Ron Paul is pro-choice on abortion, state by state

Ron Paul Book Bomb

Ron Paul Book Bomb

Ron Paul has a book coming out: The Revolution: A Manifesto. (Order from that link and support my favorite charity.)

A fundraising website for the book is here:

Here is the preface:
Every election cycle we are treated to candidates who promise us "change," and 2008 has been no different. But in the American political lexicon "change" always means more of the same: more government, more looting of Americans, more inflation, more police-state measures, more unnecessary war and more centralization of power.

Real change would mean something like the opposite of those things. It might even involve following our Constitution. And that's the one option Americans are never permitted to hear.

Today we are living in a fantasy world. Our entitlement programs are insolvent: in a couple of decades they will face a shortfall amounting to tens of trillions of dollars. Meanwhile, the housing bubble is bursting and our dollar is collapsing. We are borrowing billions from China every day in order to prop up a bloated overseas presence that weakens our national defense and stirs up hostility against us. And all our political class can come up with is more of the same.

One columnist puts it like this: we are borrowing from Europe in order to defend Europe, we are borrowing from Japan in order to keep cheap oil flowing to Japan, and we are borrowing from Arab regimes in order to install democracy in Iraq. Is it really “isolationism” to find something wrong with this picture?

With national bankruptcy looming, politicians from both parties continue to make multi-trillion dollar promises of “free" goods from the government, and hardly a soul wonders if we can still afford to have troops in -- this is not a misprint -- 130 countries around the world. All of this is going to come to an end sooner or later, because financial reality a going to make itself felt in very uncomfortable ways. But instead of thinking about what this means for how we conduct our foreign and domestic affairs, our chattering classes seem incapable of speaking in anything but the emptiest platitudes, when they can be bothered to address serious issues at all. Fundamental questions like this, and countless others besides, are off the table in our mainstream media, which focuses our attention on trivialities and phony debates as we march toward oblivion

This is the deadening consensus that crosses party lines, that dominates our major media, and that is strangling the liberty and prosperity that were once the birthright of Americans. Dissenters who tell their fellow citizens what is really going on are subject to smear campaigns that, like clockwork, are aimed at the political heretic. Truth is treason in the empire of lies.

There is an alternative to national bankruptcy, a bigger police state, trillion-dollar wars, and a government that draws ever more parasitically on the productive energies of the American people. It’s called freedom. But as we’ve learned through hard experience, we are not going to hear a word in its favor if our political and media establishments have anything to say about it.

If we want to live in a free society, we need to break free from these artificial limitations on free debate and start asking serious questions once again. I am happy that my campaign for the Presidency has finally raised some of them. But this is a long-term project that will persist far into the future. These ideas cannot be allowed to die, buried beneath the mind-numbing chorus of empty slogans and inanities that constitute official political discourse in America.

That is why I wrote this book.
Order the book now.


New member
A MESSAGE FROM RON PAUL, Thanks to Yahuweh and Glen Beck for listening.

A MESSAGE FROM RON PAUL, Thanks to Yahuweh and Glen Beck for listening.

Message from Ron Paul--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
America became the greatest, most prosperous nation in history through low taxes, constitutionally limited government, personal freedom, and a belief in sound money. We need to return to those principles so our economy can thrive once again.

Other candidates talk a lot about stimulus packages, but my record stands alone. I have fought for these measures in Congress as the Ranking Member on the House Financial Services Committee's Subcommittee on Domestic and International Monetary Policy, Trade and Technology, and as a member of the Joint Economic Committee, and will fight for their passage as president.

My plan entails four points: Tax Reform, Spending Reform, Monetary Policy Reform, and Regulatory Reform.

Tax reform means reducing the tax burden and eliminating taxes that punish investment and savings, including job-killing corporate taxes. If we cut spending to the level it was at under the Clinton administration, we can permanently do away with the income tax and the IRS. No true conservative would say that government was too small during the Clinton years!

There are several steps we can take to immediately ease the tax burden. I have proposed H.J. Res 23, which would repeal the Sixteenth Amendment and thus eliminate income, estate, and capital gains taxes. H.R. 191 would repeal President Clinton's 1993 increase in taxes on Social Security benefits, while H.R. 192 would repeal all taxes on Social Security benefits. I also support legislation to accelerate depreciation on investment and end the practice of taxing forgiven mortgage debt.

