toldailytopic: Liberal vs. Conservative. Where and why do you stand?

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Nathon Detroit

The TOPIC OF THE DAY for August 20th, 2010 11:03 AM

toldailytopic: Liberal vs. Conservative. Where and why do you stand?

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New member
I consider myself an independent who leans left. I do support things like social security, food stamps and public schools because I believe it helps the elderly and gives the underpriviledged a chance but I don't support things like abortion and big government spending when we're in so much debt.

If we weren't in debt I'd not be against the spending for things like a public option on healthcare but as it stands I think the mainstream liberals are digging us a grave we can't get out of.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I do support things like social security, food stamps and public schools because...I don't support... big government spending ...

Like many that vote democrat, I think you are confused.

As traditional conservatives go in America, which is not clearly defined, I prefer to just be right wing.

For example, many believe in the bizarre concept of "state rights". They have delegated authority, not rights.

Nathon Detroit

- I am for the death penalty (executing those guilty of capital crimes).
- I am pro-life (protecting those that are innocent).
- I support limited government.
- I support the right to protect oneself.
- I oppose legalizing sexual perversion.
- I oppose legalizing recreational drugs.
- I support homeschooling.

I suppose that makes me a staunch conservative.


New member
Hall of Fame
I'd say it's a false choice. If I needed to be pigeonholed I'd call myself a right-leaning libertarian, but again, labels like these are really subjective.


Active member
- I am for the death penalty (executing those guilty of capital crimes).
- I am pro-life (protecting those that are innocent).
- I support limited government.
- I support the right to protect oneself.
- I oppose legalizing sexual perversion.
- I oppose legalizing recreational drugs.
- I support homeschooling.

I suppose that makes me a staunch conservative.

I am also pro-life, I think the government should near pack it in, I own guns and used to shoot at glock sport, drug use makes my job near impossible, and will never send my kids to public school. The sexual perversion thing, I am not entirely clear what you mean.

The Barbarian

The "wacky" questions are the one's on which you are conflicted. There were quite a number like that for me, too. Probably a good thing; it likely means one is not a mindless political follower.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
what you call yourself is meaningless
what you do is not

I vote republican to get conservative judges on the court
hope that someday our courts will find laws against abortion to be constitutional


Active member
I'm slightly left, Libertarian also! Close to The Dalai Lama, one of my favorite people.
I still vote pretty much Republican though.
It would be nice, though, if someone would come along I could actually trust and believe in.
peace, bybee

Odd, isn't it? I hit:

Economic Left/Right: -3.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.77

...which basically makes me an economic loony. Whatever, let God's kingdom come, and then see which way I voted!!


Well-known member
Check out what you are, here:

I'm closer to Ghandi than any of the others; slightly left, libertarian.

Economic Left/Right: -3.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.00

Negative numbers bias more towards the Economic left and Social Libertarian.

Yep that's about where I came out also.

I used to be a lot more conservative but I broadened my views in the last few years, however I have an odd combination of views.

From Knight's list . .I added a few others ;)

- I am for the death penalty (executing those guilty of capital crimes) though I am for DNA testing and improved oversight of this process
- I am pro-life except in the case of protecting the mothers life and possibly rape or incest
- I am pro-contraception (including the pill)
- I support government that does what is important and lives within its means. (Reduced military spending, improved protection for public safety and environment, less subsidies for farmers, save CRP)
- I support more funding for public news service(s)
- I support gun rights with some reasonable restrictions (No criminal or mental health problems, restrictions on extreme types of weapons)
- I support decriminalizing drugs that are less harmful than currently legal drugs.
- I support more efficient funding and monitoring of public schools


Hall of Fame
I am ...

- Anti-abortion
- Pro-sex ed + abstinence
- Pro-death penalty (including extending it to rapists and child molesters)
- Anti-domestic violence
- Pro freedom of and from religion
- Pro-gay marriage
- Pro-no fault divorce
- Anti-hate crime laws
- Anti-drugs (including alcohol)
- Pro-school vouchers that would allow parents the option between private, public or home schooling
- Pro-gun ownership
- Illegal immigration


Active member
I would consider the candidacy of invading body snatchers, if I thought they were serious about changing abortion laws. But that is just me.


Well-known member
How did he feel about abortion? In case he decides to run...

Read some Attila the Hun quotes. An interesting character.

I'll give my extremely conservative viewpoint on one subject: the death penalty. While some conservatives would have people put to death for a select few capital crimes based on man's laws, I support capital punishment for all capital crimes based on God's laws...and support the destruction of body and soul for even the smallest sin.

It doesn't get any more conservative than that; and, in my opinion, those who do not support capital punishment for adultery and sabbath breaking are really liberals in conservative's clothing.
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