
New member
The JEWS had Jesus killed, they had Stephen killed, and persecuted Paul and tried to kill him---BECAUSE THEY TAUGHT THAT JESUS JUSTIFIES AND IT IS NO MORE OF THE PURIFICATION WORKS OF THE LAW as given to MOSES.

absolute rubbish...lies and blasphemy

You absolutely make void what He did on the cross...besides tearing down the middle wall of separation making of TWO Jew and Greek ONE NEW MAN...and destroying with His flesh the enmity Jews had of the Greek...JOINING them...grafting them in to a root and trunk FOLLOWING HIM HIS WAY...adopting them INTO commonwealth of Israel NO LONGER STRANGERS...

Stephen was ACCUSED of teaching "Jesus changed the customs Moses delivered" Luke was CLEAR the Jews were FALSE WITNESSES intent on SLANDERING HIM and stirring the people up against him...Stephen was stoned for calling them uncircumcised murderers of the ONE he then saw in GLORY standing on the RIGHT HAND of the LAW GIVER...that is why they stoned him

Paul was likewise slandered and rumors abound that he too was teaching One resurrected and making available TO ALL His PROMISE...that it remained faith first and WORKS befitting repentance...

3 times Jews could NOT prove he was guilty of any of their FALSE WITNESS...and just as many times or more he claimed of himself NOT going against the Law as if it was done away with...

what did Paul say?

does FAITH annul the Law...certainly NOT...we establish the Law Romans 3:31

read that until you understand it remained FAITH FIRST AND THEN WORKS HE PREPARED FOR US TO DO

and cease your lies and abuse of scripture...

God's Truth

New member
Ok so

strike one: the Nazarite law is not listed in your copy pasta and that is the oath Paul did...

I gave the purification works for all the Jews to do.

strike two: the seventh day Sabbath is not a purification was instituted while everything was you know...already pure

The Sabbath was part of the shadows and was something the JEWS HAD TO DO to remain in God's covenant.

strike three:

wrong again...just because you are obsessed with your idolatry does not mean it is in scripture...EVEN HERE in Acts 21

Acts 21:29 (They had previously seen Trophimus the Ephesian in the city with Paul and assumed that Paul had brought him into the temple.) many? You have a count? For weeks now you claim Jesus did away with shadows...apparently some believers now did NOT get that Email? WHICH IS IT? lemme guess...SECRET KNOWLEDGE LATER right? LOL

Romans 10:2 For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.

JUSTIFICATION THROUGH WORKS IS NOT TAUGHT IN THE OT...what is wrong with you?'s like you NEVER get it...but your rebellion blinds you and makes you deaf and dumb...

Of course the purification works were taught in the old testament.

the OT teaches FAITH FIRST and then works befitting believe FIRST THEN obey...

No such thing.

you really think Israel walked out into the desert ON THEIR OWN expecting to be saved for it? They didn't even trust Him after witnessing first hand HIS POWER...

The people couldn't even be saved while in Egypt before getting to the desert unless they DID WHAT GOD SAID TO DO, and it was about getting the blood of a lamb.

you really think Abram took his son and threatened to kill him ON HIS OWN expecting to be blessed for it?

You speak like that and don't know how ignorant it is?

you really think Noah just OUT OF THE BLUE SKIES started building a boat..."just cuz"...or think "I WILL MAKE IT FLOOD with this boat I build"

You really need to study and pray and well...maybe take a DAY OFF...

so sick and tired of how you and yours twist and abuse the scriptures..."NOT FOR ME" blinds the eyes AND HEART

You are a twister of my words and the scriptures.

God's Truth

New member
absolute rubbish...lies and blasphemy

You absolutely make void what He did on the cross...besides tearing down the middle wall of separation making of TWO Jew and Greek ONE NEW MAN...and destroying with His flesh the enmity Jews had of the Greek...JOINING them...grafting them in to a root and trunk FOLLOWING HIM HIS WAY...adopting them INTO commonwealth of Israel NO LONGER STRANGERS...

