Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
If you would like to stick to the thread's topic and show why things are better for one and all since homosexuality was decriminalized, then make your case.

If you don't want me to converse then stop talking to me. If you try more of this I'll answer it, because that's how it works. Given all my posts have been responsive to a comment I can't see any real complaint from you.

This is how "it works" in the "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!" threads:

I show what has happened and is currently happening to our society since the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement took control of our laws and culture:

*Parental rights being denied (therapy to help their sexually/gender confused child; contraception being handed out without parental consent, abortions being done without parental consent, sex change operations being done without parental consent)
*Children and youth being indoctrinated into a sexually perverse culture and contracting deadly incurable sexually transmitted diseases
*Invaluable institutions being destroyed
*Disease, misery and death amongst those who engage in homosexuality
Etc. etc. etc.

Now if you have no problem with the above, then defend what has happened and is currently happening since the sexual anarchist movement (abortionists, pornographers, homosexuals, etc.) took control of our laws and culture. If there is something that you don't like about the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement, show us what and how you would go about changing the things that you don't approve of.

But to answer on the point: better off? A society premised on equality before the law is better off...

Yes, SCOTUS ruled that our society has "a right to privacy" (abortion, homosexuality), but we're truly not a society built on "equality" until incestuous relationships, multiple partner marriages, laws against sex with an animal, and the golden egg of the LGBTQueer movement:

Sex with "consenting" children (remember, "Not all adult-child sex is unwanted, abusive and harmful")

are allowed.

I look forward to your response.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
This is how "it works" in the "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!"
Sorry, but I'm not interested in being micromanaged. Now I won't show up just to stomp around, will actually address issues raised within the thread and keep to the spirit of the thing, for as long as I'm in it, because that's what I'd hope people would do in any thread and I know first hand how pointless doing anything else is.

And I did respond, directly, to your last question. In fact, every single post I've made here has been responsive, which is more than I can say for your rebuttal. But if you only want a thread where you post whatever you can find on the internet that suits your bias and don't want any substantive rebuttal just say so. You're as entitled to that as anyone is to anything.

Yes, SCOTUS ruled that our society has "a right to privacy" (abortion, homosexuality),
Wrong legal reasoning on both counts, to my mind. The second opinion, on gay marriage, reached the legally correct conclusion for the wrong reasons. As I've said elsewhere, Roberts had it right in his inquiry about simple, sexual discrimination.

Abortion I've argued against strongly enough, from both a secular and legal perspective. Horrible decision and one that finally knocked Scott off the top of worst Court miscues in history.

but we're truly not a society built on "equality" until incestuous relationships, multiple partner marriages, laws against sex with an animal, and the golden egg of the LGBTQueer movement:
Inside the morass is a good point waiting to be made, which is that no right is without limit and not all discrimination is forbidden. Incest is objectionable as both a moral and secular posit for a wide number of reasons. Animal sex and pedophilia are objectionable similarly. Gay marriage isn't. Polygamy? I'll be curious to see the arguments, but those will be coming. It feels like an exploitative relationship that invites inequity and abuse at first blush.

Sex with "consenting" children (remember, "Not all adult-child sex is unwanted, abusive and harmful")
Just complete nonsense as a concern for this society (in the sense of worrying after legalization on the point). Of course those fools will attempt it. People attempt all sorts of things in this culture, but it runs afoul of too many Constitutional entanglements and the foundation of contract law itself, among others.
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New member
I show what has happened and is currently happening to our society since the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement took control of our laws and culture:

*Parental rights being denied (therapy to help their sexually/gender confused child; contraception being handed out without parental consent, abortions being done without parental consent, sex change operations being done without parental consent)
*Children and youth being indoctrinated into a sexually perverse culture and contracting deadly incurable sexually transmitted diseases
*Invaluable institutions being destroyed
*Disease, misery and death amongst those who engage in homosexuality
Etc. etc. etc.

Now if you have no problem with the above, then defend what has happened and is currently happening since the sexual anarchist movement (abortionists, pornographers, homosexuals, etc.) took control of our laws and culture. If there is something that you don't like about the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement, show us what and how you would go about changing the things that you don't approve of.
This thread is fundamentally about the criminalising of a section of humanity afaic for what they never had any choice at all about, nothing else.
Parental rights, abortion, pornography etc. are simply anything else you can get your hands on as grist for your mill but nevertheless have their own issues and clearly their own threads.
If you are now more concerned with a perceived general decline in standards then perhaps a new thread is required rather than blaming it all on gay people?


