Smell Test



This President didn't described Republicans as "the dumbest group of voter in the country" for nothing" - Trump's words, not mine!

How else would you describe a group that would willingly accept the Nunes Memo "hook, line and sinker," but refuse to connect the dots when "The Donald's" personal lawyer pays $130 000 to Stormy Daniels just before the 2016 Election?

The "deplorables" may be the "dumbest," but I doubt that Melania will be so gullible!

The Barbarian

I'll bet "Barb" never had an impure thought

When Iwas 16, I thought of sex not more than once every 12 minutes or so. As you get older, you think of it less. Probably about every 45 minutes or so. (Mrs. B is rather attactive)

or ever made an untoward comment about the opposite sex.

My dad said that if I wouldn't want someone to say it to my mom or to a sister, then I probably shouldn't be saying it to another female. I have said unfavorable things to some women about their manners, honesty, or judgement, but nothing untoward about sex.

Yes, I know there are some women who like that kind of thing. Don't really want to know any of them.

Sometimes, it's the WORST offenders that judge others more harshly than themselves.

That would explain a lot about you, Grosnik.

If I'm not mistaken, I think that's called; Hypocrisy?


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
When Iwas 16, I thought of sex not more than once every 12 minutes or so. As you get older, you think of it less. Probably about every 45 minutes or so. (Mrs. B is rather attactive)

My dad said that if I wouldn't want someone to say it to my mom or to a sister, then I probably shouldn't be saying it to another female. I have said unfavorable things to some women about their manners, honesty, or judgement, but nothing untoward about sex.

Yes, I know there are some women who like that kind of thing. Don't really want to know any of them.

That would explain a lot about you, Grosnik.


Your reasoning abilities seem to count on your insistence that you get the attention off yourself and point the finger at others. That's a "Defence Mechanism" that protects you from ridicule. The way you are, makes for an 'easy read.'

The Barbarian

It really doesn't matter what Trump, says, does, or thinks, the 'far-left zealots' complain about EVERYTHING he, says, does, and thinks. They even griped about the fact, Trump got TWO scoops of Ice Cream while others received only one. "Oh, the humanity."

Yeah, a president paying a porn actress $130,000 to keep quiet about their affair is nothing unusual...:rotfl:


Your reasoning abilities seem to count on your insistence that you get the attention off yourself and point the finger at others. That's a "Defence Mechanism" that protects you from ridicule. The way you are, makes for an 'easy read.'

Sounds like you are talking to Trump. After all this is what most people, woldwide, say about Trump. Oh, and his staff in the Whites Only House say this as well, often leaking it to the press.

The Barbarian

Your reasoning abilities seem to count on your insistence that you get the attention off yourself

You asked me about myself, so I told you a few things. If you didn't want to hear the answer, it was probably a bad idea to ask the question. You tried to switch the subject to me, and it blew up in your face. If you start something like that, at least have the sense to avoid blaming others.

That's a "Defence Mechanism" that protects you from ridicule.

There's an old move in wrestling, known as the "limp arm." The opponent's aggression is used against him. Learn from it.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You asked me about myself, so I told you a few things. If you didn't want to hear the answer, it was probably a bad idea to ask the question. You tried to switch the subject to me, and it blew up in your face. If you start something like that, at least have the sense to avoid blaming others.

There's an old move in wrestling, known as the "limp arm." The opponent's aggression is used against him. Learn from it.

If something, "blew up in my face" it must have been a "DUD" because I didn't feel a thing. :rotfl: And, somehow I don't see you as a WRESTLER?