Stephen was ACCUSED of teaching "Jesus changed the customs Moses delivered" Luke was CLEAR the Jews were FALSE WITNESSES intent on SLANDERING HIM and stirring the people up against him...Stephen was stoned for calling them uncircumcised murderers of the ONE he then saw in GLORY standing on the RIGHT HAND of the LAW GIVER...that is why they stoned him

Paul was likewise slandered and rumors abound that he too was teaching One resurrected and making available TO ALL His PROMISE...that it remained faith first and WORKS befitting repentance...

3 times Jews could NOT prove he was guilty of any of their FALSE WITNESS...and just as many times or more he claimed of himself NOT going against the Law as if it was done away with...

what did Paul say?

does FAITH annul the Law...certainly NOT...we establish the Law Romans 3:31

read that until you understand it remained FAITH FIRST AND THEN WORKS HE PREPARED FOR US TO DO

and cease your lies and abuse of scripture...

The Jews didn't understand how Jesus did change the old law by fulfilling it. Just as you don't understand.


New member
I gave the purification works for all the Jews to do.
nope not that one which is the one Paul did despite you going on and on and on about how they were all done away with...Paul STILL did them...

The Sabbath was part of the shadows
still is...

and was something the JEWS HAD TO DO to remain in God's covenant.
Yahushua said HIMSELF Sabbath was made for MAN...those that are His people keep it

Romans 10:2 For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.

this is the offense in Acts 21:
Acts 21:29 (They had previously seen Trophimus the Ephesian in the city with Paul and assumed that Paul had brought him into the temple.)

Of course the purification works were taught in the old testament.
NOT to be justified or SAVED...but because ONE ALREADY IS

No such thing.
read Heb 11 tell me faith isn't what justifies...

The people couldn't even be saved while in Egypt before getting to the desert unless they DID WHAT GOD SAID TO DO, and it was about getting the blood of a lamb.

SLAVES ARE POOR no slave would kill a lamb FOR NO REASON...spread its blood over the door WITHOUT really are too blind and rebellious...


You speak like that and don't know how ignorant it is?
You claim Abraham did NOT have faith first...but just grabbed his son to sacrifice him just because...

You are a twister of my words
to straighten them out to match scripture

and the scriptures.
SHOW ME were NOAH began to build a boat JUST BECAUSE..."I am going to start a flood with this boat" SHOW ME where it is NOT FAITH FIRST in the OT


New member
The Jews didn't understand how Jesus did change the old law by fulfilling it. Just as you don't understand.

changing a law destroys the prior...He said THINK NOT...and well you do...heaven and earth HAVE NOT passed...the Law remains

He and the FATHER ARE ONE...and Father says I CHANGE you would make Him a liar

and divide His House between those that did want to vs you and your "AINT FOR ME"

God's Truth

New member
changing a law destroys the prior...He and the FATHER ARE ONE...and Father says I CHANGE you would make Him a liar

and divide His House between those that did want to vs you and your "AINT FOR ME"

Jesus FULFILLED THE LAW, it was a shadow of Jesus.

Just like why they killed Stephan and tried to kill Paul, you don't understand either.

God's Truth

New member
nope not that one which is the one Paul did despite you going on and on and on about how they were all done away with...Paul STILL did them...

He did it because the Pharisee and teachers of the law enforce the law and it doesn't mean he stopped preaching the truth that the law of Moses does not justify, only through Jesus.

still is...

Yahushua said HIMSELF Sabbath was made for MAN...those that are His people keep it

It is a shadow.


this is the offense in Acts 21:
Acts 21:29 (They had previously seen Trophimus the Ephesian in the city with Paul and assumed that Paul had brought him into the temple.)

NOT to be justified or SAVED...but because ONE ALREADY IS

read Heb 11 tell me faith isn't what justifies...

Faith that Jesus' blood justifies those that believe they get cleaned by obeying Jesus.

SLAVES ARE POOR no slave would kill a lamb FOR NO REASON...spread its blood over the door WITHOUT really are too blind and rebellious...

That is too weird to bother trying to decipher.


