Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Is anyone on TOL willing to admit that, sometime, somewhere, they said or thought a "Dirty Word?" I find it a bit worrisome that our President had the audacity and the human frailty of letting a horrendously Obscene and overtly disgusting word just, fly out of his mouth. Why, in the 'good old days' if a kid perpetrated such a devastating and unnerving sin against society, he or she would have their mouth washed out with soap. The "Far-lefts" latest "ploy" is to EXAGGERATE a word that our President said, that might just be worthy of the dreaded; "IMPEACHMENT" word. I would assume the "MEDIA" are going to try and run this "WORD SCAM" for a few weeks or so? I'm certain they will milk it as far as it will carry their agenda.

Why, they might even try to attach the "Word that ought not to be spoken in public" to their theory that, "He has mental illness combined with (Dementia) senility." I mean, why else would an otherwise, grown adult man utter such a "Filthy/derogatory word?" Think of it, would anybody in their right mind utter such an 'uncivilized word?" I would imagine, not. I suppose the "honest media, Hollywood, etc, believe it's their duty to clean up all "filthy language" wherever they find it. So far as Hollywood goes, I've been going to the movies for years (I quit going a number of years ago) and I have NEVER heard a rotten word come out of any Actors mouth.

Somebody here will say; "Well, we hold the President of the USA to a 'higher standard.' Shouldn't parents be held to a 'higher standard,' as well? Yet, there are parents that regularly curse in front of their kids? It appears as if there's a modicum of "HYPOCRISY" being used by Hollywood and the Media. It all boils down to the fact that, the 'far-left' absolutely HATES Donald Trump and those who dared to vote for him. They call us; "Deplorables and Nazis."

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Thus far, no one has come forward and admitted to ever using a "curse word," amazing. I guess the President is the only one in the history of mankind?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
To date, the 'far-left' has used the following methods to 'unseat the President;

1) The Russian collusion angle. (Not going so well.)
2) The Presidents 'locker room' fiasco. (A Nothing Burger with extra CHEESE.)
3) The Presidents Son meeting with a Russian. (Another Nothing Burger. This time, with double CHEESE.)
4) The Presidents supposed, mental illness and made-up Dementia/Alzheimers ploy.
5) The Presidents audacity to say a word that others use, as well. Especially, when they accidentally drop a Bowling Ball on their foot.

What's next? Will they accuse him of being an Alien from another planet, seeking to take over our world?

The Barbarian

Grosnik's talking to himself again.

Which can be a good thing. Smart people often talk to themselves to reason things out.

People Who Talk To Themselves Aren't Crazy, They're Actually Geniuses

Not sure that carrying on a conversation on an internet forum qualifies, though.:think:

And apparently, using toilet language in a public meeting at the WH qualifies as another sign of President Trump's ongoing mental issues.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Grosnik's talking to himself again.

Which can be a good thing. Smart people often talk to themselves to reason things out.

People Who Talk To Themselves Aren't Crazy, They're Actually Geniuses

Not sure that carrying on a conversation on an internet forum qualifies, thought.:think:

Well, I certainly hope it doesn't make you lose any sleep trying to figure it out. Some people are a success in life, then, there's you. No offense intended, of course.


New member
Hall of Fame
Thus far, no one has come forward and admitted to ever using a "curse word," amazing. I guess the President is the only one in the history of mankind?

I think you're missing the point. Yes, I do expect better behavior from our President, but the larger issue is the idea behind it, not the exact language used.


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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I think you're missing the point. Yes, I do expect better behavior from our President, but the larger issue is the idea behind it, not the exact language used.

My, I must admit I can appreciate how truly "Sensitive" you are. Do you break down and cry when watching Tennis games on Cable?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Listening to "Far-left Libs, you'd think they desired to live in their own little "Sterilized Bubble." Although, once you dig through all of the "whinings," they just want Trump out of office and that's why they constantly complain about everything the President says and does.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
No doubt the media, etc, sift through everything Trump does/says on a daily basis, just to find a morsel of a "Gotcha moment." I honestly didn't see that happening during the Obama Administration? I wonder why? Oh, that's right, Conservatives weren't born with that shortcoming.