New member
I show what has happened and is currently happening to our society since the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement took control of our laws and culture:

*Parental rights being denied (therapy to help their sexually/gender confused child;
No, laws to protect children from fraudulent, abusive and harmful practices that claim to be therapy have been enacted.

*Children and youth being indoctrinated into a sexually perverse culture and contracting deadly incurable sexually transmitted diseases
No, the indoctrination myth is just that, a myth

*Invaluable institutions being destroyed
No, no instiutions have been destroyed

*Disease, misery and death amongst those who engage in homosexuality
Just like among those who engage in heterosexuality.

Now if you have no problem with the above,
The problem is that your above statements are false


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

This is how "it works" in the "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!" threads:

I show what has happened and is currently happening to our society since the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement took control of our laws and culture:

*Parental rights being denied (therapy to help their sexually/gender confused child; contraception being handed out without parental consent, abortions being done without parental consent, sex change operations being done without parental consent)
*Children and youth being indoctrinated into a sexually perverse culture and contracting deadly incurable sexually transmitted diseases
*Invaluable institutions being destroyed
*Disease, misery and death amongst those who engage in homosexuality
Etc. etc. etc.

Now if you have no problem with the above, then defend what has happened and is currently happening since the sexual anarchist movement (abortionists, pornographers, homosexuals, etc.) took control of our laws and culture. If there is something that you don't like about the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement, show us what and how you would go about changing the things that you don't approve of.

Sorry, but I'm not interested in being micromanaged. Now I won't show up just to stomp around, will actually address issues raised within the thread and keep to the spirit of the thing, for as long as I'm in it, because that's what I'd hope people would do in any thread and I know first hand how pointless doing anything else is.

I must have missed your answer as to whether or not you're ok with the above and if not, what and how you'd go about changing the things that you don't approve of.

And I did respond, directly, to your last question. In fact, every single post I've made here has been responsive, which is more than I can say for your rebuttal. But if you only want a thread where you post whatever you can find on the internet that suits your bias and don't want any substantive rebuttal just say so. You're as entitled to that as anyone is to anything.

Again: This thread is really quite simple to participate in: I show what has happened since the sexual anarchy/LGBTQueer movement took control of our laws and culture, you and other posters who have decided to participate in the thread tell the readers of the thread if you're ok with what has happened and currently is happening to our nation and why.

Yes, SCOTUS ruled that our society has "a right to privacy" (abortion, homosexuality),

Wrong legal reasoning on both counts, to my mind. The second opinion, on gay marriage, reached the legally correct conclusion for the wrong reasons. As I've said elsewhere, Roberts had it right in his inquiry about simple, sexual discrimination.
Abortion I've argued against strongly enough, from both a secular and legal perspective. Horrible decision and one that finally knocked Scott off the top of worst Court miscues in history.

It's that Libertarian mentality that I talked about so much in Part 2: "It's MY body and I can do with it as I damn well please!".

Now if you think that the abortion movement and homosexual movements are entirely two different things, then show the readers of this thread how you'd go about cracking down on a woman's right to chooooose while still allowing Bruth and what's their names to have the supposed 'freedom' to buggerize.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
but we're truly not a society built on "equality" until incestuous relationships, multiple partner marriages, laws against sex with an animal, and the golden egg of the LGBTQueer movement:

Inside the morass is a good point waiting to be made, which is that no right is without limit and not all discrimination is forbidden.
Incest is objectionable as both a moral and secular posit for a wide number of reasons. Animal sex and pedophilia are objectionable similarly. Gay marriage isn't. Polygamy? I'll be curious to see the arguments, but those will be coming. It feels like an exploitative relationship that invites inequity and abuse at first blush.

So the immoral behavior that you defend is better than others? On what grounds?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Sex with "consenting" children (remember, "Not all adult-child sex is unwanted, abusive and harmful")

Just complete nonsense as a concern for this society (in the sense of worrying after legalization on the point). Of course those fools will attempt it. People attempt all sorts of things in this culture, but it runs afoul of too many Constitutional entanglements and the foundation of contract law itself, among others.

As I pointed out above: Youth already are allowed to purchase contraception (i.e. allowed to have sex even though the age of consent laws prohibit it), have abortions and have their genitals mutilated.

