Town Quixote's

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Methinks you're a narcissistic phony.
I'm not, but the name calling is funny given any number of your complaints.

Try a sensible discussion sometime instead of goading people to find padding for your ... what is this place? A shrine?
No, it's just a thread. Some people like it. No one has to, or has to read it. You, for instance.

Back to the thread. I entered that without any particular aggression and offered advice on the topic. No goading.

Then I responded to your actual goading, in the form of:

Precedent is how justice is perverted.

Which I noted was on par with your entrance in another thread:
Democracy is for pansies.

But I answered the inflammatory bumper stickers anyway.

I think you're just a guy who was out of his depth on a topic but but had to be right and when you couldn't argue the point and be right relied on tricks, like moving goal posts, making side bars and blanket pronouncements. I pointed out your doing all of that.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Hump-day Wrap

Differed on the foundation of government with Cruc... being a 'civic duty' is just a made up, 'good ol boy' notion put by absolutely nobody who idealized or founded this country.
The notion of civic duty is typically mandated, like signing up for the draft. Civic responsibility is more in line with voting and the idea of civic responsibility is an ancient one. The Romans respected it, as did the Greeks.

As to the United States, you're wrong. It's built right into the fabric of our Constitution. "We, the people" perform the business of government. The sense of both formal and informal obligation accomplished any number of worthwhile achievements, from volunteer fire departments to participation in the election of public officials and continues to this day, albeit in a diminished and more frequently selfish form.

While in the TNP/TOL thread...and don't you just hate acronyms?
The most loving thing to do with a homo is to convict him of his crime and execute him publically and painfully.
What, like dragging them behind a car until they come apart? :think: Or is that just too loving?

No, I'm not kidding.
:plain: He thinks that makes it better?

Then rocket launched...
I would not care if it were a republican or a democrat
What Republican have you publicly declared a felon? (not a one, as it turns out)

You are a liberal
I'm not. If hard right wingers spent less time defining others mistakenly and more time defining the particulars of their politics we wouldn't have Trump foisted on the party.

and the only ones in your corner legally are partisan as well, along with being in the vast minority so no, you have not proven there is not a double standard anymore than Loretta Lynch could.
I'm not voting for Hillary. I'm not voting for Trump. I think they're horrible candidates. I don't even think they're representative of the ideologies they purport to adhere to.

And it makes a great weapon to berate others as ignorant with as well...:thumb:
What I've said is that you don't understand precedent and don't appear to want to.

If you were not so pompous, patronizing, and partisan on the issue maybe you would be thinking clearly as well...
Well, it was better than the "Bullcrap!" bit, but not by much.

What a partisan tool...
What's with you emotional, hyper-sensitive types. You insist on taking offense at being told you don't know something but aren't remotely squeamish about name calling.


[meanwhile Stripe dropped by from his complaining about being insulted by being told he didn't understand precedent to suspect me of being a "phony narcissist". :plain: God alone knows what garments they'd rend or words they'd utter if I actually was as dedicated in offering as they mean for me to be]

and you have yet to prove that there is not a double standard.
You're the fellow making the claim that there is. The burden of proof remains with you. But even so, I've set out why the only examples you've offered weren't illustrations of that. And I've noted the comments of Comey and others in noting why the particular facts led to a particular outcome.

, yet you assert you cannot be wrong,
Quote me. (and he never did, because I never wrote it)

..Very weak counselor or should I say it is a bunch of Bullcrap, either makes my point.
It makes a point you don't mean to about your method and foundation, but it's your dime.

Over in the cohab thread, things were getting dicey...
Once knew a woman who held marriage ceremonies for her cats.
Was she from Perth? Because if she was from Perth I may have heard of her. :plain: In passing.

Cat woman. :chuckle:
Horrible movie.

Seriously, I take a few off and come back...handbaskets everywhere.

Marriage is between a man and a woman,
it has nothing to do with the state,
or man made laws.
Now that movie I loved. What ever happened to Alicia Silverstone anyway?

You can always depend on liberals to call a certain past 'oppressive',
That's true, mostly because the conservatives of an age are invested in the oppression (see: slavery, suffrage, the Civil Rights Movement).

even though a time before that was marked with liberals dreaming it up as liberty.
True again. Slaves as people, women as more than glorified chattel. Liberals. Sometimes you just have to love them.

Well, not you, of course. :think:

Stripe talked a bit more about anything other than the actual topic...
If you want a discussion, you have to respect the stance of the guy you don't agree with.
No, you don't. I can have a disagreement or debate with a racist. I don't have to respect their position at all. In fact, I don't. I think they're irrational and contemptible.

Declaring them ignorant shows that you do not want to engage on the ideas from the other side.
First, you haven't actually quoted me doing that, supra. I've said you don't understand precedent. Ignorant is typically used as an insult. I don't see why not knowing something should be construed as that, unless the person is overly sensitive or inordinately proud.

You're not offensive, you're annoying.
I frequently annoy people who don't appear to know what they're talking about.

You're utterly out of touch.
Not objectively, but then the objective doesn't appear to have much to do with your approach.

Tomorrow? Narcolepsy, the philosophy of hitchhiking and chrys gets a new hat to sit on... :plain:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Two Days in a Row Wrap :shocked:

(A lighter side edition)

aCW stopped by one thread (doesn't matter which, given)...
What environments can homosexuals be trusted in?
I'm guessing you're not thinking it's jacuzzis?

Clete challenged everyone to a game of dominoes...
Child molestation is a sin and a crime. We are in the process of decriminalizing that too! The age of consent has already been lowered to 16 in many places in the U.S.
In point of fact, the age of consent has risen steadily since the turn of the last century.

When was the last time someone was executed in this country for the rape of a child?
We don't execute rapists of any sort that I know of and you know why? In large part because when we did that we found that we were inadvertently encouraging rapists to kill their victims.

You don't know the answer because it's been since long before you were born.
This will surprise you then: I know who won both World Wars and I can recite the Canterbury Tales in Middle-English...go figure.

What is the connection between homosexuality and child-molestation?

Legalizing Sexual Child Abuse: Pedophilia Now Classified As A Sexual Orientation
So you think that because someone put that in the headline of their bit on some website right before an article about Muslim prisoners suing Pamela Geller for wearing a polka do bikini that it's true?

While the smell of bacon and coffee was drawing people into the Good Morning thread, where...
Morning all!

Day 3 of quitting smoking "cold turkey."

Haven't punched anybody yet.

I happen to like smoked turkey, but it's not for everyone. :chew: What?

kmo came back for a topper...
Awesome! Hope you continue!
Speaking of difficult accomplishments, have you gotten your Chiefs' playoff ticket reservations yet?

