Rising above the circus.....................
Rising above the circus.....................
Your chosen candidate Hillary Clinton just got caught attacking Christians of all colors, including Catholics
Hilary and Kaine were both raised 'Christian' and still are devout in their 'faith-orientations' as far as I know. I'd gather most serving in Congress have 'Christian' backgrounds of one sort or another. Trump's religious commitments or background appears somewhat different, although claiming to be 'Presbyterian' and referred to by one evangelical leader as being a 'baby Christian'. Now how one's religious upbringing or personal conversion experience affects their character or ability to lead is something yet to be seen.
The challenge might be in how is one to serve both the kingdom of God and the government at the same time, to say nothing of 'separation of church and state' and conflicts with whether one can legislate morality or not...and so on. One on account Jesus did after all say his kingdom was not of this world (interpret that as you will).
I've liked some of what Green Party candidate
Jill Stein has shared and encourage any who have not listened to her interviews to google them, or go to
Democracy Now! and see the presidential debates that also include her responses to the questions and issues raised. - Some are NOT voting for Hilary or Donald, and trying to get a 3rd party candidate either elected or at least a seat in the debates.