toldailytopic: During His earthly ministry would Jesus have approved of the homosexua


Well-known member
Because your answer shows approval of homosexuality and mine does not.

Your answer implies that anyone who continues to sin will perish. Unfortunately, I don't think you apply that standard of law keeping to yourself, unless you are claiming that you keep the law and no longer sin in any way, shape, or form.

... I say if somebody is engaging in this behavior and claiming that they are regenerate in Christ, they are decieved and have never tasted salvation to begin with.

Why? And why only that behaviour? Give us a list of behaviours that prove we are saved. Do you still sin from time-to-time?

Do you really believe you can live in opposition to the God you serve and claim to be "In Christ"?

No. I believe those who are born of God cannot sin (1Jn 3:6-9).

If anyone believes this they have been ripped off, deceived, and the Truth is not in them to begin with.

Then I think you've been ripped off, if you still sin from time-to-time.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
It's not your fault elohiym is trying to go off topic. Therefore no apology necessary. :up:

I think your answer was the best, No, Jesus would have not approved but, would have given this person the Truth and said "Go And Sin No More"...
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I identify as a Christian
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Poor argument elo, I may covet yes, but do I practice covetousness? No, I do not. Do I feel it is O.K. to live in opposition to Gods precepts, Nope. That is the choice of living "In Christ".

If a person belongs to Christ why would he want to live in opposition to His God? Please do not say because this person is born that way because we all make choices and this answer is bogus.



Well-known member
A Christian can still be a Christian and do all sorts of sin that hurts his walk with Christ. Yet, just because Christ covers that sin (for the Christian) doesn't mean that Jesus approves of that sin (which is the topic at hand).

rocketman said:
I say if somebody is engaging in this behavior and claiming that they are regenerate in Christ, they are decieved and have never tasted salvation to begin with. Do you really believe you can live in opposition to the God you serve and claim to be "In Christ"? If anyone believes this they have been ripped off, deceived, and the Truth is not in them to begin with.

According to Rocketman, you've been ripped off Knight.

Maybe you will start to see my point now and how it relates to this thread. :idunno:


New member
Approve.... as opposed to disapprove. :idunno:

No-one here has a right to say. Jesus can only speak for himself, from what we gather he said.

And whatever he said, it was only his opinion of the truth. He also said we would do greater things than he. That includes a greater realization or expression of the truth.

In MY opinion, those who do not judge and discriminate against homosexuals, and don't use hatred of homosexuals for religious or political purposes, but instead help us to accept those who are different from us, are the ones walking in the light of God.


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Not sure I understand your post. Embracing a sin and making it part of your persona is what I am talking about. Each person does have weaknesses they are susceptible too--for example mine is anger. But I don't call myself an angry person. I don't identify myself with this tendency. I have learned to forgive and let things slide. I am talking about letting the sin get between the person and a potential relationship with God. They love the sinful habit more than they do God. A person cannot embrace a sinful lifestyle and be Christian at the same time.
I agree with this. :thumb:

Just a little touchy about people claiming (or even seeming to) that homosexuality is an indicator that someone isn't saved. I'm sure you can understand why, but additionally because I know a lot of Christians who struggle with it who don't need to hear their brothers and sisters put their salvation in doubt for them. Or, worse, cause them to doubt God.

:think: I'm going to consider sharing a little story here. Depends if this thread's going to turn into a debate on whether or not Christians can sin.


Well-known member
Poor argument elo, I may covet yes, but do I practice covetousness? No, I do not.

How many times do you get to covet before it's considered "practising covetousness?"

Adam only sinned once, and here we are. :think:

Do I feel it is O.K. to live in opposition to Gods precepts, Nope.

Then why do you from time-to-time? What's your excuse? If you claim to have free will, you have no excuse. And if you have an excuse, why can't a homosexual use your excuse?

That is the choice of living "In Christ".

To never completely cease from sin? :AMR:

Please read 1 Peter 4:1 carefully.

If a person belongs to Christ why would he want to live in opposition to His God?