I've also pointed out that the vast majority of the icons in the homosexual movement were or are pederasts or pedophiles and would love nothing more than to legally rape little boys (and girls if that's their "thing").

I'd also pointed out on numerous occasions in the previous threads that the psychological organizations that were responsible for removing homosexuality from it's list of mental disorders has made attempts to remove pedophilia from it's list of mental disorders (hence like homosexuality, opening the door for decriminalization).

So why the denial that age of sexual consent will eventually be lowered and abolished as seen in the 1972 'gay' agenda?
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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
I show what has happened and is currently happening to our society since the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement took control of our laws and culture:

*Parental rights being denied (therapy to help their sexually/gender confused child; contraception being handed out without parental consent, abortions being done without parental consent, sex change operations being done without parental consent)
*Children and youth being indoctrinated into a sexually perverse culture and contracting deadly incurable sexually transmitted diseases
*Invaluable institutions being destroyed
*Disease, misery and death amongst those who engage in homosexuality
Etc. etc. etc.

Now if you have no problem with the above, then defend what has happened and is currently happening since the sexual anarchist movement (abortionists, pornographers, homosexuals, etc.) took control of our laws and culture. If there is something that you don't like about the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement, show us what and how you would go about changing the things that you don't approve of.

This thread is fundamentally about the criminalising of a section of humanity afaic for what they never had any choice at all about, nothing else.

Since the cause of homosexual desires formed in a person's youth due to sexual abuse or a dysfunctional family, etc., you are correct (for once) Al: children really didn't have a choice in the matter when it came to being raped or abandoned by their father.

As people get older and more mature, they're able to make the right choices and often times leave immoral desires and behavior behind (even if they were dealt a bad card as a child) if they so desire.

Parental rights, abortion, pornography etc. are simply anything else you can get your hands on as grist for your mill but nevertheless have their own issues and clearly their own threads.
If you are now more concerned with a perceived general decline in standards then perhaps a new thread is required rather than blaming it all on gay people?

Prohibiting therapy to help sexually and gender confused children overcome same sex desires or gender confusion (which is a direct assault on parents who want to help their sexually/gender confused child) is something that is being pushed through by the LGBTQueer movement

The abortion and pornography movements were precursors to what we're seeing today, i.e. they're all part of the sexual anarchist movement.


As I'd pointed out numerous times (with articles from various Christian columnists) in the previous 3 threads: the ultimate goal of the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement is to criminalize Christianity.

The latest assault on freedom of religion is against Rowan County Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis.

Gina Davis talks about Davis and the out and out assault against Christianity in her article entitled:

Homosexual Movement Is Grave Threat to Freedom

Sept. 2, 2015

Up until now, apologists for the militant homosexual/“transgender” movement have aggressively insisted that Christians (and others standing in opposition) will still be free to live their faith and conscience in the wake of the Supreme Court’s illegal imposition on our nation of same-sex “marriage.” This is a lie. The militant homosexualist movement cannot, and will not, coexist with those who stand against its tyrannical agenda. In fact, Christian freedom is a specific target of these homosexualists who despise God, His Word and His people.

On Monday the Supreme Court gave us another proof of this when it rejected the appeal of Kentucky county clerk, Kim Davis, who has refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. The lunacy continues. The Supreme Court had no authority to do what it did in finding a nonexistent “right” in the Constitution for homosexuals to pretend to be “married,” something that can never, in reality, be. Nor does the Court, or any other entity of law, have the right to force Americans to violate their conscience in participating in the abomination of same-sex “marriage.” Don’t give me this tripe about how “she took an oath to do her duty as a county clerk.” Whatever oath she may have taken certainly did not include swearing to set aside her fundamental freedom in order to uphold unconstitutional wickedness illegally imposed on the states by a lawless, corrupt Supreme Court.

We have watched Christian business owners come under lawfare assault by homosexual activists who are hell-bent on forcing Christians to violate their conscience and participate in affirming same-sex “marriage” with their creative work. We are seeing people who embrace the “transgender” delusion forcing businesses to accommodate them in their mental illness, thereby coercing coworkers to engage in a charade, pretending, for instance, that a man in their workplace is a “woman,” and even forcing women to use the same restroom as the man who imagines he is a woman. It’s insanity, and it’s spreading like a cancer all across our nation.

