Ukraine and the new Al Qaeda

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yeah, the Russian military had weaponry like hypersonic missiles years ahead of the US but their military was just woefully out of date. Yup.
Yup. Now you're getting it and not just the state of disrepair of the equipment but the lack of training and resolve in personnel.

Now, if you think Russia has such military might, how about you explain how after a month they've come nowhere near to subjugating Ukraine?

Gary K

New member
"Donbas region," remember?

If Putin's goal is "de-Nazification" then he should start in his own backyard:


You are never never land.

Why do you think Mariupol has been an area of intense fighting and it was when the Azov Battalion was retreating when the Mariupol theater was bombed? Why would the Russians destroy something with zero military significance when their enemies were leaving the area and that their own people helped to build? So they could turn ethnic Russians who want to be under Russian government against them? You ignore all common sense in favor of propaganda.

You also ignore the testimony of the Ukrainians who left the area that say the Russians didn't do it but that the Azov Battalion had been holding civilian hostages and threatening to kill them in that theater. Those thugs told civilians that they should thank the Azov people for not shooting them.

You support and stand behind such wonderful people. They are practically saints.


"Foundation of the World" Dispensationalist χρ
Yup. Now you're getting it and not just the state of disrepair of the equipment but the lack of training and resolve in personnel.

Now, if you think Russia has such military might, how about you explain how after a month they've come nowhere near to subjugating Ukraine?
If it were the 1200s I suspect that they would have destroyed Ukraine by now and executed all their politicians. I suppose it being the 21st century with instant media they have to exercise restraint. If there's anything the Russians did not plan on it was the whole world watching them in a way that we just weren't paying attention during their invasions of Georgia and Crimea.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Why do you think Mariupol has been an area of intense fighting and it was when the Azov Battalion was retreating when the Mariupol theater was bombed? Why would the Russians destroy something with zero military significance when their enemies were leaving the area and that their own people helped to build? So they could turn ethnic Russians who want to be under Russian government against them? You ignore all common sense in favor of propaganda.

You also ignore the testimony of the Ukrainians who left the area that say the Russians didn't do it but that the Azov Battalion had been holding civilian hostages and threatening to kill them in that theater. Those thugs told civilians that they should thank the Azov people for not shooting them.

You support and stand behind such wonderful people. They are practically saints.
Because that's what Russia does. It targets civilians under the pretense of it being a military target and has a history of doing it if you were to educate yourself on the score.

I would ask where you get your "news" from for your latter but given your usual there's little point.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
If it were the 1200s I suspect that they would have destroyed Ukraine by now and executed all their politicians. I suppose it being the 21st century with instant media they have to exercise restraint. If there's anything the Russians did not plan on it was the whole world watching them in a way that we just weren't paying attention during their invasions of Georgia and Crimea.
Except the invasion was in full global view from the outset. So that doesn't fly.

Gary K

New member
Yup. Now you're getting it and not just the state of disrepair of the equipment but the lack of training and resolve in personnel.

Now, if you think Russia has such military might, how about you explain how after a month they've come nowhere near to subjugating Ukraine?
Because they have reached a majority of their geographical goals. In the first three weeks they conquered an area the size of the UK. They then quit advancing and sat stationary. Entire columns of infantry and armor up to twenty miles long sat stationary within 30 miles or so of Ukrainian forces. And could the Ukraine army attack and destroy those columns? Nope. They couldn't mount enough military force to do anything about them as they were so destroyed militarily. That's direct evidence the halts were of Russian tactical goals being reached in those areas not the ravings of propagandists being true.

Like I said. Think. Stop swallowing whole hog whatever the media says. Use some critical thinking.


"Foundation of the World" Dispensationalist χρ
Because they have reached a majority of their geographical goals. In the first three weeks they conquered an area the size of the UK. They then quit advancing and sat stationary. Entire columns of infantry and armor up to twenty miles long sat stationary within 30 miles or so of Ukrainian forces. And could the Ukraine army attack and destroy those columns? Nope. They couldn't mount enough military force to do anything about them as they were so destroyed militarily. That's direct evidence the halts were of Russian tactical goals being reached in those areas not the ravings of propagandists being true.
But this narrative confirms that the Russians were just interfering in Ukraine's democracy. That's not acceptable or noble or anything; other than Medieval.
Like I said. Think. Stop swallowing whole hog whatever the media says. Use some critical thinking.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Because they have reached a majority of their geographical goals. In the first three weeks they conquered an area the size of the UK. They then quit advancing and sat stationary. Entire columns of infantry and armor up to twenty miles long sat stationary within 30 miles or so of Ukrainian forces. And could the Ukraine army attack and destroy those columns? Nope. They couldn't mount enough military force to do anything about them as they were so destroyed militarily. That's direct evidence the halts were of Russian tactical goals being reached in those areas not the ravings of propagandists being true.

