Ukraine is a WWIII powder keg

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It proves you have no personal integrity.You will support lies no matter how gross they are. It means you'll lie about anything and anyone.

Pointing out truth is called fairness. It's something I believe in although to a marxist like you fairness is completely foreign to you.

Ironic isn't it how seemingly complete a hold war propaganda has on you and you a marxist/communist pretending to hate your fellow communist. It's all a game to you so you have an excuse to criticize conservatives.
Wow, so you consider anna a marxist/communist and yet you're the one on here making apologies for Putin...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
And the main stream media has been claiming Ukraine has Russia on the run.
Do you reckon Putin thought his "special military operation" was going to drag on so long? No credible news outlet is reporting this invasion as a success for Russia's dictatorship as it's been little short of an embarrassment. Months in and Ukraine isn't subjugated but provided and still providing stiff resistance that's pushed forces back out of key cities and territories.

What exactly has Putin achieved apart from hundreds of thousands of deaths, from Ukrainian civilians to a load of his own troops? Oh, also a resolve among allied countries with former neutral ones signing up to join NATO, sanctions that will hit his own people and pointless misery and bloodshed all round?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Do you reckon Putin thought his "special military operation" was going to drag on so long? No credible news outlet is reporting this invasion as a success for Russia's dictatorship as it's been little short of an embarrassment. Months in and Ukraine isn't subjugated but provided and still providing stiff resistance that's pushed forces back out of key cities and territories.

What exactly has Putin achieved apart from hundreds of thousands of deaths, from Ukrainian civilians to a load of his own troops? Oh, also a resolve among allied countries with former neutral ones signing up to join NATO, sanctions that will hit his own people and pointless misery and bloodshed all round?
I've been saying since day one how stupid he is. Epically Stupid Putin. Like he thought he was playing chess except he mistakenly thought the other player only had pawns to move. "This is gonna be easy!" he stupidly thinks, anticipating the invasion.



like marbles on glass
Why do you keep bringing transgenderism into topics that have nothing to do with it and why are you going on about anna in regards to that subject anyway?

He's got some narrative he made up in his brain and he thinks it's real. 🤷‍♀️

Wow, so you consider anna a marxist/communist and yet you're the one on here making apologies for Putin...

ikr? First he sings Putin's praises, then tells me I'm a commie just like Putin. He's got issues.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I've been saying since day one how stupid he is. Epically Stupid Putin. Like he thought he was playing chess except he mistakenly thought the other player only had pawns to move. "This is gonna be easy!" he stupidly thinks, anticipating the invasion.

It beggars belief not only that anyone is an apologist for Putin but how they can't see how woefully he and his regime have blundered into things with such misplaced zeal and ill warranted confidence. This is an absolute embarrassment for Russia. He most certainly did think that his forces would have subjugated Ukraine into submission long before now and not the case whatsoever. All of his "chess" moves have been parried and it's one thing to have pieces in a game of chess, it's another altogether to know how to use them properly. Even the lowly pawn gets the power of a queen if it gets to the end of the board...


like marbles on glass
That's the same level of threat Mexico poses to the US but we still wouldn't allow bioweapons in Mexico.

You're forgetting they made up a fake bioweapons pretense (and a fake Nazi emergency) to invade. There were biolabs and their presence was explained. But no, Russia and the right-wing had to turn it into bioweapons. This has been explained, not that any of Putin's apologists will admit it.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You're forgetting they made up a fake bioweapons pretense (and a fake Nazi emergency) to invade. There were biolabs and their presence was explained. But no, Russia and the right-wing had to turn it into bioweapons. This has been explained, not that any of Putin's apologists will admit it.
Pathetic isn't it? This lot go on about "commies", "left wingers" and yet here they are defending a Russian despot....


like marbles on glass
Pathetic isn't it? This lot go on about "commies", "left wingers" and yet here they are defending a Russian despot....

They almost have no choice. I mean, the guy rode shirtless on a horse after all, that has to count for something?

Seriously, there's no way for them to separation the adulation of Trump with the adulation of Putin. They're forever attached at the hip.

(Sorry for any nausea I may have induced by that thought)

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
They almost have no choice. I mean, the guy rode shirtless on a horse after all, that has to count for something?

Seriously, there's no way for them to separation the adulation of Trump with the adulation of Putin. They're forever attached at the hip.

(Sorry for any nausea I may have induced by that thought)
The nausea with both was already there so no worries...

Now excuse me while I hasten to the bathroom to clean up some vomit that's not quite appeared yet...

Gary K

New member
Moments, literally, after Biden signs $40 billion bill for Ukraine he requests another $100 million for Ukraine.
