Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Well-known member
Or 113% if you are Van De Ven.

So he's not omnipotent?

Gen 18:14 - Is anything impossible for the LORD?
You are being a general troll. Read the OP. Try that instead. Count to 10 before impulsive buying or posting. It's good advice, for free.


New member
Looks more like an accusation, a false one.
The question came after the accusation which assumes and becomes rhetorical upon the premise of the accusation. IOW, it wasn't a question, it was a dig that followed the accusation. Now, because you seem to ignore scripture, I've asked about the same from you, but I asked 'in what sense' you considered yourself a Christian. That because I don't believe we can ignore God and claim we are one. Those two just don't go hand in hand, BUT I gave you every opportunity to clarify and quantify, not wishing to mislabel. You have, to date, never answered that question.

1 Corinthians 5:11 But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral ... Do not even eat with such people.

:think: Statistics we may never agree on, especially as we interpret them but I don't believe you can misinterpret scritpure. These are very clear.
Rom 1:22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools,
Rom 1:23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.
Rom 1:24 Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves,
Rom 1:25 because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.
Rom 1:26 For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature;
Rom 1:27 and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.
Rom 1:28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.
Rom 1:29 They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips,
Rom 1:30 slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents,
Rom 1:31 foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless.
Rom 1:32 Though they know God's decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.

If you are a Christian, as long as you 100% agree with God and His word, you'd have no problem with me. The problem is you don't seem to believe it as much as statistics that may or may not be accurate, coming from men. They will NEVER be my go-to for truth over scripture. It is impossible for God to lie. His Word will stand forever and ever, and it accomplishes what He ensures it will accomplish and never returns void.


so you would consider me a "true" Christian if I shared your contempt and hated a few minorities.

again are you even a Christian?


New member
Gays are not the same as us, they have an abysmal sexual addiction that people have tried to play as being 'natural' when the majority of them have children, have been married, or at the very least have had sexual relations in the past with the opposite sex.

Nobody is born gay, homosexual activity is just an extremity of deviance. Like one who pops a needle in their arm- you would never do it under the pretenses that you wouldn't like it. But like a drug addict who does, so does these people on sexual relations with the same sex.

The very worst thing society could have possibly done in this regard is coerce them into believing they are okay and that they were 'born that way'.
It's a complete lie and science knows it, you know it, I know it, WE ALL KNOW IT.

But denial of the fittest has come along, that looming wishful thinking in every corner of society..

Lesbianism is something quite honestly sad to behold. There's nothing but bones in their closets, and the same goes for male gays as well. Men and women deprived of each other, and society has the audacity to call it natural.
~Society should be ashamed~

I'm sure you have interesting ideas about black people as well


New member
You are being a general troll. Read the OP. Try that instead. Count to 10 before impulsive buying or posting. It's good advice, for free.

I believe it's crucial to the discussion if God is going to come up.

I'm going to assume that you believe that humans can both lie and tell the truth.

Would you say Satan has the ability to tell the truth on occasion if he should choose to do so? Most say "no" quoting John 8:44.

If you indeed believe those things then we have a God that can only tell one thing, a Devil that can only do the other thing, and a human that has a power to do both things.

When you realize you are living in that world, perhaps you will realize that when you want to punish those that are of the Devil, they will turn and try to punish you just as hard. Throughout history both sides have had victories and defeats and in the end we've gotten nowhere. People like you and aCW think for some reason you are going to step in and change that history. But you aren't.


Well-known member
I believe it's crucial to the discussion if God is going to come up.

I'm going to assume that you believe that humans can both lie and tell the truth.

Would you say Satan has the ability to tell the truth on occasion if he should choose to do so? Most say "no" quoting John 8:44.

If you indeed believe those things then we have a God that can only tell one thing, a Devil that can only do the other thing, and a human that has a power to do both things.