Those of us who have been closely watching the advance of this dark movement see exactly where it’s headed: the criminalization of Christianity. We have been warning of this for years, and it’s becoming clearer by the day that we’re right. While the aggressive, God-hating homosexual activists hurl their vicious lies and senseless insults at us,

The hideous, evil face of homofascist hate

we are being proven right, inch by inch, day by day, as the homosexual/“transgender” behemoth claims more ground of our freedoms. Just ask the Kleins of Sweet Cakes bakery, Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Bakery and numerous others who came before Kim Davis in their resistance to the hijacked-rainbow brigade’s evil schemes.

I have repeated myself over and over again for years now. The homosexual movement, including its related perversions like “transgenderism,” has nothing to do with “equality” or marriage (other than to destroy it). It’s about the destruction of freedom, and specifically, the destruction of Christian freedom...

Read more at http://barbwire.com/2015/09/02/homosexual-movement-is-grave-threat-to-freedom/

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New member
Since the cause of homosexual desires formed in a person's youth due to sexual abuse or a dysfunctional family, etc.,
Zero evidence to support this

As people get older and more mature, they're able to make the right choices and often times leave immoral desires and behavior behind (even if they were dealt a bad card as a child) if they so desire.
Yes Connie you can stop hating anytime you choose to. So again - please seek out professional help for yourself as soon as possible.

Prohibiting therapy to help sexually and gender confused children overcome same sex desires or gender confusion (which is a direct assault on parents who want to help their sexually/gender confused child) is something that is being pushed through by the LGBTQueer movement
100% false.

reparative 'therapy' is just fraud and not a therapy at all.


New member
As I'd pointed out numerous times (with articles from various Christian columnists) in the previous 3 threads: the ultimate goal of the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement is to criminalize Christianity.

The latest assault on freedom of religion is against Rowan County Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis.

Gina Davis talks about Davis and the out and out assault against Christianity in her article entitled:

Homosexual Movement Is Grave Threat to Freedom

Sept. 2, 2015

Up until now, apologists for the militant homosexual/“transgender” movement have aggressively insisted that Christians (and others standing in opposition) will still be free to live their faith and conscience in the wake of the Supreme Court’s illegal imposition on our nation of same-sex “marriage.” This is a lie. The militant homosexualist movement cannot, and will not, coexist with those who stand against its tyrannical agenda. In fact, Christian freedom is a specific target of these homosexualists who despise God, His Word and His people.

On Monday the Supreme Court gave us another proof of this when it rejected the appeal of Kentucky county clerk, Kim Davis, who has refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. The lunacy continues. The Supreme Court had no authority to do what it did in finding a nonexistent “right” in the Constitution for homosexuals to pretend to be “married,” something that can never, in reality, be. Nor does the Court, or any other entity of law, have the right to force Americans to violate their conscience in participating in the abomination of same-sex “marriage.” Don’t give me this tripe about how “she took an oath to do her duty as a county clerk.” Whatever oath she may have taken certainly did not include swearing to set aside her fundamental freedom in order to uphold unconstitutional wickedness illegally imposed on the states by a lawless, corrupt Supreme Court.

We have watched Christian business owners come under lawfare assault by homosexual activists who are hell-bent on forcing Christians to violate their conscience and participate in affirming same-sex “marriage” with their creative work. We are seeing people who embrace the “transgender” delusion forcing businesses to accommodate them in their mental illness, thereby coercing coworkers to engage in a charade, pretending, for instance, that a man in their workplace is a “woman,” and even forcing women to use the same restroom as the man who imagines he is a woman. It’s insanity, and it’s spreading like a cancer all across our nation.

Those of us who have been closely watching the advance of this dark movement see exactly where it’s headed: the criminalization of Christianity. We have been warning of this for years, and it’s becoming clearer by the day that we’re right. While the aggressive, God-hating homosexual activists hurl their vicious lies and senseless insults at us,

The hideous, evil face of homofascist hate

we are being proven right, inch by inch, day by day, as the homosexual/“transgender” behemoth claims more ground of our freedoms. Just ask the Kleins of Sweet Cakes bakery, Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Bakery and numerous others who came before Kim Davis in their resistance to the hijacked-rainbow brigade’s evil schemes.