In the area of spending reform, I want to eliminate wasteful spending, reduce overseas commitments, and freeze all non-defense, non-entitlement spending at current levels. I never vote for pork-laden bills, and I will veto them and any unbalanced budget as president. We need to refocus our national defense so that we guard our own borders, instead those of other nations. We can save billions if we stop subsidizing our trading partners in Europe, Japan, South Korea and other nations. Congress does not have the constitutional authority to send out foreign aid, and our current foreign policy of nation building is bankrupting us.

Monetary policy reform means expanding openness at the Federal Reserve and requiring the Fed to televise its meetings, as well as returning to sound money. Washington's disastrous fiscal policies, marked by shameless deficit spending and Federal Reserve currency devaluation, are some of the greatest threats facing our nation today. It is this one-two punch — Congress spending more than it can tax or borrow, and the Treasury printing money to make up the difference -- that threatens to impoverish us by further destroying the value of our dollars. It's time to end the fiat money system, legalize competing currencies, and restore soundness to our dollar.

Finally, we need to institute true regulatory reform by repealing Sarbanes/Oxley's regulations that push companies to seek capital outside of U.S. markets. Congress' rush to action after the Enron scandal gave us a bill that has heavily burdened small businesses and driven companies offshore. I also support repealing federal regulations that prevent financial institutions such as independent and community banks and credit unions from fostering economic growth.

A true package to stimulate the economy not only puts money back in Americans' pockets, it deals with the underlying causes of our current situation - an out-of-control foreign policy, runaway deficit spending, and currency devaluation brought on by the Federal Reserve's inflationary policies. When enacted, my plan will provide both short-term stimulus and lay the groundwork for long-term prosperity.

NOTE: After finding out Ron Paul's stance on defence of Israel, I drop and recant, and repent of, any and all support that I had for him as a viable candidate to be President of this Country.
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New member


I guess some people are incapable of thinking he might be actually pro-life, county by county.
I guess some people are incapable of thinking he might be actually pro-life, city by city.
I guess some people are incapable of thinking he might be actually pro-life, woman by woman.

The reason people are incapable of thinking that Paul might actually be pro-life, is that being pro-life has a meaning.
The meaning is that you will not tolerate any child killing for any excuse including "its a womans right to choose"....I mean..... "it's a states right to choose." Same thing anyway isn't it?

God never gives governments the "right to choose" when it comes to murder.

Excellent post Crash! You are dead-on!:thumb:


New member
But we only have to put up with Governors for TWO years instead of 4, so having the decision in the hands of the States gets it a LOT closer to US, and WE can deal with it then, a WHOLE LOT BETTER than on the Federal levels. We can ALL walk to our State capitols. Maybe folks are scared of getting the blame passed back on them for their allowances...where it belongs. Or maybe they just like to sit back and let the blame fall on the Feds, thinking they couldn't do anything anyway huh.

I want the decision back where I can have a whack at it! I want it dealt with, not put on plates forever. I think people at the local levels fear getting off their duffs to do something..."oh my, we might be responsible", wah wah wah, cry me a river.

Anyway...Ron Paul in MTV Debate w/ Obama, Clinton & Huckabee Sat Nite

Dear Ron Paul Supporters,

Tonight (Saturday) at 6PM Eastern Time - 3 PM Pacific Time, Ron Paul will appear on the MTV - MySpace debate called CLOSING ARGUMENTS alongside Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Mick Huckabee.

I wonder if they'll let him talk this time, lol.


New member
Excellent post Crash! You are dead-on!:thumb:


If you mix the Sanctity of Life Act with the nullification of Roe V. Wade, what do you have?

"the Congress declares that--
(A) human life shall be deemed to exist from conception, without regard to race, sex, age, health, defect, or condition of dependency; and

(B) the term `person' shall include all human life as defined in subparagraph (A); and

(2) the Congress recognizes that each State has the authority to protect lives of unborn children residing in the jurisdiction of that State."


Can't we put the pieces together to realize this is the most plausible strategy to outlaw abortion, state by state?