Okay, so that would be difficult for a whole 'nother reason. :)

When I tried they just laughed at me. I failed to see the humor. :mmph:
So your relationship with humor is much like the Chiefs' relationship with the end zone. :plain: :eek:

Clete tried another approach...
I happen to believe that I AM NOT as smart or as wise or as merciful or as just as God is. I trust implicitly that God knows the right way to do things and that we would do well to follow Him and to practice justice as He has described it.
I don't think you're as smart, wise or merciful as God either. Do you think you're wiser, smarter and more merciful than everyone else? That's more the question. I don't practice all sorts of things God told the Jews to and do you know why? Because I'm not supposed to.

Do I think that this country will ever do so? Certainly not. But does that mean I shouldn't advocate justice? Does that mean I should sit by and watch while something as evil and destructive as sexual perversion is turned into something that is considered good and admirable? Absolutely not!
That's a lot of straw in the air, but no one is suggesting you have to condone homosexuality. Not that I've read. I'm certainly not. Call it a sin. It is. But don't go to the cafeteria of the OT and pick what suits you. If you're going to adopt the law in that form then you had better be prepared to meet all of it.

After chrys decided that taking on aCW in the homosexuality thread should see AB nominated for his faux I Hate Homosexuals the Most award...for the most self immolating reason yet...
Eh? What am I even doing on that list Chrys? I don't hate homosexuals in any way. Have you gone bat crazy or was this supposed to be ironic?
He thinks you're helping aCW by continuing to bother with his threads. What he doesn't realize is the enormous contribution you make to TOL by essentially keeping [aCW] busy and out of most of the others. :D

AB: DOTY (Distractor of the Year) :thumb:

Okay, the acronym may be a little insulting, phonetically speaking. :think:

Phonetically speaking I'm insulted beyond letters...

This being said, Chry's accusation carries no merit regardless as aCW would churn out the same relentless pap whether anyone addressed him or not.
You think that's tough, wait until Chrys is forced to give himself the "Union Enthusiast of the Year" award. :shocked:

Talked grace and the law with Tam...
"They" should know that Jesus hates sin.
Sure. Not in the petty way we do, of course. But he doesn't appear to hate sinners. Or he loves them more. He came and died for them, for us.

To me that's much more profound than any statement on hate will ever be.

...Was GOD unloving then, but is loving now?
Of course not. God is who He has always been. But how He deals with us has changed. The law was Just and brutal. He knew we would fail it. And so grace, mercy, unmerited forgiveness in Christ. The foreshadowing of that, of the fulfilled law, is found in Jesus pardoning the woman brought to him for stoning. But they hadn't seen anything yet. Not really.

The God they understood was first Just and second Jealous. Christ opened a deeper window into God's nature. The cross is a magnificent revelation. :)

Then, after I wrote "I think you have a tendency to give people too much credit" of AB, chrys came up with an undeniably good one...
all your friends have that problem
:chuckle: That was funny.

But you're also right. I have the best sort of friends. They credit the good even when the credit rating is thin. :D

But then he had to go and ruin it with Rusha...
whoa! -
maybe your judgement is suspect
Like watching Rip Torn telling someone to "tone it down". :plain:

I mean, given he went from "Pull the Republican Party lever or you're a baby-killer" for years, to his recent, "I'm not pulling that lever" self-exception...John McClain couldn't make it through that shower of glass.

Elsewhere, Theo made a funny I had to get in on...
@MichaelCadry hates no one.
@Nick M hates homosexuals more than everyone.

I think this election system is biased and baloney. Maybe it's just a way for @chrysostom to get in his digs without having his gluteus maximus handed to him.

Along with his hat...which makes it even funnier if you think about it. :eek:

Before rEest stopped by chrys' faux awards threads to declare...
I noticed that Town has begun his lobbying efforts for an award.
Awards? Sure. I think this year I'm going for the "Least Likely to Pander".

And just so you'll know, that's not a bear. :nono:

Tomorrow? :idunno: Or, a day in the life of SD continued.
Last edited:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap
On Saturday Night

In the Urantia thread, free said...
Oh come on TH :) - expand your borders a bit ;)
That's what someone said to the Huns and just look what happened. :plain:

Meanwhile, chrys was pondering the enormity of...
what makes you think your real life represents the world or reality?
Well, while you may very well be a butterfly dreaming that you're a man in need of a salad from Wholefoods, my bet is that you still don't try to stiff the checkout girl...or guy. :plain:

Wrapping up with...
one time I did, rode my bike over and forgot my wallet, they let me have it
Let you have it "Pow!" or let you have it "Awww".

In any event, the important thing to understand is that a butterfly rarely carries a wallet. :plain:

Back in Urantia...
Yes I agree, we can add Paul to the list of thousands who "met Jesus" and got special instructions.
While I don't agree with the inference, I'd say it does boil the whole thing down. Either Paul was given a commission by the risen Christ and it behooves us to pay attention, or he was someone making a claim no different from any number of claims.

So then, chrys decided that opposing someone who hates a thing should qualify that person for the same "award" the hater would be in line's why...
you can't say that you don't hate homosexuals and then participate in a thread that does just that -
You can if your participation is in resistance to the idea that the person is advocating.

How is it different, except in terms of literal volume, for you to address the pro-Trump people over and over again?

Does that mean you're actually a Trump supporter? I don't think so. I don't think you're being dishonest.

Neither are they.

Concluded with Caino...
I understand your faith and the reasons for it, but I'm a disciple of Jesus of Nazareth not Paul of Tarsus.
To the orthodox Christian church, there really is no conflict. Just as Christ, in fulfilling the law, altered its application, so the message before the cross was necessarily different in application after it and so was the larger mission to the Gentile, God's people having rejected it institutionally.

I'm a disciple of the original pre-cross Gospel. Jesus taught salvation by faith and sonship with God, a whole souled dedication to doing Gods will. Paul's Gospel was about Jesus, Christ and him crucified. I believe Jesus lived for the cause of salvation, Paul taught that he died fro the cause of sin.
28 For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. Matthew 26:28

That's not Paul speaking, it's the Christ, Jesus. Or, Christ called the Jews into a fuller understanding of their obligation. Christ's death did a bit more than that.

It's not strange that Jews, influenced by the Pagan sacrifices of Judaism, would interpret the death of Jesus as a final sacrifice. IT made sense to Paul, it made sense to the Pagan world that already had such beliefs.
Or, Paul did as he was told and there is an understandable reason for it.

Sect divided Christianity as it stands today was built on a compromise for the sake of acceptance by Jews and Gentiles, for numbers. Such compromises have confused both. But proud Christians and a proud church cannot reform itself.
Or, you're mistaken and the greater part of Christendom isn't, that the danger of pride is in judging Paul instead of receiving his message.

