Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
White House aides were demoralized on Thursday night, watching the word “********” slink across the cable news chyrons.

In the wake of the administration’s tax reform coup, Fiat Chrysler had just announced it planned to spend more than $1 billion to move its assembly plant for the Ram truck from Mexico to Michigan. Walmart touted a round of bonuses and higher pay for its U.S. workers.

And the White House communications team had pre-planned a sit-down interview for the president with reporters from The Wall Street Journal on Thursday — an outlet they expected would focus on economic news and help drive the message of the day.

Instead, all of that was lost amid “shithole”-gate, after the president, frustrated that an immigration deal would include protections for people from Haiti, El Salvador and African countries, referred to those nations as “******** countries” and expressed an interest in welcoming emigrants from Norway, instead.

“It’s very frustrating,” admitted one senior White House aide. “We keep going off the rails with this other stuff.”

Barb, that four letter word sure sends you into a "Tizzy" doesn't it? Although I shouldn't be that surprised after all, a man like you probably has NEVER been exposed to such a "dreadful word" let alone, used such a horrendous expletive. I actually admire you for that. Surely you must have been 'sheltered' as a small child, correct?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
To have gone through life without ONCE hearing or using a "Naughty word" is something most of us are not blest with. I can see why 'certain individuals' have been traumatized by this form of communication. There are, within our society a small portion of people whose sensitivities are beyond the NORM. For these folks, even a minuscule deviation from their daily routine sends them into, immediate "convulsive mental spasms." That response is what transpired shortly after the report on Trump's alleged usage of that profoundly disturbing word choice. We must be patient with these folks. They have gone through something, most of us only experience through some form of "Macabre nightmare sequence."

The Barbarian

Barb, that four letter word sure sends you into a "Tizzy" doesn't it?

Eight letters. And as you see from the news story, it sure has the WH in a tizzy, um?

Although I shouldn't be that surprised after all, a man like you probably has NEVER been exposed to such a "dreadful word" let alone, used such a horrendous expletive.

Spent my youth, during summers, driving spikes on track gangs. So I've been exposed to language that would make you wet your pants. But the funny thing is, even the old gandies knew when it was OK to talk like that, and when it wasn't appropriate. They weren't educated men, but they were men.

And that's why Trump doesn't know it.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Thus far, no one has come forward and admitted to ever using a "curse word," amazing. I guess the President is the only one in the history of mankind?

It isn't really necessary for them to do so, is it? I mean, it was a rhetorical point that everyone gets.

I think we can all identify with Isaiah when he said, “Woe is me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips, And I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; For my eyes have seen the King, The Lord of hosts.”

As for Trump's supposed bad language, it was a 100% political ploy. Chances are about even as to whether he actually even said it at all.

Resting in Him,


Hall of Fame
Eight letters. And as you see from the news story, it sure has the WH in a tizzy, um?

Spent my youth, during summers, driving spikes on track gangs. So I've been exposed to language that would make you wet your pants. But the funny thing is, even the old gandies knew when it was OK to talk like that, and when it wasn't appropriate. They weren't educated men, but they were men.

And that's why Trump doesn't know it.

Indeed ... it's not the language or *the word*. It's the sentiment BEHIND the word. We KNOW how he meant it because it has been apparent over decades through his words and deeds that he is a racist. Central Park Five. Mexican's are rapists. Muslim Ban. Border Wall. Charlottesville. DACA.

TRUMP: "What do you have to lose?"

Our country.

The Barbarian

Indeed ... it's not the language or *the word*. It's the sentiment BEHIND the word. We KNOW how he meant it because it has been apparent over decades through his words and deeds that he is a racist. Central Park Five. Mexican's are rapists. Muslim Ban. Border Wall. Charlottesville.

What is most telling, is that after evidence proved that the Central Park Five were innocent, Trump angrily

In 1989, after these black and Latino teenagers from Harlem were accused of assaulting and raping a white woman in Central Park, Mr. Trump spent $85,000 placing full-page ads in the four daily papers in New York City, calling for the return of the death penalty.

“Muggers and murderers,” he wrote, “should be forced to suffer and, when they kill, they should be executed for their crimes.” Though he didn’t refer to the teenagers by name, it was clear to anyone in the city that he was referring to them.

Incredibly, 14 years after their sentences were vacated based on DNA evidence and the detailed and accurate confession of a serial rapist named Matias Reyes, Mr. Trump has doubled down.

It wasn't about the truth for him; he was dismayed and angered that the truth exonerated people that he hates.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Um, it's not like they'd need to sift through stuff as Trump provides it all on a plate. Regardless of what you think about Obama he acted like a statesman while in office, professional and diplomatic. If he tweeted away like the present clown in office and made comments such as 'tic-tac' gate etc he'd have gotten well deserved flak all over the place. Oh, and lets not forget all the snowflake comments on here from far right dopes regarding his birth certificate...