If Paul gets his act passed; and Roe V. Wade is nullified; abortion is illegal in every state!

Let's see what pro-choicer advocates think about it........they seem to understand Paul's strategy


Thsi bill completely takes away the rigths of women as American Citizens, they are no longer citizens covered under the constitution. You cant give rights to one born person over and above another born person, why do they think they can give rights to a piece of flesh over and above the born human being?

"Take a life"? A zygote is not a human being. If you choose to believe that what differentiates man from animal is the 'soul' and it's imputed at conception that's your right. But until you can prove that to be the case you have no right to force a woman to carry a pregnancy to term.


Thank your mom for having a different view of her zygote & piece of flesh. Elementary biology: Zygote is a name given to one developmental stage- we were all zygotes at one time & we were & still are pieces of flesh- no reason to allow death based on terminology. There are many of us who are not religious zealots out to change anyone’s faith or lack there of; we just know & respect the science of human beings at all stages of development whether or not there is a soul yet. All babies born after 1977 are abortion survivors- our rights under the constitution were taken from us before our birth; it’s time we get them back. Born human beings can talk & say “NO” to sex. Preborn human beings need someone to say “Yes” to life. No one is forced to have sex or if so, no one is forced to raise their own child - adoption is wonderful. Nine unplanned months of a woman's life is a drop in the bucket compared to 80+ years of life for her unexpected offspring & his/her new family.


Hmm, Melissa, you do realize that the morning-after pill - as well as the IUD and the BC pill - would have to be outlawed under this legislature, since one of its functions is - in the event ovulation and fertilization DOES occur - to prevent the fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus?

This is one reason this legislature terrifies me. Also, what happens if the woman has a miscarriage? Does she get arrested for involuntary manslaughter?


Oh yes, and for those of you claiming a woman has the right to choose to get pregnant - you might to well to remember that sexual assault is still widely prevalent in this country. How barbaric to legislate for prolonging the suffering of a rape or incest victim.


If God, or the Higher Power you choose to call otherwise did not want us to know the science of human development, S/He would not have let us acquire the knowledge and technology of radiology, ultrasound, intrauterine photography, in vitro fertilization, & other medical means to see what our otherwise secret life in the womb looks like. We now know & cannot pretend anymore. It was a few ill-informed or self-centered people who let the "choice" happen before enough information was available, not God or a Higher Power - a typical human mistake that can be rectified with HR 1094.


Back on-topic: H.R. 1094 would provide that human life shall be deemed to exist from conception.
When do you believe YOUR life started?
Before your physical birth out of your mother’s body, were you not alive, not human, not you?
At what age/stage could YOUR mother choose to end your life?
When should your father have a choice?
When should your constitutional right of the "pursuit of Life, Liberty, & Happiness" begin?
Who should protect your inalienable rights when you are too young to do it yourself?
HR1094 knows you are a United States citizen at your earliest stage of development.
And no, a sperm is not a HUMAN BEING yet, nor is an unfertilized egg. Placed in a petri dish individually they do not continue to grow into a human being without the other. After conception they will.

Renee (she really gets it, other than her conspiracy rant at the end)

If the federal government decides when "life" begins is just as unconstitutional and repugnant to me as Roe vs. Wade. If this bill passes and life is legislated to begin at conception, you have:
a)States cannot pass pro-abortion laws since you can not legislate FOR murder-the federal government already legislated a zygot IS human life. b)If a state does OK abortion, it has opened the door to other terminations" of life such as elderly, retarded, catatonics, chronic drug users. c)It justifies further federal legislation to prevent abortions in ALL states. Also, which of the 18 things in the Constitution the federal government is allowed to do relates to giving it the authority to determine when life begins? The only winners with this legislation are the tyrannical elite whose plan is to cut the population down anyway because we're pretty worthless and they are really the only things that counts. Operative word here is “THINGS”:)

Seems like pro-choicers are really realizing the impact Ron Paul would have on abortion rights. Too bad TOLers keep themselves in the dark in order to stay loyal to Bob and the apathetic federalist system.

abortion laws are not going to change at the federal level!


