The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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The Gospel News proclaimed by Jesus in the UB can be summarized here :) - I see nothing wrong, irrational, spurious or insane about such noble, uplifting inspiring truths relative to man's relationship with God, in the realization of his kingdom in our midst, we being his children, he being our Heavenly Father.


I believe the original gospel that the Jews rejected and I reject the second gospel that Paul conceived.


Well-known member
Are you in a gospel of Paul cult?

Are you part of the historic Jesus cult? Why do you need a historical Jesus or a book to follow when that motif was about every man born of the spirit, idols make for a servitude mentality that keeps the search outward.


Eclectic Theosophist
Fatherhood of God......brotherhood of man.......

Fatherhood of God......brotherhood of man.......

I believe the original gospel that the Jews rejected and I reject the second gospel that Paul conceived.

Yes,...the goodnews of God's kingdom from a purely spiritualist, social and practical foundation requires no bloodshed.



Eclectic Theosophist
Historical or mere myth? either works...............

Historical or mere myth? either works...............

Are you part of the historic Jesus cult? Why do you need a historical Jesus or a book to follow when that motif was about every man born of the spirit, idols make for a servitude mentality that keeps the search outward.

Nothing wrong with using the scaffolding, symbols and archetypes to depict, explain and express the inner meanings and values, you propose. The UB does accept the actual historical personality of Jesus and his 'bestowal' (incarnation) here,...but expands further upon it, and the teachings of Jesus as a more socialized gospel for the upliftement, progress and betterment of man, an over-arching program of eternal progression, and ultimate ascension to the heart of God.



Eclectic Theosophist
Priests of the Most High................

Priests of the Most High................

Good el-work-o there el-Freelight-o :)

I recall the Dead Sea scrolls talking about Melchizedek as a divine being.


Some of the inter-testamental writings (dead sea scrolls, apocrypha, etc.) offer insights into Christian doctrinal developments, so worth some study into. According to the UB Melchizedeks are pretty divine :) - but somewhat lower on the hierarchal order than Creator-Sons, but have been pretty active in the custodianship and service of our world doing much to uplift and enlighten man's religious ideals, concepts and principles.



Eclectic Theosophist
Lets try again.................

Lets try again.................

The mere THOUGHT of there being 'thought-adjustment' done by God is just creepy. God doesn't operate like that. The thoughts and intents of the heart are personal. God changes our heart such that we are capable of His Character and Goodness and gives us The Mind of Christ. A 'thought-adjuster' would be divination or witchcraft, which isn't in God's Playbook.

We covered this already, is an older post here, touching on the 'thought-adjuster'. Again,'re ignorant of what the purpose and function of such is, but could be enlightened here. If you're going to critique the TA, then you'll need to educate yourself about it first (5 papers).

You are still stuck on the 'terminology', we've admitted...the term is 'peculiar'...but its not so 'literal' as you take it (your stance is adversarial anyways no matter). The TA within every soul does not force 'adjustments' of any kind (like some sterile computer program), but is a willing partner assisting/guiding the soul,...which would naturally include 'coordinating' and 'adjusting' one's thoughts in harmony with 'God'. Again,...naturally this is what God's Spirit would be leading and guiding us towards,....that spirit-fragment would be perfecting our spiritual it were.

You have no idea what Truth is, since you've swallowed the lies of the enemy of your soul. Since you don't believe The Holy Scriptures: you're liable to swallow anything. You need to watch what you put in your eyes, just like you watch what you put into your mouth. You've been reading and accepting WAY too much poison through your eyes and have become infected with it. It's spreading to others through you and your festering mess is growing in this earth and it's stink is rising to Heaven.

Ohhhhh dear....more patronizing and blathering. I have no fear of what your religious imagination is assuming to be the case, because its not.

One day God will tire of your ignorance of His Word and take His Hand of protection off your life.

This is the most stupendous thing I've heard yet. amazing.

I wouldn't want to be anywhere near you when that happens.

I trust infinite love has no fear or torment.



