Smell Test



Well, there is certainly no "quality" in that pathetic post.

Here is some research: In over a year the vaunted FBI, the greatest and most high-tech investigative body ever, along with organs of the American Government have failed to find any proof proving this fantasy collusion between Trump and Russia.

- a formidable predator relying on (in)sight or hearing
- it will attack any movement to the LEFT

The Barbarian

One doesn't have to be a Christian in order to notice the vile things the NEW Democratic Party stands for.

Trump isn't a democrat. He's betrayed each wife in turn with other women. He's been accused of rape/sexual assault by numerous women, including a girl who was 13 at the time, and his own wife.

He says that adultery isn't a sin, and that it's not necessary to ask God for forgiveness. He's had to pay up for a massive fraud judgement over his faked "Trump university" scam.

Which party has tried to justify that?

Or are you of the "new religious right" that says adultery isn't a sin?

Add to that, their tactics and M.O. Just look at the way they're trying to seek out "DIRT" on the President of the United States.

Ironically, if Trump is brought down in the criminal investigation now proceeding, it's likely that it will be at least partially over that meeting of his son and other Trump campaign officials with Russian agents, to get dirt on Hillary Clinton.

Grosnick explains the "new religious right" doctrine:
And, if they don't find it, they make it up, after all, it's NOT about the truth, it's about what people will believe, right?

It seems to me that if Trump and his followers hadn't adopted that policy, there would be investigations and indictments coming down on them.

The Barbarian

Well, there is certainly no "quality" in that pathetic post.

Here is some research: In over a year the vaunted FBI, the greatest and most high-tech investigative body ever, along with organs of the American Government have failed to find any proof proving this fantasy collusion between Trump and Russia.

Be patient. Mueller's still sorting through the maze of evidence. But this surely points the way:

Trump dictated son’s misleading statement on meeting with Russian lawyer
On the sidelines of the Group of 20 summit in Germany last month, President Trump’s advisers discussed how to respond to a new revelation that Trump’s oldest son had met with a Russian lawyer during the 2016 campaign — a disclosure the advisers knew carried political and potentially legal peril.

The strategy, the advisers agreed, should be for Donald Trump Jr. to release a statement to get ahead of the story. They wanted to be truthful, so their account couldn’t be repudiated later if the full details emerged.

But within hours, at the president’s direction, the plan changed.

Flying home from Germany on July 8 aboard Air Force One, Trump personally dictated a statement in which Trump Jr. said that he and the Russian lawyer had “primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children” when they met in June 2016, according to multiple people with knowledge of the deliberations. The statement, issued to the New York Times as it prepared an article, emphasized that the subject of the meeting was “not a campaign issue at the time.”

The claims were later shown to be misleading.



..... But all of that has nothing to do with my original statement, that Liberal Catholics are not real Catholics, and by Liberal I mean American, pro-choice Democrats. So if Barb claims to be a Catholic, I am here to say he is not, except in name only (CINO).

Are these the kind of "real Catholics" that "CatholicCrusader" has in mind?
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The Barbarian


Is this the kind of "real Catholic" the "CatholicCrusader" has in mind?

There is no political test for being a Catholic. It is a gross misrepresentation of The Church and what it teaches, to argue that only those of a certain political orientation can be "real Catholics."

Supporting abortion, or supporting Trump's lifestyle is inconsistent with Catholic Doctrine. But not all libertarians are pro-abortion, and not all conservatives are pro-Trump.

To What Political Party Does the Catholic Church Belong?
Msgr. Charles Pope • February 7, 2012
...And thus, this may be a moment to ask, what party is the Roman Catholic Church? Perhaps Republican!? Really? A lot of Republican readers of this other blogs would beg to differ, and have often written here with annoyance to described the Bishops as “liberal” and have indicated disgust at how many Catholics vote Democrat. And Catholic Democrats too take annoyance at the Bishops for being too “conservative” on many issues and not bold enough in matters of Social Justice and the Social teachings of the Church. The fact is, as a huge Church of 70 million, Catholics are as diverse as America. Much to the chagrin of many Catholics themselves who often see their differences as a serious departure from the Gospel on the part of their opponents.

The question depends on whether being a Christian, or being a (conservative/liberal/libertarian) is more important to one.

Those who are Christians first, see themselves as fellow Catholics regardless of politics.

Those who are political first, see Catholics of other political persuasions as being "not real Catholics."

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Trump isn't a democrat. He's betrayed each wife in turn with other women. He's been accused of rape/sexual assault by numerous women, including a girl who was 13 at the time, and his own wife.

He says that adultery isn't a sin, and that it's not necessary to ask God for forgiveness. He's had to pay up for a massive fraud judgement over his faked "Trump university" scam.

Which party has tried to justify that?

Or are you of the "new religious right" that says adultery isn't a sin?

Ironically, if Trump is brought down in the criminal investigation now proceeding, it's likely that it will be at least partially over that meeting of his son and other Trump campaign officials with Russian agents, to get dirt on Hillary Clinton.

Grosnick explains the "new religious right" doctrine:

It seems to me that if Trump and his followers hadn't adopted that policy, there would be investigations and indictments coming down on them.

I can NEVER get through more than a few words regarding your posts. Actually, I assume it's more "Trump Bashing", therefore, I don't bother with the rest. I kinda knew Trump wasn't a Democrat. Why would you think I didn't know? After all, I voted for the man.



The "Indictments" were against a handful of Russians, no Americans included. :rotfl:

If you accept the findings of all 17 of America's intelligence agencies that the Russians attempted to influence the 2016 Election, what more is required before this President implements the bipartisan sanctions legislation that was passed in Congress by Democrats and Republicans last fall?

Add to that the recent findings of the Mueller Investigation and still this President chooses to ignore the advice of his own government agencies, Congress and fellow Republicans - preferring to side with Putin?
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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

If you accept the findings of all 17 of America's intelligence agencies that the Russians attempted to influence the 2016 Election, what more is required before this President implements the bipartisan sanctions legislation that was passed in Congress by Democrats and Republicans last fall?

Add to that the recent findings of the Mueller Investigation and still this President chooses to ignore the advice of his own government agencies, Congress and fellow Republicans - preferring to side with Putin?

The above 'boldened' statement makes you look like, what you are, a far-left zealot who can no longer think straight.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I think when peoples hatred becomes so ingrained within them, it turns into a form of mental illness where they lose their ability to reason properly. I believe that combined with a negative spiritual angle is what's happened to people on the far-left fringe.


Well-known member
They traffic in lies. Palin never said that.

I don't look forward to anyone being cast into the Lake because they disagree with me politically. Those who practice lies in pursuit of earthly power over others is another matter.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
They traffic in lies. Palin never said that.

I don't look forward to anyone being cast into the Lake because they disagree with me politically. Those who practice lies in pursuit of earthly power over others is another matter.

Lying has become a "Fine Art" within the "Far-left" community. Without lying as one of their greatest tools, they'd be in a weakened state, politically speaking.