New member
Correct me if I am wrong, but you seem to believe that states (such as Florida or Colorado) are subdivisions of a greater government? If so, can you cite for me the place in the Constitution that says this? Much obliged!

Some evidence is specifically listed in the constitution, some evidence is observed in real practice.

1. The federal government can enter into treaties that all states have to honor.

2. If the federal government calls for a military draft no states are exempt.

3. If the federal government calls for a tax no states are exempt.

4. No state is allowed to secede from the Federal government

5. No state may declare war against a foreign nation.

6. The federal government can force the states to change their laws with economic sanctions. ie... seat belt laws, national speed limits, .08 % alcohol limit when driving.

This is but a short list of many... but can a state force the Federal government to do what it doesn't want to do?

The most important is that God delegated to governments the authority to govern the people. God did not delegate to the people the authority to govern the government.


New member
The Government of the United States of America was created BY the PEOPLE and FOR the PEOPLE...People who PRAYED to the GOD of the Bible for a Government that would rule by His Laws. This Government was created by it's people to be Ruled by the Ten Commands and the Bible. It's Constitution was created by Bible believers, for Bible believers, so THEY could worship in spirit and in truth. PROTESTANTS created this country, at the belief of their prayers answered. Then Romans came in and did the devils work. Now that the "christians" have been overcome, there is one last stand, and then "we're off".

After that, we will have the Rule and Reign of the Father in Heaven here on Earth. Stay tuned.

God did not delegate the people to govern the government? He is the one who puts the rulers in place, so if they ARE in place, HE put them there, and He will take them down and replace them, as HE so chooses. That included the way He has done with the US and "We the People" just happen to BE who HE put in place for the last 200 years.

Just because the job has been shirked, don't mean "We the People" should continue to allow it, that is what Satan wants, NOT Yahuweh!

Yahuweh wants us to stand for His Rule, and His Commands, no other country in the whole world has a Constituion, that if OBSERVED would protect people so they can WORSHIP YAHUWEH and believe in the Bible Scriptures, AND be allowed to impliment them. It may look black now, but that was not the intent. The "People" got lazy, and allowed those who did not serve Yahuweh to rule over them. Since they allowed it, Yahuweh will take it away and put them in slavery...

Unless they change and put Yahuweh's Word back into the observation of their Constitution, for it was the prayers of many that brought it about, don't let them fall to the ground now. Let us take our "last stand"! For "we will not go quietly into that good night! WE will not go down without a fight!

Yah bless the House of Yahuweh! Amein


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame

If you mix the Sanctity of Life Act with the nullification of Roe V. Wade, what do you have?

"the Congress declares that--
(A) human life shall be deemed to exist from conception, without regard to race, sex, age, health, defect, or condition of dependency; and

(B) the term `person' shall include all human life as defined in subparagraph (A); and

(2) the Congress recognizes that each State has the authority to protect lives of unborn children residing in the jurisdiction of that State."


Can't we put the pieces together to realize this is the most plausible strategy to outlaw abortion, state by state?

If Paul gets his act passed; and Roe V. Wade is nullified; abortion is illegal in every state!

Let's see what pro-choicer advocates think about it........they seem to understand Paul's strategy


Thsi bill completely takes away the rigths of women as American Citizens, they are no longer citizens covered under the constitution. You cant give rights to one born person over and above another born person, why do they think they can give rights to a piece of flesh over and above the born human being?

"Take a life"? A zygote is not a human being. If you choose to believe that what differentiates man from animal is the 'soul' and it's imputed at conception that's your right. But until you can prove that to be the case you have no right to force a woman to carry a pregnancy to term.


Thank your mom for having a different view of her zygote & piece of flesh. Elementary biology: Zygote is a name given to one developmental stage- we were all zygotes at one time & we were & still are pieces of flesh- no reason to allow death based on terminology. There are many of us who are not religious zealots out to change anyone’s faith or lack there of; we just know & respect the science of human beings at all stages of development whether or not there is a soul yet. All babies born after 1977 are abortion survivors- our rights under the constitution were taken from us before our birth; it’s time we get them back. Born human beings can talk & say “NO” to sex. Preborn human beings need someone to say “Yes” to life. No one is forced to have sex or if so, no one is forced to raise their own child - adoption is wonderful. Nine unplanned months of a woman's life is a drop in the bucket compared to 80+ years of life for her unexpected offspring & his/her new family.


