Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I don't want AB to think for a moment, I don't have any sympathy for him, I really am sorry for his far-left ideology and his delusionary reasoning. The problem is, I really cannot do anything about it.

I truly feel for you, AB. However, I cannot be responsible for your choices in life. It's unfair of you to expect me to. You know what I mean?

I'm reading between the lines, AB. I'm sorry to be forced to admit that, publicly.

AB, I want you to know that I harbor no "Ill Feelings" towards you. I'm just here to educate you and try to make you a better person. As it is, you're sadly lacking, my friend.

Is it possible you're 'Misreading' my intentions? Have you considered that?

I considered it initially but after seeing this predisposition of yours before and in context of the above then no, you're a passive aggressive.

You start out by feigning concern when nobody solicited or needed any sympathy from you to begin with. It's a classic distraction tactic wrapped in insult. You compound this with more lying through the implication that someone was unfairly expecting something from you when none was hinted at, let alone asked for. That leads into your next where when put on the spot you attempt to reverse matters by stating you were 'reading between the lines' which again implies the other person was the one at fault. Then, you continue the tactic by attempting to claim no ill will and the faux concern, once again wrapped in insult.

So, to clarify again, no, I didn't misread your intentions. Your whole intent was to insult. I've had to identify different forms of behaviours and patterns in my life and whilst the passive aggressive isn't always the easiest to spot at first because of the more subtle, manipulative nature of the behaviour it outs itself after a while.

It was quite an interesting study when I was actively involved in it. Passive aggressives are certainly some of the most crafty liars.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You don't understand what's been happening here and that's why Trump was elected. He IS draining the swamp, give it time and let Trump be Trump. You would have loved Churchill if you lived back then.

Churchill was ably qualified to be prime minister and history bears that out. If you think Trump is going to be so highly regarded, you need a reality check.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Let's get real, Arthur. You state that, but your own words say you don't believe it. You stand squarely behind what the political left stands for. You call Trump an embarrassment, but gloss over all the flat out dishonest and embarrassing behavior of his political enemies. The only reason you believe Trump is who you think he is comes from believing everything his political enemies in the press say about him. And most of the press are his outright political enemies. Do you also buy into everything the BBC says. Their coverage, like that of CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, USA Today, the NYT, the LAT, HuffPo, etc... are completely one-sided. You know why? Because they all have the same political leanings you do. So when you see what they say you find yourself in 100% aggreement with them and thus think, no bias there. That's the absolute truth. It's nothing but confirmation bias. It's an echo chamber of political ideology hating that which thinks differently. Trump thinks the left is wrong on a lot of stuff and is working against much of what they want, so of course he's "delusional". He must be or he couldn't disagree with such high-powered, or at least the poltical left sees themselves as such, brains. That's what comes from so great a lack of critical thinking.

Tell me, Arther, when was the last time you read anything critical of socialism and gave serious consideration to those criticisms and didn't just dismiss them out of hand?

Well, no. You can believe that my opinion of Trump has been shaped by 'leftist media' as much as you will but it ain't true. Trump has been someone that I've never particularly liked but also had little interest in. His antics in Scotland were in the limelight here and there wasn't any media conspiracy over that. His narcissism has been self evident even by celebrity standards and his lack of political acumen has been further evidenced with his boorish behaviour since becoming president and the resulting torrent of childish and ignorant tweets.

He's in no way competent to be sitting in the Oval Office and never was.

I don't happen to be a 'socialist' either.


New member
Is anyone on TOL willing to admit that, sometime, somewhere, they said or thought a "Dirty Word?" I find it a bit worrisome that our President had the audacity and the human frailty of letting a horrendously Obscene and overtly disgusting word just, fly out of his mouth. Why, in the 'good old days' if a kid perpetrated such a devastating and unnerving sin against society, he or she would have their mouth washed out with soap. The "Far-lefts" latest "ploy" is to EXAGGERATE a word that our President said, that might just be worthy of the dreaded; "IMPEACHMENT" word. I would assume the "MEDIA" are going to try and run this "WORD SCAM" for a few weeks or so? I'm certain they will milk it as far as it will carry their agenda.


Gary K

New member
Let's look at the so-called "embarrassing" language used by Trump. First let's look at how many left-wing politicians use the f-bomb on quite a regular basis. Biden thought he was off-mic and told Obama that it was big ffing deal what he had done. Outrage over language? None. How about Maxine Water's use of foul language and threats of violence? No outrage whatsover. In fact, she's held up as a model for people to follow.

The following link has a lot of examples of Democrats using foul language. Have we seen any outrage over this in the MSM? None. Nada. Zip. Zero. Does the press call this an "embarrassment" for Democrats? Not in the least. CNN even points it out.