No such thing.
You claim Abraham did NOT have faith first...but just grabbed his son to sacrifice him just because...

Faith and right action together.

to straighten them out to match scripture

SHOW ME were NOAH began to build a boat JUST BECAUSE..."I am going to start a flood with this boat" SHOW ME where it is NOT FAITH FIRST in the OT

That is too messed up to dignify with an answer.


New member
He did it because the Pharisee and teachers of the law enforce the law
you really think each Jew had their own Pharisee to force them into everything?

and it doesn't mean he stopped preaching the truth that the law of Moses does not justify, only through Jesus.
the Law was NEVER DESIGNED TO JUSTIFY...but to point people to their need of justification salvation repentance and of a Savior...and HOW to find it...yes Yahushua was the GOAL of the OT LAW...the TELOS or principal aim purpose goal of it...Romans 10:4 the One Who does justify you and ESTABLISH the Law so others can find their way to Him too...

It is a shadow.
yup still is and still pointing out good things still to come...SO YOU MAY NEVER SAY IT WAS A SHADOW AGAIN ok? LOL

Faith that Jesus' blood justifies those that believe they get cleaned by obeying Jesus.
so you gonna ignore how wrong you were about why Paul was arrested in Acts 21? LOL...typical and just blabber on and on as if nothing needs changing...except His Law...LOL You would RATHER change His ETERNAL IMMUTABLE PERFECT Law than one of your mistaken posts...LOL I cant think of a more reprobate stance...

You wont even admit your errors here on TOL how can we trust you live “every day is Holy...” LOL

That is too weird to bother trying to decipher.
this is EXACTLY what you are implying that they were saved without faith...just doing...

And because they did was to be YOU accuse me of over and over and over again...

No such thing.
of course there were those NOT OF JACOB that went with them...and had NOT shed the blood...if you saw your god get smacked might choose another...

Oh wait you wouldnt...but not all Egyptians held on to their false gods and false worship as long as you do...

Faith and right action together. first...compels works...Abraham did NOT grab his son for no reason or to please his God without His having asked for that...

Why some people do things they are NOT asked to do is NOT out of faith in Him His ways... but to serve themselves...

That is too messed up to dignify with an answer.

But this is your claim that those that DO are DOING to justify themselves...

Noah was NOT building a boat trying to justify himself...just like those keeping the Sabbath Holy are NOT trying to justify themselves...or save themselves by their keeping It Holy...


New member
You aren't in grace since you keep trying to get justified by the old law.

Did ANY of the Israelites suddenly randomly without being instructed take a lamb to kill it and smear its blood on the door frame?

Did Abraham grab his son on his own inclination to offer him as a sacrifice to EARN His God’s affection?

Did you do anything to bring your mom and dad together to make you born?

Did you convince Yah He should offer His Son cuz “all days are Holy and I eat whatever I want and will live forever”?

I wanna try and keep His Ways BECAUSE of what He DID FOR me...and in gratitude for being saved by Him I want to do what He said will please...

BOTH the WORK He did to save WHOSOEVER believed

AND the work ANY WHOSOEVER believed are to do


I am justified by Him and what He did...and my faith NOW COMPELS I do that work He prepared

not your another gospel another christ “every day is Holy eat whatever live forever” idolatry

God's Truth

New member
you really think each Jew had their own Pharisee to force them into everything?

That is a weird quesiton.

the Law was NEVER DESIGNED TO JUSTIFY...but to point people to their need of justification salvation repentance and of a Savior...and HOW to find it...yes Yahushua was the GOAL of the OT LAW...the TELOS or principal aim purpose goal of it...Romans 10:4 the One Who does justify you and ESTABLISH the Law so others can find their way to Him too...

If a person did not do the purification works of the law, they did not have a relationship with God, they were without God in the world.

Ephesians 2:12 remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world.

yup still is and still pointing out good things still to come...SO YOU MAY NEVER SAY IT WAS A SHADOW AGAIN ok? LOL

No such thing as the shadows still

so you gonna ignore how wrong you were about why Paul was arrested in Acts 21? LOL...typical and just blabber on and on as if nothing needs changing...except His Law...LOL You would RATHER change His ETERNAL IMMUTABLE PERFECT Law than one of your mistaken posts...LOL I cant think of a more reprobate stance...