When you realize you are living in that world, perhaps you will realize that when you want to punish those that are of the Devil, they will turn and try to punish you just as hard. Throughout history both sides have had victories and defeats and in the end we've gotten nowhere. People like you and aCW think for some reason you are going to step in and change that history. But you aren't.
:nono: It isn't about that. For me, it is about protecting children. Read or listen to at least some of ACW's posts. It is heart wrenching what people will subject our kids to and I'm always against that. If his link between pediphilia and gays doesn't play out on occassion, well and good. I don't care if they are gay or straight or both, I'm very much against it. We 'choose' in life NOT to act on certain impulses. Those who don't are rightly in trouble with the law. I'm very much on board with keeping public indecency and exposure to children off our streets.

I'm against someone trying to shove their agenda down anyone's throat.

Gays will have to stand before God at judgment, right alongside everyone else. Scripture is harsher with them and they should know that up front. Other than that, I hate that my relatives are in this mess, and that it is most certainly from abuse in both cases. That's not a disorder they should parade down a street anymore than we should have alcoholic parades either or adultery parades. Or fornication parades.


New member
:nono: It isn't about that. For me, it is about protecting children.
what about protecting those kids that happen to be gay/lesbian?

Read or listen to at least some of ACW's posts. It is heart wrenching what people will subject our kids to and I'm always against that.
like so called reparative therapy?




If his link between pediphilia and gays doesn't play out on occassion, well and good. I don't care if they are gay or straight or both, I'm very much against it. We 'choose' in life NOT to act on certain impulses. Those who don't are rightly in trouble with the law. I'm very much on board with keeping public indecency and exposure to children off our streets.

I'm against someone trying to shove their agenda down anyone's throat.
unless it's an anti gay agenda

Gays will have to stand before God at judgment, right alongside everyone else.
just like homophobes


Well-known member
what about protecting those kids that happen to be gay/lesbian?

like so called reparative therapy?




unless it's an anti gay agenda

just like homophobes
HERE is what was addressed to you:

Read the verses. Do you believe them? Yes or no?

Are they true? Yes or no?

Please answer these so very simple so easy a child could do it questions.

Don't be distracted, one might wonder.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Yet I sleep in the same room/bed with my wife.

Oh I figured you were the wife.

I was wondering why you don't sleep in the same bed as your wife, and then it came to me: There's not enough room for the 3 of you.


Here's something for you homosexualists to ponder:

If homosex isn't inherently wrong, why would slapping around your partner be?

There are no moral absolutes for those that proudly practice and defend homosexual behavior, therefore you can't say that (unjustified)violence is something that is inherently wrong.

Because the partner didn't consent to it. If they do consent to it I see no problem.

There appears to be a lot of 'non-consensual" abuse amongst those that proudly engage in homosexual behavior:

Domestic abuse in LGBT relationships on the rise

May 21, 2014

Members of the LGBT community are more than twice as likely to have experienced domestic abuse in the past year compared to those in heterosexual relationships, the charity Broken Rainbow has said.

Domestic violence and abuse in the LGBT community is an issue rarely highlighted, with many victims too afraid to speak out, but the charity says it’s on the rise.

When questioned, 45% of LGBT respondents from the 2013 ROAR study on domestic violence and abuse said that they didn’t seek help for fear that they wouldn’t be taken seriously.

To raise awareness of this growing issue and to let people know that help is available, the UK’s only LGBT domestic violence charity, Broken Rainbow, has launched its first ever awareness campaign...

Of course if the above article was published in a Christian periodical, it would be nothing but LIES! LIES! LIES!, but unfortunately for you homosexualists it was published in a homosexual periodical (and we all know that homosexuals don't lie).


He would rather focus on two guys having sex than even think about women. That much is very clear from the sum total and content of all his posts.

Welcome back to the thread nog. I mentioned to Art Brain when he was on a 'lipstick lesbian' rant (at least the boy is thinking about girls, even if they are lesbo), that you mentioned in part 2 that you're into voyeurism. I can't remember if you said that you like to watch two guys getting it on or two women.