Now, on to this most recent faux outrage over Trump's language. Let's say he actually used the word he did in describing some of the countries around the world. Just how was he incorrect in saying this? How was it racist? If calling a white man who lives in filth "white trash" is OK, why is it not OK to call out a black man who lives in filth? Aren't we treating them equally by doing so?

How are countries such as Somalia, Syria, Haiti, multiple western African nations, etc... working to improve their own lot? I grew up pretty poor. We, a family of four, lived in a 16' camp trailer for years. After that we graduated to an 8'x35' trailer. We parked it in town during the school year and pulled it into the mountains during the summers. I never lived in a house until I was in the 8th grade. So, I know what it's like to be poor. I know it well. But, being poor is no excuse to be dirty. Our trailers were always neat and clean. My mother was a spic-and-span houskeeper. We always owned used vehicles too, but they were clean inside and out, and kept up mechanically. The first new car we ever bought was in 1965, and it was the most basic Chevy you could buy. Rubber mats on the floor, the cheapest 6 cylinder engine available, a 3 speed on the column, 4 door sedan. It was a model year end closeout as it was purchased in 1965, but it was a 1964 model. It was pure basic transportation. It was also the only new car my parents ever bought.

However, in spite of all our poverty my parents always taught, sometimes at the end of a switch if I didn't do my part in keeping things clean, that poverty was no excuse for filth and being dirty. It still isn't. Look at a nation like Somalia. What does their skin color have to do with them living in filth, killing each other, robbing their neighbors, running in gangs so they can take with impunity the things a person who has no arms to defend themselves owns? That has nothing to do with skin color. Anyone who says it does is a flat out racist. Who on this forum would want to live there or in the US if they had the choice? How about Haiti? Who would rather live there where the people running the government have impoverished their own people for many decades? Who here would think it's a good place to live when large portions of it are filthy? Again, what does skin color have to do with these choices? Not a thing. Anyone who says it does is a racist.

So what do the Democrats and media claim? That because Trump supposedly said countries like these are ****hole places to live he's a racist. Hogwash. He simply spoke the truth about them. He said nothing about the color of skin of the people who live there. He simply pointed out the conditions which the governments and citizens of those nations have created for themselves. They are responsible for their own behavior, and don't tell me that because their skin color differs from mine that they aren't capable of living differently. If you do I will call you racist to your face. I've worked with Blacks and Mexicans, gone to school with Blacks and Asians, played a lot of basketball with American Indians, dealt with a lot of Chinese business owners, and I have yet to find a member of the so-called minorities who has not been smart enough to succeed on their own hook. In fact, many of them did. I say anyone who claims that any minority cannot make it on their own is a racist. They are saying that whoever that minority is cannot overcome difficulties, think for themselves, and compete hard enough to win at anything they choose to do. That is racism pure and simple.

Gary K

New member
Well, no. You can believe that my opinion of Trump has been shaped by 'leftist media' as much as you will but it ain't true. Trump has been someone that I've never particularly liked but also had little interest in. His antics in Scotland were in the limelight here and there wasn't any media conspiracy over that. His narcissism has been self evident even by celebrity standards and his lack of political acumen has been further evidenced with his boorish behaviour since becoming president and the resulting torrent of childish and ignorant tweets.

He's in no way competent to be sitting in the Oval Office and never was.

I don't happen to be a 'socialist' either.

If you're not a socialist then point out where you differ with their ideology. Show where you don't think wealth redistribution is a good thing. Show where you think government interference with and control of the business community, wage and price controls, government control over health care, utilities, education, and on and on are not good things. Show us just exactly how you are not a socialist if you support all of these things.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
If you're not a socialist then point out where you differ with their ideology. Show where you don't think wealth redistribution is a good thing. Show where you think government interference with and control of the business community, wage and price controls, government control over health care, utilities, education, and on and on are not good things. Show us just exactly how you are not a socialist if you support all of these things.

By your definition of socialist I could be one if I agreed with any of them. I do believe that healthcare should be available to all by way of and that people out of work or unable to should have something besides charity to help them get by. Where it comes to business then I'd suggest you're a bit naive if you think that government has all the control in that area as it is, more than a bit in fact although this would be better served on another thread.

Gary K

New member
Well, no. You can believe that my opinion of Trump has been shaped by 'leftist media' as much as you will but it ain't true. Trump has been someone that I've never particularly liked but also had little interest in. His antics in Scotland were in the limelight here and there wasn't any media conspiracy over that. His narcissism has been self evident even by celebrity standards and his lack of political acumen has been further evidenced with his boorish behaviour since becoming president and the resulting torrent of childish and ignorant tweets.