You wont even admit your errors here on TOL how can we trust you live “every day is Holy...” LOL

this is EXACTLY what you are implying that they were saved without faith...just doing...

And because they did was to be YOU accuse me of over and over and over again...
You aren't making any sense.

of course there were those NOT OF JACOB that went with them...and had NOT shed the blood...if you saw your god get smacked might choose another...

Oh wait you wouldnt...but not all Egyptians held on to their false gods and false worship as long as you do... first...compels works...Abraham did NOT grab his son for no reason or to please his God without His having asked for that...

Why some people do things they are NOT asked to do is NOT out of faith in Him His ways... but to serve themselves...

A person has to have faith and right action, or their faith is dead.

But this is your claim that those that DO are DOING to justify themselves...

Noah was NOT building a boat trying to justify himself...just like those keeping the Sabbath Holy are NOT trying to justify themselves...or save themselves by their keeping It Holy...

It is always about believing and obeying God.

You will just have to believe the scriptures that say the Sabbath is a shadow and shadows are now worthless.

God's Truth

New member
Did ANY of the Israelites suddenly randomly without being instructed take a lamb to kill it and smear its blood on the door frame?

Did Abraham grab his son on his own inclination to offer him as a sacrifice to EARN His God’s affection?

God gave His affection to Abraham because Abraham obeyed.

Did you do anything to bring your mom and dad together to make you born?

You are really out there.
Did you convince Yah He should offer His Son cuz “all days are Holy and I eat whatever I want and will live forever”?
God made the plan to go through Jesus before He made anything.

I wanna try and keep His Ways BECAUSE of what He DID FOR me...and in gratitude for being saved by Him I want to do what He said will please...

Jesus doesn't save you first just because you say you believe!

You know how many people call themselves Christian but aren't saved?

We see them all the time.

Jesus tells us HOW TO GET SAVED.

One must do what he says to do to be the one he saves.

BOTH the WORK He did to save WHOSOEVER believed

We have to believe that we have to obey Jesus.

People that believe in God now have to go through Jesus and obey him.
AND the work ANY WHOSOEVER believed are to do


I am justified by Him and what He did...and my faith NOW COMPELS I do that work He prepared

not your another gospel another christ “every day is Holy eat whatever live forever” idolatry

You are not in grace because you try to be justified by the old law.


New member
That is a weird quesiton.
blame yourself you set the premise...Jews obeyed cuz they were afraid of other Jews

Imagine Peter and Paul “yes yes we KNOW you did away with the OT...but it’s those Jews...they will hurt us if we stop doing what Moses taught from his seat” LOL

If a person did not do the purification works of the law, they did not have a relationship with God, they were without God in the world.
you many times people get unclean merely to become clean willful presumptious continuous deliberate sin is another issue...He leaves those reprobates like you to the your own devices until...

Ephesians 2:12 remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world.
and now you conflate His people WITH the Law to those outside without His law...

You turning back to your eating pork is turning back to your own vomit...having heard the holy commandment and rejecting Him and His Ways

Someone else eating pork needs to hear the holy commandment so they can turn from their pork...and turn to Him His Ways...

And are to become citizens of Israel and circumcised and “inner jew” IS EXACTLY WHY we are to go out into the world and establish His win others TO HIM

No such thing as the shadows still

You aren't making any sense.
yes I understand calling you out on your own pile of lies would NOT make sense to a reprobate mind uncircumcised heart

A person has to have faith and right action, or their faith is dead.
sadly some have more faith in their own clever idols and false worship...than what would please Him

It is always about believing and obeying God.
notice you yourself said believe FIRST and obey SECOND...

You will just have to believe the scriptures that say the Sabbath is a shadow
I do...and STILL points to good things still to come...His return

and shadows are now worthless.

