ECT Why shouldn't I convert from Evangelical Protestant to Catholic?


I am taking steps towards joining the Catholic Church and my question is this....'Why shouldn't I?' . . . Why shouldn't I convert to the Catholic Church?
There's a big difference between Catholic converts and "cradle Catholics." Adolf Hitler & Joseph Goebbels for instance, were cradle Catholics, while Peter Kreeft & G.K. Chesterton converted. So it might be OK for you, but if you have kids and raise them in the Church, it may not be good for your kids, or for the world in general for that matter, for the Church to receive you.



No doubt you would much prefer anti-Catholic propaganda. In any case, your transparent excuse for glibly avoiding relevant information is noted.

Catholics do not bow TO statues, but rather before them. Nor do they pray TO statues, but rather ask for the intercession of the past Saint represented by the statue. Please get your facts straight before presuming to comment on a public forum.

Also, you apparently equate bowing with "idolatry" (worship). Is that, then, your position?

Stop, before you even say it. I know what you are going to say. Bowing down to a king was giving honor to him as a king. However, there is no Biblical example of ever doing this with a statue within the Bible; And nobody bowed down before the brass serpent, they merely looked at it to be healed and later that same brass serpent was worshiped falsely. For if what you say is true, then Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego would have understood this so called difference that you are talking about and would have bowed down before the statue of Nebuchadnezzar without giving worship to it. However, that is not what happened, though. They knew that bowing down to a statue is the equivalent of giving worship to it; And they refused to give in even if it meant they would have to die for God.

I mean, if what you say is true, then shouldn't you have a "Bow down vs. Bow to" instructor to tell people the difference when they are bowing down properly before a statue of Mary. Can you imagine it?

The RCC Idol Statue Monitor:
"Hey, you over there! Stop bowing too fast before that statue! You are making it look like you are worshing that statue and we can't have that kind of thing here!"​
Yet, do we see anything like this in the RCC? No, of course not. And why not? Because there is no difference between the bowing down before a statue and bowing to a statue because both types of actions are a form of worshiping of that statue. I mean, just go around the RCC and ask if they are praying to the actual statue or not. I bet you 99.9% of them will tell you that they are praying TO the statue. If you ask them why they are bowing to the statue, I bet you they will tell you that they are doing so in order to help their prayers in communicating with Mary.

Besides, the Bible says to avoid having any appearance of evil. For example: A person might take their boss' phone from off his desk with the intention to only borrow it, but if they had any common sense, they would know that their boss would not see it that way. That is why people don't take their boss' phone in such a way because it would show the outward appearance that they were stealing. So they would not do such a thing.

For there is no difference between bowing TO vs. bowing BEFORE a statue. You are attempting to split hairs. Both ARE the same thing.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
There's a big difference between Catholic converts and "cradle Catholics." Adolf Hitler & Joseph Goebbels for instance, were cradle Catholics, while Peter Kreeft & G.K. Chesterton converted. So it might be OK for you, but if you have kids and raise them in the Church, it may not be good for your kids, or for the world in general for that matter, for the Church to receive you.


what does that mean?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
There's a big difference between Catholic converts and "cradle Catholics." Adolf Hitler & Joseph Goebbels for instance, were cradle Catholics, while Peter Kreeft & G.K. Chesterton converted. So it might be OK for you, but if you have kids and raise them in the Church, it may not be good for your kids, or for the world in general for that matter, for the Church to receive you.

That is the most insane twisted piece of logic I have ever seen. Almost every canonized saint is a "cradle Catholic".

what does that mean?
It means that somebody has lost his marbles.


Hey RichRock, this is a good boot camp for you. If you can develop a think enough skin that extremist hatemongers like Jason0047 don't bother you, then anything after that is a piece of cake.

Thankyou. I find him amusing, in the way a father who just watched his 2 yr old son stick an ice cream cone on his head would :)


Welcome RichRock, don't pay too much attention to lover boy Jason.

He's been answered and corrected so many times on here its like talking to a piece of wood. Which is probably why he thinks of himself as a ruler.

God Bless!

Thankyou. His therapist must make a fortune from him.


There's a big difference between Catholic converts and "cradle Catholics." Adolf Hitler & Joseph Goebbels for instance, were cradle Catholics, while Peter Kreeft & G.K. Chesterton converted. So it might be OK for you, but if you have kids and raise them in the Church, it may not be good for your kids, or for the world in general for that matter, for the Church to receive you.