Then chrys decided to have a go at my, "What makes you ineligible for a Union Enthusiast" taking his approach to "enabling" by answering...
let me count the ways -
Sweet! I like math.

first of all, I am using them to make a point just like I use you often to make a point -
Everyone catch the subtle way chrys used that moment to declare his awesomeness?

Gave you the chills didn't it. :denver:

if you can't handle that, get out of the kitchen -
Cause too much heat spoils the ending...or something. :think:

any reasonable person can see that I am not accusing arthur of hating homosexuals -
What's the title of the award again?

michael is obsessed with evolution - he is misrepresenting christianity -
Nobody elected him. He's representing himself. And he's not misrepresenting himself, which is the problem with your faux award...well, one. :third:

the vast majority of christians don't waste one minute on a literal interpretation of genesis -
It's not a waste to those who do. And needn't be to you unless you spend a lot of time thinking about them thinking about it, which would be funny. :darwinsm:

Maybe not that funny.

how is that different from me? -
Yeah, I'm still waiting on that one too.

I spend a lot of time in other threads in at least three of the forums -
[Which would mean the difference between chrys and the people he's slamming with the fake awards only differ with him by volume...:plain:]

I am clearly obsessed with abortion but I do spread myself around -
Super. What snarky award are you giving you this year?

Tomorrow? Train wrecks, Stalin, Nigerian princes and people who aren't the luckiest...:think:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap
On Tuesday

Tried to help out on the Hillary email bit...
please tell us how is it possible for hillary to write or read 30,000 emails?
Half of them were from or to a Nigerian prince who apparently needed help in transferring a large sum of cash to a U.S. bank account.

And a quarter of them were from Publishers Clearinghouse.

Over in the now defunct awards thread I suggested chrys nominate himself for the intellectual idiot award and...
Originally Posted by chrysostom
thank you but I don't consider myself an intellectual

You say that, but then you feel comfortable judging them and that says something else...mostly, "I don't intend on giving myself an embarrassing award." :plain:

So in the Urantia thread marke made a reasonable rebuttal on a point of practice...
Let's be honest. Anyone and everyone on earth can be mocked for their sin and hypocrisy, including you and me. I don't think blanket condemnations of Christians and churches mean anything important.

And free, well, he made a version of the trial lawyer's error...
Let the reader decide.
Okay...he's right. :D You can make fun of anyone if you really want to and organizations are first and foremost organized people.

So it naturally follows, whether or not anyone chooses to.

Then, after AB responded to aCW in the defunct awards thread...
Originally Posted by chrysostom
did you notice who was encouraging him?

Like you have to encourage Stalin to purge.

Before Rusha...
Originally Posted by chrysostom
did you notice who was encouraging him?

Originally Posted by Rusha
I DID. It was this guy here:

Originally Posted by chrysostom
I hate homosexuals more than you do award for 2016

..and the nominees are:

She took the jacket right off of that one. :D

Meanwhile kmo was...
watching some Olympics this morning
Hope you enjoyed it. I know people in KC don't get many chances to celebrate great athleticism. :eek:

Continuing the inadvertent In Memoriam...
Originally Posted by chrysostom
is it easier for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God than an intellectual? -

You think Christ wasn't the smartest guy in a given room?

can intellectuals become as little children? -
Everyone can become as little children. That has nothing to do with intelligence...some of the humblest people I've met have been among the smartest and some of the less than intellectually impressive have been among the most arrogant...and vice versa.

I believe it. He has always been a bag of hot air.
So given a choice you go with a half-truth too. Well, that's not surprising.

Take two:
I believe it. He has always been a bag of hot air.
That's because you think with your spleen. :plain:

Take three:
I believe it. He has always been a bag of hot air.
Whereas your bag is mostly good for setting on fire and placing on doorsteps come Halloween.

While in the other recently locked thread (thought not because of the author and, again, sorry about that, anna)...
Originally Posted by CatholicCrusader

Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn on ex-CIA chief Morell endorsing Hillary: I cannot take people who stand up for patent liars

But he's okay with taking the side of an amoral hustler? :plain: I think there's a magnet under that moral compass of his.

Then CC complained about the rough character analysis being executed in relation to the Donald and company...
Originally Posted by CatholicCrusader
......just like the both of you have done to Trump

A public figure whose actions and words invite criticism.

[and] his wife,
Which one?

And don't forget his mistresses. I'm sure their character has taken a hit or two. :plain:

And in the Trump thread, well...
I AM YOUR VOICE! Trump speaks for 'forgotten America
That's not true. Trump's people have not been forgotten. We even have a particular bus to drive them places. :plain:

That's all they can do is talk a bunch of garbage- you'd think after a while they would pass out from expelling so much carbon dioxide.
Where did you learn biology, at Trump U?

'Racist! Sexist! Adulterer! Folding businesses!'
Are those on the buttons?

These people are just projecting their insecurities on him-
So if we're bothered by abortionists we're secretly afraid we'll have or perform one? :plain:

that's why you see these women bringing up adultery, like Rusha
No, I'm pretty sure it's because a lot of people who often delight in moral one-upmanship and haranguing are now preaching Trump like a public virtue and that's so enormously funny it's impossible to not comment on it.

This country has turned into a pit of self-righteous inclinations and platitudes
Most Trump supporters (at least before they were talking up Trump) would have told you the country was an amoral ship without a rudder...and Trump's ascendancy argues they may be at least half right.

and people wonder why the media is the way it is, why our leaders fail, and why big problems go unsolved.
Because there's just more money and power in a treatment than there ever will be in a cure.

Before wrapping up with...
His wife and daughter worship the ground he walks on.
You mean one of his wives? The current one, I hope.

Trump is well received by women, but he has been called 'sexist' anyway.
Some blacks fought for the Confederacy too.

Women typically serial divorce.
According to Pew Social Trends, "Fully 64% of divorced or widowed men have remarried, compared with 52% of previously married women."

To help you out here, you can't serial divorce without serial marrying, to overuse your overused particular.

Look at the statistics
Just did. It wasn't helpful for you.

'Integrity' has a heavy slant to it in this regard,[women] having been bred to believe that they are the victims and all is fair.
That you don't see the inherent contradiction in your rush to slather women with a double dose of contempt is equal parts funny and sad.

But on the odd chance you pull out of this eventually, you can't believe you're a victim and that all is fair. Those don't work together. :nono:

Neither of those things are the case, and neither was it the case for the women Trump cheated on because they were just in it for the money anyway.
So you're saying the only reason any woman could want to be with Trump is for his money? I mean except this one...until he dumps her for the newer model, in which case she'll instantly transform into a gold digger and he's off the hook again. :plain:

They're 'victims' of adultery- give me a break :rolleyes:
No, thanks. You seem broken enough already.