God's Truth

New member
blame yourself you set the premise...Jews obeyed cuz they were afraid of other Jews

Pay attention better. Jews did NOT obey because they were afraid. Jews acted out of line with the truth because they were afraid of the the zealous for the law Jews.

Imagine Peter and Paul “yes yes we KNOW you did away with the OT...but it’s those Jews...they will hurt us if we stop doing what Moses taught from his seat” LOL

The Pharisees and teachers of the law still enforced the old law while the temple was still standing.

you many times people get unclean merely to become clean willful presumptious continuous deliberate sin is another issue...He leaves those reprobates like you to the your own devices until...

If a person did not do the purification works, then they were cut off.

and now you conflate His people WITH the Law to those outside without His law...

You turning back to your eating pork is turning back to your own vomit...having heard the holy commandment and rejecting Him and His Ways

Someone else eating pork needs to hear the holy commandment so they can turn from their pork...and turn to Him His Ways...

And are to become citizens of Israel and circumcised and “inner jew” IS EXACTLY WHY we are to go out into the world and establish His win others TO HIM

Jesus made a new covenant with new regulations and rules on how to be an heir and what you will recieve.


You are playing games.

The purification works were a shadow and a teaching tool.

No one is to go by shadows anymore.

Some no one can even do anymore.

So you going to do some and not others and pretend it is all good?

yes I understand calling you out on your own pile of lies would NOT make sense to a reprobate mind uncircumcised heart

sadly some have more faith in their own clever idols and false worship...than what would please Him

notice you yourself said believe FIRST and obey SECOND...

You can also obey first and then have faith. See John 7:17.

Also see Acts 20:21
testifying to Jews and Greeks alike about repentance to God and faith in our Lord Jesus.

I do...and STILL points to good things still to come...His return


If you are doing shadows and not his teachings then you are not in grace.


New member
God gave His affection to Abraham because Abraham obeyed.
actually Jews couldnt find a reason why Abram was chosen. The best they could come up with was that Yah saw in him a man who “will command compassionate righteousness and moral justice” Gen 18:19

You are really out there.
you are the one rejecting faith and claim you obeyed something to earn something

God made the plan to go through Jesus before He made anything.
which you reject adding to His your own...”every day whatever...will live forever”

Jesus doesn't save you first just because you say you believe!
nope He did EVERYTHING before I was born...I just need to have faith believe and then DO as He prepared for me to do...teaching and modeling the NT lifestyle prior His death...the death of the Testator after which NO CHANGES...certainly NOT your “every day forever”

You know how many people call themselves Christian but aren't saved?
and by their fruits and posting and claims...

We see them all the time.
sure...I even fail...become unclean...but GRACE I know what I must do and wish to continue to please Him His Way...not my own golden calf...

Jesus tells us HOW TO GET SAVED.
HalleluYah AND showed us the lifestyle of those saved...neat eh?

One must do what he says to do to be the one he saves. John says claim to abide in Him you must live AS He does...

So when are you?

We have to believe that we have to obey Jesus.
oh I do...just not to get saved...He does that I just believe He does...and certainly WANT to obey JUST AS He about you? JUST AS?

People that believe in God now have to go through Jesus and obey him.
well not anymore they claim...

Jews now some claim have their own way and do not need Yahushua...

They are supported by some others who NOW are so MAD they even claim what Yahushua did and asked of believers to do is actually “NOT FOR THEM” but just for the Jews...

You are not in grace because you try to be justified by the old law.
you keep saying it and every time you are wrong...

Noah did NOT build the ark without believing and having faith that the rain was coming first...

Israel did NOT go into the desert without believing and having faith FIRST...

Sabbath was made for man...BEFORE Man even needed it...

You ever been to a wedding? Did you ever shout out “you’re just doing this to fall in love with each other”

Did you ever clean a house to try and earn it...own it?

What did you do to bring your parents together to make you?

You think my filthy rags works earned me justification...

You repeat this FALSE WITNESS just to distance yourself from reality like an insolent little girl with her finger in her ears stomping on the ground “NO NO NO NO”...trying to convince herself...


