toldailytopic: Gender neutral bathrooms: would you use one? What do you think of the

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Seeing fool's post made me want to clarify my own. Our bathrooms are for only one person at a time.


Why would any woman want to use a gender neutral bathroom unless they REALLY had to go? Try this experiment. Go into a men's bathroom and take a whiff of the "aroma". Now do the same with a women's bathroom. Please report back to us. :think:

I've used both bathrooms, only difference is that one has urinals and one doesn't. Both stink.

Just a thought, the bathrooms in the office of the hotel I work in are not gender specific. Same goes for the faculty bathrooms at some of the schools I work at. There's never been a problem as a result except for some of the guys forgetting to put the seat back down.

Just another thought, do you require gender specific bathrooms in your home?


New member
BTW - most bathroom's I have been in smell just fine. Now the outhouses on the other hand.... (which, btw, are coed...).


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In my late teens / early twenties there where lots of times I was in a bar/club where the women would get mad cause their bathroom line was so long and they'd just go in the mens 'cause the stalls were usually free. It was a bit weird but you got used to it. I'm sure the beer helped.

Only about 8? years ago I was at a mall that was not busy and my younger daughter had to go to the bathroom. After having my older daughter confirm it was empty, I went in the womens bathroom with them. (I know how gross mens rooms are, would greatly prefer not having my little girls in there touching anything. lol ) Well of course three women come in while I'm in the stall with my younger one. I announced myself and said I'd leave quick as possible. They laughed went about their business like I wasnt there. I was embarrassed, that was way more weird than bar scene.

Modesty would prefer we stay separated for bathroom use, and I worry about men being jerks or worse to women / kids in that kind of situation.


New member
I have no problem with single user unisex bathrooms, but I'm not fond of the idea of a multi-stalled version- makes me imagine being on a first date & excusing yourself to the bathroom only to have your date follow you- ick! Not to mention it would make it much harder for girls to slip away from the guys for some necessary girl talk when out, and we certainly wouldn't want that!


New member
Gee, there's nothing like getting a feminine hygiene product from a dispenser as other men watch (and imagine a young preteen/teenager going through this...).

Would you trust your daughter going into a bathroom where random men could be hanging out (and doing who knows what)?


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No way! Men in public rooms have a knack for leaking all over the seat, you think a woman wants to sit in that?

Are you going so far as to say men and women is the same facility at the same time? I can hardly imagine that! Talk about sexual harassment, that would be a 'made to order' situation. This would never work, there would be an all out bathroom revolution!

I heard about some sissy transvestites sneaking into the ladies public room and I heard from ladies that if they found out such a little sneaker was doing that, they would fix him.

Now locked water closets, those for one user, well that might be ok by some women, but not all of us.

One thing people need to know is that women do not sit back quietly and take it from men. Women have the ball on the public room regulations, like it or not!


New member
I think it is a stupid idea. I would hate having to go into unisex bathrooms. The times I have had to go into unisex bathrooms I found them filthy. Not all guys are very careful when they urinate. Some pee on the toilet seat and don't clean it up, others pee on the floor, UGH. Where I work the bathroom is unisex because there is only that one bathroom for 3 medical depts. I can't tell you how many times I have had to clean up some guy's pee before I could use the facilities. Now I don't mean to imply all guys are guilty of this, but it only takes one or two with poor "aim" to make the facilities smelly and nasty.

Here in Austin, the police just arrested a guy for sneaking into the fitting rooms and filming women changing. How did he do it? He activated his video cell phone put his cell phone in his shoe and slipped it under the door! Planned how to do it for a long time, the police reported. Next will be the bathroom stalls. :mad:


Get used to it.
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My wife and I own an Anytime Fitness. Our three bathrooms are all gender neutral ("Unisex"), and two of them have showers. We keep them super clean, so a woman can go in after a man and [usually] not have to worry about sitting on a nasty toilet.
And for the record, women can be pretty nasty, too. :)


I've been a member at our local one here since they've opened. The 24hr access idea is genius.

:think: I wish ours would make both shower rooms "unisex". At ours just the bathroom is. The two shower rooms are male & female.....of course that doesn't stop us guys from using the womens shower room when there is an overflow.....and it doesn't stop the women from griping about it. :chuckle:


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For purely selfish reasons I oppose them. I've seen how long the lines can get for female restrooms compared to male, the last thing I want is to have to deal with that if I can avoid it! :)


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The TOPIC OF THE DAY for February 19th, 2010 12:31 PM

toldailytopic: Gender neutral bathrooms: would you use one? What do you think of the movement to make gender neutral public bathrooms?

Take the topic above and run with it! Slice it, dice it, give us your general thoughts about it. Everyday there will be a new TOL Topic of the Day.
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I would use one, but I would prefer to keep them separate.


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im all for it, so as long the safty of others is practiced.

How does one monitor the safety of others in a restroom? Security cameras? Guards? It's a place where one goes and is forced to assume an extremely vulnerable state. How in the world is it a good idea to toss men and women both into that same state in the same place with nothing to protect either of them?

It's completely insane.


Hall of Fame
Why not? You oppose the ERA?

That has nothing to do with preferring not use the same restrooms as men.

It's not like we are talking about men getting BETTER restrooms or superior service while in them. For me, this is also a hygiene issue.

Quite honestly, some of you guys have horrible aim, and I would really prefer not to deal with it.

Then there is the thing with not putting the seat down. I have no desire to put the seat down after some strange person has been sitting on it.
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