraculously regenerated my soul, raising me from spiritual death, to everlasting life, within mere minutes. Via my picking up my daughter's bible, to look for teaching about reincarnation, which a co-worker told me was part of Scripture.

She was wrong, but God saved my soul by directing me to read about His grace, instead. My heart and mind were changed immediately! I believed immediately! I cried and confessed my sins for three days after. And He has kept me in that same grace for over 40 years.

You seem to demand something from me which you were incapable of doing yourself. Imagine that.

I am demanding you stop telling me how to post. I will not take moral instruction or words of superiority from any unbeliever.

However, I have prayed for some time, that God would change your heart, like he did mine. This was my prayer for my father on his death bed, who rebelled all his life against God. I prayed God would miraculously work in his heart and mind, like He did for me. For since God saved a mess like me, he can save the hardest of hearts without doubt.

So according to you, there was no choice on your part. The choice was made FOR you. Well, yay for you.

God chose to change me; drastically and thoroughly inside. Outside, I immediately chose to pray in thanksgiving for what had been worked in my heart, I chose to repent and confess every horrible sin in memory, I chose to read more and more of the Scripture that spoke to me, and have not stopped reading God's word since (see my motto), and I chose to go to church and I chose to worship Him.

This is why I believe and teach with all my heart, that regeneration (resurrection to life by the workings of the Holy Spirit [John 3:3]) precedes faith to believe the gospel of Jesus Christ, which has the power to save. Romans 10:13-17

I have made myself perfectly clear in regards to the fact that I am uncertain of God's existence. There is no hate or denial ... just honesty.

Oh, I believe you are an honest agnostic. But you are still a God-hater, in rebellion against His truth and Being.

Have I EVER made a habit of making nasty remarks towards your deity (God) or made comparisons to unicorns or other mythical beings? IF you have one iota of honesty, you would admit that I do not resort to that tactic.

This is true, but you do not hesitate to tell me how I should act as a Christian, right?

This is not honest of you. You are out of order telling me how I should post as a Christian, when you deny Christ.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Leave my daughter out of your dopey posts, please.

Why? She may be not one of "the elect," so I'm concerned, you cranky old nag. She may be one of those "non elect," "cuz" the LORD God did not "choose" her to go to dem big, pearly gates, and instead, was decreed to go to hell.

You've a problem, with that, Nag? Lay it on us...

Make me.

So there.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
JW is right! Why bother worrying about others if you're
a true Calvinist! After all, if they were chosen before the
foundation of the world then, what is, will be!


TOL Subscriber
Why? She may be not one of "the elect," so I'm concerned, you cranky old nag. She may be one of those "non elect," "cuz" the LORD God did not "choose" her to go to dem big, pearly gates, and instead, was decreed to go to hell.

You've a problem, with that, Nag? Lay it on us...

Make me.

So there.

You are unnecessarily disrupting a conversation I am having with Rusha.

Is that deliberate on your part?

Have you been sent by the mods to break up the thread?

If so, quit. If not, quit.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Leave my daughter out of your dopey posts, please.

Request denied, as you brought her into the debate, as part of your "argument," you dope-ette.

"...My daughter was saved by the grace of God when she was 11 years old... ."-Nag

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Whatever, Mr. Defense Lawyer . . .
See? You don't know me that well either. :) I've been on either side of that aisle.

But the word of God teaches unrepentant unbelief ends in eternal condemnation.
That would be a heck of a counter to a point I never argued against.

It is worth a try to shake Rusha out of her complacency and excuses.
She's heard a boatload of that sort of thing. How's it working out?

She could get hit by a car tonight, and all opportunities to give her the gospel truth would be over.
And she could be one loving word away from realizing that even people she's inclined to dislike can find it and through their conduct illustrate that they mean it. Try apologizing for whatever harm you've done, whatever ill word you wrote inside your personal issues that might have spilled over into the more important work and, regardless of how she receives it, hope for her in Christ and let the rest go.

You think I am being severe, but I really hurt when I see people doing what I did earlier in life, and since God chose to save a wretch as bad as me, I am going to hope the same for Rusha.
I'm mostly saying that if you're concerned about her you should know she and most people outside of the faith mostly get a lot of hell fire and judgment unleashed upon them in the name of love and very little that most human beings would recognize as the actual thing... I've seen converts to the faith here, but I don't recall them citing any of that harder treatment here as the impetus. I don't think PB or zip were brow beaten or threatened into faith.