New member
Pay attention better. Jews did NOT obey because they were afraid. Jews acted out of line with the truth because they were afraid of the the zealous for the law Jews.
LOL...I really should just back out of this and let you keep fighting yourself and the Spirit over this...

Jews did NOT obey because the were afraid. Jews acted out of line with the truth (did not obey) because they WERE afraid (although you just said they were NOT afraid) of other Jews.

Your double minded and forked tongue speaking out of both sides of your mouth...

The Pharisees and teachers of the law still enforced the old law while the temple was still standing.
Is why they were afraid and acted out of line with the truth...WHICH YOU SAID THEY DID NOT DO?

Jews believed and did NOT because they wanted to but because they were project your own desire for a police state...

If a person did not do the purification works, then they were cut off.
they could also wash and wait to sundown...there is ALWAYS GRACE to come back...unless like you one is deliberately reprobate loving their own idolatry more than Him His way...

Jesus made a new covenant with new regulations and rules on how to be an heir and what you will recieve.
nope I gave you are they that keep the commandments of Yah and have the faith OF Yahushua

Not your additional idolatry

You are playing games.
you started with “was” “is” “was” “is” “was”

The purification works were a shadow and a teaching tool.
not its back to “was”...Sabbath is neither but a perpetual sign and memorial of creation then of the 10 not ceremonial or purification...given to ALL...still

No one is to go by shadows anymore.
Paul disagrees...says good things are still coming...even lived as Christ did...even when far away from the TEMPLE POLICE...LOL

Some no one can even do anymore.

So you going to do some and not others and pretend it is all good?
Mercy rather than sacrifice...and just like BETWEEN TEMPLES when there was NO temple Yah knows His own...still doing as best they can His Ways...

You can also obey first and then have faith. See John 7:17.
you can also obey and not have faith OR love

Also see Acts 20:21
testifying to Jews and Greeks alike about repentance to God and faith in our Lord Jesus.

Because they turn their ways back to Him His ways...unlike you which repentance is:


If you are doing shadows and not his teachings then you are not in grace.
He taught “Do as they teach from Moses seat”...”until heaven and earth pass away NOT one jot or tittle will pass away from the Law”...

So when you going to LIVE AS HE LIVED...since you claim you abide in Him...but do NOT do as He did...

God's Truth

New member
actually Jews couldnt find a reason why Abram was chosen. The best they could come up with was that Yah saw in him a man who “will command compassionate righteousness and moral justice” Gen 18:19

Genesis 22:18 and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed me."

Genesis 26:4-5I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and will give them all these lands, and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because Abraham obeyed me and kept my requirements, my commands, my decrees and my laws."

you are the one rejecting faith and claim you obeyed something to earn something

I obey and that includes having faith.
which you reject adding to His your own...”every day whatever...will live forever”

Jesus says it is a shadow.

nope He did EVERYTHING before I was born...I just need to have faith believe and then DO as He prepared for me to do...teaching and modeling the NT lifestyle prior His death...the death of the Testator after which NO CHANGES...certainly NOT your “every day forever”

Faith in his blood justifies, and it is no more of the works of the law, such as observing the Sabbath.
Noah did NOT build the ark without believing and having faith that the rain was coming first...

Faith and right action.

Faith alone is dead and can't do anything.

It surely can't save anyone.

Israel did NOT go into the desert without believing and having faith FIRST...

They had to do what God said to do.

You ever been to a wedding? Did you ever shout out “you’re just doing this to fall in love with each other”

Some people do have arranged marriages and don't even meet their spouse until they get married.

Did you ever clean a house to try and earn it...own it?
What did you do to bring your parents together to make you?

You are really out there.

You think my filthy rags works earned me justification...
You don't understand that scripture about filthy rags.

The Jews did a righteous act by giving a sin offering---BUT THEY WEREN'T really sorry for their sins.

You repeat this FALSE WITNESS just to distance yourself from reality like an insolent little girl with her finger in her ears stomping on the ground “NO NO NO NO”...trying to convince herself...

The Bible says you are not in grace.