I will treat that with the contempt it deserves.

Interesting that in all these pages of my thread there hasn't been ONE credible reason why this evangelical Protestant shouldn't convert to the Catholic Church. All I have heard are lies, slander and outright stupidity.

The Catholic brothers and sisters here have shown themselves to be polite, courteous and informative, backing claims with facts. As a protestant I am ashamed to be associated with many (not all) of the responses from most Protestants on this thread.

Harsh, but true.


Well-known member
I will treat that with the contempt it deserves.

Interesting that in all these pages of my thread there hasn't been ONE credible reason why this evangelical Protestant shouldn't convert to the Catholic Church. All I have heard are lies, slander and outright stupidity.

The Catholic brothers and sisters here have shown themselves to be polite, courteous and informative, backing claims with facts. As a protestant I am ashamed to be associated with many (not all) of the responses from most Protestants on this thread.

Harsh, but true.
Yeah? Which of mine was the reason you put me on ignore? I called this thread correctly. Don't blame me for being perceptive but blame yourself for being a bit elusive if not altogether deceptive. Your intent and the OP didn't/don't sync. If you are going to hang out here after your baptism and catechism, try to be forward so we don't think you came here ▲ just to deliver this pat diatribe atf ▲ The writing was clearly on the wall AND you have issues clearly such that a move to the RC might not be a good thing for the RC. They don't need another protestant-hating member to ruin public relations. They have enough of those already. Come see us after a couple of years when you calm down.

There ARE credible reasons whether you liked them or not, that were NOT lies, slander OR stupidity. How old are you anyway? I find you incredulous.


Well-known member
you said you were done with this thread about five times
Five times?
Read back, I 'asked' if I could be done. I find insincerity and bias a problem that my 'absence' doesn't address.

His attitude should be a happy one, not a snarky one. Not an insincere one. "Let the buyer beware."

You Catholics should really be wondering on the eve of his conversion, why is he thumbing his nose at Protestants? How many disgruntled members do you want back from us? You can keep 'em all if they are like this, Chrys. Maybe you will be fortunate and he won't get disgruntled with you in a year or two. Hope so.
it was at least one of those three
not two
Speaking of insincerity, bias, and problems. You are the one who told me 1) that you no longer hire gays knowingly and that you once did knowingly do so. How in hell is that 'loving' and 'serving' God and His people in your mind? I have a very hard time with any church that does this or did this.

Please tell Rich #1, that you said it, and #2 that it isn't a lie, or slander or stupid.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Read back, I 'asked' if I could be done. I find insincerity and bias a problem that my 'absence' doesn't address.

His attitude should be a happy one, not a snarky one. Not an insincere one. "Let the buyer beware."

You Catholics should really be wondering on the eve of his conversion, why is he thumbing his nose at Protestants? How many disgruntled members do you want back from us? You can keep 'em all if they are like this, Chrys. Maybe you will be fortunate and he won't get disgruntled with you in a year or two. Hope so.

this has been a fun thread
I have enjoyed every minute of it

sorry if it has offended you


Well-known member
this has been a fun thread
I have enjoyed every minute of it

sorry if it has offended you
You? Not at all. I probably need to cut Rich some slack but if he would have just confessed his real intention, I probably wouldn't be bothered but I genuinely tried to do what he asked and what is the response?

Well, I think a burr in his saddle long before we got here. He seems to have stored up quite a bit of angst and bitterness when not one reason was sufficient.

A thread asking Catholics "what are some of your negatives?" probably not a good idea either for a new convert, but the RC ain't all roses, and simply taking those very real issues after an honest fashion would have been better than "lies, slander, or stupidity." It rather cheapens what I initially took as a genuine intent and interest.


Im seeing a lot of 'This message is hidden because LON is on your ignore list'

Has he not gone yet? Lol. Maybe he's upset about something?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
this has been a fun thread
I have enjoyed every minute of it

sorry if it has offended you

and further more
I find more reasonable dialog in this thread than I normally find in a whole week's worth of posts here at tol
I have always considered you a somewhat reasonable poster
you did take a shot at our priest scandal which is almost reasonable
what isn't reasonable is to play dumb when I mention the homosexual problem
it is about time you asked me about it
you don't know what I am talking about