Hmm, Melissa, you do realize that the morning-after pill - as well as the IUD and the BC pill - would have to be outlawed under this legislature, since one of its functions is - in the event ovulation and fertilization DOES occur - to prevent the fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus?

This is one reason this legislature terrifies me. Also, what happens if the woman has a miscarriage? Does she get arrested for involuntary manslaughter?


Oh yes, and for those of you claiming a woman has the right to choose to get pregnant - you might to well to remember that sexual assault is still widely prevalent in this country. How barbaric to legislate for prolonging the suffering of a rape or incest victim.


If God, or the Higher Power you choose to call otherwise did not want us to know the science of human development, S/He would not have let us acquire the knowledge and technology of radiology, ultrasound, intrauterine photography, in vitro fertilization, & other medical means to see what our otherwise secret life in the womb looks like. We now know & cannot pretend anymore. It was a few ill-informed or self-centered people who let the "choice" happen before enough information was available, not God or a Higher Power - a typical human mistake that can be rectified with HR 1094.


Back on-topic: H.R. 1094 would provide that human life shall be deemed to exist from conception.
When do you believe YOUR life started?
Before your physical birth out of your mother’s body, were you not alive, not human, not you?
At what age/stage could YOUR mother choose to end your life?
When should your father have a choice?
When should your constitutional right of the "pursuit of Life, Liberty, & Happiness" begin?
Who should protect your inalienable rights when you are too young to do it yourself?
HR1094 knows you are a United States citizen at your earliest stage of development.
And no, a sperm is not a HUMAN BEING yet, nor is an unfertilized egg. Placed in a petri dish individually they do not continue to grow into a human being without the other. After conception they will.

Renee (she really gets it, other than her conspiracy rant at the end)

If the federal government decides when "life" begins is just as unconstitutional and repugnant to me as Roe vs. Wade. If this bill passes and life is legislated to begin at conception, you have:
a)States cannot pass pro-abortion laws since you can not legislate FOR murder-the federal government already legislated a zygot IS human life. b)If a state does OK abortion, it has opened the door to other terminations" of life such as elderly, retarded, catatonics, chronic drug users. c)It justifies further federal legislation to prevent abortions in ALL states. Also, which of the 18 things in the Constitution the federal government is allowed to do relates to giving it the authority to determine when life begins? The only winners with this legislation are the tyrannical elite whose plan is to cut the population down anyway because we're pretty worthless and they are really the only things that counts. Operative word here is “THINGS”:)

Seems like pro-choicers are really realizing the impact Ron Paul would have on abortion rights. Too bad TOLers keep themselves in the dark in order to stay loyal to Bob and the apathetic federalist system.

abortion laws are not going to change at the federal level!
Boy are you ignorant!


New member
The Government of the United States of America was created BY the PEOPLE and FOR the PEOPLE...People who PRAYED to the GOD of the Bible for a Government that would rule by His Laws.
Show me where it says that in the constitution of these United States.
This Government was created by it's people to be Ruled by the Ten Commands and the Bible.
Actually it wasn't. It was created to be ruled by the people for the people.
It's Constitution was created by Bible believers,
For the most part.
for Bible believers,
And others.
so THEY could worship in spirit and in truth.
And freedom from being told how, when, and whom to worship.
PROTESTANTS created this country, at the belief of their prayers answered. Then Romans came in and did the devils work. Now that the "christians" have been overcome, there is one last stand, and then "we're off".
After that, we will have the Rule and Reign of the Father in Heaven here on Earth. Stay tuned.
2,000 years and still waiting. ;)
God did not delegate the people to govern the government? He is the one who puts the rulers in place, so if they ARE in place, HE put them there, and He will take them down and replace them, as HE so chooses. That included the way He has done with the US and "We the People" just happen to BE who HE put in place for the last 200 years.

Just because the job has been shirked, don't mean "We the People" should continue to allow it, that is what Satan wants, NOT Yahuweh!