Well-known member
We covered this already, is an older post ... touching on the 'thought-adjuster'.
Yes, but your excuses for witchcraft don't mean anything.
Again,'re ignorant of what the purpose and function of such is, but could be enlightened ...
Sorry, I refuse to study witchcraft. One who has seen the light doesn't need to study darkness.
If you're going to critique the TA, then you'll need to educate yourself about it first (5 papers).
You need to study what witchcraft is. Read the first five books of The Bible.
You are still stuck on the 'terminology', we've admitted...the term is 'peculiar'...but its not so 'literal' as you take it (your stance is adversarial anyways no matter).
Correct, since your philosophies come from hell.
The TA within every soul does not force 'adjustments' of any kind (like some sterile computer program), but is a willing partner assisting/guiding the soul,...which would naturally include 'coordinating' and 'adjusting' one's thoughts in harmony with 'God'.
Again: God doesn't work like that. He moves men's hearts. Thoughts are our purview.
Again,...naturally this is what God's Spirit would be leading and guiding us towards,....that spirit-fragment would be perfecting our spiritual it were.
God doesn't 'fragment' His Spirit.
This is the most stupendous thing I've heard yet. amazing.
Good. I'm happy for you.
I trust infinite love has no fear or torment.
Giving lip-service to love while concealing hatred is despicable. God looks upon the thoughts and intents of the heart and doesn't miss anything. He will only let someone go so far and no further.


Eclectic Theosophist
the word 'fragment' is 'figurative'..........

the word 'fragment' is 'figurative'..........

God doesn't 'fragment' His Spirit.

Still taking things so 'literal' I see.

All language is 'relative', and must be understood/interpreted within 'context'.

Although 'God' is one, indivisible in essence/nature,....within individual souls the presence of 'God' can be 'referred' to as a 'fragment' of 'God' indwelling any given particular individual. The term is not problematic when understood correctly. We consider terms, meaning, value and context :)

Besides learning from the 5 papers on the TA what a TA is and its function/relation to souls, can also see everytime the word 'fragment' appears in the papers here, most often depicting the TAs. TAs are also called 'mystery monitors', 'divine gifts' or 'Father-fragments'. True, 'God' is one,...yet is multiply individualized as well...indwelling millions of universe children. Since you choose not to learn by reading about TAs you put yourself in a place of ignorance regarding the subject :idunno:

From the very Foreward,...the TA is recognized as the indwelling presence -

0:12.13 We are fully cognizant of the difficulties of our assignment; we recognize the impossibility of fully translating the language of the concepts of divinity and eternity into the symbols of the language of the finite concepts of the mortal mind. But we know that there dwells within the human mind a fragment of God, and that there sojourns with the human soul the Spirit of Truth; and we further know that these spirit forces conspire to enable material man to grasp the reality of spiritual values and to comprehend the philosophy of universe meanings. But even more certainly we know that these spirits of the Divine Presence are able to assist man in the spiritual appropriation of all truth contributory to the enhancement of the ever-progressing reality of personal religious experience—God-consciousness.

0:12.14 [Indited by an Orvonton Divine Counselor, chief of the corps of superuniverse personalities assigned to portray on Urantia the truth concerning the Paradise Deities and the universe of universes.]


132:3.9 The presence of the Paradise spirit in the mind of man constitutes the revelation promise and the faith pledge of an eternal existence of divine progression for every soul seeking to achieve identity with this immortal and indwelling spirit fragment of the Universal Father.

134:4.7 God is spirit, and God gives a fragment of his spirit self to dwell in the heart of man. Spiritually, all men are equal. The kingdom of heaven is free from castes, classes, social levels, and economic groups. You are all brethren.



Are you part of the historic Jesus cult? Why do you need a historical Jesus or a book to follow when that motif was about every man born of the spirit, idols make for a servitude mentality that keeps the search outward.

Because Jesus was more than a historic figure exagerated after the fact, he is our creator brother whose spiritual gravity will guide us through the ascension regime.

We have a fundamental disagreement about the office and identity of the person of Jesus of Nazareth.



92:1.1 "The evolution of religion has been traced from early fear and ghosts down through many successive stages of development, including those efforts first to coerce and then to cajole the spirits. Tribal fetishes grew into totems and tribal gods; magic formulas became modern prayers. Circumcision, at first a sacrifice, became a hygienic procedure.