He's in no way competent to be sitting in the Oval Office and never was.

I don't happen to be a 'socialist' either.

I forgot to address part of your post, Arthur.

And where did you hear about all of Trump's 'bad' behavior? You were personally present at all these events? And if all of the press reported the same things how do you know it wasn't a conspiracy of the press? The press always agrees on everything do they? Doesn't that in itself sound a little odd to you when there are all kinds of varying opinions elsewhere? Maybe you ought to read Thomas Sowell's book, Intellectuals and Society. Another good for you would be Intellectuals and Race. All his books are written from a black man's point of view. He has another really good one titled, The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulations as a Basis for Social Policy. As his books are full of documentation and facts they ought to be something you would like to read.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I forgot to address part of your post, Arthur.

And where did you hear about all of Trump's 'bad' behavior? You were personally present at all these events? And if all of the press reported the same things how do you know it wasn't a conspiracy of the press? The press always agrees on everything do they? Doesn't that in itself sound a little odd to you when there are all kinds of varying opinions elsewhere? Maybe you ought to read Thomas Sowell's book, Intellectuals and Society. Another good for you would be Intellectuals and Race. All his books are written from a black man's point of view. He has another really good one titled, The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulations as a Basis for Social Policy. As his books are full of documentation and facts they ought to be something you would like to read.

From his own mouth, footage, tweets etc. He was filmed and interviewed in regards to his attempts to railroad Scottish citizens out of their own homes, he wasn't just misrepresented in a magazine article or something. His tweets are hardly a cover up, nor were his 'access Hollywood' remarks, so this isn't about forming an appraisal through partisan press coverage or the like, far from it.

The Barbarian

Several lawmakers from both sides of the political aisle strongly rebuked President Donald Trump's reported comments Thursday criticizing immigrants coming to the United States from what he called "shithole countries."
Trump asked lawmakers during an Oval Office meeting on immigration reform, "Why do we want all these people from 'shithole countries' coming here?" a source briefed on the meeting told CNN.
The Washington Post first reported the comment Thursday afternoon, citing two people briefed on the closed-door meeting.
"The (President's) comments are unkind, divisive, elitist, and fly in the face of our nation's values," Rep. Mia Love, whose parents came to the US from Haiti, said in a statement. "This behavior is unacceptable from the leader of our nation."

Love, a Utah Republican, demanded an apology from the President.
"My parents came from one of those countries but proudly took an oath of allegiance to the United States and took on the responsibilities of everything that being a citizen comes with," Love's statement continued. "They never took a thing from our federal government. They worked hard, paid taxes, and rose from nothing to take care of and provide opportunities for their children. They taught their children to do the same. That's the American Dream. The President must apologize to both the American people and the nations he so wantonly maligned."
Sen. Tim Scott, the only Republican African-American senator, said the President's comments are "disappointing."
"The American family was born from immigrants fleeing persecution and poverty and searching for a better future," the South Carolina senator said in a statement. "Our strength lies in our diversity, including those who came here from Africa, the Caribbean and every other corner of the world. To deny these facts would be to ignore the brightest part of our history."
Sen. James Lankford, R-Oklahoma, also called the reported comments "disappointing."
"If these comments are accurate, they are disappointing." Lankford said. "I would not talk about nations like this, because I believe the people of those countries are made in the image of God and have worth and human dignity."
Republican Ohio Gov. John Kasich tweeted following the news of the remark, "America was built on the backs of immigrants from around the globe. We must honor that history, not reject it. It starts with respectful rhetoric and signing bipartisan DACA legislation."

So you didn't have to be black or a democrat to realize that Trump's statement was despicable and racist. Trump himself seems to realize it as he is now denying what he said.


Well-known member
Trump actually is denying it now.

Good, although most of those countries are indeed cesspits.

By the way, I hope you were similarly offended when Obama referred to American citizens as bitter Bible clingers, and Clinton referred to American citizens as deplorable.

Gary K

New member
By your definition of socialist I could be one if I agreed with any of them. I do believe that healthcare should be available to all by way of and that people out of work or unable to should have something besides charity to help them get by. Where it comes to business then I'd suggest you're a bit naive if you think that government has all the control in that area as it is, more than a bit in fact although this would be better served on another thread.