Yahuweh wants us to stand for His Rule, and His Commands, no other country in the whole world has a Constituion, that if OBSERVED would protect people so they can WORSHIP YAHUWEH and believe in the Bible Scriptures, AND be allowed to impliment them. It may look black now, but that was not the intent. The "People" got lazy, and allowed those who did not serve Yahuweh to rule over them. Since they allowed it, Yahuweh will take it away and put them in slavery...

Unless they change and put Yahuweh's Word back into the observation of their Constitution, for it was the prayers of many that brought it about, don't let them fall to the ground now. Let us take our "last stand"! For "we will not go quietly into that good night! WE will not go down without a fight!
Or at least not without a rambling semi-coherent diatribe.
Yah bless the House of Yahuweh! Amein[/COLOR]
What's Yah problem, anyhoo?
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New member
Boy are you ignorant!
:chuckle: :rotfl:

Care to be specific? What a lame post. I mean really; did you really need to copy my entire post just to add 4 meaningless words?

You've proven yourself to be ignorant soooo many times; call the kettle black much? Desperate to get even? If so, you actually have to make a point. It would help. You're only a post away from my ignore list. I've wasted enough time exposing your ignorance.

Why would you even bother to post unless you were going to tell me what about my post is ignorant? You are as pointless as this last pointless post most of the time. Put some effort into it.

:mock: Lighthouse.
Get a clue.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
:chuckle: :rotfl:

Care to be specific? What a lame post. I mean really; did you really need to copy my entire post just to add 4 meaningless words?
The entire post was ignorant.

The biggest error is your belief that abortion will be illegal in eevery state with the overturning of Roe v. Wade and the Sanctity of Life Act.

You've proven yourself to be ignorant soooo many times; call the kettle black much? Desperate to get even? If so, you actually have to make a point. It would help. You're only a post away from my ignore list. I've wasted enough time exposing your ignorance.
Oh no. How will I ever go on with my life?:rolleyes:

Why would you even bother to post unless you were going to tell me what about my post is ignorant? You are as pointless as this last pointless post most of the time. Put some effort into it.

:mock: Lighthouse.
Get a clue.
Stop whining, you little baby.:baby:


New member
The biggest error is your belief that abortion will be illegal in eevery state with the overturning of Roe v. Wade and the Sanctity of Life Act.

But Keyes can do it, right?:hammer:

Paul's strategy is much more plausible than Keyes' is. It's up to you to be apathetic if you want to be. Keep supporting the fed!


Well-known member
Abortion is like murder and that
Baby's lives are taken.
Never, ever to grow up!
Seeing what human life is all about!


New member
Show me where it says that in the constitution of these United States.

Actually it wasn't. It was created to be ruled by the people for the people.

For the most part.

And others.

And freedom from being told how, when, and whom to worship.


2,000 years and still waiting. ;)

Or at least not without a rambling semi-coherent diatribe.

What's Yah problem, anyhoo?

"2000 years and still waiting"...LOL! What a "bonehead"! Once again, another who fulfills prophecy, saying, "surely the Master tarries". Folks like these crack me up, they don't know the Bible, and sure don't know history, nor how much the Bible was THE INFLUENCE to get this country even thought of, let alone the fight for righteousness which was undertaken by the ones WHO FOUGHT and DIED...You can bet your bottom dollars, that when asked, those who fought and died, did it for their belief in Righteousness, THAT THEY GOT FROM THE BIBLE.

I am only semi-coherant and rambling to those dying of the world and it's ways. I am not of the world, so I am not dying, nor am I "sick", not in the body, and surely not in the head, like YOU. You are ILL with Satans bilk. Go get some fresh Water before you rot in your filthiness. I see a lot of mold growing on you.

"Plastic Buddah", the name says it all. Going to hell in a handbasket of your own making.


New member
Little known history: Vision of George Washington

Little known history: Vision of George Washington

This is an excerpt, link below...

"I again heard the mysterious voice saying, “Son of the Republic, look and learn.” When the voice had ceased, the dark shadowy angel placed his trumpet once more to his mouth, and blew a long and fearful blast. “‘Instantly a light as of a thousand suns shone down from above me, and pierced and broke into fragments the dark cloud which enveloped America. At the same moment the angel upon whose head still shone the word “Union,” and who bore our national flag in one hand and a sword in the other, descended from the heavens attended by legions of white spirits. These immediately joined the inhabitants of America, who I perceived were well-nigh overcome, but who immediately taking courage again closed up their broken ranks and renewed the battle."