I have repeated myself over and over again for years now. The homosexual movement, including its related perversions like “transgenderism,” has nothing to do with “equality” or marriage (other than to destroy it). It’s about the destruction of freedom, and specifically, the destruction of Christian freedom...

Read more at http://barbwire.com/2015/09/02/homosexual-movement-is-grave-threat-to-freedom/


awwww. the poor woman. What about her right to be a bigot???


New member
awwww. the poor woman. What about her right to be a bigot???
I wish she'd stop wearing those ugly , dumpy, frumpy jumpers. I wish she hadn't been married 4 x. I wish she would simply find another line of work..........Can she get a wardrobe consultant from the court? :think:


New member
Since the cause of homosexual desires formed in a person's youth due to sexual abuse or a dysfunctional family, etc., you are correct (for once) Al: children really didn't have a choice in the matter when it came to being raped or abandoned by their father.
Typical poppycock from you once again aCW. The best evidence of human sexuality that we currently have is what each of us says it is for us personally. Not what you would like it to be so as to better support your hate crusade, or perhaps just because you like to have an excuse to drool over all things gay, since it does apparently appeal to you so much?

Sexual attraction, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder, you don't get to project your own onto everyone else. If you happen to swing both ways or are in denial of which you attribute to an unpleasant event in your past then I suggest that you have misattributed it and now use as a convenient excuse for how you just are naturally, not what someone else made you into.
I don't know any that of course because I'm not you I only know my own, but I can still draw my own conclusions from what I see here.

Clearly most gay people will testify that they were not abused and that their own sexuality is just what it happens to be naturally. Clearly also straight people are nevertheless straight despite some being abused when younger.

As people get older and more mature, they're able to make the right choices and often times leave immoral desires and behavior behind (even if they were dealt a bad card as a child) if they so desire.
Show me that sexual preference is a choice, I don't seem to be able to manage it, maybe there is something wrong with me? :rolleyes:

Prohibiting therapy to help sexually and gender confused children overcome same sex desires or gender confusion (which is a direct assault on parents who want to help their sexually/gender confused child) is something that is being pushed through by the LGBTQueer movement
Qualified professional psychiatrists and therapists will tell you that it is wrong to try and fix what isn't broken, there is no cure for a non-illness. Quack "reparative" therapists however don't seem to share their professional scruples obviously.

The abortion and pornography movements were precursors to what we're seeing today, i.e. they're all part of the sexual anarchist movement.
They are not linked afaik other than their particular activists may find some common ground in dealing with your ilk.
If you think that standards are generally not what you would think they should be then welcome to the real world of human diversity, of individual choice and their innate sexuality, where people can make their own minds up, decide for themselves what is moral or just be what they are, rather than to mindless adhere to old scripture.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
...It's that Libertarian mentality that I talked about so much in Part 2: "It's MY body and I can do with it as I damn well please!".
Where we draw the line on personal autonomy varies, though I've read fairly diverse opinions in support of the notion, so resting it singularly in any one of them is a bit mistaken to my mind.

Now if you think that the abortion movement and homosexual movements are entirely two different things, then show the readers of this thread how you'd go about cracking down on a woman's right to chooooose while still allowing Bruth and what's their names to have the supposed 'freedom'
They're absolutely two very different issues. Abortion fails to consider half the equation when it comes to right, which is the foundation for my objection as a matter of law. The unborn are reasonably as vested as you or I or, rather, rationally should be following an argument I've made repeatedly on the point. It's not about simply a woman's autonomy, which itself is a far cry from absolute (see: drug laws, laws against suicide, ect.)

Homosexuality, within the compact and legal sense, is nothing more or less than an expression of sexual choice that isn't properly your business or mine to interfere with absent an argument that would sustain the prohibition/discrimination.

So the immoral behavior that you defend is better than others? On what grounds?
I don't defend immoral behavior. That's your old lie, the one that stumbles like a drunk on a ship deck during rough seas when I note that you can support the right to speak without supporting everything that's said.

Rather, I reject discriminatory practice absent a compelling state interest that necessitates it.

I'd also pointed out on numerous occasions in the previous threads that the psychological organizations that were responsible for removing homosexuality from it's list of mental disorders has made attempts to remove pedophilia from it's list of mental disorders (hence like homosexuality, opening the door for decriminalization).
I noted that all sorts of people can attempt all sorts of things, but that the foundation and history of the law in any number of expressions simply can't allow it. Consent alone would defeat it and the laws relating to that and children have strengthened over time, are better post sexual revolution than they were in the allegedly more God fearing past of our nation.

