On Rape (the original statement)

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I thought my example of the baconfat and the zoo would have made it clear :idunno:
That's because you look for any loophole you can muster, no matter how ridiculous it is.

Now you want to compare a rapist to an animal that reacts by instinct with no regard of it being right or wrong to do so.
You are trying to use this 'animal' ploy to show that the animal did the natural response. And by extension, you are trying to say that a man raping a woman is a natural response.
It's not.
Shame on you.
You've gone off the deep end with this nonsense.


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And there you have it.

Hes said that all along, and so have others. Its been pretended that he didnt. Its been pretended that he hasnt said the rapist bears full responsibility for his crime.

Do you think though that there are no contributing factors, negligence, carelessness etc.. to any crime?

Do you think that something being called a crime is always one?


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no responsibility for putting themselves in a situation where rape is inevitable?
There is no situation where rape can be said to be inevitable.
We know this because most woman that act provocatively are not raped.
If it were inevitable, they all would be raped.
Try another stawman, you perverted loser.


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I'm not a rapist, but i think that if i stripped naked and walked through a mens prison where no guards were present, it would be inevitable that i was raped.
Honey, if they are going to rape you, whether you were naked or not would make no difference.
You could be a nun in full habit, and it's not going to stop a rapist.
So what you are doing or wearing has absolutely nothing to do with whether you will be raped or not.
A rapist will rape you regardless.

That's what rapists do, they rape.
They rape regardless of your actions or dress code.

Showing all these extreme cases are not getting to the root of what rape really is.

And to say that the raped victim is just as guilty as the rape perp is disgusting to me.
I need to withdraw from this thread for a while before I puke.
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Honey, if they are going to rape you, whether you were naked or not would make no difference.

I think if i was naked, lap dancing on a very drunk man, allowing his hands roaming on me, and he took advantage of my nakedness while i was in his lap already...

Didn't want it to happen, didn't "consent" to sex but still the actions played a part.

Would my actions in walking naked through a mans prison play any part of me getting raped there? Sure it would, even though i didnt commit the crime.

You could be a nun in full habit, and it's not going to stop a rapist.
So what you are doing or wearing has absolutely nothing to do with whether you will be raped or not.
A rapist will rape you regardless.

That's what rapists do, they rape.
They rape regardless of your actions or dress code.

Showing all these extreme cases are not getting to the root of what rape really is.

And to say that the raped victim is just as guilty as the rape perp is disgusting to me.
I need to withdraw from this thread for a while before I puke.

No one said that though. Personal responsibility and actually being the perpetrator of a crime are 2 different things. They do not cancel each other out.

I do not pretend that men without faith, will behave like men with it.


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Mr. Doser. I want to give you the chance to clarify your statement. You seem like a reasonable man and I find it shocking that you believe any victim of rape could possibly equally be as guilty as their rapist. I know you like messing with people and getting a rise out of them but this statement of yours will give you zero respectability in the future. You cannot lose respectability if you ever want to be taken seriously. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you don't really mean what some have taken you to mean here. No woman is ever equally guilty as her rapist no matter what a slut she is. She can be responsible for putting herself in a situation and be guilty of seducing a man, but she is never guilty of the rape itself. That is solely the mans doing. Are you possibly saying slutty behavior is just as reprehensible as an act of rape? Again, please clarify yourself. Otherwise, you only have yourself to blame for never being taken seriously again.


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Then you do not believe its inevitable that a theft will occur, if you leave all your belongings on your front lawn while you go away on vacation?

Wow, i must be a rapist and a theif, because i think if i walked naked through a mans prison it would be inevitable that i was raped, or inevitable that i was stolen from, if i put it all out there for anyone to take.

I envy you that, that you can live in this world, and have no thought that others might take advantage of you.


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assuming that I had been warning her about the possible consequences of her behavior beforehand, I suspect I'd be more inclined to say "Too bad, moron. You're not gonna do that again, are you?"

:think: I'm reminded of Chris Titus (warning - language may be inappropriate)


Yeah, you might be more inclined to, but I'm sure your love for your daughter would soften your inclination. At least until you saw her headed in that direction again. :idunno:


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Then you do not believe its inevitable that a theft will occur, if you leave all your belongings on your front lawn while you go away on vacation?

Well dearie, I'm not a fool.
We are talking about two different things here.
I left my purse in a Target cart once and didn't realize it til I got home. I went back and my purse had been turned in to the service desk.
This was a serious error on my part and could have been a disaster for me.
Theft could have happened. Or not.
It would depend on the mind of the person who found my purse.
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Well dearie, I'm not a fool.
We are talking about two different things here.

Thats just it, a fool, would walk naked through a mans prison and think nothing could happen and that their actions played no part in what happens.

Only a fool would display all they have openly and believe no one would take advantage.

That IS my point, is the fool less of a fool, because someone takes advantage and becomes the victim of a crime? No, their foolishness played a role in them becoming a victim (not for the actual crime that occured)

That doesnt remove that they are a victim.

It doesnt take away the responsibility of the rapist or the thief.

Thats the point so many are missing here.

I left off the other part of your post, as i am talking about willful foolishness.


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I think if my daughter was raped, I would hold her tight, and I'd cry with her, and I'd tell her how much I loved her, and that no matter what anyone said to her, it wasn't her fault, it was the fault of the animal that did such a thing to her.

And that would undoubtedly be TRUE if it were your daughter, Anna, or mine. Unfortunately, it is NOT TRUE of all the daughters in the world. There are plenty of women who have contributed to their own victimhood.

I would be lying if I told the stripper she had no fault in the matter. And that's what it comes down to.
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