92:1.2 Religion progressed from nature worship up through ghost worship to fetishism throughout the savage childhood of the races. With the dawn of civilization the human race espoused the more mystic and symbolic beliefs, while now, with approaching maturity, mankind is ripening for the appreciation of real religion, even a beginning of the revelation of truth itself.

92:1.3 Religion arises as a biologic reaction of mind to spiritual beliefs and the environment; it is the last thing to perish or change in a race. Religion is society's adjustment, in any age, to that which is mysterious. As a social institution it embraces rites, symbols, cults, scriptures, altars, shrines, and temples. Holy water, relics, fetishes, charms, vestments, bells, drums, and priesthoods are common to all religions. And it is impossible entirely to divorce purely evolved religion from either magic or sorcery.

92:1.4 Mystery and power have always stimulated religious feelings and fears, while emotion has ever functioned as a powerful conditioning factor in their development. Fear has always been the basic religious stimulus. Fear fashions the gods of evolutionary religion and motivates the religious ritual of the primitive believers. As civilization advances, fear becomes modified by reverence, admiration, respect, and sympathy and is then further conditioned by remorse and repentance.

92:1.5 One Asiatic people taught that “God is a great fear”; that is the outgrowth of purely evolutionary religion. Jesus, the revelation of the highest type of religious living, proclaimed that “God is love.”


Well-known member
Because Jesus was more than a historic figure exagerated after the fact, he is our creator brother whose spiritual gravity will guide us through the ascension regime.

We have a fundamental disagreement about the office and identity of the person of Jesus of Nazareth.

Jesus was a name, and only a conceptual outline for each born of the spirit, other cultures use some other label. Every time you look in the mirror you are looking at that outline of I am, follow that not some idol of historical legend in the kingdom of flesh that was only meant to be a allegorical sign post inwardly.


Jesus was a name, and only a conceptual outline for each born of the spirit, other cultures use some other label. Every time you look in the mirror you are looking at that outline of I am, follow that not some idol of historical legend in the kingdom of flesh that was only meant to be a allegorical sign post inwardly.

I completely disagree, Jesus was a real person as were the apostles who believed in him.


Eclectic Theosophist
Historical or mythical?

Historical or mythical?

I completely disagree, Jesus was a real person as were the apostles who believed in him.

Yes,...Zeke takes a more purely allegorical approach to religious history, myth, metaphors and archetypes.....symbolizing the inner experience of the Spirit within the soul, variously described by different personalities and stories within each religious tradition, but depicting the same universal truth or experience of the divine. A more purely mythicist view is sometimes fun to play with, but we know most traditional Christians and UB readers do believe Jesus was an actual historical figure, who incarnated, revealed 'God' and gave teachings and a promise to return. However that is 'interpreted' is up to the religionist in ways more exoteric or esoteric.



Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame
The Late Great Urantia Revelation

Yes,...Zeke takes a more purely allegorical approach to religious history, myth, metaphors and archetypes.....symbolizing the inner experience of the Spirit within the soul, variously described by different personalities and stories within each religious tradition, but depicting the same universal truth or experience of the divine. A more purely mythicist view is sometimes fun to play with, but we know most traditional Christians and UB readers do believe Jesus was an actual historical figure, who incarnated, revealed 'God' and gave teachings and a promise to return. However that is 'interpreted' is up to the religionist in ways more exoteric or esoteric.


You make it sound like smoke and mirrors, a palor trick at best.

We read Paul states...
Colossians 1:15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.

That is not exactly smoke and mirrors.


Eclectic Theosophist
Lets get REAL

Lets get REAL

You make it sound like smoke and mirrors, a palor trick at best.

We read Paul states...
Colossians 1:15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.

That is not exactly smoke and mirrors.

Hi Psalmist, smoke n mirrors,...just metaphor, allegory, symbology, mythos, archetypes, figurative language. All language is symbolic. There is that which is conceptual, and that which is beyond concepts. Language is coded information describing and depicting this or that concept, person, place or has its limits, but is all we have to relate and communicate with.

