Riots in Ferguson MO. USA


New member
Sometimes "merit" is a luxury that people can't even see, let alone, afford, anymore.
The Irish did not have a giant black stigmata painted on their faces that kept them the 'odd man out' their entire lives, no matter how hard they worked, how long they studied, or how well they behaved.
"Under great adversity", yes. That's the thing about "great adversity", MOST PEOPLE CAN'T OVERCOME IT. That's why it's called "great" adversity, as opposed to "insignificant" adversity.
No, lets demean all those folks who were unable to overcome the "great adversity" that we have all unfairly been subjecting them to for 200 years, instead, because that would be so much more … to our liking.

One cannot overcome ANYTHING when one assumes the label of victim. One's "tomorrow" starts with the thoughts, words and deeds of today.


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Temp Banned
One cannot overcome ANYTHING when one assumes the label of victim. One's "tomorrow" starts with the thoughts, words and deeds of today.
When one has been victimized, the very first step on the road to recovery is to recognize that one has been victimized. And to figure out by whom, and in what ways, so they can begin to correct the situation.

The victimizers, however, always want to overlook this first step, so they can continue pretending that they are innocent, even as they continue their abuse. And thus, they continue to be an impediment to recovery, regardless of their claims to the contrary.

This is what we are seeing and hearing loud and clear from Ferguson, Mo., and from the various racists, bigots, and would-be abusers here on TOL.


like marbles on glass
Here's a vid I would like your and THalls' take on, perhaps even what you are refering to;
warning, bad language

It looks like he has his finger off the trigger as far as I can tell from this poor quality vid but what I can tell is that he just pointed his M4? at pretty much everybody?
No shield, no helmet, not pepper spray in his hand.
I'm no expert but if he turned that thing on every bullet would go thru three or four people?

The officer in that video has been indefinitely suspended.


Well-known member
Temp Banned
…. We don't, for example, tell abused children that the abuse they suffered is their own fault, so just "suck it up" and move on.


…. We don't, for example, tell abused children that the abuse they suffered is their own fault, and to just "suck it up" and move on.

as a society, we did, for ages

and we managed to survive just fine

today, it's become a huge industry to help them keep the pain alive for decades and wallow in it

lucrative too :banana:


New member
The oath keepers got ousted from the Bundy compound after like two weeks or something, in some nutcase chain-of-command fallout with the rest of the militia at "God told me to do it" Bundy's place. Basically, there was a paranoia-fueled rumor that there was an imminent government drone attack headed for them (oath keeper rumor), and the oath keepers packed up their freedom-fighting flags and camo accessories and hotfooted it right out of there.

You mean like the paranoia filled rumor that the Black Panthers are going to attack the command post and many business owners are hiring private security to defend their businesses because the Police are failing to do their duty?

For someone who states she isn't an Oath Keeper, she has an inordinate interest in putting out an Oath Keeper call via TOL. Oath Keepers doesn't send polite requests to the Governors of the states of unrest they want to use for their cause. They put out a call to their members and they go, causing more trouble than what is already there.


New member
There are NO oathkeepers in that video. The oathkeepers are not militia, and do not claim to be. What they did do was make a wise decision to stay away from the ranch house, because of the radical views of the militia leaders, and the power struggles that ensued from the self professed militia leaders and wannabee warlords. What they did do was work on the perimeter in vehicles as scouts and observers. The oathkeepers were definitely the grown ups in the situation. The dweebs in this video are mostly young inexperienced and undisciplined men.

Point of fact....Oath Keepers left when it was realized individual members could not keep a low enough profile. There's a reason why Oath Keepers keeps the list of their members private. A lot of cops would lose their jobs and many do when the organization is infiltrated by undercover Officers.


New member
I see. Even actual, ya, know, victims?

Unless there's a "Rose Garden" out there somewhere, we are all victims Granite.
That is, if we choose to assume that label.
Personally, when I am maliciously or premeditatedly wronged by someone. I see myself as "Wrong righter" in progress.
Stuff happens to all of us over which we have little or no control. That is life.
A very wise man "Victor Frankl stated that ..."often, when we have no control over the things happening to us, still, we do have control over our attitude to them"...and therein lies all the difference.


New member
…. We don't, for example, tell abused children that the abuse they suffered is their own fault, so just "suck it up" and move on.

Finding fault is not helpful.
Helping people to mend in body, mind or spirit is helpful.
Wallowing in a morass of pity and vindictive finger pointing is not helpful.


New member
Hall of Fame
Unless there's a "Rose Garden" out there somewhere, we are all victims Granite.

I think you know what I mean.

That is, if we choose to assume that label.

Sometimes the shoe does fit.

Personally, when I am maliciously or premeditatedly wronged by someone. I see myself as "Wrong righter" in progress.

And when it happens it stinks. Sure. I don't wallow on whatever might have happened to me, either...but that said, sometimes folks are "victims" and there's no shame in saying so.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Says the devil's child who knows nothing.....
Oh snap...which was likely the audible sound just before you penned that. :plain:

One issue is still the same relative to a Christian forum regarding scripture and its understanding.

It's all because of high-context English thinking that this passage is determined to be primarily about laying down physical life.
English is a low context culture. So what's your source material?

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13

"Life" is "psuche", and refers to "soul life". It may include laying one's physical life down if necessary, but that isn't the primary meaning at all.
Rather, it may include the other as foreshadowing of Christ's sacrifice, but for the rest of us it's about our literal and physical life, which is why every commentary I'm aware of notes it as I applied it to Aurora.
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New member
They know anna. And anyone reading them knows there's no love in them, only frustration and anger focused through whatever is handy.

Which is why Oath Keepers attracts some Police Officers and is the wrong direction for them to go since Oath Keepers feeds it. Yeah, there's frustration and anger and fear also, especially in riot situations.
Police Departments need to step up their numbers and psych training and not send Officers to a riot field that aren't prepared to deal with the situation appropriately, then hold them accountable for their inability to keep it together.


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Temp Banned
I don't have a single client who has been demeaned for 200 years. They have baggage, but now you are being histrionic and disingenuous, try keeping it real, and try living in the present, you get more done that way.
Sure, because we all know that the effects of abuse are not passed on to subsequent generations ... not!

And you're some kind of councillor???


New member
Sometimes "merit" is a luxury that people can't even see, let alone, afford, anymore.
The Irish did not have a giant black stigmata painted on their faces that kept them the 'odd man out' their entire lives, no matter how hard they worked, how long they studied, or how well they behaved.
"Under great adversity", yes. That's the thing about "great adversity", MOST PEOPLE CAN'T OVERCOME IT. That's why it's called "great" adversity, as opposed to "insignificant" adversity.
No, lets demean all those folks who were unable to overcome the "great adversity" that we have all unfairly been subjecting them to for 200 years, instead, because that would be so much more … to our liking.

I do not intend to demean anyone. I do intend to hold a person accountable for his/her word and deeds.
Every American of African descent, and to a large degree all success stories, who has a success story to tell has achieved it by his/her own efforts as he/she stood on the shoulders of the generation that came before who would not give up but rather kept to their dreams of a better life for their children.


Well-known member
Temp Banned
Finding fault is not helpful.
Helping people to mend in body, mind or spirit is helpful.
Wallowing in a morass of pity and vindictive finger pointing is not helpful.
Finding fault is crucial, as it provides a view of the problem that is necessary to any effective plan of redress.