To argue that someone could be regenerated (born anew) without acknowledging Our Lord's divinity is to grant a pass to the Arian.
This argument ignores the plain fact that it is God that grants faith. A person's faith is upon an object, the Person, Jesus Christ, one Person with fully divine and human natures. How exactly could God's house be so divided such that the Father grants faith of a man or woman who has set the object of their faith upon a mere man? The Arian worships an idol of their own making. In effect God would be granting faith to an idolater of an object, a mere man, incapable of propitiating the wrath of God for sin. May it never be.
No one is arguing that a new believer's faith fully envelops Christological doctrines. Some may never come to a more wholesome understanding of exactly who Jesus Christ is. But all who a truly born anew will acknowledge Jesus Christ as God who came in the flesh.
As I mentioned to someone else already, I do not believe that someone could reject the divinity of Christ and be a Christian but being ignorant of a fact is not the same as rejecting it. There are certain facts that one must understand and believe in order to become saved. The deity of Christ is without any question an absolutely true biblical fact that I do not dispute in the slightest. I'm just not convinced that it happens to be one of the facts that one must accept in order to take that first step into a saving faith in Jesus Christ.
If I'm wrong, prove me wrong. You and I are about as far apart doctrinally as we can be and both still be Christians and so bear in mind that none of your doctrine is going to convince me. You'll have to restrict yourself to entirely biblical arguments.
Resting in Him,