So if you don't want to covet, why do you do it from time-to-time? The only reasonable explanation would be that you lack free will, that you cannot do what you want. Are you claiming that you lack free will or that you sin willfully?

Please do not say because this person is born that way because we all make choices and this answer is bogus.

Were you born sinful or sinless?


Well-known member
It's not your fault elohiym is trying to go off topic.

My response to your questions was not off topic. If it was, then so were your questions, as they go to issue of whether people who still sin can be saved while doing so.

How can God love us while we are dead in sin, yet not accept us? This is why I asked you to clarify what you meant by approve (to accept as satisfactory).

Nathon Detroit

In MY opinion, those who do not judge and discriminate against homosexuals, and don't use hatred of homosexuals for religious or political purposes, but instead help us to accept those who are different from us, are the ones walking in the light of God.
Do you have any limitations on what behaviors we can and cannot judge?

Nathon Detroit

My response to your questions was not off topic. If it was, then so were your questions, as they go to issue of whether people who still sin can be saved while doing so.

How can God love us while we are dead in sin, yet not accept us? This is why I asked you to clarify what you meant by approve (to accept as satisfactory).
Yes, people can still sin even after being saved. Therefore what??

What's your point?


New member
What specific acts do male homosexuals engage in that is sinful? Are those same sex acts sinful if heterosexual married couples do them?
What part of this verse are you having trouble understanding?

Leviticus 20:13
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.​

The specific act is a man having sexual intercourse with a man as if the male was a woman.
It is impossible for the man of a heterosexual married couple to do the same specific act with his wife since his wife is not a male.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Your answer implies that anyone who continues to sin will perish. Unfortunately, I don't think you apply that standard of law keeping to yourself, unless you are claiming that you keep the law and no longer sin in any way, shape, or form.

Why? And why only that behaviour? Give us a list of behaviours that prove we are saved. Do you still sin from time-to-time?

No. I believe those who are born of God cannot sin (1Jn 3:6-9).

Then I think you've been ripped off, if you still sin from time-to-time.

:sigh: elo we are going round and round here and we will not find agreement so, as not to hijack this thread, we will have to agree to disagree. :e4e:

Bright Raven

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The TOPIC OF THE DAY for April 4th, 2012 09:42 AM

toldailytopic: During His earthly ministry would Jesus have approved of the homosexual lifestyle?


Take the topic above and run with it! Slice it, dice it, give us your general thoughts about it. Everyday there will be a new TOL Topic of the Day.
If you want to make suggestions for the Topic of the Day send a Tweet to @toldailytopic or @theologyonline or send it to us via Facebook.

No, but I believe He would have ministered to them with compassion.


New member
In MY opinion, those who do not judge and discriminate against homosexuals, and don't use hatred of homosexuals for religious or political purposes, but instead help us to accept those who are different from us, are the ones walking in the light of God.
In GOD's opinion, those who do not tell the homosexuals that their behavior is sinful are the ones that hate the homosexuals.

Leviticus 19:17
17Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart: thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, and not suffer sin upon him.​



Well-known member
It's a behavior that cannot be willfully embraced without showing an unregenerate heart.

Why can't the same be said for every sin? And if it can, then every Christian who claims to sin from time-to-time (most on TOL) still has an unregenerate heart.

Much like, say, murder. A Christian can murder, falling prey to weak flesh, without showing evidence that they are not redeemed. But to do so willfully and unapologetically? Yes, certainly.

I disagree. 1 John 3:15 is clear a murderer does not have eternal life abiding in him, so cannot be saved while being a murderer. There are other scriptures to support that as well. Furthermore, murder is a wilful act by definition.

What sins do Christians commit unwillingly? And what does that say about free will?


Well-known member
:sigh: elo we are going round and round here and we will not find agreement so, as not to hijack this thread, we will have to agree to disagree. :e4e:

We are not going round and round, but just got started.

Now you've punted because you can't answer my questions and I've show your position is at odds with Knight's position.

And none of this was off topic.