Tomorrow? :think: Is it too early for flapjacks?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap

So chrys said...
sometimes I feel like a nail being hammered -
Try iced tea.

Kept working on Cruc's insight into statistical analysis...
It has been proven that divorce weighs in heavier emotionally on men than women and they take on a heavier burden in general because women have support systems both financially and socially.
Women tend to have more supportive social circles, emotionally, because women create them more frequently. Financially, women are disproportionately poor and more likely to be in difficult circumstances as a result of divorce.

A man deals with it in the harshest way, and head on, while the woman is basically handled as a child.
That's literally you just saying anything that suits you with no factual leg to stand on. I'm sure it feels good to you to say it, suspect that's the main point of your screeds on the point.

I don't see ruined families and multiple men facing that is worth a women's much deluded 'happiness'. can't see anything with your eyes shut.

While in the Trump thread...
America isn't a Theocracy, as a matter of fact Christians making sure this wasn't so. Also, Thomas Jefferson was not a Bible believing Christian, but, arguably, was of the greatest of Presidents...
Jefferson had egregious failings as a human being, but he was still one of the greatest minds of his generation and responsible for a great deal of what most people agree is one of the most important documents in the history of mankind. The problem with Trump is that while his failings are as evident, more so than Jefferson's in his time, that's almost entirely where the parallel ends.

...if Trump is all things evil, for having a problem with women, what's your practical alternative to move the nation forward in a more upright, truly American fashion?
I don't think he's intentionally evil, I think he's told us who he is and where his faith is found, in Donald Trump. I think that would be dangerous in the hands of Jefferson. In a lesser being, down right frightening.

If you're advocating for Hillary, "Christian," you've got your whore, then, of the worst kind, the spiritual kind. If you can fornicate with Satan, why shouldn't Trump be allowed his whore, also, that's just some flesh he at least didn't fish from a bottomless pit?
And there you went dramatically off your own rails on the judgment part of approach, so I don't know what to say except that calling someone a whore and comparing supporting her with fornicating with Satan is just...:plain:

Rather, Hillary and Trump represent, to my mind, two people dedicated to power over principle. Neither of them have demonstrated any exceptional ability that can begin to overwhelm that (a-la Jefferson) in route to inspiring our support and confidence.

Took exception to the silly...
obama is the founder of trump
No. The Republican party substituted "No!" where ideas and working opposition should have gone, raised the political flag of contempt for government institutions and rejected the idea of an honorable opposition for the rhetorical splendor of demonizing, fear mongering and paranoia. They made Trump inevitable. They set the table whereby their party could be taken by the person who could sell outrage the best and Trump simply outsold the room.

I lost my party, don't have anyone to vote for -
You made the Republican mistake and let someone who had no business steering the ship, who wasn't really concerned with your agenda or welfare, whatever anyone else thought about it, advance their own to disastrous effect.

Nudged anna in route to a difference over the old nature/nurture argument...
To really experience being a new you, you'd have to use mayo instead of Miracle Whip. :)
Miracle Whip...sounds like the enforcer in a Pentecostal conference.

And after comparing her approach to a secular brand of predestination...
This isn't about whether God already determined your fate, but whether nature and nurture make your decisions for you: that your free will isn't - and can't be - purely free.
I'd say you might as well throw nurture out with the bath water given nature would determine how you nurture, as arguably. And there goes free will, again.

There's a lot about genetics we don't know, and there's no clear dividing line in the symbiosis of genetics and environment.
Twin studies are interestingly fertile ground. I think there's a confluence of things, but I also find reason to believe that we can transcend the influence of genetics and environment to a real and important degree, and that is seated in our ability to reason and to follow the dictates of reason against even biological imperatives.

Character is something which evolves over time as a result of a growing cognitive awareness of a moral code, experience, maturation... your personality will influence the way you approach moral dilemmas, and your personality arrived with you when you were born.
Yet I've known pessimists who were optimists and hard, angry men who were made gentle.

I think what we might observe in man is, at large, the rule of least resistance with a present exception voiced in a hundred smaller ways, founded in the miracle of our minds and waiting on a larger use.

Took a hard look at Cruc's problematic methodology...
A translation...
I don't conform to anyone on here.
That's Cruc telling you he doesn't feel the need to fit in with a group.

I am my own mind and person.
Doubles down, in case you missed it.

Sometimes I agree with a woman, or a man, or a liberal, or a conservative.
Not that he can't see the value in other people, if they agree with him.

Leading to an inadvertently naked profession of insecurity:
But not 100%,
Of course not.

because I am honest-
Right. It's the people who don't agree with you who are all dishonest.

I'm not a tool like you and certain others who needs to be secured with a crowd :wave:
Because, you know, people who aren't like him are tools who need the herd. He's waaaay too cool for that. :plain:

And for the record, there are people on here that I enjoy and who enjoy me, it just depends on the subject.
And back to let you know he isn't an unappreciated loner. "People" are out there who enjoy him.

And I also find it humorous that some of you always feel the need to bring up popularity, 'thanks' count, anon anon.
Except popularity is really what most of his post is about. :plain:

While chrys was busy arguing with himself and with me...
you are an idiot if you voted for perot -
Well, no, but I didn't.

perot was running against bush
He was running against everyone else too. That's how it works.

perot pulled out of the race because of the money and he feared he was helping bush
Looks like he might have been right, given how Clinton lost an appreciable amount of steam when he reentered the race.

perot got back into the race for the debate stage and another chance to hurt bush
You only just said he thought being in the race helped Bush (and it looks like a reasonable speculation).

So you've made two statements at odds with one another.

he knew he couldn't win
Everyone knew he couldn't win.

the idiots didn't
Sure they did. They weren't locked into the mentality that keeps a two party system in power. They were starting something new, or trying to. That's how you do it, with a step.

you can't trust what an idiot says to an exit poll
I trust people to speak their own mind before I'll trust you or anyone else to speak it for there's that.

On common knowledge...
People ain't been saying the same damn thing for the past thirty years and it not be true. It's been happening for decades and is widely known
All manner of error has been widely and popularly supported over time. The remedy for that sort of institutional foolishness is found in the application of fact and reason. When applied they will root it out. You can recognize that sort easily enough by the reluctance of its enemies to apply either.

Of course the law looks nice from afar- but it's not the law, it's the biases therein.
The law itself is a form of bias, a bias for rule and order over anarchy, deliberation over declaration. The genius of the mechanism is in its recognition of the nature of men and the provision for remedy where that nature overreaches or fails.