Please clarify while I search for the post.


New member

Delegates to Melbourne AIDS summit on doomed flight MH17

Rick Wallace and Rick Morton
The Australian
July 18, 2014 3:11PM

MORE than 100 AIDS activists, researchers and health workers bound for a major conference in Melbourne were on the Malaysia Airlines flight downed in the Ukraine. It is believed that delegates to the 20th International AIDS Conference, due to begin on Sunday, will be informed today that 108 of their colleagues and family members died on MH17.
Stunned researchers, activists and development workers arriving at Melbourne Airport paid tribute to AIDS researcher Joep Lange and the other attendees believed killed aboard MH17.
Jonathan Quick, head of a not-for–profit medicine supply company working with the Global Fund and the US government in Africa and Latin America, described Professor Lange as a force for change in HIV/AIDS treatment.
“I remember meeting him back in the late 1990s. He was really driven at a time when there was not much going on in the way of treatment,” he said.
“This is a community in which individuals have moved mountains and it’s also a community that has had regular exposure to horrific loss.”
Mr Quick, who runs Management Sciences for Health, will introduce an address by former High Court judge Michael Kirby at the conference.

Activist and journalist Sean Strub, who runs the New York based POZ magazine, said the conference was shaken by the tragedy and by Professor Lange’s death.
“It’s going to be a very sombre week,’’ he said. “The struggle with the epidemic is bigger than any one individual but the collective loss of so many important people is one that is emotionally devastating.”
Kenyan development worker Perez Odera said she feared the tragedy would dissuade people from flying to conferences such as this.
“I just feel it is very, very unfortunate. It’s something we don’t have control over,’’ she said.

Dr Robert Grant, a researcher from the Gladstone Institute at the University of California, said that on arriving in Melbourne he had heard reports Prof Lange had died.
He declined to say he was speaking about Prof Lange ahead of confirmation of the death, but said a senior colleague — thought to be the Dutch researcher — appeared to have perished.
“It’s incredible. He’s been a mentor to me and an incredible leader in this field. We have published together and I have relied on him for advice and guidance,” he said.
Another delegate, Jennifer Watt, who works for a pharmaceutical company in San Francisco, talked of Prof Lange‘s work in Africa.
“I have worked very closely with him in a number of clinical research projects. He’s very well known and a very passionate person. He’s the father of AIDS research in the developing world,’’ she said.

One could look at this two ways:

(1) Act of God: - God is not interested in idiots interfering with His judgements.

(2) Act of (CIA or other) Terrorism: - a Conservative Espionage Agency targeted AIDS group, wiping out worlds leading experts.

Either way the result is the same.

The first thing the survivors who made it to the conference feared
was that others would be reluctant to help with the AIDS crisis.

Good luck with finding medical experts to help battle a promiscuous male homosexual disease.


Well-known member
Welcome back to the thread nog. I mentioned to Art Brain when he was on a 'lipstick lesbian' rant (at least the boy is thinking about girls, even if they are lesbo), that you mentioned in part 2 that you're into voyeurism. I can't remember if you said that you like to watch two guys getting it on or two women.

Please clarify while I search for the post.

When I was younger I did get into porn, hetero and female on female. And I use to go to exotic dance clubs (female if you are still not sure). I have since realized that porn desensitizes me from real life and it has been almost 20 years since I found it enjoyable. My background has actually been beneficial because I helped a young lady who use to be an exotic dancer get sober last year. Since I was quite familiar with the whole scene, I could understand where she was coming from better than anyone else she met in recovery. I have no problem telling you the truth if you do not twist the things I say, and try to make it something it was not.


New member
I have no problem telling you the truth if you do not twist the things I say, and try to make it something it was not.
I doubt that aCW is someone who can be reasoned with or expect any tolerance at all of how other people deal with the hand they were dealt.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Welcome back to the thread nog. I mentioned to Art Brain when he was on a 'lipstick lesbian' rant (at least the boy is thinking about girls, even if they are lesbo), that you mentioned in part 2 that you're into voyeurism. I can't remember if you said that you like to watch two guys getting it on or two women.