So why the denial that age of sexual consent will eventually be lowered and abolished as seen in the 1972 'gay' agenda?
For the same reason I'd "deny" that Gandhi was a professional hockey player.

There are doubtless groups in this country who would love to see everything from race separation to Sharia law as a Constitutional amendment, but it isn't going to happen. I've set out why and nothing in your above or past is responsive to any of what I've noted.


Re: Rowan County Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis and her refusal issue proud and unrepentant sodomites faux marriage licenses:

Originally Posted by TracerBullet awwww. the poor woman. What about her right to be a bigot???

I wish she'd stop wearing those ugly , dumpy, frumpy jumpers. I wish she hadn't been married 4 x. I wish she would simply find another line of work..........Can she get a wardrobe consultant from the court? :think:

What happened to your supposed support of traditional marriage GFR7?

(I just love it when GFR7 drops his pro traditional values façade and lets his LGBTQ colors fly proudly).



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Since the cause of homosexual desires formed in a person's youth due to sexual abuse or a dysfunctional family, etc., you are correct (for once) Al: children really didn't have a choice in the matter when it came to being raped or abandoned by their father.

Typical poppycock from you once again aCW. The best evidence of human sexuality that we currently have is what each of us says it is for us personally...

Refer to page 1's index under "C": Causes of homosexual attraction.

While non LGBTQueer financed studies provide great information as to what causes same sex desires, I always prefer hearing from homosexuals themselves. The honest ones will tell you (as seen in Ryan Sorba's undercover video) that they were sexually molested as a child or as seen in numerous testimonies by EX homosexuals, grew up in a dysfunctional family (abusive or absent father, exposed to pornography, etc.).

Sexual attraction, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder,

Homosexual icon James Baldwin couldn't have said it better:


Clearly most gay people will testify that they were not abused and that their own sexuality is just what it happens to be naturally...

Instead of having "most" of those who have same sex desires come forward and tell us how they contracted unnatural sexual desires, how about finding just one to share his or her story with us?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
As people get older and more mature, they're able to make the right choices and often times leave immoral desires and behavior behind (even if they were dealt a bad card as a child) if they so desire.

Show me that sexual preference is a choice, I don't seem to be able to manage it, maybe there is something wrong with me?

Refer to the numerous testimonies of EX homosexuals in page 1's index who chose to leave homosexual behavior and often times desires behind. Also remember that it's 'chic' for many younger people to experiment with homosexuality.

More women experimenting with bisexuality

Activists lure children into homosexual experimentation

I think I might be gay. How will I know if I really am?
You will eventually figure it out. You may consider different options or even experiment to determine what you are happy and comfortable with. The process may take a long time, and the decisions you make may be difficult for you and other people to accept.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Prohibiting therapy to help sexually and gender confused children overcome same sex desires or gender confusion (which is a direct assault on parents who want to help their sexually/gender confused child) is something that is being pushed through by the LGBTQueer movement

Qualified professional psychiatrists and therapists will tell you that it is wrong to try and fix what isn't broken, there is no cure for a non-illness. Quack "reparative" therapists however don't seem to share their professional scruples obviously.

Thank you for acknowledging along with your LGBTQueer allies that parents don't know what's best for their children.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
The abortion and pornography movements were precursors to what we're seeing today, i.e. they're all part of the sexual anarchist movement.

They are not linked afaik other than their particular activists may find some common ground in dealing with your ilk...

Keyword: "movements" as I will show (once again) in an upcoming post talking about the inseparable ties between the abortion and homosexual movements.
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Well-known member
Re: Rowan County Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis and her refusal issue proud and unrepentant sodomites faux marriage licenses:

Originally Posted by TracerBullet awwww. the poor woman. What about her right to be a bigot???

What happened to your supposed support of traditional marriage GFR7?

(I just love it when GFR7 drops his pro traditional values façade and lets his LGBTQ colors fly proudly).