Tomorrow? :think: AI, politics, definitions, and chrys has a salad...again. :chew:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap
on Tuesday

Well, Cruc was busy giving CC a run for her money, which she keeps in her mouth...and that's not sanitary (either)...
And then some...
I fail to see what use woman can be to man, if one excludes the function of bearing children.

–Saint Augustine

"How much for that one?" Thomas Jefferson


Or, otherwise great men can think and believe things that are hard to reconcile with the quality of their thinking else.

There's nothing worse than someone perpetuating a notion that every person who calls their self a Christian is actually a Christian.
No, there's at least one thing worse. (tag)

Swapped odd tech stories with anna...her's was funnier, but I did what I could...
I don't use Siri very often because I get frustrated with it. Like the other day I asked it for directions and it gave me a destination that was over 2000 miles away. I was thoroughly exasperated at that point, and the "conversation" went downhill from there. This is an exact transcript, because I saved the pages:

Me: "You're making things difficult."

Siri: "I don't really like these arbitrary categories, Me."

Me: "Do you always search for things on the web when you don't know what I'm talking about?"

Siri: "Sigh."

Me: "I'm sad."

Siri: "It's okay to cry if you want to. My aluminosilicate glass surface is tear resistant."


Dad has a fairly malicious driving program that routinely led us into horrible neighborhoods on a long trip and would then intone, "You have reached your destination."

Noted popular misconceptions about the law and politics...
'Proof' is a tricky thing in American law. People get away with all matters of things in courtrooms.
And sometimes, it just comes down to rank technicalities.
That's really more of a tv impression of the law than an accurate one. Either the evidence is sufficient measured against the standard or it isn't. Either the conduct and approach to that evidence is correct or it isn't.

When people talk about criminals getting off on a "technicality" what they mostly miss is that by that light the entire law is technicality.

Then gc wondered...
What do you expect from a pathological liar and narcissist?
A mirror with a painting in it? :think: Good question.

Talked about the President and the realities and impact of image...
If the President had visited the Louisiana flood victims, our conservative "friends" would have then dismissed it as a "photo-op" diverting much needed resources away from those in need.

The amount of resources required for the visit by a sitting president is far greater than those of a GOP "Wannabe!"
Yeah, but I'd still have had him get as near the problem as could be without hampering efforts, giving the embattled people of Louisiana a lift, which is about all he can do that he hasn't done. At the very least I'd have had him break off the vacation and return to the White House with a promise to be down as soon as his coming wouldn't distract efforts.

I don't think he handled that part of his job well. Outside of campaigning, I don't think he's handled that part of his job well since the first election cycle. I believe history will record his as an uneven presidency, with a number of important successes marred by consistently unnecessary and avoidable failures, especially (and oddly, given his seeming understanding of the element) on the public front.

He appears to still think like a planner first or exclusively, failing too often to recognize the value and duty of his role outside of those efforts.

That said, I still differed with the unsupportable charge or "ineptitude" leveled at the President by CC...then I posted the last Wrap in the wrong thread, caught the error and removed it with a note, which prompted...
Yah, right. Obama-boy just wanted to bump it.
No, I literally posted a post here meant for another thread and noted it. :plain:

Also, I voted as often against the President as I did for him and more often against his party than for it.

If you were a baseball player they'd be packing your locker about now.

While in response to national polling...
All I know is that something very crooked is going ISSUES based polls, Trump always wins. For example, is an issue question is asked like "Who would do better with ISIS" or "Who would do better with jobs", Trump always wins those issue polls.
The only "issue" that matters is "who will you actually vote for". If you find yourself qualifying to get a different answer, you're in trouble. Well, your candidate is at any rate.

So it defies logic that Trump is actually losing, because when every piece of evidence is separated and sorted out, he wins.
You sound like the Romney people. They were playing with polling right up until they couldn't.

Election day shall be very interesting.
That's not how I spell depressing, but okay. Either way it's no light on a hill day for American politics.

....says the moron who voted for the worst president in history, Obama.
Well, that was half-honest, which was half better than I expected. Rather, I absolutely voted for him the first time round, when Republicans offered McCain lite and a nominee for VP that made Dan Quayle look like a Rhodes Scholar and I didn't support him in his bid for reelection.

Forgive me if your "analysis" is not accepted as Holy Writ.
You wouldn't feel that way if you understood statistical models and how they relate to polling data.

Besides, it is the most rational thing to do, to question the extremely biased press.
Rather, declaring polling conducted using proven, reliable mathematical models suspect while you extrapolate from anecdotal snippets and nothing else illustrates that the real bias problem objectively on display is your own.

OMG.. ...blah blah blah.. ...what a mouthful of crap.
Ah, that explains it. Didn't anyone ever tell you that you are what you eat? :shocked: Put that down!

The fact that you go through such rhetorical gymnastics to justify that jerk's behavior shows that you STILL support that lying sack of Kenyan crap,
The fact that you call the President a Kenyan says everything anyone needs to know about you, even without the insult tacked on.

so don't hide it behind a bunch of pointy-headed gobbledygook, data and "extrapolations" and all that other crap.
Facts and reason aren't things to hide behind, but they're a dandy way to expose positions that don't rest on them.

Otherwise you're doing peachy. :thumb:

Then CC got creative with mix and match polls...
Here's THREE polls from Politico with Trump ahead that I have now posted for the THIRD time...
Well, to manage that you put in a few state polls, which if you opened more widely wouldn't do you much good. I posted the major national polls of late. So, nice desperate try to do...whatever.

...Your faux-intellectualism is a very thin whitewash that covers your sheer stupidity and ignorance.
Your choice of rebuttal only underscores two things: your intellectual insecurity and an inability to rise about schoolyard nonsense.

You're like Obama: A moron with small ideas, wrapped up in big empty words.
Or maybe you need to buy a dictionary and improve your reading comprehension. :think: I like my odds.

Tomorrow? Second verse, I'd imagine. :poly:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap

Shook my head over CC playing the Kenyan poster meme card and...
A good picture is better than your mountains of deception.
Rather, reason and objective data are the clearest path to truth.

Either is as rare in your outraged goofery as a Hindu at Arby's.

PJ was in there plugging for his guy, which is fair enough...
Watch the polls Town, Trump is coming back and will win in November. You're gonna love him as President !!
Neither candidate particularly worries or excites me. I won't vote for either, but I'm not afraid of them given that they can only do what the machinery permits. Radicals rarely move more than the margins.

Speculation on the upcoming college football season led to...
No. 1 Alabama vs No. 20 USC. This seems like Alabama all the way. USC should always have talent, and they do. They can't seem to settle on a coach the last 10 years or so.
It's a mystery why they can't manage that.

