You think that men shouldn't take issue with a movement that daily walks up to men and accuses them of sexual assault, or portrays themselves as victims among men walking down the street?
I think issues should be particular and tangible, not overreaching and without same. If someone is accusing a man guilty of sexual assault of sexual assault it's perfectly reasonable and taking issue with it is astoundingly ignorant. Attempting to make every claim about sexual assault the byproduct of a movement and inherently false is equally so and objectively, demonstrably mistaken...except it's more willful than that.
You think that these things are fine, revealed by your omission- and by making insinuations of those who speak on it.
You're having enough trouble with your end of the conversation. I'll manage mine.
What about them? Sophisticated polling in play then, was there? But beyond that narrow historical window, what of it? Once most people thought all sorts of damnably stupid things.
Also, the early American's didn't care one bit about feminist notions.
Why so narrow? The world was similarly situated, on the whole.
The fact of the matter is that America was definitively, by the patriots and everyone else, a white man's country.
Absolutely. And largely racist for much of its history. You think that numbers are how you establish virtue? Remarkable.
Not women, immigrants- none of that. It was fought for, built, and ran by white men.
It was largely built on the backs of black men, economically and to some extent literally. It was also built by women. We've been over this and your ignorance of history, again, isn't a mystery to anyone who reads you for long.
Why would a woman want to own property unless it's in divorcing their family?
I believe you mean this sincerely, which goes to the depth and breadth of your bias. Why would a woman want to eat food? For the same reason you do. Women are people first. They want the same sort of rights and privileges you have for the same reasons anyone wants them, as an extension of who they are, of their freedom and autonomy.
Anyway, women couldn't own property because it wouldn't have been her money paying and keeping it.
As absurd as suggesting that blacks shouldn't have been liberated because they had no money to sustain themselves once that was accomplished.
When less than 10% of women demanded it.
Leaving off the whole polling problem and how you would execute it to be assured of an honest and uncoerced opinion, we held and hold certain truths to be unalienable. The rest is getting past bias to see that humanity is comprised of other voices and faces. We've struggled toward the fulfillment of that, but it was a great and noble struggle.
Feminism took off when birth control was introduced, when Margaret Sanger entered the seen and it was literally declared the 'liberation pill'.
Took off in what sense? The Suffrage Movement is the point of departure. Sexual liberation began with the pill (along with a number of social ills whose impact persists) but rights? Not so much.
All you know is the divinized rendition of history.
No, I know the authoritative sort, derived from years of study. You're a kid with a grudge and a Google.
Sort of like what they do with the Natives
I'd ask for particulars that would tell me what it is you think you know, but I know those aren't your strong points.