ECT Why shouldn't I convert from Evangelical Protestant to Catholic?


New member
True believers are to preach the truth of the gospel and to lead them to the real Jesus Christ of the Bible. My duty is to owe all men in loving them. The best way I can do that is by leading to the real Jesus of the Bible. Then Christ can work within their life from that point.

Only the Father can draw a person to Christ.

If a person is being drawn of God they will ask questions about your faith and what you believe. I've not seen that from this man. You are just being like a pesky mosquito buzzing around.


Only the Father can draw a person to Christ.

If a person is being drawn of God they will ask questions about your faith and what you believe. I've not seen that from this man. You are just being like a pesky mosquito buzzing around.

Paul said,

"For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. But if I live in the flesh, this is the fruit of my labour: yet what I shall choose I wot not." (Philippians 1:21-22).

Did not Jesus and the apostles openly rebuke others and or tell the truth even when it was not popular?


New member
First, we are to speak the truth of God's Word to all people. Second, I did not attack anyone's character. I strive to attack the false doctrine and not the person. My goal is to be a vessel for God's purpose and plan in saving souls.

Driving people away from you is not going to help you reach your goal of being their savior. I did not mention attacking so,eone's character. You don't even know his character.

Jason, it doesn't hurt to love your neighbor. Jesus Christ will handle any false doctrines if he cooses to do so. Jesus said, "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten."


Also, how can we be holy and separate if we let a person's spiritual darkness just slip by? Would not our silence or cute friendship despite their religious talk be a way of condoning their dark spiritual practices?


Driving people away from you is not going to help you reach your goal of being their savior. I did not mention attacking so,eone's character. You don't even know his character.

Jason, it doesn't hurt to love your neighbor. Jesus Christ will handle any false doctrines if he cooses to do so. Jesus said, "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten."

Not everyone received the gospel from the preaching of the gospel. For did Jesus use harmless words to lead people to God all the time? No. He began His ministry with, "Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand."


New member
Did not Jesus and the apostles openly rebuke others and or tell the truth even when it was not popular?

Ok, there's the problem. In spite of what you believe, you are not Jesus Christ nor are you the reincarnation of one of the Twelve.

Your preaching is like finger nails scraping a chalkboard.


Also, how can we be holy and separate if we let a person's spiritual darkness just slip by? Would not our silence or cute friendship despite their religious talk be a way of condoning their dark spiritual practices?

In other words, it would be like letting your best friend drive drunk. There is no difference. If you see something is wrong, you say something. And God commands us to love all people. So yes. Everyone is my responsibility. I am to love by my words in preaching the truth of the Scriptures to them to lead them to Christ. I am to love them by my actions whenever possible, too.


Ok, there's the problem. In spite of what you believe, you are not Jesus Christ nor are you the reincarnation of one of the Twelve.

Your preaching is like finger nails scraping a chalkboard.

While I agree we cannot act like Christ always in every way because He was God Almighty in the flesh, the apostles ARE clear examples for us. And even if they were not our examples (Which is not true), their very words tell us to let others know about the truth of God's Word and to lead them to Jesus Christ.


Preach on preacher man, I'm tuning you out.

I live and breathe to preach the truth of God's Word; I live to preach Jesus Christ crucified, buried, and resurrected. Jesus Christ who is the Son of God (Second person of the Godhead) and or God Almighty in the flesh.


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Hey RichRock, this is a good boot camp for you. If you can develop a think enough skin that extremist hatemongers like Jason0047 don't bother you, then anything after that is a piece of cake.


I do not hate the sinner but I hate the sin. In other words, I am commanded by God to love all people. In other words, I care enough about people to warn them against their sin and or dark sinful practices.

And the Word of God is the authority on all matters spiritually. In other words, if the pagan practices cannot be clearly seen in the Bible then they should not be endorsed. Unless of course somebody does not care in what the Bible actually says, though. Then it really does not matter what you believe then. For your authority would just be in yourself or some holy men and not the Word of God (That will abide forever).


Well-known member

Well, since he put me on iggy, I figured it didn't matter after that. Point noted (I get the irony of posting a response....)

Dona Bate

New member
1 Corinthians 13:4-7


"Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant*or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful;**it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth.**It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things."

There you go Jason sadly your so called 'love' is well documented here and sadly it is everything that Scripture describes that "love is not".

When you are finished trolling here you would be well advised to go share your 'love'* with your therapist, he/she may be able to help.

God Bless!

Dona Bate

New member
Welcome RichRock, don't pay too much attention to lover boy Jason.

He's been answered and corrected so many times on here its like talking to a piece of wood. Which is probably why he thinks of himself as a ruler.

God Bless!


New member
Talk to me like a human being. Not going to research a bunch of Catholic propaganda.
No doubt you would much prefer anti-Catholic propaganda. In any case, your transparent excuse for glibly avoiding relevant information is noted.

I see a person bowing down TO a statue, that is exactly what they are doing...
Catholics do not bow TO statues, but rather before them. Nor do they pray TO statues, but rather ask for the intercession of the past Saint represented by the statue. Please get your facts straight before presuming to comment on a public forum.

Also, you apparently equate bowing with "idolatry" (worship). Is that, then, your position?

Gaudium de veritate,



Well-known member
that is not reasonable
you have no reason to believe he has a sufficient reservation
:doh: You might want to rephrase btw. That IS what TH suggested.

you have no reason to believe this is not a sincere inquiry
this is just another one of your clever insinuations

When I asked, this is what I got:
Got this little message that says:
'This message is hidden because LON is on your ignore list' How refreshing.
Is that sufficient? It just doesn't 'seem' sincere as such to me, Chrys. When I asked, I got a LOT of snarky for it, and I was being honest with my suspicion. Read over the thread. It honestly looks like there is no hesitation at all on his part. He didn't deal directly or indepth with concerns and his mocking is disproportionate to an actual inquiry.

We all 'can' read, Chrys. Doesn't it even look a bit reasonable to question?

Ask Mr. Religion

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We all 'can' read, Chrys. Doesn't it even look a bit reasonable to question?
Indeed. The fellow in question has already swam across the Tiber. All that remains is for him to step ashore. This entire thread was but a Romanist smokescreen.