Since your on the subject:

He Who Pays the Piper Calls the Tune



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Re: Rowan County Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis and her refusal to issue proud and unrepentant sodomites faux marriage licenses:

Since your on the subject:

He Who Pays the Piper Calls the Tune


I see you're still running with the Libertarian crowd. On that note I'll address the 3 main "observations" of Lawrence Vance's article:

I have three observations. First and foremost: He who pays the piper calls the tune. If you are going to work for the state, then you do what the state says or you quit. Given the history of U.S. military aggression, you don’t join the military and then say it is unconstitutional for you to be sent to Afghanistan so you should be assigned a desk job in Ohio. If you work for a state or the national park service and you are told to cut down an old tree that you think should remain standing, you cut it down or you quit your job. I could go on and on.

Gina Miller addressed that point in the above article entitled:

Homosexual Movement Is Grave Threat to Freedom

"Don’t give me this tripe about how “she took an oath to do her duty as a county clerk.” Whatever oath she may have taken certainly did not include swearing to set aside her fundamental freedom in order to uphold unconstitutional wickedness illegally imposed on the states by a lawless, corrupt Supreme Court."

Vance, like most if not all Libertarians, feels that the state is an illegitimate institution. It's not, it was ordained by God to do good. It's those who use legislation for immoral purposes and force/coerce others to follow through with their unrighteous laws who are to blame.

Second: the fact that Davis feels that issuing marriage licenses goes against her religion or violates her conscience is no defense. What if someone believes that one or more of the following legal marriages is against his religion or conscience?

A previous marriage that ended in divorce for one or both parties.
Inter-racial marriage.
Marriage between distant cousins.
Marriage between Jew and Gentile.
Marriage between Christian and atheist.
Marriage between Catholic and Protestant.
Marriage between an old man and a young woman.
Marriage between a couple who just met.
Marriage between a couple who met online.

Should he also be allowed to not issue marriage licenses in these circumstances?

It's amazing how Lawrence Vance, a supposed Christian, compares the above with a sexual perversion, a behavior that God abhors. None of the above are relevant to the act of homosexuality or this subject, as they are not sins in the Eyes of God.

Third: Davis is a fraud who doesn’t practice anything like a biblical view of marriage. She has been married four times and divorced three times.

I guess repentance and grace isn't big on Lawrence Vance's list. From what I read Kim Davis accepted Christ into her life 4 years ago, washing her past clean.

But that isn't the issue here, (it wasn't an issue with the residents of Rowan County Kentucky who elected Kim Davis as their County Clerk).

One doesn't have to live a perfect life to stand for God's Word. In the words of Selwyn Duke from his article:

When Hypocrisy is a Good Thing:

...What is interesting about our time, though, is that these men are castigated not because they have been living an immoral lifestyle but because they have been living an immoral lifestyle without also sanctioning that immoral lifestyle...

...The idea is that it's worse to espouse a standard you cannot live up to than one you can and do live down to; second, it's always implied that an individual's position cannot be credible if he lacks personal credibility. And such tacks certainly are rhetorically effective.

They're also nonsense...

...A position either has merit or it doesn't, either a basis in Truth or it doesn't. The rightness of a position is not determined by the righteousness of a politician...

...Lest I be misunderstood, my title is somewhat figurative; hypocrisy isn't really a good state, but it can be the lesser of two evils. But I do know this: I'd rather have a politician propositioning in a bathroom than proposing policy that turns the whole country into a bathroom...

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2007/09

Are you ok with a Christian going to jail drbrumley for standing up for his or her religious convictions (i.e. standing up for God's Word as seen in Holy Scripture?)


It's already here.
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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

This is how "it works" in the "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!" threads:

I show what has happened and is currently happening to our society since the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement took control of our laws and culture:

*Parental rights being denied (therapy to help their sexually/gender confused child; contraception being handed out without parental consent, abortions being done without parental consent, sex change operations being done without parental consent)
*Children and youth being indoctrinated into a sexually perverse culture and contracting deadly incurable sexually transmitted diseases
*Invaluable institutions being destroyed
*Disease, misery and death amongst those who engage in homosexuality
Etc. etc. etc.

Now if you have no problem with the above, then defend what has happened and is currently happening since the sexual anarchist movement (abortionists, pornographers, homosexuals, etc.) took control of our laws and culture. If there is something that you don't like about the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement, show us what and how you would go about changing the things that you don't approve of.

I must have missed your answer as to whether or not you're ok with the above and if not, what and how you'd go about changing the things that you don't approve of.

(Silence from Town Heretic)

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
...It's that Libertarian mentality that I talked about so much in Part 2: "It's MY body and I can do with it as I damn well please!".