Read more in this link


New member
"2000 years and still waiting"...LOL! What a "bonehead"! Once again, another who fulfills prophecy, saying, "surely the Master tarries". Folks like these crack me up,
I'm pleased to return the favor. Your insanity provides me with a lot of chuckles, too. Of course, all those people who have been expecting Judgement day to come during their lifetimes all of these many years were just dumb. You, on the other hand... :rolleyes:
they don't know the Bible,
Undoubtedly. I'm not a Christian, nor do I pretend to be.
and sure don't know history,
Better than you, apprently.
nor how much the Bible was THE INFLUENCE to get this country even thought of, let alone the fight for righteousness which was undertaken by the ones WHO FOUGHT and DIED...You can bet your bottom dollars, that when asked, those who fought and died, did it for their belief in Righteousness, THAT THEY GOT FROM THE BIBLE.
Many of them did, I'm quite sure. What of it? The majority were Christian, then as now. Those who worked to shape this nation in its infancy did so with the express intention of not creating a nation that was dominated by one faith or creed.
I am only semi-coherant and rambling to those dying of the world and it's ways. I am not of the world, so I am not dying, nor am I "sick", not in the body, and surely not in the head,
Your words seem to indicate otherwise.
like YOU. You are ILL with Satans bilk. Go get some fresh Water before you rot in your filthiness. I see a lot of mold growing on you.
So my "sickness" is not being part of some unreal "otherworld" that can't be experienced except by those who believe? Thanks, but I'll pass on that "cure" of yours if it produces mental decay like you display.
"Plastic Buddah", the name says it all. Going to hell in a handbasket of your own making.[/COLOR]

A tisket, a tasket, my very own Hell basket! Your inability to deal with different viewpoints indicates the inflexibility of mind that is one of the classic hallmarks of insanity. Your delusional interpretation of history (Many of those who struggled to form our nation were also right-handed. Does this mean that America is a nation for right-handers and our laws should reflect that?) to further your xenophobic ideals is a pretty good symptom, too. Maybe you should go talk to someone about this (and I mean someone tangible- not an angel that appears in a shower of twinkies or something).


New member
This is an excerpt, link below...

"I again heard the mysterious voice saying, “Son of the Republic, look and learn.” When the voice had ceased, the dark shadowy angel placed his trumpet once more to his mouth, and blew a long and fearful blast. “‘Instantly a light as of a thousand suns shone down from above me, and pierced and broke into fragments the dark cloud which enveloped America. At the same moment the angel upon whose head still shone the word “Union,” and who bore our national flag in one hand and a sword in the other, descended from the heavens attended by legions of white spirits. These immediately joined the inhabitants of America, who I perceived were well-nigh overcome, but who immediately taking courage again closed up their broken ranks and renewed the battle."

Read more in this link

Funny how these things didn't make it into the constituion, eh? Must have been a pretty big oversight on the part of these people who supposedly wanted to form a Christian nation but didn't bother to codify it into law...


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
But Keyes can do it, right?:hammer:

Paul's strategy is much more plausible than Keyes' is. It's up to you to be apathetic if you want to be. Keep supporting the fed!
Keyes is willing to sign an executive order his first day in office, not only overturning Roe v Wade, but also overturning every other single law that states have accumulated since before Roe v Wade.

the Sanctity of Life Act would overturn Roe v Wade, but it would not have any effect on the state laws that exist. For abortion to become illegal after the act was passed, the state would have to then pass a law eradicating all the laws they have that make abortion legal.


New member
Well, Abba put His finger down last night with some mighty winds two months early, AGAIN. Will you listen? No, why should you, it's insane to think that Yahuweh will be known by the whole world as Elohim huh. I'm sure glad I register as insane, I know I'm on the right track, lol. So... Since people want to vote against His Righteous Rule and the people prayed for by His People, you can have THIS from now until the end comes. Coming soon to your neighborhoods.