Please clarify while I search for the post.

When I was younger I did get into porn, hetero and female on female.

So you enjoyed watching two homosexuals (or more) go at it, as long as they were female. I guess watching two guys give each other HIV/AIDS, anal cancer, etc. wasn't your "thing" ey? (Obviously nog is a homophobic bigot).

And I use to go to exotic dance clubs (female if you are still not sure). I have since realized that porn desensitizes me from real life and it has been almost 20 years since I found it enjoyable.

"Real life"? What's "real life"? Pornography is a "victimless crime", ask one of the many Libertarians on here and they'll tell you that it is.

My background has actually been beneficial because I helped a young lady who use to be an exotic dancer get sober last year. Since I was quite familiar with the whole scene, I could understand where she was coming from better than anyone else she met in recovery.

Again, drug and alcohol addiction, like homosexuality, is a "victimless crime". You surely aren't implying that a person can be a victim of their own actions are you nog?

B.A.R. homosexual obituaries, 1972-2014 http://www.theologyonline.com/forums...&postcount=406

1985 (continued from:


Male, 30, cause of death not disclosed
Male, 28, AIDS
Male, 30-35 (photo), cause of death not disclosed
Male, 36, illness
Male, 53, MDA related heart attack
Male, 30, cause of death not disclosed
Male, 34, KS
Male, 44, pneumocystis/AIDS
Male, 70, cancer
Male, 33, AIDS
Male, 39, AIDS
Male, 30-35 (photo), AIDS
Male, 35, AIDS
Male, 30-35 (photo), cause of death not disclosed
Male, 29, AIDS related
Male, 46, cause of death not disclosed
Male, 35-40 (photo), undisclosed illness
Male, 31, AIDS
Male, 35, complications due to AIDS
Male, 36, AIDS related illness
Male, 44, lengthy illness
Male, 38, cause of death not disclosed
Male, 35-40 (photo), undisclosed illness
Male, age not disclosed, undisclosed illness (Shanti Project)
Male, 42, AIDS
Male, 36, AIDS related
Male, 30-35 (photo), cause of death not disclosed
Male, 37, AIDS
Male, 30-35 (photo), cause of death not disclosed
Male, 36, AIDS related
Male, 44, AIDS
Male, 30-35 (photo), AIDS
Male, 33, AIDS
Male, 35-40 (photo), cause of death not disclosed
Male, 40, AIDS
Male, 53, AIDS
Male, 36, victim of grisly murder (overkill)
Male, 25, pneumonia/AIDS related
Male, 35-40 (photo), cancer related
Male, 52, undisclosed illness
Male, 41, AIDS
Male, 30-35 (photo), AIDS
Male, 49 AIDS
Male, age not disclosed, illness (Shanti Project)
Male, 35-40 (photo), pneumonia
Male, 30-35 (photo), pneumonia
Male, 30, cause of death not disclosed
Male, 39, cause of death not disclosed
Male, 30-35 (photo), illness (Shanti Project)
Male, 40, cancer
Male, 40-45 (photo), pneumonia
Male, 40-45 (photo), illness (Shanti Project)
Male, 43, illness (Shanti Project)
Male, 32, cause of death not disclosed
Male, 27, AIDS
Male, 30, illness (Shanti Project)
Male, 30-35 (photo), AIDS
Male, 43, undisclosed illness
Male, age undisclosed, illness (Shanti Project)
Male, 45, AIDS
Male, 35-40 (photo), AIDS
Male, 23, AIDS
Male, 30-35 (photo), AIDS
Male, 33, illness
Male, 35, AIDS related
Male, 30-35 (photo), undisclosed illness
Male, 35, AIDS
Male, 37, AIDS
Male, 35, AIDS
Male, 39, pneumonia
Male, 35-40 (photo), cause of death undisclosed
Male, 34, pneumonia
Male, 43, KS
Male, 30-35 (photo), AIDS
Male, 37, cause of death not disclosed
Male, 50, cancer
Male, 32, AIDS complications
Male, 48, heart disease
Male, 30-35 (photo), KS
Male, 35-40 (photo), long illness
Male, 42, AIDS
Continue with letter "T"

What if they made a law saying that you couldn't help your friend from leaving that destructive lifestyle, what would you do then?