Meanwhile, I refuse to let her dominate me on these boards.
How can anyone dominate anyone else on an internet forum?

She is not my authority, and has no business telling me how to post or if I should post.
Why do you care about that? Wash her feet. Startle her. And if it doesn't help it surely won't hurt.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You are unnecessarily disrupting a conversation I am having with Rusha.

Is that deliberate on your part?

Have you been sent by the mods to break up the thread?

If so, quit. If not, quit.

Boo, hoo......poor, misunderstoog Nag. Do you have a need to know?

And stuff your "You are unnecessarily disrupting a conversation I am having with Rusha" jazz, as you brought her into the conversation, and your Clavinism is a "disruption" to the gospel of Christ, and every last one of your satanic "posts" are a "disruption."

And, besides-my "disruption" was forordained/decreed.

So there-you taught me that.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Surely you jest?
Nope. I've had stalkers dedicated to the point and out posting me three to one without feeling particularly dominated.

Christians wash Christian's feet . . .
So you think humility is only how we treat one another within the body?

I think you might want to reconsider that one (there weren't any Christians when Christ gave the example). But it all ultimately boils down to what's important to us, really.

And, again, you know the treatment most of those outside of the faith receive here. Now if that's not getting the results you want why continue to do the same thing expecting different?

Or, again, she could be one loving word away from realizing that even people she's inclined to dislike can find it and through their conduct illustrate that they mean it. Try apologizing for whatever harm you've done, whatever ill word you wrote inside your personal issues that might have spilled over into the more important work and, regardless of how she receives it, hope for her in Christ and let the rest go.

What stands between you and that?


New member
Nope. I've had stalkers dedicated to the point and out posting me three to one without feeling particularly dominated.

So you think humility is only how we treat one another within the body?

I think you might want to reconsider that one. But it all ultimately boils down to what's important to us, really.

And, again, you know the treatment most of those outside of the faith receive here. Now if that's not getting the results you want why continue to do the same thing expecting different?

Or, again, she could be one loving word away from realizing that even people she's inclined to dislike can find it and through their conduct illustrate that they mean it. Try apologizing for whatever harm you've done, whatever ill word you wrote inside your personal issues that might have spilled over into the more important work and, regardless of how she receives it, hope for her in Christ and let the rest go.

What stands between you and that?

Well said!


TOL Subscriber
Try apologizing for whatever harm you've done, whatever ill word you wrote inside your personal issues that might have spilled over into the more important work and, regardless of how she receives it, hope for her in Christ and let the rest go.

What stands between you and that?

Uh . . . I have done Rusha no harm. I don't have anything to apologize for.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Uh . . . I have done Rusha no harm. I don't have anything to apologize for.
Of course not. :plain: That's why you're getting along so beautifully. She's obviously responding to a gentle approach of the sort so rarely found here among the faithful in response to...oh, nuts. You only a few posts removed all but called her a liar, chasing after the regard of some Christians.

And that was just the more recent example. So now we know what's standing between you and that contrite and different witness. The same thing that has you answer an entreaty to reconsider with:
Whatever, Mr. Defense Lawyer . . .

Or state, boldy:
...I refuse to let her dominate me... She is not my authority...has no business telling me how to post or if I should post.

And the next question is: what are you going to do about it?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Meshak is a believer in Christ however, she has rejected the Grace of God,
which is through Christ! Revelation speaks of those who will stand before
God to be judged according to their WORKS! Those who are part of the
"Body of Christ" are not judged according to their works, for they have
been sealed/indwelt by the Holy Spirit and are positioned into the "Body
of Christ!"

Meshak, because she has rejected God's Grace through Christ, will be
judged according to her works! What outcome/destination she will face
is; unknown! Those who are in the "Body of Christ" are assured of their
destination, that being, life eternal with God!


TOL Subscriber
Who were not Christians when he washed their feet.

This then begs the question:

When did the disciples become "Christians?"

Were the disciples unbelievers up until Acts 11:26?

Were the Apostles non-christians?


Hall of Fame
Uh . . . I have done Rusha no harm. I don't have anything to apologize for.

You are incapable of admitting you are ever in error. Any apology from someone such as yourself would be worthless and insincere.
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