You know good and well that everything I pointed to comes directly from socialism. Those are all socialist ideas. Government control of business is far more than you think it is. What are business regulations if not government control of business? Do you have any idea of how many 10's of thousands of pages of regulations governing business exist? Obama's administration alone put more than 100,000 pages of business regulations in place in only 8 years. That is more than 12,000 pages of new regulation a year. More than 1000 pages of new regulation a month. And you want to tell me I don't really understand how much of business government controls? It is government telling business what they must and must not do. Do you even read 1000 pages of writing a month? Now think about having to not only read it, but have to apply all that to a business and keep up with it every month for 8 years. My wife was executive director of a non-profit branch store that included social services during the first Obama administration, and her level of paperwork went up more than 100% during that time. And it was all just keeping up with new regulation. If you don't think that isn't a huge burden on a small business, you're not living in reality.

What are business subsidies other than the government picking the winners and losers in business by whom they subsidize and whom they refuse to subsidize? In the US Obama got through legislation and regulations that say if the government comes in and takes your business over the business owner cannot speak to it publicly without getting tossed in jail. Socialism? You bet it is.

Government control of education? You bet it's straight out of socialism. Both the US and Britain tell the school systems what they can and cannot teach. They exercise considerable control over ideologies taught. In the US the government says almost any expression of Christian thought by students and teachers is banned, yet they allow Islam to be openly taught. I know. I have grandkids being taught Islam in the public school the attend, while all references to Christianity are suppressed. Britain does the same thing according to all the headlines I've seen.

All central planning, meaning government control of anything, is straight out of socialism, and you know it. If you don't, then you are woefully ignorant of what socialism really is and how it is applied in real life. And the more central planning we see, the fewer freedoms we have, and the more control over every aspect of our lives the government exercises. Regulation is the enemy of the people, not a friend of theirs. And regulation of everything is the ultimate goal of socialism.


New member
Hall of Fame
Good, although most of those countries are indeed cesspits.
Earlier you seemed to think it was good that he was not denying it.

By the way, I hope you were similarly offended when Obama referred to American citizens as bitter Bible clingers, and Clinton referred to American citizens as deplorable.
I don't know why being an American citizen matters but no I didn't like the deplorable comment.

I had to refresh myself on the context of Obama's statement. I found a couple links but here is one

"clinging" carries a negative connotation and he should have phrased it differently, but I think his overall point has some truth.


New member
Hall of Fame
Now, on to this most recent faux outrage over Trump's language. Let's say he actually used the word he did in describing some of the countries around the world. Just how was he incorrect in saying this? How was it racist? If calling a white man who lives in filth "white trash" is OK, why is it not OK to call out a black man who lives in filth? Aren't we treating them equally by doing so?

How are countries such as Somalia, Syria, Haiti, multiple western African nations, etc... working to improve their own lot? I grew up pretty poor. We, a family of four, lived in a 16' camp trailer for years. After that we graduated to an 8'x35' trailer. We parked it in town during the school year and pulled it into the mountains during the summers. I never lived in a house until I was in the 8th grade. So, I know what it's like to be poor. I know it well. But, being poor is no excuse to be dirty. Our trailers were always neat and clean. My mother was a spic-and-span houskeeper. We always owned used vehicles too, but they were clean inside and out, and kept up mechanically. The first new car we ever bought was in 1965, and it was the most basic Chevy you could buy. Rubber mats on the floor, the cheapest 6 cylinder engine available, a 3 speed on the column, 4 door sedan. It was a model year end closeout as it was purchased in 1965, but it was a 1964 model. It was pure basic transportation. It was also the only new car my parents ever bought.

However, in spite of all our poverty my parents always taught, sometimes at the end of a switch if I didn't do my part in keeping things clean, that poverty was no excuse for filth and being dirty. It still isn't. Look at a nation like Somalia. What does their skin color have to do with them living in filth, killing each other, robbing their neighbors, running in gangs so they can take with impunity the things a person who has no arms to defend themselves owns? That has nothing to do with skin color. Anyone who says it does is a flat out racist. Who on this forum would want to live there or in the US if they had the choice? How about Haiti? Who would rather live there where the people running the government have impoverished their own people for many decades? Who here would think it's a good place to live when large portions of it are filthy? Again, what does skin color have to do with these choices? Not a thing. Anyone who says it does is a racist.

So what do the Democrats and media claim? That because Trump supposedly said countries like these are ****hole places to live he's a racist. Hogwash. He simply spoke the truth about them. He said nothing about the color of skin of the people who live there. He simply pointed out the conditions which the governments and citizens of those nations have created for themselves. They are responsible for their own behavior, and don't tell me that because their skin color differs from mine that they aren't capable of living differently. If you do I will call you racist to your face. I've worked with Blacks and Mexicans, gone to school with Blacks and Asians, played a lot of basketball with American Indians, dealt with a lot of Chinese business owners, and I have yet to find a member of the so-called minorities who has not been smart enough to succeed on their own hook. In fact, many of them did. I say anyone who claims that any minority cannot make it on their own is a racist. They are saying that whoever that minority is cannot overcome difficulties, think for themselves, and compete hard enough to win at anything they choose to do. That is racism pure and simple.