Creation, or this realm of conditional existence anyways is 'maya', - everything is an illusion of perception (meaning the phenomenal world is passing/fleeting, ever changing, a hall of mirrored reflections in consciousness, being a passing parade of things which come and go. This conditional realm of existence is temporal, while that which is unseen (the pure spirit-awareness prior to all arising phenomena) is eternal/infinite/boundless. In any case an understanding of Hindu philosophy/cosmology is helpful here. Life is surely more than just a 'parlor trick', and I never meant to convey such. Reality is that which IS, that which actually exists in actuality and potentiality NOW. This is it! Here, right this moment as you read these very words. Now our perceptions, preconceptions, biases, etc. can alter, condition or affect our perceptions, beliefs, opinions, etc. That's where 'distortions' of various kinds enter the human picture.

It still stands whether you believe Jesus actually incarnated at some historical point in time, on this physical globe (how would you prove it beyond taking a time-machine back into the past? - oh, have 'faith' that it was so), or he is a combobulation of various divine mythic god-man hero-figures,..whose to say that the mythicist who finds value in the "story" and practices the teaching-ethics and principles of 'Jesus' is not being benefitted just as well as one who believes in the 'historical' Jesus who finds value in Jesus teachings as well? If you want to be 'factual',....where does Jesus exist but in your own mind? Even though I lean towards being more of a true spiritualist/mystic...valuing 'personal religious experience' as validation of one's experience of the divine, I'm equally open to be intellectually honest enough to question my beliefs regularly, ever open to some of my views may sometimes portray a more skeptical/agnostic over-view,....and I'm quite fine with that. As an eclectic I'm quite versatile in different fields.

Consciousness is the only foundation and context of reality anyways, however we perceive, know or experience life. Such is the function of experience, as all we have is what we think we know, and the awareness of that which is unknown, or at least at this point in time to us, is unknowable. So, have to brutally honest to look at all this religion business.

More peculiar and maybe piously hypocritical are those demonizing the UB (or other religious texts besides their own), and exalting the Bible as some 'golden calf', ever spinning their apologetic wheels like a hamster wheel, approaching spiritual burn-out, - one would think all this attacking, demeaning, devaluing and condescending trash-talk against a religious text is a bit bordering on obsessive or insane,..but there you have with the "my 'god' is better or more real than your 'god'"...or "we have God's very own holy book, and yours is of the devil" (yada yada),...and all this silly business instead of being intellectually honest to research and discover truth whevever it exists,..because you cant put 'Real God' in a box. No one has a monopoly on the Infinite, and if you think you do, you're deluded.

Anyways....that's all for this segment ;)



Well-known member
Still taking things so 'literal' I see. All language is 'relative', and must be understood/interpreted within 'context'. Although 'God' is one, indivisible in essence/nature,....within individual souls the presence of 'God' can be 'referred' to as a 'fragment' of 'God' indwelling any given particular individual.
Because you state something or subscribe to a viewpoint doesn't make it Truth. God doesn't fragment Himself.
The term is not problematic when understood correctly. We consider terms, meaning, value and context :)
We Christians do too, but it seems we are more precise.
TAs are also called 'mystery monitors', 'divine gifts' or 'Father-fragments'. True, 'God' is one,...yet is multiply individualized as well...indwelling millions of universe children. Since you choose not to learn by reading about TAs you put yourself in a place of ignorance regarding the subject
No, I'm not ignoring Satan, I just recognize when he shows up. In the Urantia book it's every word.


Well-known member
I completely disagree, Jesus was a real person as were the apostles who believed in him.

Yea we do, the need for a outward savoir to follow is the delusion and no different than the fundamental literal traditional christian which I was also fooled by for years, the scripture is allegorical teaching not about one man but everyone born of the spirit, You have an idol.


Well-known member
Yes,...Zeke takes a more purely allegorical approach to religious history, myth, metaphors and archetypes.....symbolizing the inner experience of the Spirit within the soul, variously described by different personalities and stories within each religious tradition, but depicting the same universal truth or experience of the divine. A more purely mythicist view is sometimes fun to play with, but we know most traditional Christians and UB readers do believe Jesus was an actual historical figure, who incarnated, revealed 'God' and gave teachings and a promise to return. However that is 'interpreted' is up to the religionist in ways more exoteric or esoteric.


Yet this Jesus said the kingdom was where? within, so the motif of the outward obsession with a savior hero coming to the rescue is outward kingdom focus that is a corn maze with no exit.
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