Trump is an embarrassment on the world stage.

He does have a problem getting in his own way


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Indeed ... it's not the language or *the word*. It's the sentiment BEHIND the word. We KNOW how he meant it because it has been apparent over decades through his words and deeds that he is a racist. Central Park Five. Mexican's are rapists. Muslim Ban. Border Wall. Charlottesville. DACA.

TRUMP: "What do you have to lose?"

Our country.

I am sure Donald Trump believes in the works of A. Jensen and R. Herrnstein, and thinks these people have lower IQs and are less able to be productive, which is his measure of future citizens.

The Barbarian

I am sure Donald Trump believes in the works of A. Jensen and R. Herrnstein, and thinks these people have lower IQs and are less able to be productive, which is his measure of future citizens.

Jensen, although he believed IQ to be heritable, was not a racist. He didn't explicitly argue that some races are innately smarter than others. Indeed, he only said that there might be differences in IQ between races. We now know that there are no biological human races, which makes Jensen's speculation difficult to support.

He was never able to adequately separate environmental and heritable causes of intelligence. And even Jensen was like his fellow psychologists, aware that intelligence was due to a combination of heritable and environmental causes.

It would be flattering to think that genes determine intelligence; my kids have done well academically, and have jobs that are competitive and require intellectual ability.

But I'm thinking that Mrs. B.'s understanding of child development and her constant nurturing and support had far more to do with that. I hope I also had something to do with it, if not as much as Mrs. B.


Hall of Fame
I am sure Donald Trump believes in the works of A. Jensen and R. Herrnstein, and thinks these people have lower IQs and are less able to be productive, which is his measure of future citizens.

Which would be fine ... if America was a banana republic ... which of course, is his ultimate goal. He is willing to destroy America if that means being a dictator like Putin.

TOL User

Is anyone on TOL willing to admit that, sometime, somewhere, they said or thought a "Dirty Word?" I find it a bit worrisome that our President had the audacity and the human frailty of letting a horrendously Obscene and overtly disgusting word just, fly out of his mouth. Why, in the 'good old days' if a kid perpetrated such a devastating and unnerving sin against society, he or she would have their mouth washed out with soap. The "Far-lefts" latest "ploy" is to EXAGGERATE a word that our President said, that might just be worthy of the dreaded; "IMPEACHMENT" word. I would assume the "MEDIA" are going to try and run this "WORD SCAM" for a few weeks or so? I'm certain they will milk it as far as it will carry their agenda.

Why, they might even try to attach the "Word that ought not to be spoken in public" to their theory that, "He has mental illness combined with (Dementia) senility." I mean, why else would an otherwise, grown adult man utter such a "Filthy/derogatory word?" Think of it, would anybody in their right mind utter such an 'uncivilized word?" I would imagine, not. I suppose the "honest media, Hollywood, etc, believe it's their duty to clean up all "filthy language" wherever they find it. So far as Hollywood goes, I've been going to the movies for years (I quit going a number of years ago) and I have NEVER heard a rotten word come out of any Actors mouth.

Somebody here will say; "Well, we hold the President of the USA to a 'higher standard.' Shouldn't parents be held to a 'higher standard,' as well? Yet, there are parents that regularly curse in front of their kids? It appears as if there's a modicum of "HYPOCRISY" being used by Hollywood and the Media. It all boils down to the fact that, the 'far-left' absolutely HATES Donald Trump and those who dared to vote for him. They call us; "Deplorables and Nazis."

are you referring to the 'shi*' word? Senator Durbin and Senator Graham said Mr. Trump used that word but other Senators who were in that meeting said Mr. Trump didn't. Both Senator Perdue and Senator Nielsen say that Mr. Trump did not use that word or that they are unsure if Mr. Trump used that word, meaning, if that word was used, it came across as 'common language'.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Which would be fine ... if America was a banana republic ... which of course, is his ultimate goal. He is willing to destroy America if that means being a dictator like Putin.
He does seem to admire Putin more than anyone else. :idunno: Maybe he would like to be the dictator. For that, it would be better if he had his own TV fiction show.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Jensen, although he believed IQ to be heritable, was not a racist. He didn't explicitly argue that some races are innately smarter than others. Indeed, he only said that there might be differences in IQ between races. We now know that there are no biological human races, which makes Jensen's speculation difficult to support.

He was never able to adequately separate environmental and heritable causes of intelligence. And even Jensen was like his fellow psychologists, aware that intelligence was due to a combination of heritable and environmental causes.

It would be flattering to think that genes determine intelligence; my kids have done well academically, and have jobs that are competitive and require intellectual ability.

But I'm thinking that Mrs. B.'s understanding of child development and her constant nurturing and support had far more to do with that. I hope I also had something to do with it, if not as much as Mrs. B.

Did you ever sit down and talk to him, I have.