This is another case where I think Trump is hurt by his past. With him it's easier to look at this as driven by racism. But you're correct that it need not be based in that. It could simply stem from his belief that immigration should be merit-based. But even then he appears to be broad-brushing entire countries as not having anyone worth coming here. In the system he wants people would be judged based on what they can do for us so what does a country's overall education, safety, wealth, stability, etc. have to do with it? You can argue for merit-based immigration without denigrating entire nations.

Paul Ryan called the comments unfortunate and unhelpful. At the very least I think that's true, whether or not racism lies beneath as well.


Well-known member

Once again conservative Christians are bending over backwards trying to "defend" the "indefensible!"

With every incident they not only compromise their personal integrity, but undermine the very message of the religion that they claim to profess!

So say all the hypocrites. I was not in the least offended.... BECAUSE I hear worse every single day everywhere I go. Housewives, kids, liberals, rednecks, gas station attendants......

Typical libs living in La La Land pretending like they are cleaner rats than others that walk this planet.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
So say all the hypocrites. I was not in the least offended.... BECAUSE I hear worse every single day everywhere I go. Housewives, kids, liberals, rednecks, gas station attendants......

Typical libs living in La La Land pretending like they are cleaner rats than others that walk this planet.
One dirty rat trying to figure out if another dirty rat is dirtier.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

You know good and well that everything I pointed to comes directly from socialism. Those are all socialist ideas. Government control of business is far more than you think it is. What are business regulations if not government control of business? Do you have any idea of how many 10's of thousands of pages of regulations governing business exist? Obama's administration alone put more than 100,000 pages of business regulations in place in only 8 years. That is more than 12,000 pages of new regulation a year. More than 1000 pages of new regulation a month. And you want to tell me I don't really understand how much of business government controls? It is government telling business what they must and must not do. Do you even read 1000 pages of writing a month? Now think about having to not only read it, but have to apply all that to a business and keep up with it every month for 8 years. My wife was executive director of a non-profit branch store that included social services during the first Obama administration, and her level of paperwork went up more than 100% during that time. And it was all just keeping up with new regulation. If you don't think that isn't a huge burden on a small business, you're not living in reality.

I was referring to big business, conglomerates, corporations, banks etc, not small businesses. Government/big business are practically one and the same although I should have clarified that. Obviously that doesn't apply to small businesses as they aren't the ones with the power and suffer through all sorts of regulations imposed by government although that's often dictated by economic climate as much as anything. I'm sorry for your wife's business as I've seen the impact on several over here over the years but whatever administration was in power it would have been the same.

What are business subsidies other than the government picking the winners and losers in business by whom they subsidize and whom they refuse to subsidize? In the US Obama got through legislation and regulations that say if the government comes in and takes your business over the business owner cannot speak to it publicly without getting tossed in jail. Socialism? You bet it is.

What exact regulations are you referring to here? Please expound or link.

Government control of education? You bet it's straight out of socialism. Both the US and Britain tell the school systems what they can and cannot teach. They exercise considerable control over ideologies taught. In the US the government says almost any expression of Christian thought by students and teachers is banned, yet they allow Islam to be openly taught. I know. I have grandkids being taught Islam in the public school the attend, while all references to Christianity are suppressed. Britain does the same thing according to all the headlines I've seen.

It depends on what you mean by 'openly taught'. As far as I'm aware, schools aren't supposed to be proselytizing on any faith although teaching that there's more than one is simply fact. The notion that Christianity is being 'suppressed' only holds if you think it's the only religion that should be mentioned in education. Else, no.

All central planning, meaning government control of anything, is straight out of socialism, and you know it. If you don't, then you are woefully ignorant of what socialism really is and how it is applied in real life. And the more central planning we see, the fewer freedoms we have, and the more control over every aspect of our lives the government exercises. Regulation is the enemy of the people, not a friend of theirs. And regulation of everything is the ultimate goal of socialism.

Funny, certain far right zealots on here want to impose their particular brand of 'righteous regulation' as part of civic government to the point of executing homosexuals and adulterers along with other laws that impose on people's freedoms. Would you call them socialists too? Don't get me wrong, I'm fed up with plenty of government regulations that impact on life but it's not like we live in a totalitarian state that would make you disappear just for a dissenting voice either.