I have no problem telling you the truth if you do not twist the things I say, and try to make it something it was not.

As always, your words speak for themself.


New member
As I've shown and will continue to show, violence is a big part of the homosexual lifestyle. Violence is part of "controlling" other people Doper.

So your desire to "control" other humans morality and who they can and cannot sleep with is a violent behavior. :up:

And since you always connect violence with homosexuals. . . :think:

Bump to aCW.

Why is your act of violence via control acceptable and theirs not?


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Welcome back to the thread nog. I mentioned to Art Brain when he was on a 'lipstick lesbian' rant (at least the boy is thinking about girls, even if they are lesbo), that you mentioned in part 2 that you're into voyeurism. I can't remember if you said that you like to watch two guys getting it on or two women.

Please clarify while I search for the post.

So you enjoyed watching two homosexuals (or more) go at it, as long as they were female. I guess watching two guys give each other HIV/AIDS, anal cancer, etc. wasn't your "thing" ey? (Obviously nog is a homophobic bigot).

"Real life"? What's "real life"? Pornography is a "victimless crime", ask one of the many Libertarians on here and they'll tell you that it is.

Again, drug and alcohol addiction, like homosexuality, is a "victimless crime". You surely aren't implying that a person can be a victim of their own actions are you nog?

B.A.R. homosexual obituaries, 1972-2014 http://www.theologyonline.com/forums...&postcount=406

1985 (continued from:


Male, 30, cause of death not disclosed
Male, 28, AIDS
Male, 30-35 (photo), cause of death not disclosed
Male, 36, illness
Male, 53, MDA related heart attack
Male, 30, cause of death not disclosed
Male, 34, KS
Male, 44, pneumocystis/AIDS
Male, 70, cancer
Male, 33, AIDS
Male, 39, AIDS
Male, 30-35 (photo), AIDS
Male, 35, AIDS
Male, 30-35 (photo), cause of death not disclosed
Male, 29, AIDS related
Male, 46, cause of death not disclosed
Male, 35-40 (photo), undisclosed illness
Male, 31, AIDS
Male, 35, complications due to AIDS
Male, 36, AIDS related illness
Male, 44, lengthy illness
Male, 38, cause of death not disclosed
Male, 35-40 (photo), undisclosed illness
Male, age not disclosed, undisclosed illness (Shanti Project)
Male, 42, AIDS
Male, 36, AIDS related
Male, 30-35 (photo), cause of death not disclosed
Male, 37, AIDS
Male, 30-35 (photo), cause of death not disclosed
Male, 36, AIDS related
Male, 44, AIDS
Male, 30-35 (photo), AIDS
Male, 33, AIDS
Male, 35-40 (photo), cause of death not disclosed
Male, 40, AIDS
Male, 53, AIDS
Male, 36, victim of grisly murder (overkill)
Male, 25, pneumonia/AIDS related
Male, 35-40 (photo), cancer related
Male, 52, undisclosed illness
Male, 41, AIDS
Male, 30-35 (photo), AIDS
Male, 49 AIDS
Male, age not disclosed, illness (Shanti Project)
Male, 35-40 (photo), pneumonia
Male, 30-35 (photo), pneumonia
Male, 30, cause of death not disclosed
Male, 39, cause of death not disclosed
Male, 30-35 (photo), illness (Shanti Project)
Male, 40, cancer
Male, 40-45 (photo), pneumonia
Male, 40-45 (photo), illness (Shanti Project)
Male, 43, illness (Shanti Project)
Male, 32, cause of death not disclosed
Male, 27, AIDS
Male, 30, illness (Shanti Project)
Male, 30-35 (photo), AIDS
Male, 43, undisclosed illness
Male, age undisclosed, illness (Shanti Project)
Male, 45, AIDS
Male, 35-40 (photo), AIDS
Male, 23, AIDS
Male, 30-35 (photo), AIDS
Male, 33, illness
Male, 35, AIDS related
Male, 30-35 (photo), undisclosed illness
Male, 35, AIDS
Male, 37, AIDS
Male, 35, AIDS
Male, 39, pneumonia
Male, 35-40 (photo), cause of death undisclosed
Male, 34, pneumonia
Male, 43, KS
Male, 30-35 (photo), AIDS
Male, 37, cause of death not disclosed
Male, 50, cancer
Male, 32, AIDS complications
Male, 48, heart disease
Male, 30-35 (photo), KS
Male, 35-40 (photo), long illness
Male, 42, AIDS
Continue with letter "T"