No. 4 FSU vs No. 11 Ole Miss. The SEC West won't seem too good unless half of the FSU roster is in a Tallahassee jail.
So...50/50 then. :plain:

Considered jeff's complaint and the possible answers to it, from contextual distinctions to the President simply being wrong and dining on a crow he reared...
Direct Quote from Obama about when Bush was dealing with Katrina notice how the excuse of getting in the way of first responders never crossed Obama's mind when he ripped into Bush for not witnessing the damage on the ground in person .
I'm not sure of the timeline on that, so his criticism might have had a different context and aim. Or he may have just been wrong. If so, he's learned that the hard way and it's appropriate to tweak his nose on the point.

Kmo chimed in with a solid bit...
Maybe he's learned something. Or maybe it's just standard politics and he knew better back then but didn't care because he was trying to score political points.
Neither would surprise me. It's one of the things about him that quickly rubbed me the wrong way. He made a lot of noise about personal involvement in post Katrina efforts, then moved on to the next thing. So now he's in Louisiana talking about people who make noise and move on. :plain: Hubris isn't lacking in anyone at that level of power, I suppose.

While CC tried to defend Trump's refusal to publish his returns...
There's a difference between being transparent and dismissing one's own self-respect.
So you think releasing his tax returns would damage his self-respect? He didn't appear to agree with you when he called on Romney to release tax returns.

Trump doesn't have to bend to your stupid demands.
So you're saying Trump's demand was also stupid? :think: One way or another you have a problem here. You chimed in quickly enough when Obama was being hoisted for wagging a finger at Bush for delay then doing the same thing in relation to this flooding in Louisiana.

Now Trump is getting a similar taste for saying something should be done that he's not doing. And it's reasonable to ask why he isn't, given.

So CC tried to disconnect Lincoln with intellectualism by noting his self-taught status. I noted that apprenticeships and reading were common avenues to the law for men in Lincoln's day and beyond...and...
You are a fool and a liar
Or you could just do that. :plain: Anyone can. It only takes wind, fingertips and a lack of upbringing.

You're nothing. I'll say it again:
Don't sell yourself short, you'll say it dozens of times, the alternative being you'd have to come up with something substantive in rebuttal.

Noted a failing of free French will in relation to principle and the law...
Several municipalities in France have banned burqinis on their beaches. Early this week a French Muslim woman wearing one was forced to publicly remove it. Prime Minister Valls has chimed in, calling the beachwear a symbol of "the enslavement of women".
"On Monday, a lower court in Nice ruled that the Villeneuve-Loubet ban was "necessary, appropriate and proportionate." The administrative court added that wearing "conspicuous" religious clothing on the beaches may be seen as a "provocation" by some people and increase local tensions.

The Villeneuve-Loubet order bars from local beaches any people whose garments don't respect the principles of secularism, health and safety rules and good moral standards." Fox News

So topless is representative of "good moral standards" but a garment that largely covers the body is unseemly and provocative.


Tomorrow? Chapter 3... :poly: Well, a late start to it at any rate, so probably not so much here.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
.....Shook my head over CC playing the Kenyan poster meme card and.........

That's because you supported that filthy socialist Obama and still do. It's also because you have no clue: Calling Rocky Balboa the Italian Stallion did not mean Rocky was born in Italy, and calling Obama the Kenyan does not mean he was born in Kenya. Once again you demonstrate your utter stupidity. Thank you for allowing me to once again expose your utter stupidity.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
That's because you supported that filthy socialist Obama and still do. It's also because you have no clue: Calling Rocky Balboa the Italian Stallion did not mean Rocky was born in Italy, and calling Obama the Kenyan does not mean he was born in Kenya. Once again you demonstrate your utter stupidity. Thank you for allowing me to once again expose your utter stupidity.

Well, you certainly exposed something all right although it's a shame it didn't remain hidden...


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Ignore function works great.
I see this boob TH posting but I don't have to have his stupidity flashed in my face. Nice.
You wrote, before coming here, to a thread of mine, to read and complain. :plain:

That's because you supported that filthy socialist Obama and still do.
I know you really, really want that to be true, but no. First, real socialists don't like Obama much, because he isn't one. Beyond that, as I've always noted, I supported the President in his first term for a number of reasons I've articulated and I opposed his reelection bid for a number of reasons I've also set out. Telling a half-truth against plain fact doesn't do you much good.

...calling Obama the Kenyan does not mean he was born in Kenya.
The problem with this dishonest attempt to side-bar the point away is that you wrote:
...The fact that you go through such rhetorical gymnastics to justify that jerk's behavior shows that you STILL support that lying sack of Kenyan crap, so don't hide it behind a bunch of pointy-headed gobbledygook, data and "extrapolations" and all that other crap.
See, everything you associate with the President is aimed as an insult. You call him a jerk and a lying sack. You mix Kenyan in with that. How is Kenyan a meaningful part of an insult aimed at the President? It isn't unless you understand how that was used. It's from that attempt and that association that you get to push it into your "sack of crap" as a complete insult and not an insult mixed with information for no other apparent reason.

Once again you demonstrate your utter stupidity.
You mean your hang-up, insecurity when it comes to intelligence, intellectualism, etc. (see: your Lincoln fiasco).

Thank you for allowing me to once again expose your utter stupidity.
Well, let's just agree you've exposed something and be satisfied with that. :plain:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap

CC made a funny in his Trump Makes His Way Back thread...
There have been no debates, and fools are already calling the election. That reeks of fear.
What's the title of the thread again? :plain:

Though I have to admit it's a better thread than his:

Meanwhile, the REAL Racism comes from the Left

followed by

The Donald Trump video every Jew MUST watch!

Got a tad confused in the Cheese Sandwich thread over the pickle problem...
:think: Dill or bread and butter spear? The latter for me and chips. Or without either if I'm having soup...though if I'm having soup in a bread bowl I'll pass on the sandwich. . .

What was the question again? :idunno:

Tried to talk to a conspiracy theorist about education, but...
All public school teachers are required to know the [allegedly Marxist] ideology in the two volumes - the Taxonomy of Educational Goal Objectives,1956 and 1964 - by Benjamin Bloom and associates,to become certified.
That's really not true, you know. We (I'm the son of a teacher and professor and am currently enrolled in the Alt Masters Early Elementary program) are taught Bloom's Taxonomy, the distinction in domains, but not a Marxist philosophy or how to approach truth, beyond the utilization of scientific methodology.

Reading Knight's take on Trump led me to...
Wow, really? Personally, I can't imagine a worse Republican nominee.
I think we've hit the bottom of respective barrels. She's nearly everything I dislike in politicians and he's...a carnival show.

