Smell Test


Michael Cohen, Donald Trump's personal lawyer, says he made a $130,000 payment from his own pocket to porn star Stormy Daniels in the run-up to the 2016 election -- a pre-emptive measure to protect the presidential candidate from accusations that she and Trump had a physical relationship.

To make this six-figure payment, Cohen set up an LLC in Delaware, a state famous for its lack of corporate transparency. He says he neither told Trump nor anyone else in the Trump Organization he was making the payment. And he was not paid back in any way, shape or form

Out of the goodness of his heart, Cohen dropped a six-figure payment to a porn star even though he didn't believe her allegations that she and the President had an affair after the birth of his son Barron?


Why would anyone spend $130,000 to make Daniels go away -- and not tell her story -- if her story was fundamentally without merit?


The 2016 campaign saw more than a dozen women come forward with allegations that Trump had either sexually assaulted them or acted inappropriately toward them over his decades in public life.

Why would Cohen feel compelled to cut a massive check to a porn star -- from his own coffers -- who was making false allegations of an affair?

Why would Cohen not feel compelled to make payments to stop the dozen women coming forward?


Why was Cohen so concerned about this allegedly false allegation that he felt compelled to dump a ton of his own money into keeping it away from the media? And take such care to try to keep it from ever being known?


1. Did Trump reimburse Cohen the $130,000? The attorney’s statement last night said neither the president’s company nor his campaign reimbursed him. Cohen didn’t say anything about Trump’s personal finances.

2. Was this a campaign-finance-law violation? If Trump’s team paid Stormy Daniels in order to bolster the Republican’s candidacy, this might very well be the kind of in-kind contribution that should have been reported to the FEC – but wasn’t.


Hall of Fame
Why would anyone spend $130,000 to make Daniels go away -- and not tell her story -- if her story was fundamentally without merit?

They wouldn't ... as everyone knows, her story HAS merit. For some of us, adultery and corruption matters. It's not a selective act that depends on who is doing it.

The Barbarian

Suppose Trump (as he says happens) was hanging around a porn star and couldn't get her to sleep with him. And then he had Cohen pay her off to keep her quiet anyway.

Still a crime.

It's always the cover-up that gets them. And now, Meuller has a reason to look into it.


Suppose Trump (as he says happens) was hanging around a porn star and couldn't get her to sleep with him. And then he had Cohen pay her off to keep her quiet anyway.

Still a crime.

It's always the cover-up that gets them. And now, Meuller has a reason to look into it.

Yes, particularly as Stormy is upset wither the breach of non-disclosure agreement. The news is that she has the dress she wore that night, stored safely along with DNA evidence, and that she is going to tell all.

Wait and see I suppose.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Suppose Trump (as he says happens) was hanging around a porn star and couldn't get her to sleep with him. And then he had Cohen pay her off to keep her quiet anyway.

Still a crime.

It's always the cover-up that gets them. And now, Meuller has a reason to look into it.

You 'far-left zealots' seem to have a fascination for finding out or, is it, making up things about Trump's supposed sex-life? I find that, rather odd? Adam Schiff (One of you guys) tried his best to find naked pictures of Trump. What's with this fascination for seeing nude pictures of the President of the United States? I highly doubt, politicians during Lincoln's time in office, sought to find 'Old Abe' in the buff? I really don't think Mathew Brady had any of those pics laying around anywhere.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I'll bet "Barb" never had an impure thought or ever made an untoward comment about the opposite sex. Sometimes, it's the WORST offenders that judge others more harshly than themselves. If I'm not mistaken, I think that's called; Hypocrisy?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The 'far-left zealots' keep forgetting, we didn't elect a Pastor or a Pope, we elected a President. It seems they forgot about the affairs of Kennedy, Johnson, and Clinton, just to name a few. Even Thomas Jefferson supposedly had an 'relationship' with a Black slave which produced a child. How soon they forget.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It really doesn't matter what Trump, says, does, or thinks, the 'far-left zealots' complain about EVERYTHING he, says, does, and thinks. They even griped about the fact, Trump got TWO scoops of Ice Cream while others received only one. "Oh, the humanity."

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
If 'old Hillary' had won the election, the 'far-left zealots' would be "purring away" like a satisfied baby Kitten, this past year. No matter what she did, they'd be heaping praise on her, as if she were, "Caesar of Rome." In their eyes, she can do NO wrong.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
As I've stated before, Democrats suffer from what has become known as; "Soreloseritis." It's a disease that's contagious in the far-left-wing of the Democratic Party. They just CANNOT get over Hillary's loss. The "POLLS" had her as a "Shoe-in" for the Presidency, however, she lost and the far-left has been inconsolable ever since.


As I've stated before, Democrats suffer from what has become known as; "Soreloseritis." It's a disease that's contagious in the far-left-wing of the Democratic Party. They just CANNOT get over Hillary's loss. The "POLLS" had her as a "Shoe-in" for the Presidency, however, she lost and the far-left has been inconsolable ever since.



Back on topic, ignoring gross Nick's evasions.

The Smell, continued.

Investigative journalists from The Wall street Journal:-

Daniels isn’t the only woman to have been paid to keep quiet about alleged affairs with the reality TV star turned commander in chief.

The company that owns the National Enquirer, a backer of Donald Trump, paid former Playboy model Karen McDougal $150,000 in August 2016 to keep quiet her alleged affair with him.