What if they made a law saying that you couldn't help your friend from leaving that destructive lifestyle, what would you do then?

As always, your words speak for themself.

So, we are to judge the morality of our sexual preferences by how many people die of STDS per preference.....

Seems you have a GOD that is pissed off at heterosexuals.. see below.

In fact put this fact, with the fact that there are like 15-1 the hetero to hom sexual chastisements and warnings in the Bible. Anyway you turn, your reasoning kills us heterofolks....

I think I'd prefer you shut the heck up and go back to your Church in Westboro.


HIV Statistics

52-96% of all HIV infections may be transmitted during the period before seroconversion.
90% of all AIDS deaths happen with people under the age of 50.
90% of HIV infections that occur among homosexual males occur through anal intercourse.
90% of worldwide HIV transmission occurs in heterosexual people.
After acute illness, individuals infected with HIV can remain symptom free from 6 months to 11 years.
Over 30,000,000 people are infected with HIV worldwide and there are 16,000 new cases each day.
The majority of HIV related AIDS cases occur before the age of 35.


New member
So, we are to judge the morality of our sexual preferences by how many people die of STDS per preference.....

Seems you have a GOD that is pissed off at heterosexuals.. see below.

In fact put this fact, with the fact that there are like 15-1 the hetero to hom sexual chastisements and warnings in the Bible. Anyway you turn, your reasoning kills us heterofolks....

I think I'd prefer you shut the heck up and go back to your Church in Westboro.

Looks like you don't understand your own statistics:

If homosexuals only represent 2.5 - 5.0 % of the population,
and therefore heterosexuals represent a whopping 95 - 97% of the pop,
but God feels homosexuals need 1 out of 15 warnings, or at least 6.7 % of them,
while heterosexuals only need be receiving 94 % of the warnings,
when they should be getting 19 out of 20 specialized prohibitions,
it looks like God has the proportions pretty close to what they are
supposed to be, but is giving heterosexuals the benefit of the doubt.

Try taking a high-school math course before opening your own big mouth.

HIV Statistics

52-96% of all HIV infections may be transmitted during the period before seroconversion.
90% of all AIDS deaths happen with people under the age of 50.
90% of HIV infections that occur among homosexual males occur through anal intercourse.
90% of worldwide HIV transmission occurs in heterosexual people.
After acute illness, individuals infected with HIV can remain symptom free from 6 months to 11 years.
Over 30,000,000 people are infected with HIV worldwide and there are 16,000 new cases each day.
The majority of HIV related AIDS cases occur before the age of 35.
When the highlighted figure actually represents the artificial epidemics
being spread in Africa by:

(1) a rampant epidemic of planned and sanctioned rapes by HIV positive soldiers,
engaging in genocidal attacks along tribal, religious and political lines,
unpoliced and unpunished,

(2) a deliberate program by the West to depopulate Africa
via perpetual internal conflicts, zero infrastructure and zero healthcare,
and the sponsored spreading of disease using every possible vector
and technology, in order to leave it open to exploitation by corporations., and military combines.