CC neg repped me for posting polling data then called me an idiot, which is like having your personal hygiene critiqued by the French. :eek:

Sort of underscores my point about the problem of people who feel their way through politics.

Addressed a secular objection to altering prohibition against incest and, oddly enough...
What makes the sin that you've defended for years here on TOL (homosexuality) superior to theirs (incest)?
I've never defended sin. You know this, because I've explained it to you more than once, made certain by using an illustration even someone with a real impairment of their mental faculties could appreciate.

For anyone new to the program, I believe in the 1st Amendment within the bounds of rational restraint tied to significant societal interests. But being in support of your right to assemble, or speak doesn't mean I support what you assemble for or the words you speak.

Similarly, so far as the state goes, marriage is a right to contract between two people who enter into it with capacity and giving consent. It can be performed without any religious trappings or oaths. It routinely is and has been performed as such for generations. People have married in the eyes of the state without so much as a nod to the God I worship, the God most people in this country still profess belief in. It's their right.

They have the right to contract, to marry and offend whoever finds that exercise offensive, as surely as you have a right to print Mein Kampf if you want. Simple as that.

Fool had a few ideas about dealing with incest objections...
Right, so first; the Biological Objection.

Stems from a high risk of birth defects in any offspring due to doubling up on bad DNA, this objection could be overcome by one of them being sterilized.
You cannot force people to be sterilized or predicate what must be construed as a right upon an act violative of their right to person (by which I mean personal integrity). And their agreement, should they give it and before you raise the point, must be seen as a false consent, given under duress as the object of a coercion.

Also, we don't sterilize adopted kids. There could be all sorts of brothers and sisters married right now who don't know it because they don't know their biological origin. And yet the world keeps spinning.
Not sure what the point of saying any of that. Children are murdered daily and the world "keeps spinning". Does it lessen the ill or evil? Ignorance of a thing can, when reasonable, excuse the action. We cannot make men ignorant by an act of law.

Angel asked...
Which takes precedent, the laws of man or the edicts of God?
Give Caesar what is Caesar's and God that which is God's.
And after a request from more unpacking, I added...
I think you owe God obedience in your conscience and personal actions. Don't steal, lie, cheat, etc. You owe Caesar obedience to the law. Pay taxes, don't speed, vote, etc. The laws of Caesar aren't compelling you to violate the laws of God. They're simply not allowing Christians the authority to compel non Christians to follow our spiritual understanding. So it isn't about which trumps the other.

aCW returned in route to another self-immolation...
I so want to ask another poster in this thread if he is 'married' to a man.
Don't undersell yourself. I have the feeling you'd like to ask every man you meet that question. Why, I have no real in that much we're alike.

Being that the poster and I have a history (when he gets angry at me, I get banned)
I've never been angry with you. Your dishonesty is offensive, but in the way someone picking their nose at the table across from me in a restaurant would be offensive, not in a "The Klan just nominated you for man of the year" sense. :plain: And I don't believe I've ever asked for you to be banned. I hope I reported what you said to anna, but I don't recall it.

In fact, looking over your infraction history, you're once again an unreliable witness. I'll bold the ones that involve me.

Jan. 2012, Knight, implied profanity answering me.

would you ask him (his initials are TH)?
Why don't you just write it in crayon and put a two boxes with a "Check one" on it, to keep with the level of maturity inherent in the nature of the thing. You don't want to ask the question because you're unaware of my wife, the librarian, or my son, Jack. You want to ask because you're who you are and that's what you do. :plain:

And that's why I've mostly had little to nothing to do with or say to you and why you don't find me in that thread of yours.

Tomorrow? Walking on nutshells...again. :eek:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap
on Saturday

Speaking of nutshells...
I'm pretty sure Rusha is against abortion for a very personal reason- a past quarrel perhaps.
And that's your subjective problem in a nutshell. You don't know what you're talking about and confuse the sound of your voice with the truth because you want it to be.

...She's been a good friend to you because you are a staunch defender of unfair biases which favor women, and resembles little of what you describe.
No. She's been a good friend to me because it's who she is, in her nature and character. As surely as baseless assertion is in yours.

aC kept losing his cool...
That's right, you "oppose homosexuality" but you just don't want laws prohibiting the behavior or the LGBTQ agenda Kinda like the guy who "opposes" abortion/murder, rape, robbery, etc. etc. etc., but doesn't want to do anything about it.
Rather, it's exactly like a guy who defends everyone's right to peaceful assembly, even if the point of that assembly offends his sensibility. That you don't or won't understand that plain truth is telling.

If you think that a clean slate on an internet forum gives you an 'in' with God, are you in for an eternal surprise.
If you think being banned on a Christian forum is a badge of distinction in a less than embarrassing way, I can't help you. You're too deep in whatever heroic narrative it is that you've framed for for me, all I'd say is that I conduct myself within the rules, which I agreed to do when I signed on here, as did you.

Commented on the anthem protest by professional athletes...
I'd fire anyone who protested today. I wouldn't want them to represent my organization. That's the thing about free speech, it doesn't necessarily come free of consequence.

Talked election blues with PJ...
Not as big of a scoundrel as Hillary,
Impossible to say, really. But once you get to scoundrel, why would anyone champion either of these people?

she hides subpoenaed information and has been a power hungry scam artist for decades
I've described her as a ruthlessly efficient power seeking missile.

She is too fake and phony and she really is too sick physically and mentally to be POTUS.
She's everything I hate about politicians, especially the sort who cater heavily to the left. The problem is, he's no better from the right...and so I write in Pat Paulsen, who dead will do more for the average Joe than either of these two.

So Jona noted...
And we know he knows how to use bankruptcy to protect himself. A true man of the people!

And CC responded...
Actually he is a true businessman. A smart businessman uses the laws to enrich his business and make his business a great one, and he will now use his skills and savvy to make America great...

But if a city with a democratic administration uses the law...
THAT is because Democrat socialist policies lead cities to where all socialist policies lead: Bankruptcy and failure.

After I set out why the U.S. wasn't actually bankrupt...
Here's a tip Einstein, if you have a debt you cannot pay - and we do - then you are Bankrupt.
Next time you decide to condescend you might want to at least understand what you're talking about and get it right...though this is funnier.

Maybe not "officially" yet but we are.
Any time you feel the urge to caveat yourself out of a jam you just got yourself into the better part of valor would be to edit the whole before hitting "post".

Tomorrow? Fair and unbalanced and somebody tries to sell a hamburger sandwich without meat. :shocked:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap

Noted the partisan nature of little chickens...
We are one the edge of true financial destruction, and you have pinheads like TH running around saying its all normal business as usual.
As opposed to abnormal business as usual? For someone who doesn't want to consider me you spend a fair amount of time doing it. :plain: Else, quote me. I said we weren't bankrupt. We aren't. The sky is always falling when the opposition is in the White House. If Trump manages a win you won't hear a peep about it from the right, just as you didn't hear much when Bush was driving us into deeper and deeper debt. That's just the way partisan nonsense works.