Where we draw the line on personal autonomy varies, though I've read fairly diverse opinions in support of the notion, so resting it singularly in any one of them is a bit mistaken to my mind.

Yet that mentality is responsible for 58 million unborn babies being murdered in the womb in the past 43 years and the pain, misery and death that homosexuality has brought to our nation.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Now if you think that the abortion movement and homosexual movements are entirely two different things, then show the readers of this thread how you'd go about cracking down on a woman's right to chooooose while still allowing Bruth and what's their names to have the supposed 'freedom'

They're absolutely two very different issues. Abortion fails to consider half the equation when it comes to right, which is the foundation for my objection as a matter of law. The unborn are reasonably as vested as you or I or, rather, rationally should be following an argument I've made repeatedly on the point. It's not about simply a woman's autonomy, which itself is a far cry from absolute (see: drug laws, laws against suicide, ect.)

Save your internet pro life speech for your next Obama Hilary Clinton rally.

Back to reality: Note how I used the word "movement". Abortion and homosexuality wouldn't be legal today if it weren't for the organized movements behind them, and the abortion movement will not be defeated while allowing the homosexual movement to exist.

I've documented numerous times in the past 3 threads the close (inseparable) ties between the abortion and homosexual movements, here are 4 articles showing so:

Why are there always rainbow flags at pro-abortion rallies?

LaBarbera Statement on 42nd Anniversary of Roe v. Wade Decision Legalizing Abortion


Why Are Liberal ‘Gay’ Activists Freaking Out over a Contraception Case – Hobby Lobby – and Should They Be Worried?

Abortion and Homosexuality Movements Are Linked in their War Against Life and Marriage

Homosexuality, within the compact and legal sense, is nothing more or less than an expression of sexual choice that isn't properly your business or mine to interfere with absent an argument that would sustain the prohibition/discrimination.

We've seen the harm that homosexuality does, both to the individual and after becoming organized, to society.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
So the immoral behavior that you defend is better than others? On what grounds?

I don't defend immoral behavior.

Is homosexuality not immoral in your mind?

That's your old lie, the one that stumbles like a drunk on a ship deck during rough seas when I note that you can support the right to speak without supporting everything that's said.

Rather, I reject discriminatory practice absent a compelling state interest that necessitates it.

So what are these "compelling state interest" that allow civil government to discriminate against incest, bestiality, and other sexual practices that you don't seem to approve of but not homosexuality?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I'd also pointed out on numerous occasions in the previous threads that the psychological organizations that were responsible for removing homosexuality from it's list of mental disorders has made attempts to remove pedophilia from it's list of mental disorders (hence like homosexuality, opening the door for decriminalization).

I noted that all sorts of people can attempt all sorts of things, but that the foundation and history of the law in any number of expressions simply can't allow it. Consent alone would defeat it and the laws relating to that and children have strengthened over time, are better post sexual revolution than they were in the allegedly more God fearing past of our nation.

So US laws have strengthened when it comes to the exploitation of children to both heterosex and perverse homosex?

Name some.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
So why the denial that age of sexual consent will eventually be lowered and abolished as seen in the 1972 'gay' agenda?

For the same reason I'd "deny" that Gandhi was a professional hockey player.

There are doubtless groups in this country who would love to see everything from race separation to Sharia law as a Constitutional amendment, but it isn't going to happen. I've set out why and nothing in your above or past is responsive to any of what I've noted.

On a side note: Do you know anyone that is involved in a same sex relationship where he and his 'partner' adopted a child?


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Since the cause of homosexual desires formed in a person's youth due to sexual abuse or a dysfunctional family, etc., you are correct (for once) Al: children really didn't have a choice in the matter when it came to being raped or abandoned by their father.

Refer to page 1's index under "C": Causes of homosexual attraction.
All that is there are your links to fake studies and to hate groups.

Which , lets face it, is all you ever post.

Refer to the numerous testimonies of EX homosexuals in page 1's index who chose to leave homosexual behavior and often times desires behind.
Considering that so called reparative therapy involves a "therapist" subjecting their clients (usually children as young as three) to horrific verbal, physical, emotional and sexual abuse and encouraging the child's parents to join in the abuse, its not surprising that children will lie and say anything to get mommy and daddy to hitting and threatening them so they don't have to go back and see the pervert that won't stop touching them.
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