Like I said. Think. Stop swallowing whole hog whatever the media says. Use some critical thinking.
Oh please. What "geographical goals" would those be exactly? Was it part of the "special military operation" to have an entire convoy of armoured vehicles stuck and out of fuel? You reckon this was Putin's plan all along? To have a drawn out war that the entire sane media across the globe denounces not only for its barbarism but its incompetence and embarrassment?

Take your own advice.


"Foundation of the World" Dispensationalist χρ
Then it wasn't really much of one when you argue about Russia exercising restraint. Of course they aren't.
AMR. They could of course lay waste to Ukraine, but as I said, it would be a Medieval tactic to do so, involving the slaughter of untold numbers of civilians and the wholesale decimation of residential, commercial and industrial buildings (iow scorched earth). They would be risking the West 'stepping in'. They understand that it would be devastating for them, and that's why they're restraining themselves from doing what their military could actually do in Ukraine.
They're just failing in their objectives and for reasons outlined already.
That too, of course. But my point is that it's been harder to do than they thought, but not because they couldn't wipe out Ukraine, but because they can't achieve their goals without risking the West 'stepping in', which means, they can't be as Medieval as they would like to be.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
AMR. They could of course lay waste to Ukraine, but as I said, it would be a Medieval tactic to do so, involving the slaughter of untold numbers of civilians and the wholesale decimation of residential, commercial and industrial buildings (iow scorched earth). They would be risking the West 'stepping in'. They understand that it would be devastating for them, and that's why they're restraining themselves from doing what their military could actually do in Ukraine.

That too, of course. But my point is that it's been harder to do than they thought, but not because they couldn't wipe out Ukraine, but because they can't achieve their goals without risking the West 'stepping in', which means, they can't be as Medieval as they would like to be.
Even with conventional weapons they've laid waste to untold numbers of civilian deaths and Putin knew that as did his regime. Sure, he could nuke Ukraine but as you say, that would be met with obvious reprisals and the West itself doesn't want to get too embroiled in the war where things could escalate exponentially either.

So the point stands. Putin's invasion on military grounds has been a dismal failure.

Gary K

New member
Strange that the world's neo-Nazis are on your side.
Oh yeah. I have really supported nazis on this site.

Why have I consistently used words such as murderous to describe them and exposed the CIA for supporting, arming, and training them? Because I think they are good guys? You ignore all my previos posts in this thread so you can creat distractions and obfuscation of my entire thought.

I'm trying to build a more balanced view of this situation as my sympathies lie directly with the Ukrainian people, not their corrupt government, the nazis it has placed in it's power structure, or the CIA which armed funded, and trained them. The very first post of mine on this entire mess was my condemnation of all the governments involved and my desire to see the Ukrainian people free from all outside and corrupt influences so they could live their lives in liberty. I have known Ukrainian familes for decades and they have been my closest friends since I was in high school. I consider their sons to be far closer to me than my biological brothers have ever been. I'm on the Ukrainian people's side.

You guys? You're on the side of political agendas bought to you by a fatally corrupt media.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
I have known Ukrainian familes for decades and they have been my closest friends since I was in high school. I consider their sons to be far closer to me than my biological brothers have ever been. I'm on the Ukrainian people's side.

You guys? You're on the side of political agendas bought to you by a fatally corrupt media.
Meanwhile, Putin's military is bombing Ukraine and killing its citizens indescriminately. You are corrupt.

Gary K

New member
Oh please. What "geographical goals" would those be exactly? Was it part of the "special military operation" to have an entire convoy of armoured vehicles stuck and out of fuel? You reckon this was Putin's plan all along? To have a drawn out war that the entire sane media across the globe denounces not only for its barbarism but its incompetence and embarrassment?

Take your own advice.
LOL. From where did that information come to you? Let me guess. The mocking bird media. Ain't it funny how that happens?

Here's how much your media cares about truth and your own safety.


Gary K

New member
Meanwhile, Putin's military is bombing Ukraine and killing its citizens indescriminately. You are corrupt.
You cannot think straight. You have been manipulated so long by the media that truth is abhorrent to you.

The media reports are false. Period. Are there unintended casualties in war? Of course there are. But look at the territory being occupied and you should realize that the accusation really is that Russian's are indiscriminately bombing and killing ethnic Russians. That should have you jumping for joy. Russians are killing Russians. Whoopee as all Russians are evil.