While anna made a nice post script for a long time contributor around here...
I miss Rusha a lot. I don't know either if she'll be back, but she's an amazing woman. Courageous beyond most posters' knowledge here... she's warm-hearted, loyal, ethical, funny as heck, and a true blue friend.

So, of course...
I haven't been on in a couple weeks...What I do know is that she decided to put everyone on ignore who she couldn't affect.
No, she just opted out of reading hostile nonsense from people who couldn't engage her more substantively. You'd be surprised by the horsefeathers that were thrown in her direction routinely by one doofi or another.

I wonder if Rusha isn't employed to simply be bait for others to be banned.
Like if you put a cymbal-banging monkey in a room of cats :plain:

Or maybe you wouldn't.

Those like TH choose not to see motives though.
I can see right through you, if that's any consolation. :plain:

Continued a surprisingly civil discussion with CS...
...The more socialist policies are in place, the more likely economic problems will occur.
Well, I'm not a socialist or advocating it, so you're not going to get a lot of argument from me on the point. I'd say the more programs you have running the higher the tab, so you'd better have an extremely robust economy if you're going to extend very far into that realm.

...What do all the inner cities of major cities have in common?
A few things, some of which have nothing to do with the local government. Failure to invest in infrastructure coupled with the death of our industrial base, due to a number of factors from ill considered trade agreements to a lack of any protection for major industry and the corporate flight, unimpeded, to manufacturing bases in third world environments, with less regulation, little labor protections and lower taxes. Take the economic heart out of cities wrapped around that industry and I don't care who you have in the mayor's office...Or, it's a lot more complicated than Republican/Democrat.

Before reverting to the more familiar...
A smart man doesn't need to dissemble to make his point if truth is on his side.
And no one will ever quote me attempting to do it. You, for instance.

Rarified use of language intended to confuse instead of to enlighten. My definition
Whenever you have to rewrite a dictionary to use a word the chances are you should just improve your vocabulary. Maybe it's time to stop insisting that anyone who knows something you don't is hiding a plainer truth.

And taking up the issue of intelligence...
So was Hitler.
So I have one more thing in common with Hitler than you do...that we know of. :plain:

Wrapping up with...
If the truth is plain perhaps you could say it plainly?
Say what particular thing more plainly?

I never write a thing to be obscure, but I don't write for a newspaper either...and I always invite people to post a particular that seems obscure. I never mind clarifying a point or finding another way of illustrating it.

Or maybe you are giving the impression you have truth through dissembling?
Maybe you're just trying to throw an insult at language you're too lazy to penetrate and unpack for yourself.

And I'll tie this edition up with the sports page...if not particularly good sports...
I see you are up to your usual standard of ignorance and lies.
You say something silly like that, but you never will quote me telling a lie. :nono: And being called ignorant by you is like having my acumen critiqued by an illiterate.

But it is entertaining to watch all you leftist

Nope again.

I was actually pro-life long before I came to the Christian faith and my friendship with the founder of this joint began after I debated the pro-life side of things with the tragically mistaken people on the other side.

If this was a baseball game you'd be weeping into your rally hat by now. :plain:

Tomorrow? :think: CC has a moment before he takes several off and that's not rhetorical splendor in the grass, that's Trump...
Last edited:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap on Tuesday

CC was swinging for the fences and put a worm burner into play...

Be quiet dummy.
Ladies and gentlemen, Fred Sanford.

...I have reached a point with you where I know that conversation is meaningless
The point where all you can muster is insult sans argument? Well, you reached that the first time you posted, so don't blame me.

and all there is to do is have fun mocking you.

You think doing a bad job with creating a merged artwork capped with a juvenile bit of school yard name calling is mocking me?

Well, you're half right, which is half more than usual, so that's progress.

Then anna said...
It's the most hilariously ham-handed photoshop I've seen from him yet.:chuckle:

Also, he seems to have a thing for hats.
Well, you'd expect the affinity given how often he's been handed one around here. :think:

And AB mused...
He shouldn't run out of plates any time soon either...

That's how he takes his soup.

Posting is how he takes his medicine.

While CC wasn't having fun in the fun with Trump thread...
She's a bonafide liar
You either don't understand the word or you don't understand anna.

Kidding, you don't appear to understand either.

...Just look at this thread: I thought I'd inject a little humor into just one thread but she couldn't handle that.
You interject a little humor in almost any thread you post in...inadvertently, of course, but....


Some people say Trump eats too much junk food......
Trump said he eats it because, "At least you know what's in it."

He's not sure what's in broccoli. :plain:

Talked with anna about the consequence of a lack of mathematical skill...
It's worth noting that no refugee from Syria has killed an American since they began being admitted to the country. A recent study by the Cato Institute, a Libertarian think tank, estimated the risk of an American being killed by a refugee in a terror attack as 1 in 3.64 billion.

I think you're touching on a real national problem: Americans are horrible at math. :plain: Seriously, about half the country plays the lottery regularly, many more on and off. And on some level they have to think they can win, because if they were "doing it for the schools" they could just send the school in their neighborhood five dollars, or whatever they're throwing away at the Jiffy Mart or liquor store. Now anyone with passable math skills understands that you're more likely to get a financial return on money tossed in the air at a strip club than you are by standing in line at one of the fine establishments selling you a daydream wrapped in a vaguely altruistic flag. And "Candy" is paying her way through medical school too.

Vegas lives off people who don't understand the odds. People who pay to go there to hand money to the casinos and airlines. So of course we're terrified of refugees. If we think we can win the lottery or beat the house the sky is the limit on what we'll believe.

While rocketman's attempt to rescue the Trump change led me to opine...
To me this whole conversation seems like an argument over which serial killer should be teaching kindergarten next year. :plain:

I don't want to choose between paper felonies related to data storage and charities being used like personal checking accounts. I don't want to have to calculate who has been less dishonest from week to week or figure out which rich, insulated elitist cares more for the average Joe.

And the good news is I don't have to. So no, none of the above. No, thank you.

Tomorrow? JZ rewrites history, repeats himself and learns nothing from it. :plain:​


The Wrap on Tuesday

CC was swinging for the fences and put a worm burner into play...

Then anna said...

And AB mused...

While CC wasn't having fun in the fun with Trump thread...


Talked with anna about the consequence of a lack of mathematical skill...

While rocketman's attempt to rescue the Trump change led me to opine...

Tomorrow? JZ rewrites history, repeats himself and learns nothing from it. :plain:​