(3) The systemic spread of AIDS-like viruses through fake vaccination programs.

- its hardly a surprise that 95% of alleged 'AIDS' victims are blacks
living in Africa, and they happen to be mostly heterosexuals, mostly
women and children
(the murder rate against males is out of control).

Let me spell it out for you:
It only takes ONE promiscuous and murderous soldier
to rape a whole village of defenseless women and even children,
NONE of whom are promiscuous, and yet,
this one soldier would have managed to infect over 100 people.
So while only 1 jerk was promiscuous, 100 people end up with the virus,
because they can't defend themselves against an armed soldier in
a place like Africa.

This statistic doesn't mean that heterosexuals are somehow
the greatest offenders in the spread of "AIDS" (unless we mean the military cabals),
or even that blacks are the greatest offenders in the spread of "AIDS",
as if these groups were more sexually promiscuous than homosexuals (a laugh),
but rather that they are the prime targets in a global genocidal program,
meant to take Africa, the world's largest and least exploited continent,
and eliminate its inconvenient residents, apart from a small 'slave work-force',
to be used to mine diamonds, and other semi-precious minerals,
and grow cocoa for your chocolate bars.

The situation is entirely different in the West,
where homosexuals with too much money, freedom, and power,
and obviously zero brains and moral restraints,
spread the REAL AIDS virus among themselves
and everyone else they can involve.

Sadly, these suicidal maniacs only represent 2.5% of the population,
so that they are not killing themselves fast enough,
nor are they being adequately represented in international statistics,
gathered by the very murderers who invented the virus
in a biological warfare lab.


New member
So you enjoyed watching two homosexuals (or more) go at it, as long as they were female. I guess watching two guys give each other HIV/AIDS, anal cancer, etc. wasn't your "thing" ey? (Obviously nog is a homophobic bigot).
We can always rely on aCW to reimagine the scenario in his own special way and direction.

"Real life"? What's "real life"? Pornography is a "victimless crime", ask one of the many Libertarians on here and they'll tell you that it is.
If you asked me I'd say yes and no.
Much of pornography is reasonably safe and provides an honest income for some people but otoh some of it is exploitative, but then there is always good and bad people in all walks of life aCW, as you are a particularly shining example of. :plain:


Hopefully this won't scare homosexuals away from doing what they do best:

Molesting children.

Police: Fla. father beats accused child abuser

July 18, 2014

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (AP) — A Daytona Beach father beat an 18-year-old man unconscious after finding him sexually abusing his 11-year-old son early Friday morning, police said.

The father called 911 around 1 a.m. after he walked in on the alleged abuse, police said. When officers arrived, they found Raymond Frolander motionless on the living room floor. He had several knots on his face and was bleeding from the mouth.

"He is nice and knocked out on the floor for you," the father told the 911 dispatcher. "I drug him out to the living room."

The Daytona Beach News-Journal (http://bit.ly/1tZV6o9 ) reports that the father — who was not identified by police — told investigators he walked in as Frolander was abusing the boy.

When asked by the 911 dispatcher if any weapons were involved, the father said "my foot and my fist."

The father has not been charged with any crime.

"Dad was acting like a dad. I don't see anything we should charge the dad with," Daytona Beach Police Chief Mike Chitwood said. "You have an 18-year-old who has clearly picked his target, groomed his target and had sex with the victim multiple times."

Frolander is charged with sexual battery on a child under 12. He is being held without bail. It was not immediately known whether he'd hired a lawyer.

According to the arrest affidavit, Frolander admitted the abuse


I'm mortified! Violence is not the answer people! The father and mother should have sat down with said child molesting sodomite over a nice glass of Pink Chablis and explained to him that they were waiting until their son was 12 before they wanted him to engage in buggery.
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