The cigar lounge

Nathon Detroit

We have been tossing around a lot of cigar terms in this thread so lets give a super simple overview of what is what in the cigar world.

First off cigar shapes and sizes....

Cigars come in a wide variety of sizes but the main ones are as follows:


The above chart refers to the length and width of cigars. Each shape size has a name i.e., Rubosto, Corona, etc. The first number is the length of the cigar in inches and the second number is the ring gauge. Cigars come in a wide variety of ring gauges i.e., the diameter of the cigar. Many cigar companies also give their cigar shapes unique names which can often be confusing.

(This chart doesn't appear to be actual size but you get the idea)


And finally cigars come in a variety of wrappers which is the type of tobacco leaf that is covering the filler leafs inside the cigar. Some examples are:


And of course cigars come in a wide variety of strengths which is determined by the type of tobacco which the cigar is filled with. Mild, Medium, and Strong bodied cigars and all points in-between.

There are also machine made cigars but those are lame so I ignore them. The only real way to smoke cigars is to by hand made cigars which is what I have described above.

Nathon Detroit

Consider it done. I'll be away from the computer (after tonight) until Wednesday and then I'll report. :D
Ooooo... I can't wait to hear about it.

The most important factor is take your time!!! Don't huff and puff and suck down the cigar. Find a comfortable place to smoke, get a drink that you will enjoy such as coffee or some type of alcoholic drink, and set aside at least an hour to slowly consume your little treasure.

Cigar smoking isn't about nicotine, instead it's about flavor and relaxation.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
so the real question here is who would you offer a $10 cigar
do you realize how many beers you can get for that?

Nathon Detroit

so you are now talking about the cost
I am too cheap to smoke anything nowadays
I was wondering at what point do you think the cost comes immoral
if you can ignore the health side of it
The price of any item on earth is morally neutral.

And please don't "Joey Arnold" this thread or I will boot ya. This thread is for cigar enthusiasts. If you are not one.... get lost.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
That's too rich for my blood.

But since I rarely smoke cigars I don't like wasting those events on cheap cigars so I don't mind spending a little extra. If it were a daily habit I would of course have to find a cheap alternative.

over 20 is the number of beers I can get for $10


New member
Hall of Fame
Ooooo... I can't wait to hear about it.

And you shall, my friend.

The most important factor is take your time!!! Don't huff and puff and suck down the cigar. Find a comfortable place to smoke, get a drink that you will enjoy such as coffee or some type of alcoholic drink, and set aside at least an hour to slowly consume your little treasure.

On my days off I've been throwing a lot of work into our back yard. Back yards in Vegas are not, per se, very large or particularly exciting, but I've been fixing up what little space we have. It's been pretty warm the last few days, so I was thinking of breaking out the bbq for a nice, slow cookin' rib session. It's a bit early for bbq season, but we never really put them away for good here. The ribs should take a few hours to cook up nicely...plenty of time for sitting out back with a beer and enjoying one of your recommendations.

Cigar smoking isn't about nicotine, instead it's about flavor and relaxation.

I can't wait! Thanks again, Knight and everyone for the great suggestions.

Nathon Detroit

On my days off I've been throwing a lot of work into our back yard. Back yards in Vegas are not, per se, very large or particularly exciting, but I've been fixing up what little space we have. It's been pretty warm the last few days, so I was thinking of breaking out the bbq for a nice, slow cookin' rib session. It's a bit early for bbq season, but we never really put them away for good here. The ribs should take a few hours to cook up nicely...plenty of time for sitting out back with a beer and enjoying one of your recommendations.
Whoa... you are making me slobber! I wish I was there with ya, sounds delicious.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
One type of cigar was not discussed in your post Knight, that would be hand rolled short fill cigars. Some of these can be good but, I personally don't care for them on principle. I love the look and craftmanship of a good cigar and these don't fit the bill. I alluded to a cigar fuente makes called the "Curly Head". These are probably the cheapest Fuente you can purchase, and for good reason. when Fuente is making their various lines of cigars the cuttings or leftovers after the cigar is finished are saved. Then these cuttings are rolled in a binder and given a wrapper and sold at a discount rate. So if you buy a Fuente Curly Head you could be smoking an Opus or a Chateu but, in either case they are very inconsistant and do not smoke well. Many short fill cigars are made this way.
Just something I thought the group here might want to know...With cigars you get what you pay for in most cases.

Nathon Detroit

rocketman.... 3 questions....

1. What is your favorite everyday smoke?

2. What is your special occasion smoke?

3. What is your favorite drink pairing with your smoke?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
rocketman.... 3 questions....

1. What is your favorite everyday smoke?

2. What is your special occasion smoke?

3. What is your favorite drink pairing with your smoke?

My favorite everyday would have to be La Unica 400 Robusto's they are sold in bundles and made by Fuente both the natural and maduro are quite good (not too expensive from JR), I also like Padron 2000 maduro or Sancho Panza maduro.

Special occasions I like Padron Anniversario's when I can find them (very rare) or a Fuente Hemmenway. I love this cigar, for me they are a real treat. Something about that camaroon wrap makes the flavors very complex.

I have a real sweet tooth with maduro's I love them with sippin rum or with a good port wine. I live in wine country here in CA. so we have some fantastic ports made from Zinfindel and Syrah grapes they (ports) pair great with cigars. I enjoy red wines with most cigars and it is usually the norm for me to have wine with a cigar.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Knight, this was tonight out on my patio, I am enjoying a Fuente Hemmenway "Short Story" and a local port made from syrah grapes it was awesome. The weather today here was in the 70's, (not rubbing it in) so it was quite nice this evening for a cigar and a nice glass of wine. It would have only been nicer if someone would have been here to share one with...

Sorry I am having trouble loading my image:confused:
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Nathon Detroit

Knight, this was tonight out on my patio, I am enjoying a Fuente Hemmenway "Short Story" and a local port made from syrah grapes it was awesome. The weather today here was in the 70's, (not rubbing it in) so it was quite nice this evening for a cigar and a nice glass of wine. It would have only been nicer if someone would have been here to share one with...
Whoa... that sounds awesome, I wished I could have been there with ya.

Sorry I am having trouble loading my image:confused:
I gave you a year subscription on the house so now you should be able to attach images to your posts (click the manage attachments button when posting).


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Whoa... that sounds awesome, I wished I could have been there with ya.

I gave you a year subscription on the house so now you should be able to attach images to your posts (click the manage attachments button when posting).

Thank you that is very gracious. I'll give you that image now..